181 research outputs found

    Decoding RAS isoform and codon-specific signalling

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    RAS proteins are key signalling hubs that are oncogenically mutated in 30% of all cancer cases. Three genes encode almost identical isoforms that are ubiquitously expressed, but are not functionally redundant. The network responses associated with each isoform and individual oncogenic mutations remain to be fully characterized. In the present article, we review recent data defining the differences between the RAS isoforms and their most commonly mutated codons and discuss the underlying mechanisms

    The Frequency of Ras Mutations in Cancer

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    Ras is frequently mutated in cancer, however, there is a lack of consensus in the literature regarding the cancer mutation frequency of Ras, with quoted values varying from 10%–30%. This variability is at least in part due to the selective aggregation of data from different databases and the dominant influence of particular cancer types and particular Ras isoforms within these datasets. To provide a more definitive figure for Ras mutation frequency in cancer, we cross-referenced the data in all major publicly accessible cancer mutation databases to determine reliable mutation frequency values for each Ras isoform in all major cancer types. These percentages were then applied to current U.S. cancer incidence statistics to estimate the number of new patients each year that have Ras-mutant cancers. We find that approximately 19% of patients with cancer harbor Ras mutations, equivalent to approximately 3.4 million new cases per year worldwide. We discuss the Ras isoform and mutation-specific trends evident within the datasets that are relevant to current Ras-targeted therapies

    The mesh is a network of microtubule connectors that stabilizes individual kinetochore fibers of the mitotic spindle

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    Kinetochore fibers (K-fibers) of the mitotic spindle are force-generating units that power chromosome movement during mitosis. K-fibers are composed of many microtubules that are held together throughout their length. Here we show, using 3D electron microscopy, that K-fiber microtubules are connected by a network of microtubule connectors. We term this network 'the mesh'. The K-fiber mesh is made of linked multipolar connectors. Each connector has up to four struts, so that a single connector can link up to four microtubules. Molecular manipulation of the mesh by overexpression of TACC3 causes disorganization of the K-fiber microtubules. Optimal stabilization of K-fibers by the mesh is required for normal progression through mitosis. We propose that the mesh stabilizes K-fibers by pulling MTs together and thereby maintaining the integrity of the fiber. Our work thus identifies the K-fiber meshwork of linked multipolar connectors as a key integrator and determinant of K-fiber structure and function

    The Origin of Faint Tidal Features Around Galaxies in the RESOLVE Survey

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    We study tidal features (TFs) around galaxies in the REsolved Spectroscopy of a Local VolumE (RESOLVE) survey. Our sample consists of 1048 RESOLVE galaxies that overlap with the DECam Legacy Survey, which reaches an r-band 3σ depth of ∼27.9 mag arcsec−2 for a 100 arcsec2 feature. Images were masked, smoothed, and inspected for TFs like streams, shells, or tails/arms. We find TFs in 17±2% of our galaxies, setting a lower limit on the true frequency. The frequency of TFs in the gas-poor (gas-to-stellar mass ratio < 0.1) subsample is lower than in the gas-rich subsample (13±3% vs. 19±2%). Within the gas-poor subsample, galaxies with TFs have higher stellar and halo masses, ∼3× closer distances to nearest neighbors (in the same group), and possibly fewer group members at fixed halo mass than galaxies without TFs, but similar specific star formation rates. These results suggest TFs in gas-poor galaxies are typically streams/shells from dry mergers or satellite disruption. In contrast, the presence of TFs around gas-rich galaxies does not correlate with stellar or halo mass, suggesting these TFs are often tails/arms from resonant interactions. Similar to TFs in gas-poor galaxies, TFs in gas-rich galaxies imply 1.7x closer nearest neighbors in the same group; however, TFs in gas-rich galaxies are associated with diskier morphologies, higher star formation rates, and higher gas content. In addition to interactions with known neighbors, we suggest that TFs in gas-rich galaxies may arise from accretion of cosmic gas and/or gas-rich satellites below the survey limit

    Atlas of Transcription Factor Binding Sites from ENCODE DNase Hypersensitivity Data across 27 Tissue Types.

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    Characterizing the tissue-specific binding sites of transcription factors (TFs) is essential to reconstruct gene regulatory networks and predict functions for non-coding genetic variation. DNase-seq footprinting enables the prediction of genome-wide binding sites for hundreds of TFs simultaneously. Despite the public availability of high-quality DNase-seq data from hundreds of samples, a comprehensive, up-to-date resource for the locations of genomic footprints is lacking. Here, we develop a scalable footprinting workflow using two state-of-the-art algorithms: Wellington and HINT. We apply our workflow to detect footprints in 192 ENCODE DNase-seq experiments and predict the genomic occupancy of 1,515 human TFs in 27 human tissues. We validate that these footprints overlap true-positive TF binding sites from ChIP-seq. We demonstrate that the locations, depth, and tissue specificity of footprints predict effects of genetic variants on gene expression and capture a substantial proportion of genetic risk for complex traits

    Assessing chemistry schemes and constraints in air quality models used to predict ozone in London against the detailed Master Chemical Mechanism

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    Air pollution is the environmental factor with the greatest impact on human health in Europe. Understanding the key processes driving air quality across the relevant spatial scales, especially during pollution exceedances and episodes, is essential to provide effective predictions for both policymakers and the public. It is particularly important for policy regulators to understand the drivers of local air quality that can be regulated by national policies versus the contribution from regional pollution transported from mainland Europe or elsewhere. One of the main objectives of the Coupled Urban and Regional processes: Effects on AIR quality (CUREAIR) project is to determine local and regional contributions to ozone events. A detailed zero-dimensional (0-D) box model run with the Master Chemical Mechanism (MCMv3.2) is used as the benchmark model against which the less explicit chemistry mechanisms of the Generic Reaction Set (GRS) and the Common Representative Intermediates (CRIv2-R5) schemes are evaluated. GRS and CRI are used by the Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling System (ADMS-Urban) and the regional chemistry transport model EMEP4UK, respectively. The MCM model uses a near-explicit chemical scheme for the oxidation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and is constrained to observations of VOCs, NOx, CO, HONO (nitrous acid), photolysis frequencies and meteorological parameters measured during the ClearfLo (Clean Air for London) campaign. The sensitivity of the less explicit chemistry schemes to different model inputs has been investigated: Constraining GRS to the total VOC observed during ClearfLo as opposed to VOC derived from ADMS-Urban dispersion calculations, including emissions and background concentrations, led to a significant increase (674% during winter) in modelled ozone. The inclusion of HONO chemistry in this mechanism, particularly during wintertime when other radical sources are limited, led to substantial increases in the ozone levels predicted (223%). When the GRS and CRIv2-R5 schemes are run with the equivalent model constraints to the MCM, they are able to reproduce the level of ozone predicted by the near-explicit MCM to within 40% and 20% respectively for the majority of the time. An exception to this trend was observed during pollution episodes experienced in the summer, when anticyclonic conditions favoured increased temperatures and elevated O3. The in situ O3 predicted by the MCM was heavily influenced by biogenic VOCs during these conditions and the low GRS [O3] : MCM [O3] ratio (and low CRIv2-R5 [O3] : MCM [O3] ratio) demonstrates that these less explicit schemes under-represent the full O3 creation potential of these VOCs. To fully assess the influence of the in situ O3 generated from local emissions versus O3 generated upwind of London and advected in, the time since emission (and, hence, how far the real atmosphere is from steady state) must be determined. From estimates of the mean transport time determined from the NOx : NOy ratio observed at North Kensington during the summer and comparison of the O3 predicted by the MCM model after this time, ∼60% of the median observed [O3] could be generated from local emissions. During the warmer conditions experienced during the easterly flows, however, the observed [O3] may be even more heavily influenced by London's emissions

    New mechanism for Notch signaling to endothelium at a distance by Delta-like 4 incorporation into exosomes.

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    Notch signaling is an evolutionary conserved pathway that is mediated by cell-cell contact. It is involved in a variety of developmental processes and has an essential role in vascular development and angiogenesis. Delta-like 4 (Dll4) is a Notch ligand that is up-regulated during angiogenesis. It is expressed in endothelial cells and regulates the differentiation between tip cells and stalk cells of neovasculature. Here, we present evidence that Dll4 is incorporated into endothelial exosomes. It can also be incorporated into the exosomes of tumor cells that overexpress Dll4. These exosomes can transfer the Dll4 protein to other endothelial cells and incorporate it into their cell membrane, which results in an inhibition of Notch signaling and a loss of Notch receptor. Transfer of Dll4 was also shown in vivo from tumor cells to host endothelium. Addition of Dll4 exosomes confers a tip cell phenotype on the endothelial cell, which results in a high Dll4/Notch-receptor ratio, low Notch signaling, and filopodia formation. This was further evidenced by increased branching in a tube-formation assay and in vivo. This reversal in phenotype appears to enhance vessel formation and is a new form of signaling for Notch ligands that expands their signaling potential beyond cell-cell contact
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