8,674 research outputs found

    Role of the electric field in surface electron dynamics above the vacuum level

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    Scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) is used to study the dynamics of hot electrons trapped on a Cu(100) surface in field emission resonances (FER) above the vacuum level. Differential conductance maps show isotropic electron interference wave patterns around defects whenever their energy lies within a surface projected band gap. Their Fourier analysis reveals a broad wave vector distribution, interpreted as due to the lateral acceleration of hot electrons in the inhomogeneous tip-induced potential. A line-shape analysis of the characteristic constant-current conductance spectra permits to establish the relation between apparent width of peaks and intrinsic line-width of FERs, as well as the identification of the different broadening mechanisms.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Deterministic and Unambiguous Dense Coding

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    Optimal dense coding using a partially-entangled pure state of Schmidt rank Dˉ\bar D and a noiseless quantum channel of dimension DD is studied both in the deterministic case where at most LdL_d messages can be transmitted with perfect fidelity, and in the unambiguous case where when the protocol succeeds (probability τx\tau_x) Bob knows for sure that Alice sent message xx, and when it fails (probability 1τx1-\tau_x) he knows it has failed. Alice is allowed any single-shot (one use) encoding procedure, and Bob any single-shot measurement. For DˉD\bar D\leq D a bound is obtained for LdL_d in terms of the largest Schmidt coefficient of the entangled state, and is compared with published results by Mozes et al. For Dˉ>D\bar D > D it is shown that LdL_d is strictly less than D2D^2 unless Dˉ\bar D is an integer multiple of DD, in which case uniform (maximal) entanglement is not needed to achieve the optimal protocol. The unambiguous case is studied for DˉD\bar D \leq D, assuming τx>0\tau_x>0 for a set of DˉD\bar D D messages, and a bound is obtained for the average \lgl1/\tau\rgl. A bound on the average \lgl\tau\rgl requires an additional assumption of encoding by isometries (unitaries when Dˉ=D\bar D=D) that are orthogonal for different messages. Both bounds are saturated when τx\tau_x is a constant independent of xx, by a protocol based on one-shot entanglement concentration. For Dˉ>D\bar D > D it is shown that (at least) D2D^2 messages can be sent unambiguously. Whether unitary (isometric) encoding suffices for optimal protocols remains a major unanswered question, both for our work and for previous studies of dense coding using partially-entangled states, including noisy (mixed) states.Comment: Short new section VII added. Latex 23 pages, 1 PSTricks figure in tex

    Granger causality and transfer entropy are equivalent for Gaussian variables

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    Granger causality is a statistical notion of causal influence based on prediction via vector autoregression. Developed originally in the field of econometrics, it has since found application in a broader arena, particularly in neuroscience. More recently transfer entropy, an information-theoretic measure of time-directed information transfer between jointly dependent processes, has gained traction in a similarly wide field. While it has been recognized that the two concepts must be related, the exact relationship has until now not been formally described. Here we show that for Gaussian variables, Granger causality and transfer entropy are entirely equivalent, thus bridging autoregressive and information-theoretic approaches to data-driven causal inference.Comment: In review, Phys. Rev. Lett., Nov. 200

    CORE Technology and Exact Hamiltonian Real-Space Renormalization Group Transformations

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    The COntractor REnormalization group (CORE) method, a new approach to solving Hamiltonian lattice systems, is presented. The method defines a systematic and nonperturbative means of implementing Kadanoff-Wilson real-space renormalization group transformations using cluster expansion and contraction techniques. We illustrate the approach and demonstrate its effectiveness using scalar field theory, the Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain, and the anisotropic Ising chain. Future applications to the Hubbard and t-J models and lattice gauge theory are discussed.Comment: 65 pages, 9 Postscript figures, uses epsf.st

    A New Representation of the Rational Numbers for Fast Easy Arithmetic

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    Induced measures in the space of mixed quantum states

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    We analyze several product measures in the space of mixed quantum states. In particular we study measures induced by the operation of partial tracing. The natural, rotationally invariant measure on the set of all pure states of a N x K composite system, induces a unique measure in the space of N x N mixed states (or in the space of K x K mixed states, if the reduction takes place with respect to the first subsystem). For K=N the induced measure is equal to the Hilbert-Schmidt measure, which is shown to coincide with the measure induced by singular values of non-Hermitian random Gaussian matrices pertaining to the Ginibre ensemble. We compute several averages with respect to this measure and show that the mean entanglement of N×NN \times N pure states behaves as lnN-1/2.Comment: 12 latex pages, 2 figures in epsf, submited to J. Phys. A. ver.3, some improvements and a few references adde

    Evolution of seaward-dipping reflectors at the onset of oceanic crust formation at volcanic passive margins: Insights from the South Atlantic

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    Seaward-dipping reflectors (SDRs) have long been recognized as a ubiquitous feature of volcanic passive margins, yet their evolution is much debated, and even the subject of the nature of the underlying crust is contentious. This uncertainty significantly restricts our understanding of continental breakup and ocean basin–forming processes. Using high-fidelity reflection data from offshore Argentina, we observe that the crust containing the SDRs has similarities to oceanic crust, albeit with a larger proportion of extrusive volcanics, variably interbedded with sediments. Densities derived from gravity modeling are compatible with the presence of magmatic crust beneath the outer SDRs. When these SDR packages are restored to synemplacement geometry we observe that they thicken into the basin axis with a nonfaulted, diffuse termination, which we associate with dikes intruding into initially horizontal volcanics. Our model for SDR formation invokes progressive rotation of these horizontal volcanics by subsidence driven by isostasy in the center of the evolving SDR depocenter as continental lithosphere is replaced by more dense oceanic lithosphere. The entire system records the migration of >10-km-thick new magmatic crust away from a rapidly subsiding but subaerial incipient spreading center at rates typical of slow oceanic spreading processes. Our model for new magmatic crust can explain SDR formation on magma-rich margins globally, but the estimated crustal thickness requires elevated mantle temperatures for their formation

    The role of the spin in quasiparticle interference

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    Quasiparticle interference patterns measured by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) can be used to study the local electronic structure of metal surfaces and high temperature superconductors. Here, we show that even in non-magnetic systems the spin of the quasiparticles can have a profound effect on the interference patterns. On Bi(110), where the surface state bands are not spin-degenerate, the patterns are not related to the dispersion of the electronic states in a simple way. In fact, the features which are expected for the spin-independent situation are absent and the observed interference patterns can only be interpreted by taking spin-conserving scattering events into account.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Modelling the spatial distribution of DEM Error

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    Assessment of a DEM’s quality is usually undertaken by deriving a measure of DEM accuracy – how close the DEM’s elevation values are to the true elevation. Measures such as Root Mean Squared Error and standard deviation of the error are frequently used. These measures summarise elevation errors in a DEM as a single value. A more detailed description of DEM accuracy would allow better understanding of DEM quality and the consequent uncertainty associated with using DEMs in analytical applications. The research presented addresses the limitations of using a single root mean squared error (RMSE) value to represent the uncertainty associated with a DEM by developing a new technique for creating a spatially distributed model of DEM quality – an accuracy surface. The technique is based on the hypothesis that the distribution and scale of elevation error within a DEM are at least partly related to morphometric characteristics of the terrain. The technique involves generating a set of terrain parameters to characterise terrain morphometry and developing regression models to define the relationship between DEM error and morphometric character. The regression models form the basis for creating standard deviation surfaces to represent DEM accuracy. The hypothesis is shown to be true and reliable accuracy surfaces are successfully created. These accuracy surfaces provide more detailed information about DEM accuracy than a single global estimate of RMSE