52 research outputs found

    In vitro mycorrhization of micropropagated Helianthemum almeriense plantlets with Terfezia claveryi (desert truffle)

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    The mycorrhizal synthesis of Terfezia claveryi with micropropagated plantlets of Helianthemum almeriense was carried out in vitro on modified Modified Melin- Norkrans (MMN) agar medium with pH 8.0. The mycorrhization rate was about 80% after 12 weeks. T. claveryi formed ectendomycorrhizas without hyphal mantle. The effect of the fungus on in vitro rooting was also studied. T. claveryi did not enhance in vitro rooting of microcuttings of H. almeriense. In vitro survival of the plantlets was the limiting step and mycorrhizal inoculation appeared to improve the survival rate of rooted plantlets. The effect of the mineral composition and pH of the medium on survival are discussed

    Análisis de los componentes del tiempo de reacción

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    En el presente trabajo se hacen una serie de consideraciones sobre la utilización de la técnica de los tiempos de reacción en diferentes campos de investigación, ejemplijicándose con experimentos en el campo de la percepción auditiva, en el estudio de los anteperiodos y en el establecimiento de la relación entre diferencias individuales, inteligencia y personalidad, y tiempos de reacción. A lo largo del trabajo se realizan varios comentarios sobre la necesidad de utilizar la información complementaria que puede obtenerse de una situación prototípica de registro de los tiempos de reacción como, por ejemplo, anticipaciones, lapsus, errores o medidas parciales. Se proponen también una serie de consejos prácticos a tener en cuenta para optimizar las medidas de los tiempos de reacción

    Perspectiva de los estudiantes respecto a la adaptación de “Diseños experimentales y aplicados” al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior

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    En aquest article es descriu l'adaptació de l'assignatura “Dissenys experimentals i aplicats” de la Facultat de Psicologia de la Universitat de Barcelona (UB) segons les directrius de la UB marcades per adaptar-se a l'Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior (EEES). L'objectiu de la recerca és conèixer l'opinió dels estudiants respecte a la innovació docent mitjançant la introducció del campus virtual. Per a això, es va administrar a 180 estudiants, una adaptació del qüestionari EMID (Avaluació del Model d'Innovació Docent) que valorava diversos aspectes, com: les activitats autònomes, el sistema d'avaluació continuada i el campus virtual amb Moodle. Els resultats de l'estudi mostren que els estudiants valoren positivament aquests aspectes, especialment el sistema metodològic d'ensenyament-aprenentatge-avaluació, mitjançant el campus virtual, així com els materials teòric-pràctics de l'assignatura dissenyats pels estudiants.This article describes the adaptation of the subject “Experimental and applied designs” of the Faculty of Psychology of the Universitat of Barcelona (UB) according to UB marked guidelines by the adaptation to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The aim of this research is to know the students’ opinions with regard to the teaching innovation by means of the introduction of the virtual campus. Therefore, it was administered to 180 undergraduate students, an adaptation of the questionnaire EMID (Evaluation of the Model of Teaching Innovation) that valued diverse appearances, like: the autonomous activities, the system of evaluation continued and the virtual campus with Moodle. The results of the study show that the students’ value positively the innovation, especially the methodological system of teaching-learning-assessment through the virtual campus, as well as the theoretical and practical materials designed for the students of this subject. //Key words: teaching Innovation; virtual campus; blended learning; European Higher Education Area.En este artículo se describe la adaptación de la asignatura “Diseños experimentales y aplicados” de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universitat de Barcelona (UB) según las directrices de esta Universidad para adaptarse al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES). Se realizó una investigación con el objetivo de conocer la opinión de los estudiantes respecto a la innovación docente desarrollada a través de la introducción del campus virtual. Para ello, se administró a 180 estudiantes una adaptación del cuestionario EMID (Evaluación del Modelo de Innovación Docente) que valoraba diversos aspectos: las actividades autónomas, el sistema de evaluación continuada y el campus virtual con Moodle. Los resultados del estudio muestran que los estudiantes valoran positivamente dichos aspectos, especialmente el sistema metodológico de enseñanza-aprendizaje-evaluación mediante el campus virtual, así como los materiales teórico-prácticos diseñados para que puedan adquirir las competencias metodológicas de esta asignatura

    Adaptation of a methodological course to Psychology to the European Higher Education Area: Undergraduates’ perception about the teaching innovation

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    En este artículo se describe el modelo de innovación docente de Diseños Experimentales y Aplicados (DEIA), una asignatura metodológica de Psicología adaptada al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES). El objetivo del es-tudio consiste en aprobar una adaptación del cuestionario Evaluación del Mode-lo de Innovación Docente (EMID) a la presente propuesta Europea (EMIDE) para conocer la valoración del alumnado en relación con nuestro modelo, así como estimar la adecuación de carga de trabajo prescrita. El hecho de que 270 estudiantes de DEIA completaran el EMIDE demuestra una adecuada validez factorial y un alto grado de fiabilidad. Según este estudio, los estudiantes perciben positivamente la innovación docente europea, y, en relación con la percepción de comprensión, señalan elementos relevantes a la hora de asimilar los contenidos necesarios para superar la materia, así como algunos elementos relacionados con el Campus Virtual y la semipresencialidad. La satisfacción del alumnado en relación con la propuesta parece estar más asociada a la estrategia semipresencial y al Campus Virtual, considerados como elementos innovadores en la enseñanza de la materia. Por último, se ha percibido un nivel de dedicación del estudiante menor del que se esperaba, concretamente en cuanto a las clases presenciales y al tiempo dedicado al estudio autónomo. Del estudio se concluye que es necesa-ria más investigación empírica para conocer los hallazgos relacionados con las adaptaciones que se están realizando de las asignaturas universitarias al EEES.We describe the teaching innovation model used in experimental and Applied Research Designs, a methodological course adapted to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and offered as part of the psychology degree. The aim is to validate a version of the Evaluation of the Teaching Innovation Model questionnaire adapted to the present European guidelines, in order to assess the students’ opinions of the model and to evaluate the workload. Two hundred and seventy undergraduate students on this course completed the adapted questionnaire, which showed a suitable factorial validity and reliability. The students expressed a positive perception of European teaching innovation. In relation to the perception of their understanding of the subject, the main factors affecting their satisfaction with the model seem to be the blended learning strategy and the virtual campus, which are considered as innovative improvements. Finally, the students’ perception of the time devoted to study was lower than expected, specifically with regard to face-to-face classes and autonomous study. We conclude that more empirical research is needed to as-sess the results of the adaptations to the EHEA currently being introduced in university course

    Stigmatization is common in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and correlates with quality of life

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    Background and aims: Stigmatization is a well-documented problem of some diseases. Perceived stigma is common in alcohol-related liver disease and hepatitis C, but little information exists on stigma in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Aim of the study was to investigate frequency and characteristics of perceived stigma among patients with NAFLD. Methods: One-hundred and ninety-seven patients seen at the liver clinic were included: a study group of 144 patients with NAFLD, 50 with cirrhosis (34 compensated, 16 decompensated), and a control group of 53 patients with alcohol-related cirrhosis. Demographic, clinical, and laboratory data were collected. Quality-of-life was assessed by chronic liver disease questionnaire (CLDQ). Perceived stigma was assessed using a specific questionnaire for patients with liver diseases categorized in 4 domains: stereotypes, discrimination, shame, and social isolation. Results: Perceived stigma was common in patients with NAFLD (99 patients, 69%) and affected all 4 domains assessed. The frequency was slightly higher, yet not significant, in patients with NAFLD cirrhosis vs those without (72% vs 67%, respectively; p = 0.576). In patients without cirrhosis perceived stigma was unrelated to stage of disease, since frequency was similar in patients with no or mild fibrosis compared to those with moderate/severe fibrosis (66% vs 68%, respectively). There were no differences in perceived stigma between patients with compensated cirrhosis and these with decompensated cirrhosis. Among patients with cirrhosis, stigmatization was more common in alcohol-related vs NAFLD-cirrhosis, yet differences were only significant in two domains. In patients with NAFLD, perceived stigma correlated with poor quality-of-life, but not with demographic or clinical variables. Conclusions: Perceived stigmatization is common among patients with NAFLD independently of disease stage, is associated with impaired quality-of-life, and may be responsible for stereotypes, discrimination, shame, and social isolation, which may affect human and social rights of affected patients

    Preparation of Australian and Spanish nursing students for intimate partner violence

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    Objective: Throughout the world intimate partner violence (IPV) is a significant issue and it is important that nurses contribute to policy development, as well as to the nursing care of families. Nurses are uniquely positioned to identify, and support women experiencing IPV. For them to contribute to policy development, they need firstly to develop a better understanding of the issue and to their role in addressing it. This study explored and compared perceptions, attitudes and knowledge of IPV of nursing students in Australia and Spain. Methods: Students from all levels of the nursing programs in both countries participated in focus groups and a follow up survey exploring their understanding of, and attitudes towards IPV. The data from the focus groups was analysed thematically and the quantitative data from the survey statistically. Results: Spanish nursing students had significantly more positive/comprehensive views about the role nurses have in managing IPV, had a stronger view about the nurses’ role and that they were more prepared. Although the Australian and Spanish participants were not identical, for example, the Australian sample was predominantly female and over the age of 35, these factors do not explain why the difference. The study was only undertaken in one Australian University and one Spanish university so results cannot be generalised to either country. Conclusions: The findings suggest that there may be much more that could be done to prepare nurses to deal with issues of IPV and to take a lead role in recommending policy changes worldwide

    Hyperoxemia and excess oxygen use in early acute respiratory distress syndrome : Insights from the LUNG SAFE study

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2020 The Author(s). Copyright: Copyright 2020 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.Background: Concerns exist regarding the prevalence and impact of unnecessary oxygen use in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). We examined this issue in patients with ARDS enrolled in the Large observational study to UNderstand the Global impact of Severe Acute respiratory FailurE (LUNG SAFE) study. Methods: In this secondary analysis of the LUNG SAFE study, we wished to determine the prevalence and the outcomes associated with hyperoxemia on day 1, sustained hyperoxemia, and excessive oxygen use in patients with early ARDS. Patients who fulfilled criteria of ARDS on day 1 and day 2 of acute hypoxemic respiratory failure were categorized based on the presence of hyperoxemia (PaO2 > 100 mmHg) on day 1, sustained (i.e., present on day 1 and day 2) hyperoxemia, or excessive oxygen use (FIO2 ≥ 0.60 during hyperoxemia). Results: Of 2005 patients that met the inclusion criteria, 131 (6.5%) were hypoxemic (PaO2 < 55 mmHg), 607 (30%) had hyperoxemia on day 1, and 250 (12%) had sustained hyperoxemia. Excess FIO2 use occurred in 400 (66%) out of 607 patients with hyperoxemia. Excess FIO2 use decreased from day 1 to day 2 of ARDS, with most hyperoxemic patients on day 2 receiving relatively low FIO2. Multivariate analyses found no independent relationship between day 1 hyperoxemia, sustained hyperoxemia, or excess FIO2 use and adverse clinical outcomes. Mortality was 42% in patients with excess FIO2 use, compared to 39% in a propensity-matched sample of normoxemic (PaO2 55-100 mmHg) patients (P = 0.47). Conclusions: Hyperoxemia and excess oxygen use are both prevalent in early ARDS but are most often non-sustained. No relationship was found between hyperoxemia or excessive oxygen use and patient outcome in this cohort. Trial registration: LUNG-SAFE is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT02010073publishersversionPeer reviewe

    In vitro mycorrhization of micropropagated Helianthemum almeriense plantlets with Terfezia claveryi (desert truffle)

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    Terfezia claveryi-sienen ja mikrolisättyjen Helianthemum almeriense-mikrotaimien välistä mykorritsasymbioosia tutkittiin in vitro- olosuhteissa muunnetulla Melin-Norkrans (MMN) agaralustalla, jonka pH oli 8,0, Kahdentoista viikon jälkeen taimien mykorritsaprosentti oli 80. T claveryi muodosti isäntäkasvin kanssa tupettoman ektendomykorritsan. Sienen vaikutusta tutkittiin myös in vitro -juurrutuksessa. T calveryi ei parantanut H. almeriense mikropistokkaiden in vitro juurtumista. Mikropistokkaiden eloonjääminen in vitro -olosuhteissa muodostui rajoittavaksi tekijäksi. Mykorritsasiirrostus näytti parantavan juurtuneiden mikrotaimien eloonjäämisprosenttia. Tutkimuksessa pohdittiin myös agaralustan ravinnekoostumuksen ja ph-luvun vaikutusta eloonjäämiseen.The mycorrhizal synthesis of Terfezia claveryi with micropropagated plantlets of Helianthemum almeriense was carried out in vitro on modified Modified MelinNorkrans (MMN) agar medium with pH 8.0. The mycorrhization rate was about 80% after 12 weeks. T claveryi formed ectendomycorrhizas without hyphal mantle. The effect of the fungus on in vitro rooting was also studied. T claveryi did not enhance in vitro rooting of microcuttings of H. almeriense. In vitro survival of the plantlets was the limiting step and mycorrhizal inoculation appeared to improve the survival rate of rooted plantlets. The effect of the mineral composition and pH of the medium on survival are discussed.vokTerfezia claveryi -sienen in vitro siirrostus mikrolisättyihin Helianthemum almeriense -taimii

    Perceptions of diabetes obtained through drawing in childhood and adolescence

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    Objective: To examine whether drawing is useful in the detection of problems of psychosocial adaptation in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and in improving communication with health professionals. Methods: We performed an exploratory descriptive study in 199 children and adolescents with T1D aged 4-13 years. The participants were asked to render a drawing on a suggested topic. The variables analyzed were related to the drawing and to clinical and sociodemographic data. Results: Most participants showed evidence of having a well-balanced personality, but there were also signs of affective or psychosocial difficulties. Conclusion: Drawing is a useful technique by which to identify children"s and adolescents" feelings and possible problems in adapting to T1D, as well as to gain information directly from the children themselves. Future studies should delimit the possibilities of this technique in clinical practice in greater detail