2,556 research outputs found

    Clearwing Moths Captured by Ultraviolet Light Traps in Southern Ohio (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae)

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    Trapping with ultraviolet light in mixed-oak forests of Lawrence and Vinton Counties, Ohio in 1995 and 1996 yielded 46 Synanthedon acerni and four Synanthedon arkansasensis, a clearwing moth record new for the state

    Pitch Mass Borer, a New Clearwing Moth Record for Ohio (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae)

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    We report the Pitch Mass Borer clearwing moth, Synanthedon pini, from Vinton Furnace Experimental Forest, Dundas, Vinton County, Ohio, the first record for this state. A mature larva and two pupae were excised from resin masses of Scrub Pine, Pinus virginiana, a new host record, in early May 1999

    Citheronia Sepulcralis (Lepidoptera: Citheroniidae) in Ohio

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    Author Institution: Depart. Of Entomology, The Ohio State Universit

    Breeding Birds of a Central Ohio Woodlot in Response to Succession and Urbanization

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    Author Institution: Department of Entomology, The Ohio State UniversityPopulation densities of breeding birds were surveyed intensively in a formerly grazed 11 ha woodlot near Columbus, Ohio, during 1938-42 and 1979-84. During the years between surveys, canopy cover increased while shrubstory and ground cover were reduced greatly except along two edges. Suburban residential development engulfed most of the surrounding cropland; remaining fields were converted from pasture to intensive cropping (corn, alfalfa, turfgrass). Changes in avifauna generally reflected these environmental changes. Species typical of open understory (e.g. indigo bunting, Passerina cyanea; field sparrow, Spizella pusilla) decreased greatly and were confined to edges, while forest-interior species (e.g. acadian flycatcher, Empidonax virescens; wood thrush, Hylockhla mustelina) increased in numbers. Generalists, forest-edge species often associated with surburban development, also increased (e.g. American robin, Turdus migratorius; northern cardinal, Cardinalis cardinalis). Raptors decreased, along with some cavity-nesting species (e.g. tufted titmouse, Parus bicolor), perhaps in response to reduced availability of nesting sites

    Ground Beetle Range Extensions: Six New Ohio Records (Coleoptera: Carabidae)

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    We newly report six ground beetles from Ohio, comprising Badister parviceps, Stenolophus dissimilis, Harpalus somnulentus, Pentagonica fiavipes, Agonum albicrus, and Lebia collaris

    Optimizing Abstract Abstract Machines

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    The technique of abstracting abstract machines (AAM) provides a systematic approach for deriving computable approximations of evaluators that are easily proved sound. This article contributes a complementary step-by-step process for subsequently going from a naive analyzer derived under the AAM approach, to an efficient and correct implementation. The end result of the process is a two to three order-of-magnitude improvement over the systematically derived analyzer, making it competitive with hand-optimized implementations that compute fundamentally less precise results.Comment: Proceedings of the International Conference on Functional Programming 2013 (ICFP 2013). Boston, Massachusetts. September, 201

    Pitch Mass Borer, a New Clearwing Moth Record for Ohio (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae)

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    We report the Pitch Mass Borer clearwing moth, Synanthedon pini, from Vinton Furnace Experimental Forest, Dundas, Vinton County, Ohio, the first record for this state. A mature larva and two pupae were excised from resin masses of Scrub Pine, Pinus virginiana, a new host record, in early May 1999

    Dynamic quantum clustering: a method for visual exploration of structures in data

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    A given set of data-points in some feature space may be associated with a Schrodinger equation whose potential is determined by the data. This is known to lead to good clustering solutions. Here we extend this approach into a full-fledged dynamical scheme using a time-dependent Schrodinger equation. Moreover, we approximate this Hamiltonian formalism by a truncated calculation within a set of Gaussian wave functions (coherent states) centered around the original points. This allows for analytic evaluation of the time evolution of all such states, opening up the possibility of exploration of relationships among data-points through observation of varying dynamical-distances among points and convergence of points into clusters. This formalism may be further supplemented by preprocessing, such as dimensional reduction through singular value decomposition or feature filtering.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure