144 research outputs found
Prikazane su glavne karakteristike modela privatne financijske inicijative (PFI) ustupanja radova za
objekte javne namjene u visokogradnji. PFI model podrazumijeva uključivanje privatnog sektora u
izvedbi investicija i preuzimanje odgovornosti za održavanje i upravljanje izgrađenih objekata tijekom
njihova uporabnog vijeka. Opisane su glavne prednosti i nedostaci modela. Navedeni su osnovni uvjeti
koje treba ispuniti da bi se takav tip ulaganja mogao primjenjivati u Hrvatskoj.Main features of the private financing initiative (PFI) model for the award of construction contracts for
public-use high rise structures are presented. The PFI model implies participation of private sector in
the implementation of investment projects and assumption of responsibilities for the maintenance and
management of completed structure during their working life. Major advantages and deficiencies of the
model are described. Basic preconditions are outlined with respect to conditions to be fulfilled for the
adoption of this type of investment in Croatia.L’article présente les caractéristiques principales de l’initiative financière privée (PFI) dans le cadre
de l’attribution des marchés pour les édifices d’usage public dans le bâtiment. Le modèle PFI suppose
l’intégration du secteur privé dans la réalisation des investissements et la prise de responsabilités dans
la maintenance et la gestion des édifices construits pendant leur durée de vie. On décrit les principaux
avantages et inconvénients du modèle et on indique les conditions essentielles qui doivent être remplies
pour qu’un tel type d’investissements puisse être mis en oeuvre en Croatie.Сделан обзор основных характеристик модели частной финансовой инициативы (PFI) передачи
работ относящихся к объектам общественного назначения в области высотного
строительства. PFI моель подразумевает включение частного сектора в инвестиции и
принятие на себя ответственности по обслуживанию и эксплуатации построенных объектов в
течение их предусмотренного срока использования. Представлены главные преимущества и
недостатки модели. Приведены основные условия, подлежащие к исполнению для применения
такого типа капиталовложения в Хорватии.Dargestellt sind die Grundkennzeichen des Modells der privaten finanziellen Initiative (PFI) in der
Bauleistungsvergabe für Objekte öffentlicher Zuwendung im Hochbau. Das PFI Modell schliesst die
Eingliederung des Privatsektors in die Realisation der Investierungen und die Übernahme der
Verantwortung für die Wartung und Verwaltung der erbauten Objekte während deren Benützungsdauer
ein. Beschrieben sind die hauptsächlichen Vor- und Nachteile des Modells.Es sind die grundlegenden
Bedingungen angeführt die erfüllt werden müssen um diesen Typ der Kapitalanlage in Kroatien
anwenden zu können
U radu se polazi od činjenice da je procjena ukupnih troškova projekata jedna od glavnih karakteristika
novih načina ustupanja radova u objektima visokogradnje. Opisana je koncepcija ukupnih troškova
projekata. Prikazani su postojeći klasifikacijski sustavi koji se najčešće primjenjuju u graditeljstvu, te
razvoj novog, konzistentnog i flexibilnog okvira za strukturiranje podataka koji će služiti za procjenu i
kontrolu ukupnih troškova projekata visokogradnje.The paper starts by emphasizing that the analysis of overall project costs is one of major features of
modern-day procurement of work in the sphere of building construction. The overall project cost
concept is described. Major classification systems currently used in construction industry are
presented, and the emphasis is placed on the development of new, consistent and flexible framework for
structuring data that will be used for the analysis and control of whole life costs (overall project costs)
for the building industy.L’article part du fait que l’évaluation des coûts globaux des projets est l’un des traits principaux des
nouvelles méthodes de l’adjudication des travaux dans le bâtiment. On décrit la conception des coûts
globaux des projets. On présente les systèmes de classification existants, utilisés le plus fréquemment
dans la construction, ainsi que le développement d’une nouvelle approche consistante et flexible de la
structuration des données qui serviront à l’évaluation et au contrôle des coûts globaux des projets dans
le bâtiment.В работе исходится из факта, что оценка общих расходов проектов является одной из главных
характеристик новых способов уступания работ в объектах высотного строительства.
Описана концепция общих расходов проектов. Показаны (представлены) существующие
классификационные системы, чаще всего применяемые в строительстве, а также развитие
нового, консистентного и флексибильного подхода для структуирования данных, которые
будут служить для оценки и контроля общих расходов проектов (на проекты, по проектам)
высотного строительства.Im Artikel geht man von der Tatsache aus dass die Abschätzung der Gesamtprojekt-kosten eines der
Hauptmerkmale neuer Arten der Leistungsvergabe für Objekte im Hochbau ist. Beschrieben ist die
Konzeption der Gesamtprojektkosten. Dargestellt sind die bestehenden Klassifizierungssysteme die am
meissten im Bauwesen angewendet werden, sowie die Entwicklung eines neuen, konsistenten und
flexibilen Rahmens für das Strukturieren der Daten die der Abschätzung und Kontrolle der
Gesamtkosten von Hochbauprojekten dienen werden
Proportion of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease caused by Chlamydia trachomatis: consistent picture from different methods
Background. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a leading cause of both tubal factor infertility and ectopic pregnancy. Chlamydia trachomatis is an important risk factor for PID, but the proportion of PID cases caused by C. trachomatis is unclear. Estimates of this are required to evaluate control measures. Methods. We consider 5 separate methods of estimating age-group-specific population excess fractions (PEFs) of PID due to C. trachomatis, using routine data, surveys, case-control studies, and randomized controlled trials, and apply these to data from the United Kingdom before introduction of the National Chlamydia Screening Programme. Results. As they are informed by randomized comparisons and national exposure and outcome estimates, our preferred estimates of the proportion of PID cases caused by C. trachomatis are 35% (95% credible interval [CrI], 11%–69%) in women aged 16–24 years and 20% (95% CrI, 6%–38%) in women aged 16–44 years in the United Kingdom. There is a fair degree of consistency between adjusted estimates of PEF, but all have wide 95% CrIs. The PEF decreases from 53.5% (95% CrI, 15.6%–100%) in women aged 16–19 years to 11.5% (95% CrI, 3.0%–25.7%) in women aged 35–44 years. Conclusions. The PEFs of PID due to C. trachomatis decline steeply with age by a factor of around 5-fold between younger and older women. Further studies of the etiology of PID in different age groups are required
A productivity collapse to end earth's great oxidation
Author Posting. © National Academy of Sciences, 2019. This article is posted here by permission of National Academy of Sciences for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (35), (2019): 17207-17212, doi:10.1073/pnas.1900325116.It has been hypothesized that the overall size of—or efficiency of carbon export from—the biosphere decreased at the end of the Great Oxidation Event (GOE) (ca. 2,400 to 2,050 Ma). However, the timing, tempo, and trigger for this decrease remain poorly constrained. Here we test this hypothesis by studying the isotope geochemistry of sulfate minerals from the Belcher Group, in subarctic Canada. Using insights from sulfur and barium isotope measurements, combined with radiometric ages from bracketing strata, we infer that the sulfate minerals studied here record ambient sulfate in the immediate aftermath of the GOE (ca. 2,018 Ma). These sulfate minerals captured negative triple-oxygen isotope anomalies as low as ∼ −0.8‰. Such negative values occurring shortly after the GOE require a rapid reduction in primary productivity of >80%, although even larger reductions are plausible. Given that these data imply a collapse in primary productivity rather than export efficiency, the trigger for this shift in the Earth system must reflect a change in the availability of nutrients, such as phosphorus. Cumulatively, these data highlight that Earth’s GOE is a tale of feast and famine: A geologically unprecedented reduction in the size of the biosphere occurred across the end-GOE transition.Olivia M. J. Dagnaud assisted during fieldwork. S. V. Lalonde and E. A. Sperling provided helpful comments on an early version of the manuscript. We thank N. J. Planavsky and an anonymous reviewer for their constructive feedback. M.S.W.H. was supported by an NSERC PGS-D and student research grants from National Geographic, the APS Lewis and Clark Fund, Northern Science Training Program, McGill University Graduate Research Enhancement and Travel Awards, Geological Society of America, Mineralogical Association of Canada, and Stanford University. P.W.C. acknowledges support from the University of Colorado Boulder, the Agouron Institute Geobiology postdoctoral Fellowship program, a Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada Postgraduate Scholarship–Doctoral Program scholarship, and the NSTP. Y.P. was supported by the Strategic Priority Research Program of CAS (XDB26000000). T.J.H. thanks Maureen E. Auro for laboratory assistance and the NSF for supporting isotope research in the NIRVANA Labs.2020-02-1
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and Salpingitis: incidence of primary and repeat episodes in England
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and more specifically salpingitis (visually confirmed inflammation) is the primary cause of tubal factor infertility and is an important risk factor for ectopic pregnancy. The risk of these outcomes increases following repeated episodes of PID. We developed a homogenous discrete-time Markov model for the distribution of PID history in the UK. We used a Bayesian framework to fully propagate parameter uncertainty into the model outputs. We estimated the model parameters from routine data, prospective studies, and other sources. We estimated that for women aged 35–44 years, 33·6% and 16·1% have experienced at least one episode of PID and salpingitis, respectively (diagnosed or not) and 10·7% have experienced one salpingitis and no further PID episodes, 3·7% one salpingitis and one further PID episode, and 1·7% one salpingitis and ⩾2 further PID episodes. Results are consistent with numerous external data sources, but not all. Studies of the proportion of PID that is diagnosed, and the proportion of PIDs that are salpingitis together with the severity distribution in different diagnostic settings and of overlap between routine data sources of PID would be valuable
Private investment in high-rise construction in Croatia
Prikazane su glavne karakteristike modela privatne financijske inicijative (PFI) ustupanja radova za objekte javne namjene u visokogradnji. PFI model podrazumijeva uključivanje privatnog sektora u izvedbi investicija i preuzimanje odgovornosti za održavanje i upravljanje izgrađenih objekata tijekom njihova uporabnog vijeka. Opisane su glavne prednosti i nedostaci modela. Navedeni su osnovni uvjeti koje treba ispuniti da bi se takav tip ulaganja mogao primjenjivati u Hrvatskoj.Main features of the private financing initiative (PFI) model for the award of construction contracts for public-use high rise structures are presented. The PFI model implies participation of private sector in the implementation of investment projects and assumption of responsibilities for the maintenance and management of completed structure during their working life. Major advantages and deficiencies of the model are described. Basic preconditions are outlined with respect to conditions to be fulfilled for the adoption of this type of investment in Croatia
Analysis of overall project costs for the building industry
U radu se polazi od činjenice da je procjena ukupnih troškova projekata jedna od glavnih karakteristika novih načina ustupanja radova u objektima visokogradnje. Opisana je koncepcija ukupnih troškova projekata. Prikazani su postojeći klasifikacijski sustavi koji se najčešće primjenjuju u graditeljstvu, te razvoj novog, konzistentnog i flexibilnog okvira za strukturiranje podataka koji će služiti za procjenu i kontrolu ukupnih troškova projekata visokogradnje.The paper starts by emphasizing that the analysis of overall project costs is one of major features of modern-day procurement of work in the sphere of building construction. The overall project cost concept is described. Major classification systems currently used in construction industry are presented, and the emphasis is placed on the development of new, consistent and flexible framework for structuring data that will be used for the analysis and control of whole life costs (overall project costs) for the building industy
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