58 research outputs found

    Magnetosome Gene Duplication as an Important Driver in the Evolution of Magnetotaxis in the Alphaproteobacteria

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    The evolution of microbial magnetoreception (or magnetotaxis) is of great interest in the fields of microbiology, evolutionary biology, biophysics, geomicrobiology, and geochemistry. Current genomic data from magnetotactic bacteria (MTB), the only prokaryotes known to be capable of sensing the Earth’s geomagnetic field, suggests an ancient origin of magnetotaxis in the domain Bacteria. Vertical inheritance, followed by multiple independent magnetosome gene cluster loss, is considered to be one of the major forces that drove the evolution of magnetotaxis at or above the class or phylum level, although the evolutionary trajectories at lower taxonomic ranks (e.g., within the class level) remain largely unstudied. Here we report the isolation, cultivation, and sequencing of a novel magnetotactic spirillum belonging to the genus Terasakiella (Terasakiella sp. strain SH-1) within the class Alphaproteobacteria. The complete genome sequence of Terasakiella sp. strain SH-1 revealed an unexpected duplication event of magnetosome genes within the mamAB operon, a group of genes essential for magnetosome biomineralization and magnetotaxis. Intriguingly, further comparative genomic analysis suggests that the duplication of mamAB genes is a common feature in the genomes of alphaproteobacterial MTB. Taken together, with the additional finding that gene duplication appears to have also occurred in some magnetotactic members of the Deltaproteobacteria, our results indicate that gene duplication plays an important role in the evolution of magnetotaxis in the Alphaproteobacteria and perhaps the domain Bacteria

    Formation of Arbitrary Patterns in Ultraviolet Cured Polymer Film via Electrohydrodynamic Patterning

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    Electrohydrodynamic patterning of arbitrary patterns is achieved by optimizing the critical parameters (applied voltage and spacer height). The applied voltage has a great influence on the fidelity of L-shaped line structures with different sizes. The L-shaped line structures with high fidelity are obtained by using the moderate applied voltage. The spacer height has a great influence on the fidelity of square structures with different sizes. The square structures with high fidelity are obtained by using the low height spacer. The multi-field coupling transient finite element simulation demonstrates that the lack of polymer owing to the high height spacer leads to the formation of defects

    Classification of a Complexly Mixed Magnetic Mineral Assemblage in Pacific Ocean Surface Sediment by Electron Microscopy and Supervised Magnetic Unmixing

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    Unambiguous magnetic mineral identification in sediments is a prerequisite for reconstructing paleomagnetic and paleoenvironmental information from environmental magnetic parameters. We studied a deep-sea surface sediment sample from the Clarion Fracture Zone region, central Pacific Ocean, by combining magnetic measurements and scanning and transmission electron microscopic analyses. Eight titanomagnetite and magnetite particle types are recognized based on comprehensive documentation of crystal morphology, size, spatial arrangements, and compositions, which are indicative of their corresponding origins. Type-1 particles are detrital titanomagnetites with micron- and submicron sizes and irregular and angular shapes. Type-2 and -3 particles are well-defined octahedral titanomagnetites with submicron and nanometer sizes, respectively, which are likely related to local hydrothermal and volcanic activity. Type-4 particles are nanometer-sized titanomagnetites hosted within silicates, while type-5 particles are typical dendrite-like titanomagnetites that likely resulted from exsolution within host silicates. Type-6 particles are single domain magnetite magnetofossils related to local magnetotactic bacterial activity. Type-7 particles are superparamagnetic magnetite aggregates, while Type-8 particles are defect-rich single crystals composed of many small regions. Electron microscopy and supervised magnetic unmixing reveal that type-1 to -5 titanomagnetite and magnetite particles are the dominant magnetic minerals. In contrast, the magnetic contribution of magnetite magnetofossils appears to be small. Our work demonstrates that incorporating electron microscopic data removes much of the ambiguity associated with magnetic mineralogical interpretations in traditional rock magnetic measurements.This study was supported financially by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41920104009, 41890843, and 41621004), The Senior User Project of RVKEXUE2019GZ06 (Center for Ocean Mega-Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

    Occurrence and microscopic analyses of multicellular magnetotactic prokaryotes from coastal sediments in the Yellow Sea

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    Multicellular magnetotactic prokaryotes (MMPs) are a group of aggregates composed of 7-45 gram-negative cells synthesizing intracellular magnetic crystals. Although they are thought to be globally distributed, MMPs have been observed only in marine environments in America and Europe. Most MMPs share a rosette-like morphology and biomineralize iron sulfide crystals. In the present study, abundant MMPs were observed, with a density of 26 ind./cm(3), in the sediments of a coastal lagoon, Lake Yuehu, in the Yellow Sea. Optical microscopy showed that all of them were rosette shaped with a diameter of 5.5+/-0.8 mu m. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that these MMPs were composed of 10-16 ovoid cells and flagellated peritrichously. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray analysis indicated that they biomineralized bullet-shaped magnetite crystals in highly organized parallel chains within which the magnetosomes were oriented in the same direction. This is the first report of MMPs from Asia and demonstrates the ubiquitous distribution of MMPs.Multicellular magnetotactic prokaryotes (MMPs) are a group of aggregates composed of 7-45 gram-negative cells synthesizing intracellular magnetic crystals. Although they are thought to be globally distributed, MMPs have been observed only in marine environments in America and Europe. Most MMPs share a rosette-like morphology and biomineralize iron sulfide crystals. In the present study, abundant MMPs were observed, with a density of 26 ind./cm(3), in the sediments of a coastal lagoon, Lake Yuehu, in the Yellow Sea. Optical microscopy showed that all of them were rosette shaped with a diameter of 5.5+/-0.8 mu m. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that these MMPs were composed of 10-16 ovoid cells and flagellated peritrichously. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray analysis indicated that they biomineralized bullet-shaped magnetite crystals in highly organized parallel chains within which the magnetosomes were oriented in the same direction. This is the first report of MMPs from Asia and demonstrates the ubiquitous distribution of MMPs

    Insight into the metabolic potential and ecological function of a novel Magnetotactic Nitrospirota in coral reef habitat

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    Magnetotactic bacteria (MTB) within the Nitrospirota phylum play important roles in biogeochemical cycles due to their outstanding ability to biomineralize large amounts of magnetite magnetosomes and intracellular sulfur globules. For several decades, Nitrospirota MTB were believed to only live in freshwater or low-salinity environments. While this group have recently been found in marine sediments, their physiological features and ecological roles have remained unclear. In this study, we combine electron microscopy with genomics to characterize a novel population of Nitrospirota MTB in a coral reef area of the South China Sea. Both phylogenetic and genomic analyses revealed it as representative of a novel genus, named as Candidatus Magnetocorallium paracelense XS-1. The cells of XS-1 are small and vibrioid-shaped, and have bundled chains of bullet-shaped magnetite magnetosomes, sulfur globules, and cytoplasmic vacuole-like structures. Genomic analysis revealed that XS-1 has the potential to respire sulfate and nitrate, and utilize the Wood–Ljungdahl pathway for carbon fixation. XS-1 has versatile metabolic traits that make it different from freshwater Nitrospirota MTB, including Pta-ackA pathway, anaerobic sulfite reduction, and thiosulfate disproportionation. XS-1 also encodes both the cbb3-type and the aa3-type cytochrome c oxidases, which may function as respiratory energy-transducing enzymes under high oxygen conditions and anaerobic or microaerophilic conditions, respectively. XS-1 has multiple copies of circadian related genes in response to variability in coral reef habitat. Our results implied that XS-1 has a remarkable plasticity to adapt the environment and can play a beneficial role in coral reef ecosystems

    Genomic analysis of a pure culture of magnetotactic bacterium Terasakiella sp. SH-1

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    International audienceMagnetotactic bacteria (MTB) display magnetotaxis ability because of biomineralization of intracellular nanometer-sized, membrane-bound organelles termed magnetosomes. Despite having been discovered more than half a century, only a few representatives of MTB have been isolated and cultured in the laboratory. In this study, we report the genomic characterization of a novel marine magnetotactic spirillum strain SH-1 belonging to the genus Terasakiella that was recently isolated. A gene encoding haloalkane dehalogenase, which is involved in the degradation of chlorocyclohexane, chlorobenzene, chloroalkane and chloroalkene, was identified. SH-1 genome contained cysCHI and soxBAZYX genes, thus potentially capable of assimilatory sulfate reduction to H2S and using thiosulfate as electron donors and oxidizing it to sulfate. Genome of SH-1 also contained genes encoding periplasmic dissimilatory nitrate reductases (napAB), assimilatory nitrate reductase (nasA) and assimilatory nitrite reductases (nasB), suggesting that it is capable of gaining energy by converting nitrate to ammonia. The pure culture of Terasakiella sp. SH-1 together with its genomic results offers new opportunities to examine biology, physiology and biomineralization mechanisms of MTB

    Gecko-Inspired Slant Hierarchical Microstructure-Based Ultrasensitive Iontronic Pressure Sensor for Intelligent Interaction

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    Highly sensitive flexible pressure sensors play an important role to ensure the safety and friendliness during the human-robot interaction process. Microengineering the active layer has been shown to improve performance of pressure sensors. However, the current structural strategy almost relying on axial compression deformation suffers structural stiffening, and together with the limited area growth efficiency of conformal interface, essentially limiting the maximum sensitivity. Here, inspired by the interface contact behavior of gecko’s feet, we design a slant hierarchical microstructure to act as an electrode contacting with an ionic gel layer, fundamentally eliminating the pressure resistance and maximizing functional interface expansion to achieving ultrasensitive sensitivity. Such a structuring strategy dramatically improves the relative capacitance change both in the low- and high-pressure region, thereby boosting the sensitivity up to 36000 kPa-1 and effective measurement range up to 300 kPa. To verify the advantages of high sensitivity, the sensor is integrated with a soft magnetic robot to demonstrate a biomimetic Venus flytrap. The ability to perceive weak stimuli allows the sensor to be used as a sensory and feedback window, realizing the capture of small live insects and the transportation of fragile objects

    Piezoelectric Drop-on-Demand Inkjet Printing with Ultra-High Droplet Velocity

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    Improving droplet velocity as much as possible is considered as the key to improving both printing speed and printing distance of the piezoelectric drop-on-demand inkjet printing technology. There are 3 tough and contradictory issues that need to be addressed simultaneously, namely, the actuation pressure of the piezoelectric printhead, satellite droplets, and the air resistance, which seems almost impossible to achieve with classical methods. Herein, a novel solution is introduced. By modulating the positive crosstalk effect inside and outside the printhead, self-tuning can be achieved, including self-reinforcing of the actuation pressure, self-restraining of satellite droplets, and self-weakening of the air resistance, thereby greatly improving droplet velocity. Based on these mechanisms, waveform design methods for different inks and printheads are investigated. The results demonstrate that monodisperse droplet jetting with a maximum velocity of 27.53 m/s can be achieved, reaching 3 to 5 times that of the classical method (5 to 8 m/s). Correspondingly, the printing speed and distance can be simultaneously increased by almost 10 times, demonstrating an ability of direct printing on irregular surface. Meanwhile, the compatibility of ink materials is expanded, as the Ohnesorge number and the viscosity of printable inks for the printhead used are increased from 0.36–0.72 to 0.03–1.18 and from 10–12 cp to 1–40.3 cp, respectively, even breaking the traditional limitations of the piezoelectric printing technology (Ohnesorge number of 0.1 to 1; viscosity of 1 to 25 cp). All the above provide a new perspective for improving droplet velocity and may even offer a game-changing choice for expanding the boundaries of the piezoelectric drop-on-demand inkjet printing technology
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