39 research outputs found

    Identification and classification of human cytomegalovirus capsids in textured electron micrographs using deformed template matching

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    BACKGROUND: Characterization of the structural morphology of virus particles in electron micrographs is a complex task, but desirable in connection with investigation of the maturation process and detection of changes in viral particle morphology in response to the effect of a mutation or antiviral drugs being applied. Therefore, we have here developed a procedure for describing and classifying virus particle forms in electron micrographs, based on determination of the invariant characteristics of the projection of a given virus structure. The template for the virus particle is created on the basis of information obtained from a small training set of electron micrographs and is then employed to classify and quantify similar structures of interest in an unlimited number of electron micrographs by a process of correlation. RESULTS: Practical application of the method is demonstrated by the ability to locate three diverse classes of virus particles in transmission electron micrographs of fibroblasts infected with human cytomegalovirus. These results show that fast screening of the total number of viral structures at different stages of maturation in a large set of electron micrographs, a task that is otherwise both time-consuming and tedious for the expert, can be accomplished rapidly and reliably with our automated procedure. Using linear deformation analysis, this novel algorithm described here can handle capsid variations such as ellipticity and furthermore allows evaluation of properties such as the size and orientation of a virus particle. CONCLUSION: Our methodological procedure represents a promising objective tool for comparative studies of the intracellular assembly processes of virus particles using electron microscopy in combination with our digitized image analysis tool. An automated method for sorting and classifying virus particles at different stages of maturation will enable us to quantify virus production in all stages of the virus maturation process, not only count the number of infectious particles released from un infected cell

    Human Cytomegalovirus Tegument Protein pUL71 Is Required for Efficient Virion Egress

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    The human cytomegalovirus virion is composed of a DNA genome packaged in an icosahedral capsid, surrounded by a tegument of protein and RNA, all enclosed within a glycoprotein-studded envelope. Achieving this intricate virion architecture requires a coordinated process of assembly and egress. We show here that pUL71, a component of the virion tegument with a previously uncharacterized function, is required for the virus-induced reorganization of host cell membranes, which is necessary for efficient viral assembly and egress. A mutant that did not express pUL71 was able to efficiently accumulate viral genomes and proteins that were tested but was defective for the production and release of infectious virions. The protein localized to vesicular structures at the periphery of the viral assembly compartment, and during infection with a pUL71-deficient virus, these structures were grossly enlarged and aberrantly contained a cellular marker of late endosomes/lysosomes. Mutant virus preparations exhibited less infectivity per unit genome than wild-type virus preparations, due to aggregation of virus particles and their association with membrane fragments. Finally, mutant virus particles accumulated within the cytoplasm of infected cells and were localized to the periphery of large structures with properties of lysosomes, whose formation was kinetically favored in mutant-virus-infected cells. Together, these observations point to a role for pUL71 in the establishment and/or maintenance of a functional viral assembly compartment that is required for normal virion trafficking and egress from infected cells

    Human Herpesvirus-6 Induces MVB Formation, and Virus Egress Occurs by an Exosomal Release Pathway

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    The final envelopment of most herpesviruses occurs at Golgi or post-Golgi compartments, such as the trans Golgi network (TGN); however, the final envelopment site of human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) is uncertain. In this study, we found novel pathways for HHV-6 assembly and release from T cells that differed, in part, from those of alphaherpesviruses. Electron microscopy showed that late in infection, HHV-6-infected cells were larger than uninfected cells and contained many newly formed multivesicular body (MVB)-like compartments that included small vesicles. These MVBs surrounded the Golgi apparatus. Mature virions were found in the MVBs and MVB fusion with plasma membrane, and the release of mature virions together with small vesicles was observed at the cell surface. Immunoelectron microscopy demonstrated that the MVBs contained CD63, an MVB/late endosome marker, and HHV-6 envelope glycoproteins. The viral glycoproteins also localized to internal vesicles in the MVBs and to secreted vesicles (exosomes). Furthermore, we found virus budding at TGN-associated membranes, which expressed CD63, adaptor protein (AP-1) and TGN46, and CD63 incorporation into virions. Our findings suggest that mature HHV-6 virions are released together with internal vesicles through MVBs by the cellular exosomal pathway. This scenario has significant implications for understanding HHV-6's maturation pathway

    Envelopment of Human Cytomegalovirus Occurs by Budding into Golgi-Derived Vacuole Compartments Positive for gB, Rab 3, Trans-Golgi Network 46, and Mannosidase II

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    Although considerable progress has been made towards characterizing virus assembly processes, assignment of the site of tegumentation and envelopment for human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is still not clear. In this study, we examined the envelopment of HCMV particles in human lung fibroblasts (HF) HL 411 and HL 19, human umbilical vein endothelial cells, human pulmonary arterial endothelial cells, and arterial smooth muscle cells at different time points after infection by electron microscopy (EM), immunohistochemistry, and confocal microscopy analysis. Double-immunofluorescence labeling experiments demonstrated colocalization of the HCMV glycoprotein B (gB) with the Golgi resident enzyme mannosidase II, the Golgi marker TGN (trans-Golgi network) 46, and the secretory vacuole marker Rab 3 in all cell types investigated. Final envelopment of tegumented capsids was observed at 5 days postinfection by EM, when tegumented capsids budded into subcellular compartments located in the cytoplasm, in close proximity to the Golgi apparatus. Immunogold labeling and EM analysis confirmed staining of the budding compartment with HCMV gB, Rab 3, and mannosidase II in HL 411 cells. However, the markers Rab 1, Rab 2, Rab 7, Lamp 1 (late endosomes and lysosomes), and Lamp 2 (lysosomes) neither showed specific staining of the budding compartment in the immunogold labeling experiments nor colocalized with gB in the immunofluorescent colocalization experiments in any cell type studied. Together, these results suggest that the final envelopment of HCMV particles takes place mainly into a Golgi-derived secretory vacuole destined for the plasma membrane, which may release new infectious virus particles by fusion with the plasma membrane

    Human Cytomegalovirus Downregulates Expression of Receptors for Platelet-Derived Growth Factor by Smooth Muscle Cells▿

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    Infection by human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is associated with the development of vascular diseases and may cause severe brain damage in infected fetuses. Platelet-derived growth factor receptors alpha and beta (PDGFR-α and -β) control important cellular processes associated with atherosclerosis and fetal development. In the present investigation, our goal was to determine whether infection by HCMV can influence the expression of PDGFR-α and -β in human smooth muscle cells (SMCs). In connection with HCMV infection in vitro the levels of PDGFR-α and -β at the cell surface and in the total cellular protein of SMCs were reduced in parallel with decreases in the levels of the corresponding mRNAs. These effects were dependent on immediate-early (IE) or early (E) HCMV gene products, since inhibition of late genes did not prevent HCMV from affecting the expression of PDGFR-α and -β. The downregulation of PDGFR caused by HCMV was dose dependent. Furthermore, confocal microscopy revealed that the localization of PDGFR-β was altered in HCMV-infected cells, in which this protein colocalized with proteins associated with endosomes (Rab4 and -5) and lysosomes (Lamp1 and -2), indicating entrance into pathways for protein degradation. Altogether these observations indicate that an IE and/or E HCMV protein(s) downregulates the expression of PDGFR-α and -β in SMCs. This phenomenon may disrupt cellular processes of importance in connection with cellular differentiation, migration, and/or proliferation. These observations may explain why congenital infection with HCMV can cause fetal brain damage

    Human cytomegalovirus inhibits the migration of immature dendritic cells by down-regulating cell-surface CCR1 and CCR5.

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    Dendritic cells (DC) play a key role in the host immune response to infections. Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection can inhibit the maturation of DC and impair their ability to stimulate T cell proliferation and cytotoxicity. In this study, we assessed the effects of HCMV infection on the migratory behavior of human DC. The HCMV strain TB40/E inhibited the migration of immature monocyte-derived DC in response to inflammatory chemokines by 95% 1 day after infection. This inhibition was mediated by early viral replicative events, which significantly reduced the cell-surface expression of CC chemokine receptor 1 (CCR1) and CCR5 by receptor internalization. HCMV infection also induced secretion of the inflammatory chemokines CC chemokine ligand 3 (CCL3)/macrophage inflammatory protein-1alpha (MIP-1alpha), CCL4/MIP-1beta, and CCL5/regulated on activation, normal T expressed and secreted (RANTES). Neutralizing antibodies for these chemokines reduced the effects of HCMV on chemokine receptor expression and on DC migration by approximately 60%. Interestingly, the surface expression of the lymphoid chemokine receptor CCR7 was not up-regulated after HCMV infection on immature DC, and immature-infected DC did not migrate in response to CCL19/MIP-3beta. These findings suggest that blocking the migratory ability of DC may be a potent mechanism used by HCMV to paralyze the early immune response of the host

    A Targeted Spatial-Temporal Proteomics Approach Implicates Multiple Cellular Trafficking Pathways in Human Cytomegalovirus Virion Maturation*

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    The assembly of infectious virus particles is a complex event. For human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) this process requires the coordinated expression and localization of at least 60 viral proteins that comprise the infectious virion. To gain insight into the mechanisms controlling this process, we identified protein binding partners for two viral proteins, pUL99 (also termed pp28) and pUL32 (pp150), which are essential for HCMV virion assembly. We utilized HCMV strains expressing pUL99 or pUL32 carboxyl-terminal green fluorescent protein fusion proteins from their native location in the HCMV genome. Based on the presence of ubiquitin in the pUL99 immunoisolation, we discovered that this viral protein colocalizes with components of the cellular endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) pathway during the initial stages of virion assembly. We identified the nucleocapsid and a large number of tegument proteins as pUL32 binding partners, suggesting that events controlling trafficking of this viral protein in the cytoplasm regulate nucleocapsid/tegument maturation. The finding that pUL32, but not pUL99, associates with clathrin led to the discovery that the two viral proteins traffic via distinct pathways during the early stages of virion assembly. Additional investigation revealed that the majority of the major viral glycoprotein gB initially resides in a third compartment. Analysis of the trafficking of these three viral proteins throughout a time course of virion assembly allowed us to visualize their merger into a single large cytoplasmic structure during the late stages of viral assembly. We propose a model of HCMV virion maturation in which multiple components of the virion traffic independently of one another before merging