159 research outputs found

    The New Florida Medical Malpractice Legislation and Its Likely Constitutional Challenges

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    The New Florida Medical Malpractice Legislation and Its Likely Constitutional Challenges

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    Biochemische und strukturbiologische Untersuchungen der HIV/SIV Nef-vermittelten Rezeptoreninternalisierung

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    Das akzessorische Nef-Protein ist ein wichtiger Pathogenitätsfaktor von HIV und SIV, den Immundefizienzviren der Primaten. Nef erhöht u.a. die Produktion viraler Partikel, es erleichtert die Knospung neuer Viren von der Wirtszellmembran und es schützt die Wirtszelle vor Superinfektionen und der Erkennung durch das Immunsystem. Auf Proteinebene lassen sich die meisten Nef-vermittelten Effekte auf die Wechselwirkung mit Proteinen der zellulären Signaltransduktionskaskaden oder des intrazellulären Proteintransportsystems zurückführen. Als molekularer Adapter ohne enzymatische Aktivität bringt Nef Wirtsproteine in funktionalen Einheiten zusammen und kann so Einfluss auf mehrere unterschiedliche zelluläre Systeme nehmen. Hierfür verfügt Nef über eine Reihe konservierter Sequenzmotive, welche die Wechselwirkung mit verschiedenen zellulären Proteinen vermitteln. Nef verfügt u.a. über ein PxxP-Motiv zur Interaktion mit der SH3-Domäne von Tyrosinkinasen und über ein Dileuzinmotiv für die Bindung an die heterotetrameren Adaptorproteine der AP-Familie. Alle Funktionen von Nef erfordern die Membranlokalisierung des Proteins, welche durch eine N-terminale Myristoylierung vermittelt wird. Die Depletion von Oberflächenrezeptoren der T-Helferzellen, wie CD4 und MHC I, zählt zu den wichtigsten Funktionen von Nef. Zudem scheint ein wesentlicher funktionaler Unterschied zwischen pathogenen und nicht-pathogenen HIV- und SIV-Stämmen in der Fähigkeit von Nef zu liegen, die CD3 ζ-Untereinheit des T-Zell-Rezeptors zu internalisieren. Viren, die über diese Eigenschaft verfügen, lösen in ihren natürlichen Wirten keine Immundefizienz aus. Um die Internalisierung eines Rezeptors einzuleiten, erkennt Nef bestimmte Signalmotive in der zytoplasmatischen Domäne des Rezeptors. Infolge dieser Wechselwirkung rekrutiert Nef die AP-Komplexe, was den Transport in Clathrin-beschichteten Vesikeln und die anschließende lysosomale Degradation des Rezeptors einleitet. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollten die Mechanismen der Nef-vermittelten Rezeptorinternalisierung durch strukturbiologische und biochemische Studien auf molekularer Ebene untersucht werden. Es wurde eine Kristallstruktur von HIV-1SF2 Nef im Komplex mit einer SH3-Domäne erstellt, in der erstmals die gesamte flexible Schleife von Nef, welche das für die Rekrutierung der AP-Komplexe wichtige Dileuzinmotiv beinhaltet, aufgelöst wurde. Die Schleifen zweier Nef-Proteine binden in dieser Struktur wechselseitig in die hydrophobe Tasche des jeweils anderen Nef-Moleküls. Die hydrophobe Tasche von Nef ist für die Erkennung von Signalmotiven in Membranrezeptoren verantwortlich. Somit zeigt diese Struktur potentiell eine in trans autoinhibierte Konformation des Nef-Proteins. Des Weiteren wurde eine Kristallstruktur von SIVmac239 Nef erstellt, in welcher das Dileuzinmotiv eines Nef-Proteins mit der hydrophobe Tasche eines zweiten Nef-Moleküls interagiert. Diese hier vorgestellte Struktur stellt das erste Modell für die Erkennung von Dileuzinmotiven durch Nef dar. Dileuzinmotive treten in einer Vielzahl von Membranrezeptoren wie CD4 auf und können durch Nef im Zuge der Nef-abhängigen Internalisierung dieser Rezeptoren erkannt werden. Durch analytische Größenausschlusschromatographie und isothermale Titrationskalorimetrie wurde die Bindung von HIV-1SF2 und SIVmac239 Nef an unterschiedlichen Fragmente der CD3 ζ-Untereinheit und an SH3-Domänen untersucht und die Bindungsaffinitäten bestimmt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Bindung der SH3-Domänen unabhängig vom myristoylierten N-Terminus von HIV-1SF2 Nef ist. Des Weiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Interaktion mit CD3 ζ nicht durch die gleichzeitige Bindung von SIVmac239 Nef an SH3-Domänen beeinflusst wird. SH3-Domänen interagieren mit ihrer RT-Schleife, wie die Signalmotive von Membranrezeptoren, mit der hydrophoben Tasche von Nef. Da eine gleichzeitige Bindung von CD3 ζ und SH3-Domänen möglich ist, muss die hydrophobe Tasche von Nef zwei voneinander unabhängige Bindungsstellen aufweisen. Durch die in dieser Arbeit bestimmten Kristallstrukturen konnte gezeigt werden, dass die sogenannte hydrophobe Tasche von Nef durch die Seitenketten der aromatischen Aminosäuren Phenylalanin und Tryptophan (HIV), bzw. Tyrosin (SIV), in zwei Taschen geteilt ist, von denen eine mit der RT-Schleife der SH3-Domänen und die andere mit Transportsignalmotiven interagiert. Diese hier identifizierten hydrophoben Taschen könnten als Angriffspunkt für die Entwicklung von Nef-gerichteten antiretroviralen Wirkstoffen dienen. Um die Bindung von Nef an die Proteinkomplexe der AP-Familie zu untersuchen, wurden die Kernstrukturen der heterotetrameren Proteinkomplexe AP-1 und AP-2, sowie eine Reihe Mutanten dieser Komplexe rekombinant exprimiert und isoliert. Diese Proteine sollen in künftigen biochemischen und strukturbiologischen Untersuchungen eingesetzt werden, um das Bindungsverhalten von Nef an die AP-Komplexe zu untersuchen

    Efficient detection of coherent structures in non-autonomous dynamical systems via transfer operator methods

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    Die Analyse von Transportphänomenen spielt eine wichtige Rolle in vielen Anwendungen, zum Beispiel bei der Untersuchung von Ozeanwirbeln. Um kohärente Strukturen im Kontext dynamischer Systeme zu behandeln, wurden in den letzten Jahren sogenannte Transferoperator-Methoden entwickelt. Diese sind unter anderem für die Approximation von Transportphänomenen in nicht-autonomen dynamischen Systemen erweitert worden. In dieser Arbeit werden sowohl effiziente Algorithmen zur Identifikation kohärenter Strukturen entwickelt als auch theoretische Ergebnisse in diesem Zusammenhang präsentiert. Transferoperatoren erfüllen auf natürliche Weise die sogenannte Kozykel-Eigenschaft. In dieser Arbeit werden deshalb Produkte von Übergangsmatrizen verwendet um Transferoperatoren zu approximieren. Zudem wird bewiesen, dass die Kozykel-Eigenschaft unter bestimmten Umständen auch für Übergangsmatrizen gilt. Kohärente Paare im Kontext nicht-autonomer dynamischer Systeme sind Strukturen, die sich nur langsam mit dem übrigen Phasenraum durchmischen. Grundsätzlich ist es sinnvoll, sich für die Approximation kohärenter Paare auf einen Teil des Phasenraumes zu beschränken, um den numerischen Aufwand zu verringern. A priori ist es jedoch nicht offensichtlich, in welchen Bereichen des Phasenraumes sich ein kohärentes Paar befindet. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Algorithmus formuliert, welcher Bereiche identifiziert, die ein kohärentes Paar enthalten und damit signifikant den numerischen Aufwand reduziert. Diese neuartigen Ergebnisse und Algorithmen erlauben die Analyse von Transportphänomenen im Ozean. Als Anwendung wird die erste drei-dimensionale Untersuchung eines Agulhas-Ringes dargestellt.The analysis of transport phenomena plays a crucial role in many applications, e. g. in the investigation of gyres and eddies in the ocean. In order to treat coherent structures of dynamical systems so-called transfer operator methods have been developed during the last years and extended in order to approximate transport phenomena in non-autonomous dynamical systems. In this thesis, we develop efficient algorithms for the detection of coherent structures and present theoretical results in this context. Transfer operators naturally fulfill the so-called cocycle property which does not generally hold for transition matrices which are the corresponding finite- dimensional representations of transfer operators. However, we use products of transition matrices to approximate single transfer operators. We successfully elaborate this approach and prove that the cocycle property holds under certain conditions. In non-autonomous dynamical systems so-called coherent pairs are slowly mixing time-dependent structures in state space. In principle, for the detection of coherent pairs it is sufficient to focus on a region of the state space containing a coherent pair. A priori it is not obvious in which part a coherent pair is contained. We formulate an algorithm that preselects a part of the state space as a candidate set containing a coherent pair and thereby significantly reduces the related numerical effort. The novel results and algorithms obtained in this thesis allows one to analyze transport phenomena in oceanic fluid flow. As an application, we present the first three-dimensional study of a single Agulhas ring over a sufficiently long time interval.Tag der Verteidigung: 20.05.2014Paderborn, Univ., Diss., 201

    Studying an Agulhas ring's long-term pathway and decay with finite-time coherent sets

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    © 2015 AIP Publishing LLC. Coherent sets in dynamical systems are regions in phase space that optimally >carry mass> with them under the system's evolution, so that these regions experience minimal leakage. The dominant tool for determining coherent sets is the transfer operator, which provides a complete description of Lagrangian mass transport. In this work, we combine existing transfer operator methods with a windowing scheme to study the spatial and temporal evolution of a so-called Agulhas ring: a large anticyclonic mesoscale eddy playing a key role in inter-ocean exchange of climate-relevant properties. Our focus is on ring decay over time and the windowing scheme enables us to study how the most coherent region (our estimate of the ring) varies in position and size over a period of more than two years. We compare the eddy-like structure and its spatio-temporal changes as revealed by our method and by a classical Eulerian approach.The altimeter products were produced by Ssalto/Duacs and distributed by Aviso, with support from CNES (http://www.aviso.oceanobs.com/duacs/). G.F. and C.H. were partially supported by the 2011/12 Go8/DAAD Australia/Germany Joint Research Co-Operation Scheme. G.F. was also supported by an ARC Future Fellowship. E.v.S. was supported by the ARC via Grant DE130101336. V.R. acknowledges support from MICINN and FEDER through the ESCOLA project (CTM2012-39025-C02-01) while finishing this paper.Peer Reviewe

    Safety and survival of docetaxel and cabazitaxel in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer

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    Objectives: To investigate real-world haematological toxicity, overall survival (OS) and the treatment characteristics of docetaxel and cabazitaxel chemotherapy in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). Patients and Methods: This retrospective claims data study followed patients with mCRPC receiving cabazitaxel or docetaxel from their first chemotherapy infusion. Haematological toxicities were measured using treatment codes and inpatient diagnoses. OS was estimated using the Kaplan–Meier method. A multivariable Cox regression analysis was used to identify OS predictors. Results: Data from 539 patients administered docetaxel and 240 administered cabazitaxel were analysed. Regarding adverse events, within 8 months of treatment initiation, some kind of treatment for haematological toxicity was documented in 31% of patients given docetaxel and in 61% of patients given cabazitaxel. In the same period, hospitalization associated with haematological toxicity was documented in 11% of the patients in the docetaxel cohort and in 15% of the patients in the cabazitaxel cohort. In the docetaxel cohort, 9.9% of patients required reverse isolation and 13% were diagnosed with sepsis during hospitalization. In the cabazitaxel cohort, the cumulative incidence was 7.9% and 15%, respectively. The median OS was reached at 21.9 months in the docetaxel cohort and, because of a later line of therapy, at 11.3 months in the cabazitaxel cohort. A multivariate Cox regression revealed that indicators of locally advanced and metastatic disease, severe comorbidities, and prior hormonal/cytotoxic therapies were independent predictors of early death. Conclusion: Cabazitaxel patients face an increased risk of haematological toxicities during treatment. Together with their short survival time, this calls for a strict indication when using cabazitaxel in patients with mCRPC. © 2021 The Authors. BJU International published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of BJU International

    Treatment-Related Healthcare Costs of Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer in Germany: A Claims Data Study

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    Purpose: Treatments for patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) have expanded rapidly. They include the chemotherapies docetaxel and cabazitaxel, hormonal drugs abiraterone and enzalutamide, and best supportive care (BSC). Cabazitaxel has proven to be the last life-prolonging option, associated with a significant risk of serious adverse events. Given the lack of real-world evidence, we aimed to compare healthcare resource utilization (HRU) and costs in patients with mCRPC treated with cabazitaxel, docetaxel, abiraterone, enzalutamide, and BSC. Methods: We used 2014–2017 claims data from a large German statutory health insurance fund, the Techniker Krankenkasse, to identify patients with mCRPC. Patient allocation to individual therapy regimens was based on clinical knowledge and included therapy cycles, duration of therapy, and continuous treatment. The study period lasted from the first claim until death, the end of data availability, a drug switch, or discontinuation of therapy, whichever came first. Multivariate regression models were used to compare monthly all-cause and mCRPC-related HRU and costs across cohorts by adjusting for baseline covariates (including age and comorbidities). Results: The 3944 identified patients with mCRPC initiated treatment with cabazitaxel (n = 240), docetaxel (n = 539), abiraterone (n = 486), enzalutamide (n = 351), or BSC (n = 2328). In most domains, HRU was highest in the cabazitaxel cohort and lowest in the BSC group. Accordingly, the highest all-cause and mCRPC-related costs per month, respectively, were observed in patients receiving cabazitaxel (€7631/€6343), followed by abiraterone (€5226/€4579), enzalutamide (€5079/€4416), docetaxel (€2392/€1580), and BSC (€959/€438). Cost variations were mostly attributable to drugs, inpatient treatment, and sick leave payments. Conclusion: mCRPC treatment imposes a high economic burden on statutory health insurance. Cabazitaxel is associated with substantially higher expenses, resulting from higher drug costs and a greater need for inpatient treatment. As mCRPC continues to be incurable, decision makers and clinician leaders should carefully evaluate public access to innovative agents and optimal treatment strategies

    Use of guideline-recommended drug therapy in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention for stable coronary heart disease in Germany: a multilevel analysis of nationwide routine data

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    Objectives: To determine the prescription of guideline recommended drug therapy in patients with stable coronary heart disease (sCHD) prior to percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in Germany and to examine the role of patient characteristics and features of regional healthcare supply in a multilevel model. Design Secondary data analysis of factors associated with the prescription of guideline recommended drug therapy using a multilevel model to analyse regional-level effects, over and above the effects of patient-level demographic and health status. Setting Office-based prescriptions in the year prior to the invasive procedure. Participants A linked nationwide dataset from Germany's three largest statutory health insurance funds of all patients receiving PCI in the year 2016. Main outcome measures Patients' odds of receiving optimal medical therapy and symptom-oriented therapy within 1 year prior to PCI. Results 68.6% of patients received at least one lipid-lowering drug and one symptom-oriented therapy prior to PCI. 43.6% received at least two agents to control their symptoms. Patients who received treatment in accordance with the recommendations had a greater number of diagnosed risk factors, a more severe history of cardiac disease and used a higher volume of ambulatory office-based physician services. The prescriptions prevalence for the symptom-oriented therapies differed significantly between eastern and western Germany, with a higher prevalence in the eastern districts. Conclusions: Guidelines can only provide decision-making corridors, and the applicability of recommendations must always be assessed on a case by case basis. Nevertheless, our analysis indicates that the prevalence of prescriptions in routine practice is subject to substantial variation and that conservative therapy options are not fully exhausted prior to PCI. This suggests that there might be room for improvement in the care of patients with sCHD

    Health literacy in patients with pulmonary embolism: development and validation of the HeLP (Health Literacy in Pulmonary Embolism)-Questionnaire

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    Background: Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a common cardiovascular disease and health literacy is necessary to deal with its consequences after the acute event. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a new questionnaire to measure PE-specific health literacy. Methods: A mixed-methods design with qualitative and quantitative elements was used in the development process. A literature review about health literacy concepts and instruments and interviews with patients with PE and clinicians were conducted. Quantitative analyses included factor analyses, item response theory with a graded partial credit model, and reliability analyses in different test and validation samples. Furthermore, convergent and known-groups validity and responsiveness were assessed. Results: The qualitative results supported a concept of PE-related health literacy with four main topics: dealing with PE-related health information, disease management, health-related selfcare, and social support. An initial item pool of 91 items was developed. Further interviews and an online survey with patients with PE (n = 1,013) were used to reduce the number of items and to confirm structural validity. Confirmatory factor analyses in the final evaluation study with patients with PE (n = 238) indicated a good model fit of the four-factor structure. The Health Literacy in Pulmonary Embolism (HeLP)-Questionnaire showed good reliability (Cronbach’s alpha: 0.82 to 0.90). All four subscales were responsive toward receiving a brochure with PE-related health information. Conclusion: The newly developed German HeLP Questionnaire comprises 23 items in four domains and showed good psychometric properties. Further evaluation of the questionnaire in different samples of patients with PE is needed

    Seasonal variability of the subpolar gyres in the Southern Ocean: a numerical investigation based on transfer operators

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    The detection of regions in the ocean that are coherent over an extended period of time is a fundamental problem in many oceanic applications. For instance such regions are important for studying the transport of marine species and for the distribution of nutrients. In this study we demonstrate the efficacy of transfer operators in detecting and analysing such structures. We focus first on the detection of the Weddell and Ross Gyre for the four seasons spanning December 2003–November 2004 within the 3-D oceanic domain south of 30° S, and show distinct seasonal differences in both the three-dimensional structure and the persistence of the gyres. Further, we demonstrate a new technique based on the discretised transfer operators to calculate the mean residence time of water within parts of the gyres and determine pathways of water leaving and entering the gyres
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