16 research outputs found

    Unravelling the removal mechanisms of bacterial and viral surrogates in aerobic granular sludge systems

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    The aerobic granular sludge (AGS) process is an effective wastewater treatment technology for organic matter and nutrient removal that has been introduced in the market rapidly. Until now, limited information is available on AGS regarding the removal of bacterial and viral pathogenic organisms present in sewage. This study focussed on determining the relation between reactor operational conditions (plug flow feeding, turbulent aeration and settling) and physical and biological mechanisms on removing two faecal surrogates, Escherichia coli and MS2 bacteriophages. Two AGS laboratory-scale systems were separately fed with influent spiked with 1.0 × 106 CFU/100 mL of E. coli and 1.3 × 108 PFU/100 mL of MS2 bacteriophages and followed during the different operational phases. The reactors contained only granular sludge and no flocculent sludge. Both systems showed reductions in the liquid phase of 0.3 Log10 during anaerobic feeding caused by a dilution factor and attachment of the organisms on the granules. Higher removal efficiencies were achieved during aeration, approximately 1 Log10 for E. coli and 0.6 Log10 for the MS2 bacteriophages caused mainly by predation. The 18S sequencing analysis revealed high operational taxonomic units (OTUs) of free-living protozoa genera Rhogostoma and Telotrochidium concerning the whole eukaryotic community. Attached ciliates propagated after the addition of the E. coli, an active contribution of the genera Epistylis, Vorticella, and Pseudovorticella was found when the reactor reached stability. In contrast, no significant growth of predators occurred when spiking the system with MS2 bacteriophages, indicating a low contribution of protozoa on the phage removal. Settling did not contribute to the removal of the studied bacterial and viral surrogates.M.L. Barrios-Hernández acknowledges the Technological Institute of Costa Rica for providing the fellowship (Grant Number 007-2014-M) to pursue her PhD programme (2016-2020) at IHE-Delft, the Netherlands. K. Mora-Cabrera acknowledges the Generalitat Valenciana (GRISOLIAP/2017/173) and the European Social Funds (BEFPI/2019/065) for their financial support

    Sludge reduction via biodegradation of the endogenous residue (XE): experimental verification and modeling

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    The feasibility of sludge reduction via the XE biodegradation process was explored both experimentally and through modeling, where the main focus was on determining the value of the bE parameter (first order degradation of XE) from a continuous process. Two activated sludge systems (30 L) were operated in parallel with synthetic wastewater during 16 months: a conventional activated system (CAS) and a modified low-sludge production activated sludge (LSP-AS) process equipped with a side-stream digester unit (DU). First, the long term data of the CAS reactor (1 year) was used to calibrate the ASM model and to estimate the heterotrophic decay constant of the cultivated sludge (bH=0.29 d-1, death-regeneration basis). Second, pre-simulations were performed to design the LSP-AS system and to estimate the DU volume required (40 L), to avoid XE accumulation in the process. Third, the LSP-AS process was built, put in operation and monitored for more than 9 months. This allowed to assess the actual behavior of the quasi-complete solids retention system. Once calibrated, the modified AS model estimated the value of the bE parameter to be in the range of 0.003-0.006 d-1, satisfactorily describing the overall sludge yield reduction of up to 49% observed in the experiments.CONACY

    Prevalence of ‘Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis’ type II under phosphate limiting conditions

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    P-limitation in enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) systems fed with acetate, has generally been considered as a condition leading to enrichment of organisms of the genotype’ Candidatus Competibacter phosphatis’ expressing the glycogen-accumulating organisms (GAO) phenotype. Recent studies have demonstrated in short-term experiments that organisms of the genotype ‘Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis’ clade I and II, known to express the polyphosphate-accumulating organisms (PAO) phenotype can switch to the GAO phenotype when poly-P is absent, but are performing the HAc-uptake at lower kinetic rates, where clade I showed the lowest rates. The objective of this study was to verify whether organisms of the genotype ‘Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis’ can also be enriched under P-limiting conditions while expressing a GAO phenotype and more specifically to see which specific clade prevails. A sequencing batch reactor was inoculated with activated sludge to enrich an EBPR culture for a cultivation period of 128 days (16 times the solids retention time) under P-limiting conditions. A mixed culture was obtained comprising of 49 % ‘Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis’ clade II and 46 % ‘Candidatus Competibacter phosphatis’. The culture performed a full GAO metabolism for anaerobic HAc-uptake, but was still able to switch to a PAO metabolism, taking up excessive amounts of phosphate during the aerobic phase when it became available in the influent. These findings show that P-limitation, often used as strategy for enrichment of ‘Candidatus Competibacter phosphatis’, does not always lead to enrichment of only ‘Candidatus Competibacter phosphatis’. Furthermore, it demonstrates that ‘Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis’ are able to proliferate in activated sludge systems for periods of up to 128 days or longer when the influent phosphate concentrations are just enough for assimilation purposes and no poly-P is formed. The ‘Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis’ retain the ability to switch to the PAO phenotype, taking up phosphate from the influent as soon as it becomes available.BT/Environmental Biotechnolog

    Sludge reduction by ozone: insights and modeling of the dose-response effects.

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    Applying ozone to the return flow in an activated sludge (AS) process is a way for reducing the residual solids production. To be able to extend the activated sludge models to the ozone-AS process, adequate prediction of the tri-atoms effects on the particulate COD fractions is needed. In this study, the biomass inactivation, COD mineralization, and solids dissolution were quantified in batch tests and dose-response models were developed as a function of the reacted ozone doses (ROD). Three kinds of model-sludge were used. S1 was a lab-cultivated synthetic sludge with two components (heterotrophs XH and XP). S2 was a digestate of S1 almost made by the endogenous residues, XP. S3 was from a municipal activated sludge plant. The specific ozone uptake rate (SO3UR, mgO3/gCOD.h) was determined as a tool for characterizing the reactivity of the sludges. SO3UR increased with the XH fraction and decreased with more XP. Biomass inactivation was exponential (e b.ROD) as a function of the ROD doses. The percentage of solids reduction was predictable through a linear model (CMiner ĂŸ Ysol ROD), with a fixed part due to mineralization (CMiner) and a variable part from the solubilization process. The parameters of the models,i.e. the inactivation and the dissolution yields (b, 0.008e0.029 (mgO3/mgCODini) 1 vs Ysol, 0.5e2.8 mg CODsol/mgO3) varied in magnitude.CONACY

    Metabolic Response of “Candidatus Accumulibacter Phosphatis” Clade II C to Changes in Influent P/C Ratio

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the ability of a culture highly enriched with the polyphosphate-accumulating organism, “Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis” clade IIC, to adjust their metabolism to different phosphate availabilities. For this purpose the biomass was cultivated in a sequencing batch reactor with acetate and exposed to different phosphate/carbon influent ratios during six experimental phases. Activity tests were conducted to determine the anaerobic kinetic and stoichiometric parameters as well as the composition of the microbial community. Increasing influent phosphate concentrations led to increased poly-phosphate content and decreased glycogen content of the biomass. In response to higher biomass poly-phosphate content, the biomass showed higher specific phosphate release rates. Together with the phosphate release rates, acetate uptake rates also increased up to an optimal poly-phosphate/glycogen ratio of 0.3 P-mol/C-mol. At higher poly-phosphate/glycogen ratios (obtained at influent P/C ratios above 0.051 P-mol/C-mol), the acetate uptake rates started to decrease. The stoichiometry of the anaerobic conversions clearly demonstrated a metabolic shift from a glycogen dominated to a poly-phosphate dominated metabolism as the biomass poly-phosphate content increased. FISH and DGGE analyses confirmed that no significant changes occurred in the microbial community, suggesting that the changes in the biomass activity were due to different metabolic behavior, allowing the organisms to proliferate under conditions with fluctuating phosphate levels.BT/Environmental Biotechnolog

    Effect of the co-treatment of synthetic faecal sludge and wastewater in an aerobic granular sludge system

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    The co-treatment of two synthetic faecal sludges (FS-1 and FS-2) with municipal synthetic wastewater (WW) was evaluated in an aerobic granular sludge (AGS) reactor. After characterisation, FS-1 showed the following concentrations, representative for medium-strength FS: 12,180 mg TSS L−1, 24,300 mg total COD L−1, 93.8 mg PO3-P L−1, and 325 mg NH4-N L−1. The NO3-N concentration was relatively high (300 mg L−1). For FS-2, the main difference with FS-1 was a lower nitrate concentration (18 mg L−1). The recipes were added consecutively, together with the WW, to an AGS reactor. In the case of FS-1, the system was fed with 7.2 kg total COD m−3d−1 and 0.5 kg Nitrogen m−3d−1. Undesired denitrification occurred during feeding and settling resulting in floating sludge and wash-out. In the case of FS-2, the system was fed with 8.0 kg total COD m−3d−1 and 0.3 kg Nitrogen m−3d−1. The lower NO3-N concentration in FS-2 resulted in less floating sludge, a more stabilised granular bed and better effluent concentrations. To enhance the hydrolysis of the slowly biodegradable particulates from the synthetic FS, an anaerobic stand-by period was added and the aeration period was increased. Overall, when compared to a control AGS reactor, a lower COD consumption (from 87 to 35 mg g−1 VSS h−1), P-uptake rates (from 6.0 to 2.0 mg P g VSS−1 h−1) and NH4-N removal (from 2.5 to 1.4 mg NH4-N g VSS−1 h−1) were registered after introducing the synthetic FS. Approximately 40% of the granular bed became flocculent at the end of the study, and a reduction of the granular size accompanied by higher solids accumulation in the reactor was observed. A considerable protozoa Vorticella spp. bloom attached to the granules and the accumulated particles occurred; potentially contributing to the removal of the suspended solids which were part of the FS recipe.BT/Environmental Biotechnolog

    Removal of bacterial and viral indicator organisms in full-scale aerobic granular sludge and conventional activated sludge systems

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the novel aerobic granular sludge (AGS) wastewater treatment technology in removing faecal indicator organisms (FIOs) compared to the conventional activated sludge (CAS) treatment system. The work was carried out at two full-scale wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) in the Netherlands, Vroomshoop and Garmerwolde. Both treatment plants have a CAS and AGS system operated in parallel. The parallel treatment lines are provided with the same influent wastewater. The concentrations of the measured FIOs in the influent of the two WWTPs were comparable with reported literature values as follows: F-specific RNA bacteriophages at 106 PFU/100 mL, and Escherichia coli (E. coli), Enterococci, and Thermotolerant coliforms (TtC) at 105 to 106 CFU/100 mL. Although both systems (CAS and AGS) are different in terms of design, operation, and microbial community, both systems showed similar FIOs removal efficiency. At the Vroomshoop WWTP, Log10 removals for F-specific RNA bacteriophages of 1.4 ± 0.5 and 1.3 ± 0.6 were obtained for the AGS and CAS systems, while at the Garmerwolde WWTP, Log10 removals for F-specific RNA bacteriophages of 1.9 ± 0.7 and 2.1 ± 0.7 were found for the AGS and CAS systems. Correspondingly, E. coli, Enterococci, and TtC Log10 removals of 1.7 ± 0.7 and 1.1 ± 0.7 were achieved for the AGS and CAS systems at Vroomshoop WWTP. For Garmerwolde WWTP Log10 removals of 2.3 ± 0.8 and 1.9 ± 0.7 for the AGS and CAS systems were found, respectively. The measured difference in removal rates between the plants was not significant. Physicochemical water quality parameters, such as the concentrations of organic matter, nutrients, and total suspended solids (TSS) were also determined. Overall, it was not possible to establish a direct correlation between the physicochemical parameters and the removal of FIOs for any of the treatment systems (CAS and AGS). Only the removal of TSS could be positively correlated to the E. coli removal for the AGS technology at the evaluated WWTPs.BT/Environmental Biotechnolog

    Lactic Acid Fermentation, Urea and Lime Addition: Promising Faecal Sludge Sanitizing Methods for Emergency Sanitation

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    In this research, three faecal sludge sanitizing methods—lactic acid fermentation, urea treatment and lime treatment—were studied for application in emergency situations. These methods were investigated by undertaking small scale field trials with pit latrine sludge in Blantyre, Malawi. Hydrated lime was able to reduce the E. coli count in the sludge to below the detectable limit within 1 h applying a pH > 11 (using a dosage from 7% to 17% w/w, depending faecal sludge alkalinity), urea treatment required about 4 days using 2.5% wet weight urea addition, and lactic acid fermentation needed approximately 1 week after being dosed with 10% wet weight molasses (2 g (glucose/fructose)/kg) and 10% wet weight pre-culture (99.8% pasteurised whole milk and 0.02% fermented milk drink containing Lactobacillus casei Shirota). Based on Malawian prices, the cost of sanitizing 1 m3 of faecal sludge was estimated to be \u8032 for lactic acid fermentation, \u8020 for urea treatment and \u8012 for hydrated lime treatment.Water ManagementCivil Engineering and Geoscience