124 research outputs found

    Relationship between Insertion/Deletion (Indel) Frequency of Proteins and Essentiality

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    Background: In a previous study, we demonstrated that some essential proteins from pathogenicorganisms contained sizable insertions/deletions (indels) when aligned to human proteins of highsequence similarity. Such indels may provide sufficient spatial differences between the pathogenicprotein and human proteins to allow for selective targeting. In one example, an indel difference wastargeted via large scale in-silico screening. This resulted in selective antibodies and smallcompounds which were capable of binding to the deletion-bearing essential pathogen proteinwithout any cross-reactivity to the highly similar human protein. The objective of the current studywas to investigate whether indels were found more frequently in essential than non-essentialproteins.Results: We have investigated three species, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, and Saccharomycescerevisiae, for which high-quality protein essentiality data is available. Using these data, wedemonstrated with t-test calculations that the mean indel frequencies in essential proteins weregreater than that of non-essential proteins in the three proteomes. The abundance of indels in bothtypes of proteins was also shown to be accurately modeled by the Weibull distribution. However,Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) curves showed that indel frequencies alone could not beused as a marker to accurately discriminate between essential and non-essential proteins in thethree proteomes. Finally, we analyzed the protein interaction data available for S. cerevisiae andobserved that indel-bearing proteins were involved in more interactions and had greaterbetweenness values within Protein Interaction Networks (PINs).Conclusion: Overall, our findings demonstrated that indels were not randomly distributed acrossthe studied proteomes and were likely to occur more often in essential proteins and those thatwere highly connected, indicating a possible role of sequence insertions and deletions in theregulation and modification of protein-protein interactions. Such observations will provide newinsights into indel-based drug design using bioinformatics and cheminformatics tools

    Not All Scale-Free Networks Are Born Equal: The Role of the Seed Graph in PPI Network Evolution

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    The (asymptotic) degree distributions of the best-known ā€œscale-freeā€ network models are all similar and are independent of the seed graph used; hence, it has been tempting to assume that networks generated by these models are generally similar. In this paper, we observe that several key topological features of such networks depend heavily on the specific model and the seed graph used. Furthermore, we show that starting with the ā€œrightā€ seed graph (typically a dense subgraph of the proteinā€“protein interaction network analyzed), the duplication model captures many topological features of publicly available proteinā€“protein interaction networks very well

    Dr.Nod: computational framework for discovery of regulatory non-coding drivers in tissue-matched distal regulatory elements

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    The discovery of cancer driver mutations is a fundamental goal in cancer research. While many cancer driver mutations have been discovered in the protein-coding genome, research into potential cancer drivers in the non-coding regions showed limited success so far. Here, we present a novel comprehensive framework Dr.Nod for detection of non-coding cis-regulatory candidate driver mutations that are associated with dysregulated gene expression using tissue-matched enhancer-gene annotations. Applying the framework to data from over 1500 tumours across eight tissues revealed a 4.4-fold enrichment of candidate driver mutations in regulatory regions of known cancer driver genes. An overarching conclusion that emerges is that the non-coding driver mutations contribute to cancer by significantly altering transcription factor binding sites, leading to upregulation of tissue-matched oncogenes and down-regulation of tumour-suppressor genes. Interestingly, more than half of the detected cancer-promoting non-coding regulatory driver mutations are over 20 kb distant from the cancer-associated genes they regulate. Our results show the importance of tissue-matched enhancer-gene maps, functional impact of mutations, and complex background mutagenesis model for the prediction of non-coding regulatory drivers. In conclusion, our study demonstrates that non-coding mutations in enhancers play a previously underappreciated role in cancer and dysregulation of clinically relevant target genes

    deFuse: An Algorithm for Gene Fusion Discovery in Tumor RNA-Seq Data

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    Gene fusions created by somatic genomic rearrangements are known to play an important role in the onset and development of some cancers, such as lymphomas and sarcomas. RNA-Seq (whole transcriptome shotgun sequencing) is proving to be a useful tool for the discovery of novel gene fusions in cancer transcriptomes. However, algorithmic methods for the discovery of gene fusions using RNA-Seq data remain underdeveloped. We have developed deFuse, a novel computational method for fusion discovery in tumor RNA-Seq data. Unlike existing methods that use only unique best-hit alignments and consider only fusion boundaries at the ends of known exons, deFuse considers all alignments and all possible locations for fusion boundaries. As a result, deFuse is able to identify fusion sequences with demonstrably better sensitivity than previous approaches. To increase the specificity of our approach, we curated a list of 60 true positive and 61 true negative fusion sequences (as confirmed by RT-PCR), and have trained an adaboost classifier on 11 novel features of the sequence data. The resulting classifier has an estimated value of 0.91 for the area under the ROC curve. We have used deFuse to discover gene fusions in 40 ovarian tumor samples, one ovarian cancer cell line, and three sarcoma samples. We report herein the first gene fusions discovered in ovarian cancer. We conclude that gene fusions are not infrequent events in ovarian cancer and that these events have the potential to substantially alter the expression patterns of the genes involved; gene fusions should therefore be considered in efforts to comprehensively characterize the mutational profiles of ovarian cancer transcriptomes

    Next-generation VariationHunter: combinatorial algorithms for transposon insertion discovery

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    Recent years have witnessed an increase in research activity for the detection of structural variants (SVs) and their association to human disease. The advent of next-generation sequencing technologies make it possible to extend the scope of structural variation studies to a point previously unimaginable as exemplified by the 1000 Genomes Project. Although various computational methods have been described for the detection of SVs, no such algorithm is yet fully capable of discovering transposon insertions, a very important class of SVs to the study of human evolution and disease. In this article, we provide a complete and novel formulation to discover both loci and classes of transposons inserted into genomes sequenced with high-throughput sequencing technologies. In addition, we also present ā€˜conflict resolutionā€™ improvements to our earlier combinatorial SV detection algorithm (VariationHunter) by taking the diploid nature of the human genome into consideration. We test our algorithms with simulated data from the Venter genome (HuRef) and are able to discover >85% of transposon insertion events with precision of >90%. We also demonstrate that our conflict resolution algorithm (denoted as VariationHunter-CR) outperforms current state of the art (such as original VariationHunter, BreakDancer and MoDIL) algorithms when tested on the genome of the Yoruba African individual (NA18507)
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