700 research outputs found

    Pseudo-nitzschia blooms and physical oceanography off Washington State, USA

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    Blooms of harmful algal species occur along the Washington coast, usually as a fraction of the total phytoplankton population. Although more than 20 potentially harmful species have been identified along that coast,the most deleterious effects on public health and the economy are from Pseudo-nitzschia spp. and Alexandrium catenella. During three surveys conducted in early summer 1996, 1997 and 1998, high concentrations ofPseudo-nitzschia spp. (values of up to 106 cells.l-1, but generall

    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptomatology and pediatric obesity: Psychopathology or sleep deprivation?

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    The relationship between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and obesity in children has received considerable attention in recent years. However, the literature currently overlooks the potential causal and maintaining role that sleep problems may play in this relationship. Using a biopsychosocial framework, this article highlights how sleep problems impact the biological, psychological, and social aspects of both ADHD symptomatology and obesity. An in-depth examination of this model illustrates the imperative need for future research and clinical practice to recognize and explore the role sleep has in the link between obesity and ADHD symptomatology

    Histological evidence for a supraspinous ligament in sauropod dinosaurs

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    Supraspinous ossified rods have been reported in the sacra of some derived sauropod dinosaurs. Although different hypotheses have been proposed to explain the origin ofthis structure, histological evidence has never been provided to support or reject any of them. In order to establish its origin, we analyse and characterize the microstructure of thesupraspinous rod of two sauropod dinosaurs from the Upper Cretaceous of Argentina. The supraspinous ossified rod is almost entirely formed by dense Haversian bone. Remains ofprimary bone consist entirely of an avascular tissue composed of two types of fibre-like structures, which are coarse and longitudinally (parallel to the main axis of the element) oriented. These structures are differentiated on the basis of their optical properties under polarized light. Very thin fibrous strands are also observed in some regions. These small fibres are all oriented parallel to one another but perpendicular to the element main axis. Histological features of the primary bone tissue indicate that the sacral supraspinous rod corresponds to an ossified supraspinous ligament. The formation of this structure appears to have been a non-pathological metaplastic ossification, possibly induced by the continuous tensile forces applied to the element.Fil: Cerda, Ignacio Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigación en Paleobiología y Geología; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro; ArgentinaFil: Casal, Gabriel. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia; ArgentinaFil: Martínez, Rubén Darío. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia ; ArgentinaFil: Ibiricu, Lucio Manuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; Argentin

    The Gliese 86 Binary System: A Warm Jupiter Formed in a Disk Truncated at approximate to 2 au

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    Gliese 86 is a nearby K dwarf hosting a giant planet on a ≈16 day orbit and an outer white dwarf companion on a ≈century-long orbit. In this study we combine radial velocity data (including new measurements spanning more than a decade) with high angular resolution imaging and absolute astrometry from Hipparcos and Gaia to measure the current orbits and masses of both companions. We then simulate the evolution of the Gl 86 system to constrain its primordial orbit when both stars were on the main sequence; the closest approach between the two stars was then about 9 au. Such a close separation limited the size of the protoplanetary disk of Gl 86 A and dynamically hindered the formation of the giant planet around it. Our measurements of Gl 86 B and Gl 86 Ab’s orbits reveal Gl 86 as a system in which giant planet formation took place in a disk truncated at ≈2 au. Such a disk would be just big enough to harbor the dust mass and total mass needed to assemble Gl 86 Ab’s core and envelope, assuming a high disk accretion rate and a low viscosity. Inefficient accretion of the disk onto Gl 86 Ab, however, would require a disk massive enough to approach the Toomre stability limit at its outer truncation radius. The orbital architecture of the Gl 86 system shows that giant planets can form even in severely truncated disks and provides an important benchmark for planet formation theory

    A habituation account of change detection in same/different judgments

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    We investigated the basis of change detection in a short-term priming task. In two experiments, participants were asked to indicate whether or not a target word was the same as a previously presented cue. Data from an experiment measuring magnetoencephalography failed to find different patterns for “same” and “different” responses, consistent with the claim that both arise from a common neural source, with response magnitude defining the difference between immediate novelty versus familiarity. In a behavioral experiment, we tested and confirmed the predictions of a habituation account of these judgments by comparing conditions in which the target, the cue, or neither was primed by its presentation in the previous trial. As predicted, cue-primed trials had faster response times, and target-primed trials had slower response times relative to the neither-primed baseline. These results were obtained irrespective of response repetition and stimulus–response contingencies. The behavioral and brain activity data support the view that detection of change drives performance in these tasks and that the underlying mechanism is neuronal habituation

    Cranial Growth and Variation in Edmontosaurs (Dinosauria: Hadrosauridae): Implications for Latest Cretaceous Megaherbivore Diversity in North America

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    The well-sampled Late Cretaceous fossil record of North America remains the only high-resolution dataset for evaluating patterns of dinosaur diversity leading up to the terminal Cretaceous extinction event. Hadrosaurine hadrosaurids (Dinosauria: Ornithopoda) closely related to Edmontosaurus are among the most common megaherbivores in latest Campanian and Maastrichtian deposits of western North America. However, interpretations of edmontosaur species richness and biostratigraphy have been in constant flux for almost three decades, although the clade is generally thought to have undergone a radiation in the late Maastrichtian. We address the issue of edmontosaur diversity for the first time using rigorous morphometric analyses of virtually all known complete edmontosaur skulls. Results suggest only two valid species, Edmontosaurus regalis from the late Campanian, and E. annectens from the late Maastrichtian, with previously named taxa, including the controversial Anatotitan copei, erected on hypothesized transitional morphologies associated with ontogenetic size increase and allometric growth. A revision of North American hadrosaurid taxa suggests a decrease in both hadrosaurid diversity and disparity from the early to late Maastrichtian, a pattern likely also present in ceratopsid dinosaurs. A decline in the disparity of dominant megaherbivores in the latest Maastrichtian interval supports the hypothesis that dinosaur diversity decreased immediately preceding the end Cretaceous extinction event

    Growth Dynamics of Australia's Polar Dinosaurs

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    Analysis of bone microstructure in ornithopod and theropod dinosaurs from Victoria, Australia, documents ontogenetic changes, providing insight into the dinosaurs' successful habitation of Cretaceous Antarctic environments. Woven-fibered bone tissue in the smallest specimens indicates rapid growth rates during early ontogeny. Later ontogeny is marked by parallel-fibered tissue, suggesting reduced growth rates approaching skeletal maturity. Bone microstructure similarities between the ornithopods and theropods, including the presence of LAGs in each group, suggest there is no osteohistologic evidence supporting the hypothesis that polar theropods hibernated seasonally. Results instead suggest high-latitude dinosaurs had growth trajectories similar to their lower-latitude relatives and thus, rapid early ontogenetic growth and the cyclical suspensions of growth inherent in the theropod and ornithopod lineages enabled them to successfully exploit polar regions

    Имитация распределенной обработки информации в вычислительных системах и локальных вычислительных сетях

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    Предложено использовать для анализа вариантов организации распределенной обработки информации в вычислительных системах и локальных вычислительных сетях вероятностный граф реализации вычислительного процесса с явными связями типа вероятностных сетевых графиков.Запропоновано використовувати для аналізу варіантів організації розподіленої обробки інформації в обчислювальних системах і в локальних обчислювальних мережах імовірнісний граф реалізації обчислювального процесу з явними зв’язками типу імовірнісних сіткових графіків.It іs оffered to use for analyzing variants of organization of distributed information processing in computing systems and local computing networks a probabilistic graph for realizing a computing process with evident relationships of the type probabilistic network diagrams

    Impact Factor: outdated artefact or stepping-stone to journal certification?

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    A review of Garfield's journal impact factor and its specific implementation as the Thomson Reuters Impact Factor reveals several weaknesses in this commonly-used indicator of journal standing. Key limitations include the mismatch between citing and cited documents, the deceptive display of three decimals that belies the real precision, and the absence of confidence intervals. These are minor issues that are easily amended and should be corrected, but more substantive improvements are needed. There are indications that the scientific community seeks and needs better certification of journal procedures to improve the quality of published science. Comprehensive certification of editorial and review procedures could help ensure adequate procedures to detect duplicate and fraudulent submissions.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures, 6 table

    Physics of Neutron Star Crusts

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    The physics of neutron star crusts is vast, involving many different research fields, from nuclear and condensed matter physics to general relativity. This review summarizes the progress, which has been achieved over the last few years, in modeling neutron star crusts, both at the microscopic and macroscopic levels. The confrontation of these theoretical models with observations is also briefly discussed.Comment: 182 pages, published version available at <http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-2008-10