56 research outputs found

    Reduced response to IKr blockade and altered hERG1a/1b stoichiometryin human heart failure

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    Heart failure (HF) claims 250,000 lives per year in the US, and nearly half of these deaths are sudden and presumably due to ventricular tachyarrhythmias. QT interval and action potential (AP) prolongation are hallmark proarrhythmic changes in the failing myocardium, which potentially result from alterations in repolarizing potassium currents. Thus,we aimed to examinewhether decreased expression of the rapid delayed rectifier potassiumcurrent, IKr, contributes to repolarization abnormalities in human HF. Tomap functional IKr expression across the left ventricle (LV), we optically imaged coronary-perfused LV free wall from donor and end-stage failing human hearts. The LV wedge preparation was used to examine transmural AP durations at 80% repolarization (APD80), and treatment with the IKr-blocking drug, E-4031, was utilized to interrogate functional expression. We assessed the percent change in APD80 post-IKr blockade relative to baseline APD80 (ΔAPD80) and found that ΔAPD80s are reduced in failing versus donor hearts in each transmural region, with 0.35-, 0.43-, and 0.41-fold reductions in endo-, mid-, and epicardium, respectively (p = 0.008, 0.037, and 0.022). We then assessed hERG1 isoform gene and protein expression levels using qPCR and Western blot. While we did not observe differences in hERG1a or hERG1b gene expression between donor and failing hearts, we found a shift in the hERG1a:hERG1b isoform stoichiometry at the protein level. Computer simulations were then conducted to assess IKr block under E-4031 influence in failing and nonfailing conditions. Our results confirmed the experimental observations and E-4031-induced relative APD80 prolongationwas greater in normal conditions than in failing conditions, provided that the cellularmodel of HF included a significant downregulation of IKr. In humanHF, the response to IKr blockade is reduced, suggesting decreased functional IKr expression. This attenuated functional response is associated with altered hERG1a:hERG1b protein stoichiometry in the failing human LV, and failing cardiomyoctye simulations support the experimental findings. Thus, of IKr protein and functional expression may be important determinants of repolarization remodeling in the failing human LV.We thank the Translational Cardiovascular Biobank & Repository (TCBR) at Washington University for provision of donor/patient records. The TCBR is supported by the NIH/CTSA (UL1 TR000448), Children's Discovery Institute, and Richard J. Wilkinson Trust. We also thank the laboratory of Dr. Sakiyama-Elbert for the use of the StepOnePlus equipment We appreciate the critical feedback on the manuscript by Dr. Jeanne Nerbonne. This work has been supported by the National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute (NHLBI, R01 HL114395). K. Holzem has been supported by the American Heart Association (12PRE12050315) and the NHLBI (F30 HL114310).Holzem, KM.; GĂłmez GarcĂ­a, JF.; Glukhov, AV.; Madden, EJ.; Koppel, AC.; Ewald, GA.; TrĂ©nor Gomis, BA.... (2016). Reduced response to IKr blockade and altered hERG1a/1b stoichiometryin human heart failure. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology. 96:82-92. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yjmcc.2015.06.008S82929

    Epithelial cancers in the post-genomic era: should we reconsider our lifestyle?

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    The age-related epithelial cancers of the breast, colorectum and prostate are the most prevalent and are increasing in our aging populations. Epithelial cells turnover rapidly and mutations naturally accumulate throughout life. Most epithelial cancers arise from this normal mutation rate. All elderly individuals will harbour many cells with the requisite mutations and most will develop occult neoplastic lesions. Although essential for initiation, these mutations are not sufficient for the progression of cancer to a life-threatening disease. This progression appears to be dependent on context: the tissue ecosystem within individuals and lifestyle exposures across populations of individuals. Together, this implies that the seeds may be plentiful but they only germinate in the right soil. The incidence of these cancers is much lower in Eastern countries but is increasing with Westernisation and increases more acutely in migrants to the West. A Western lifestyle is strongly associated with perturbed metabolism, as evidenced by the epidemics of obesity and diabetes: this may also provide the setting enabling the progression of epithelial cancers. Epidemiology has indicated that metabolic biomarkers are prospectively associated with cancer incidence and prognosis. Furthermore, within cancer research, there has been a rediscovery that a switch in cell metabolism is critical for cancer progression but this is set within the metabolic status of the host. The seed may only germinate if the soil is fertile. This perspective brings together the different avenues of investigation implicating the role that metabolism may play within the context of post-genomic concepts of cancer
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