593 research outputs found

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    Characterisation and processing of amorphous binary mixtures with low glass transition temperature

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    The number of drug substances in formulation development in the pharmaceutical industry is increasing. Some of these are amorphous drugs and have glass transition below ambient temperature, and thus they are usually difficult to formulate and handle. One reason for this is the reduced viscosity, related to the stickiness of the drug, that makes them complicated to handle in unit operations. Thus, the aim in this thesis was to develop a new processing method for a sticky amorphous model material. Furthermore, model materials were characterised before and after formulation, using several characterisation methods, to understand more precisely the prerequisites for physical stability of amorphous state against crystallisation. The model materials used were monoclinic paracetamol and citric acid anhydrate. Amorphous materials were prepared by melt quenching or by ethanol evaporation methods. The melt blends were found to have slightly higher viscosity than the ethanol evaporated materials. However, melt produced materials crystallised more easily upon consecutive shearing than ethanol evaporated materials. The only material that did not crystallise during shearing was a 50/50 (w/w, %) blend regardless of the preparation method and it was physically stable at least two years in dry conditions. Shearing at varying temperatures was established to measure the physical stability of amorphous materials in processing and storage conditions. The actual physical stability of the blends was better than the pure amorphous materials at ambient temperature. Molecular mobility was not related to the physical stability of the amorphous blends, observed as crystallisation. Molecular mobility of the 50/50 blend derived from a spectral linewidth as a function of temperature using solid state NMR correlated better with the molecular mobility derived from a rheometer than that of differential scanning calorimetry data. Based on the results obtained, the effect of molecular interactions, thermodynamic driving force and miscibility of the blends are discussed as the key factors to stabilise the blends. The stickiness was found to be affected glass transition and viscosity. Ultrasound extrusion and cutting were successfully tested to increase the processability of sticky material. Furthermore, it was found to be possible to process the physically stable 50/50 blend in a supercooled liquid state instead of a glassy state. The method was not found to accelerate the crystallisation. This may open up new possibilities to process amorphous materials that are otherwise impossible to manufacture into solid dosage forms.Amorfisten eli ei kiteisten lÀÀkeaineiden mÀÀrÀ lÀÀketeollisuuden farmaseuttisessa tuotekehityksessÀ kasvaa. Osa amorfisista lÀÀkeaineista omaa matalan lasisiirtymÀlÀmpötilan, mikÀ vaikeuttaa amorfisen aineen prosessointia kiinteÀÀn lÀÀkemuotoon normaaliolosuhteissa. TÀllaiset ylijÀÀhtyneessÀ nestetilassa olevat lÀÀkeaineet tarttuvat helposti prosessointilaitteiden pinnoille johtuen aineen matalasta viskositeetista. TÀstÀ syystÀ nykyÀÀn kÀytetyt prosessointimenetelmÀt kuten tabletointi ja kapselointi ovat hankalia toteuttaa tÀllaisille lÀÀkeaineille. TÀmÀn työn tarkoituksena oli luoda tahmealle amorfiselle mallikoostumukselle uusi prosessointimenetelmÀ, jota voidaan hyödyntÀÀ valmistettaessa kiinteitÀ lÀÀkemuotoja. TyössÀ tutkittiin myös malliaineen fysikaalista olomuotoa ennen ja jÀlkeen prosessoinnin eli kiteytyykö amorfinen lÀÀkeaine. LisÀksi työssÀ on kÀsitelty erilaisia mekanismeja kiteytymisen estÀmiseksi amorfisessa tilassa. Sitruunahappoa ja parasetamolia sekÀ niiden seoksia kÀytettiin mallikoostumuksena. Amorfinen muoto valmistettiin kiteisistÀ raaka-aineista sulajÀÀhdyttÀmÀllÀ tai etanoli haihdutusmenetelmÀllÀ. Viskositeettimittauksissa havaittiin sulajÀÀhdyttÀmÀllÀ valmistettujen nÀytteiden omaavan korkeamman viskositeetin kuin haihdutusmenetelmÀllÀ valmistetut nÀytteet. SulajÀÀhdyttÀmÀllÀ valmistetut nÀytteet kuitenkin kiteytyivÀt helpommin viskositeettimittauksen aikana nÀytteeseen kohdistuvan leikkuuvoiman johdosta kuin haihdutusmenetelmÀllÀ valmistetut nÀytteet. Kaikkein pysyvin amorfinen nÀyte muodostui 50/50 (%, m/m) seoksesta riippumatta valmistusmenetelmÀstÀ. Koostumus pysyi stabiilina kun siihen kohdistettiin leikkausvoimia eri lÀmpötiloissa. Molekyylien suuri liike ylijÀÀhtyneessÀ nestetilassa ei kiihdyttÀnyt 50/50 amorfisen koostumuksen kiteytymistÀ normaaliolosuhteissa. TÀmÀ koostumus ei kiteytynyt kahden vuoden kuivasÀilytyksen aikana. TÀllöin joku muu mekanismi kuin molekyylien hidastunut liike stabiloi amorfisen tilan. Havaittujen tulosten pohjalta molekyylien vuorovaikutukset, termodynaaminen ajavavoima ja seosten hyvÀ sekoittuvuus todettiin tÀrkeimmiksi tekijöiksi amorfisen tilan pysyvyyden kannalta. Amorfisen aineen tarttuvuus johtuu matalasta lasisiirtymÀlÀmpötilasta ja alhaisesta viskositeetista. Tahmeata materiaalia voidaan kuitenkin tehokkaasti kÀsitellÀ normaaliolosuhteissa ultraÀÀnisuulakepuristuksella ja ultraÀÀnileikkureilla. KÀytetty ultraÀÀniteknologia prosessin apuvÀlineenÀ avaa uusia mahdollisuuksia prosessoida hankalia amorfisia lÀÀkeaineita, jotka ovat muilla tekniikoilla vaikeita prosessoida kiinteÀÀn lÀÀkemuotoon

    Indigenizacija ơvedskih i mađarskih elemenata u finskom folklornom plesu

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    This article discusses the influence of Hungarian folk dances and Swedish polskas on the Finnish folk dance movement. The central analytical tool in the study is Arjun Appadurai’s concept of “indigenization”: imported cultural elements take on local features and cultural hybrids develop. The Swedish polskas and Hungarian dances have created a new level of folk dancing in Finland, representing technical quality and skills that are commonly pursued. However, it is claimed that the indigenization of these dances entails that they have also been relocated and domesticated in Finland, and that they have become a part of the local embodied culture and discourse.Ovaj se članak bavi utjecajem mađarskih folklornih plesova i ĆĄvedskih plesova, polski, na finski folklorni ples. Na tragu ideja Kevina Gothama o kulturnoj razmjeni tvrdi se da razvoj nikako nije linearan, nego da ga se moĆŸe promatrati kao sloĆŸen i raznolik proces koji uključuje i homogenizacijske sile ujednačavanja kao i diverzifikacijske sile. Za istraĆŸivanje je ključan pojam indigenizacije Arjuna Appaduraia, kojim se objaĆĄnjava na koji način globalne silnice utječu na lokalne prilike i kako se zatim te lokalne prilike mijenjaju da bi odrazile globalne utjecaje. Prihvaćanje ĆĄvedskih i mađarskih elemenata u finski folklorni ples odraz je uobičajene prakse transnacionalne kulturne adaptacije, gdje se u transnacionalnim kulturnim tokovima jasno odraĆŸavaju dinamične i jake silnice globalizacije i lokalizacije. Ć vedske polske i mađarski plesovi doveli su do stvaranja sasvim nove razine folklornog plesanja u Finskoj, jer su donijeli nove tehnike i vjeĆĄtine kojima se danas u Finskoj teĆŸi. Kod tih plesnih oblika poveznica sa Ć vedskom i Mađarskom joĆĄ uvijek postoji, ali je rijetko kad uočljiva. Ć vedske polske i mađarski plesovi preseljeni su u Finsku gdje su se udomaćili te su postali dijelom otjelovljene kulture i diskursa o finskome folklornom plesu

    How ideology affected education in the German Democratic Republic 1945–1959

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    Abstract. Ideologies exist in all societies. They influence for example politics, economics and also education. Ideology or ideologies are detectable in all parts of education such as curriculum, textbooks and teacher education. Therefore, education is not neutral. As an example of the ideology of the society affecting education, I will be looking at the Ger-man Democratic Republic’s education system in the years 1945–1959. In my thesis I will show how the Soviet Union imposed its Marxist-Leninist ideology into the education system after the denazification of it as a consequence of the Second world war. The relevance of ideologies has not disappeared. They still have an influence in societies. By inspecting ideologies, we can better understand their influence in today’s world. Through understanding, we can aim to contradict the current ideologies and aim to change their influence on the different aspects of the society

    Predictors of vegetable consumption in children and adolescents: Analyses of the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey (2008-2017)

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    Children’s vegetable consumption is generally below national recommendations in the UK. This study examined predictors of vegetable intake by children aged 1.5-18 years using counts and portion sizes derived from four-day UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey food diaries. Data from 6,548 children were examined using linear and logit multilevel models. Specifically, we examined whether demographic variables predicted vegetable consumption, whether environmental context influenced portion sizes of vegetables consumed and which food groups predicted the presence (or absence) of vegetables at an eating occasion (EO). A larger average daily intake of vegetables (g) was predicted by age, ethnicity, equivalized income, variety of vegetables eaten and average energy intake per-day (R 2 = 0.549). At a single EO, vegetables were consumed in larger portion sizes at home, with family members and at evening mealtimes (Conditional R 2 = 0.308). Within EOs, certain configurations of food groups such as carbohydrates and protein predicted higher odds of vegetables being present (OR: 12.85, 95% CI: 9.42–17.54); whereas foods high in fats, sugars and salt predicted a lower likelihood of vegetable presence (OR: 0.03, 95% CI: 0.02–0.04). Vegetables were rarely eaten alone without other food groups. These findings demonstrate that only one portion of vegetables was eaten per-day (median) and this was consumed at a single EO, therefore falling below recommendations. Future research should investigate ways to encourage vegetable intake at times when vegetables are not regularly eaten, such as for breakfast and as snacks, whilst considering which other, potentially competing, foods are presented alongside vegetables

    A case study of Oulu University’s teacher students’ understanding of inclusive education and their sense of self-efficacy to implement inclusive education in their future work

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    Abstract. Inclusive education has been a prevalent value in Finnish educational context since the 1990s. However, teacher education has not sufficiently adapted to the policy changes regarding inclusive education in schools. Previous research shows that teacher students feel that their education has not given them sufficient competence to implement inclusive education. Additionally, in order to implement inclusive education successfully, inclusive education must be understood as a right of every student to quality education. Firstly, the purpose of this research is to examine and describe how master’s level classroom and special education teacher students understand the concept of inclusive education. Secondly, the research aims to gain an in-depth understanding of teacher students’ sense of self-efficacy to implement inclusive education in their future work. Lastly, we examine how teacher education has developed the teacher students’ sense of self-efficacy. The theoretical framework of our research considers inclusive education as a concept, different approaches to the implementation of it and its state particularly in the Finnish context. Additionally, we will discuss sense of self-efficacy especially according to Bandura. The research is a qualitative case study situated at the University of Oulu. The data was collected through an anonymous online questionnaire. The chosen analysis method is qualitative content analysis. The research findings reveal that overall teacher students understand inclusive education to consider all students and reflect values of equality and participation. However, some define inclusive education through the concept of integration. Special education teacher students’ self- efficacy was found higher than that of the classroom teacher students. Practicality of the studies and discussions were found most meaningful for the strengthening of their sense of self-effi- cacy. Additionally, special education teacher students are more satisfied with their studies regarding inclusive education. The research highlights that inclusive education must be considered more in teacher education.Tapaustutkimus Oulun yliopiston opettajaopiskelijoiden ymmärryksestä inklusiivisesta koulu- tuksesta ja heidän minäpystyvyydestään toteuttaa inklusiivista koulutusta tulevassa työssään. TiivistelmĂ€. Inklusiivisuus on ollut keskeinen arvo suomalaisessa koulutuksessa 1990-luvulta lähtien. Siitä huolimatta opettajakoulutus ei ole riittävästi mukautunut linjauksiin, joita on tehty inklusiiviseen koulutukseen liittyen kouluissa. Aiempi tutkimus osoittaa, että opettajaopiskelijat kokevat, ettei heidän koulutuksensa ole tukenut tarpeeksi minäpystyvyyden tunnetta inklusiivisen koulutuksen toteuttamiseen. Lisäksi, jotta inklusiivista koulutusta voidaan toteuttaa onnistuneesti, ymmärryksen siitä tulee painottaa jokaisen oppilaan oikeutta laadukkaaseen opetukseen. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on ensinnäkin tutkia ja kuvailla, kuinka maisterivaiheen luokanopettaja- ja erityisopettajaopiskelijat ymmärtävät inklusiivisen koulutuksen. Lisäksi tutkimuksen tavoitteena on luoda kattava käsitys opettajaopiskelijoiden minäpystyvyydestä toteuttaa inklusiivista koulutusta tulevassa työssään. Lopuksi tarkastelemme, kuinka opettajakoulutus on vaikuttanut opiskelijoiden minäpystyvyyteen. Tutkimuksemme teoreettinen viitekehys tarkastelee inklusiivisen koulutuksen käsitettä, erilaisia lähestymistapoja sen toteutukseen sekä sen tilaa erityisesti suomalaisessa kontekstissa. Lisäksi käsitelemme minäpystyyden käsitettä etenkin Banduran teorian mukaan. Tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen tapaustutkimus Oulun yliopistossa. Aineisto kerättiin anonyymin verkkokyselyn kautta. Analyysimetodina on käytetty laadullista sisällönanalyysia. Tutkimustuloksemme osoittavat, että yleisesti opettajaopiskelijat ymmärtävät inklusiivisen koulutuksen koskevan kaikkia oppilaita ja ymmärrys seuraa tasa-arvon ja osallisuuden arvoja. Kuitenkin jotkut opettajaopiskelijat määrittelevät inklusiivisen koulutuksen integraation käsitteen kautta. Erityisopettajaopiskelijoiden minäpystyvyys havaittiin tutkimuksessamme vahvemmaksi kuin luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden. Käytännönläheisyys ja keskustelut koettiin merkittävimmiksi osa-alueiksi minäpystyvyyden vahvistamiseksi. Lisäksi tutkimus osoittaa, että erityisopettajaopiskelijat ovat tyytyväisempiä opintoihinsa inklusiivisesta koulutuksesta. Tutkimus painottaa, että inklusiivinen koulutus tulisi huomioida paremmin opettajakoulutuksessa

    Meri, Otto. Lain ja hyvÀn tavan vastaiset sopimukset - Sopimusoikeudellinen tutkimus kiellonvastaisista oikeustoimista ja niiden oikeusvaikutuksista

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    Virallisen vastavÀittÀjÀn, professori Kari Hopun Helsingin yliopiston oikeustieteelliselle tiedekunnalle antama 26.1.2023 pÀivÀtty lausunto vÀhÀisin muutoksin
