13 research outputs found

    Interaction of Brilliant Blue dye solution with soil and its effect on mobility of compounds around the zones of preferenial flows at spruce stand

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    We performed field experiment with 10 g l−1 concentration of Brilliant Blue solutes in 100 l of water sprinkling on 1 × 1 m surface of the Dystric Cambisol. Consequently, four vertical profiles were exposed at experimental plot after 2 hours (CUT 2), 24 hours (CUT 24), 27 hours (CUT 27) and after 504 hours (CUT 504) in order to analyse spatiotemporal interactions among the BB solution (Na-salts), soil exchangeable complex and fine earth soil (%) samples extracted from both the high and low coloured zones located around the optically visualised macropore preferred flow (PF) zones. The concentration changes were quantifying via soil profiles not affected by BB (termed as REF) located in the close vicinity of experimental plot. Observed changes in pH (H2O), chemical composition of fineearth soil, as well as in concentration of Na+ in soil exchangeable complex to suggest, the BB dye solution didn’t represent an inert tracer, but compounds strongly involved in reaction with surrounding soils. Recorded chemical trends seems to be the result both the competitive processes between the Na+ of BB dye solution and composition of surrounding soil exchangeable complex, as well and the spatial-temporal controlled mechanism of dye solution transfer in soil

    Can Soil Electrical Resistivity Measurements Aid the Identification of Forest Areas Prone to Windthrow Disturbance?

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    This study investigates how certain forest soil properties influence the propensity of beech forests to windthrow disturbances. The field measurements of soil electrical resistivity were carried out in an old-growth natural beech forest where the soil has developed from Cainozoic sedimentary rock with mudstone–claystone stratigraphy. In 2014, the forest was hit by a severe windstorm, and dispersed windthrow occurred at certain plots. Apparent electrical resistivity measurements were performed to investigate whether some soil properties could influence the forest trees’ predisposition to windthrow. The increases in the clay content and soil bulk density below 30 cm were associated with weathered claystone and mudstone, which created a physiological barrier for deeper root penetration. The result of the χ 2 test suggested that the windthrown spots were not distributed evenly over the entire study area. They were mainly concentrated over approximately 50% of the area, and their positions coincided with low resistivity values, indicating low soil skeleton content, high clay content and soil moisture. Therefore, electrical resistivity tomography could be considered a useful predictive tool for reducing the risk of natural disturbances by preventive forest management

    Effect of surface humus on water infiltration and redistribution in beech forest stands with different density

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    The aim of the paper is to demonstrate how the beech surface humus form and forest density affect the infiltration and redistribution of rainwater into the soil matrix. Beech as the most-abundant tree species in Slovakia has a tendency to form a compact humus layer with specific structure, leading to a reduction in the soil surface infiltration area and a significant influence on the preferential flow generation. The research was carried out in beech forests with different forest stand density in the Vtáčnik Mountain (Central Slovakia). The maximal infiltration surface area 35.11 ± 6.58% of sand surface infiltration area was reached at the plot A (0.8). The minimal infiltration surface area was reached at the plot B (0.8) and was 19.45 ± 2.52%. Statistical tests confirmed a significant effect of the forest stand density on the surface infiltration area (p = 0.05) and number of infiltration inputs (p = 0.05). The results show a statistically significant influence of surface humus form and stand density on infiltration and redistribution of rainwater into the soil matrix. The influence results in water flow changes from matrix flow to preferential flow and fingering. As a consequence deeper infiltration of water and solutions, e. g. dissolved organic carbon, to deeper soil layers is observed

    Changes of Soil Properties along the Altitudinal Gradients in Subarctic Mountain Landscapes of Putorana Plateau, Central Siberia

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    Changes of soil properties along elevational gradients were studied in a less accessible and explored forest-tundra ecotone in the NW part of Central Siberia. Data on soil physical and chemical properties were collected along three horizontal transects at an elevation of 100–420 m a.s.l., at two localities differing in the slope angle. At each transect, five soil pits were excavated to a depth of 0.3–0.4 m. Soil samples were taken from the depths of 0–0.1 m, 0.1–0.2 m, and 0.2–0.3 m. The results showed a pronounced effect of slope angle on the pattern of soil properties along the elevational gradient. At the locality with a gentle slope, soils exhibited 2.5 times larger thickness of the surface organic layer (SOL), higher pH, and Na+ content, and lower C, N, Ald, and Fed concentration indicating slower pedogenic processes on this site. On the other hand, at the locality with a steeper slope, soil properties were better differentiated between transects situated along elevational gradient especially at the depths of 0.1–0.2 and 0.2–0.3 m. However, a clear positive or negative trend with the altitude was observed only for some soil characteristics, e.g., SOL, C, N, or Ald concentrations on the Lama location

    Declining Growth Response of Siberian Spruce to Climate Variability on the Taiga–Tundra Border in the Putorana Mountains (Northwest Siberia)

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    Global warming is most pronounced at high latitudes where temperatures increase twice as fast as the global average. Boreal forest growth is generally limited by low temperatures, so elevated temperature is supposed to enhance biomass production and carbon sequestration. A large amount of evidence has recently shown inconsistent responses of tree growth derived from annual tree rings to increasing temperature. We studied Siberian spruce growth in the remote and isolated Putorana Mts, Western Siberia in populations at its natural distribution limit. Tree ring cores were sampled along vertical transect in 100, 200 and 350 m a.s.l. as the aim was to identify the tree growth rate at different altitudes. Detailed sampling site descriptions served to identify possible factors controlling the growth rate in extremely heterogeneous environments. Monthly climate data for the period 1900–2020 were extracted from the gridded CRU database. Tree ring chronologies confirmed long-lasting limited growth, and despite high year-to-year ring width variability, synchronous growth at vertical study sites dominantly controlled by climate. The positive tree ring growth response to summer temperature was significant for most of the 20th century but dramatically changed in recent decades, when unusually warm summers were reported. There was no, or even a negative growth rate correlation with precipitation, which indicates a sufficient water supply at the study sites. Elevated temperature in this region with a continental climate might turn the study localities to water-limited areas with many negative consequences on tree growth and related ecosystem services

    The study of flow type dynamics at pedon scale via morphometric parameter analysis of dye-pattern profiles

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    The application of Brilliant Blue FCF tracer enables to identify flow types in multi-domain porous systems of soils via analyses of morphologic parameters of stained objects occurring in dye pattern profiles, as they represent the footprint of flow processes which occurred in soil during both the infiltration and the redistribution of dye solution. We analysed the vertical dye pattern profiles exposed for different time lengths, and revealed temporal evolution of dye solution redistribution leading to changes in flow types. The field experiment was performed with the Brilliant Blue tracer (the 10 g l−1 concentration) applied on 1m x 1m surface of the Dystric Cambisol. The top litter horizon had been removed before 100 l of the tracer was applied. Four vertical profiles were excavated on the experimental plot (always 20 cm apart) at different times after the irrigation had been finished: 2 hours (CUT 2), 24 hours (CUT 24), 27 hours (CUT 27) and 504 hours (CUT 504). The analyses of the dyed patterns profiles showed the spatio-temporal changes in the dye coverage, surface area density, average BB concentration, and stained path width, which allowed us to specify three stages of dye solution redistribution history: (i) a stage of preferential macropore flow, (ii) a stage of strong interaction between macropore-domain and soil matrix leading to the generation of heterogeneous matrix flow and fingering flow types, and (iii) a final stage of dye redistribution within the soil body connected with leaching of BB caused by meteoric water. With increasing time, the macropore flow types convert to mostly matrix-dominated FTs in the upper part of the soil profile. These results were supported by soil hydrological modelling, which implied that more than 70% of the soil moisture profiles variability among CUT 2–CUT 504 could be explained by the time factor

    Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity Estimation of a Forest Soil Assuming a Stochastic-Convective Process

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    Measurement of soil hydraulic conductivity requires considerable time and effort, which makes it difficult to characterize this important parameter across larger areas, especially remote forest regions. Forest soils are frequently texturally coarser than those in agricultural areas, making them more probable candidates for applications building on the stochastic-convective hypothesis. We developed a method for measuring unsaturated soil hydraulic conductivity based on the analysis of a dye tracer resident concentration profile. In the experiment, partially saturated, steady-state water flow was established in a forest allophanic soil by a sprinkler operating at 50 mm h^(–1), after which the water application was switched to a 10 mg L^(–1) Brilliant Blue FCF solution. The tracer was applied continuously until its cumulative infiltration reached 125 mm, after which the stained soil profile was exposed and photographed. The picture was subjected to an image analysis procedure designed to obtain the resident concentration profile of the tracer. The concentration was fitted to the solution of the convective lognormal transfer function, whose parameters were used in further calculations using functional relationships derived from the stochastic-convective framework. The resulting hydraulic conductivity as a function of soil water content agreed within an order of magnitude with the relationship obtained by the instantaneous profile method. While the Mualem–van Genuchten model better reproduced the shape of that relationship, it strongly underestimated the hydraulic conductivity across the soil water content interval of interest (0.1–0.4). Finally, ways to improve the predictive capacity of the stochastic-convective approach in terms of the general trends of the functional relationship were proposed

    Modelling Impact of Site and Terrain Morphological Characteristics on Biomass of Tree Species in Putorana Region

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    (1) Background: Boreal forests influence global carbon balance and fulfil multiple ecosystem services. Their vegetation growth and biomass are significantly affected by environmental conditions. In the present study we focused on one of the least accessible and least studied parts of the boreal region situated in the western part of Putorana plateau, Central Siberia (Lama and Keta lakes, Krasnoyarsk region), northern Russia. (2) Methods: We derived local height-diameter and crown radius-height models for six tree species. We used univariate correlation and multiple regression analyses to examine the relationships between tree biomass and environmental conditions. (3) Results: Total tree biomass stock (aboveground tree biomass + aboveground and buried deadwood) varied between 6.47 t/ha and 149 t/ha, while total deadwood biomass fluctuated from 0.06 to 21.45 t/ha. At Lama, biomass production decreased with elevation. At Keta, the relationship of biomass to elevation followed a U shape. Stand biomass changed with micro-terrain morphology and soil nutrient content, while the patterns were location-specific. (4) Conclusions: The majority of the derived models were significant and explained most of the variability in the relationships between tree diameter or crown radius and tree height. Micro-site environmental conditions had a substantial effect on tree biomass in the studied locations