79 research outputs found

    Finite-size effects in the dynamics of neutrally buoyant particles in turbulent flow

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    The dynamics of neutrally buoyant particles transported by a turbulent flow is investigated for spherical particles with radii of the order of the Kolmogorov dissipative scale or larger. The pseudo-penalisation spectral method that has been proposed by Pasquetti et al. (2008) is adapted to integrate numerically the simultaneous dynamics of the particle and of the fluid. Such a method gives a unique handle on the limit of validity of point-particle approximations, which are generally used in applicative situations. Analytical predictions based on such models are compared to result of very well resolved direct numerical simulations. Evidence is obtained that Faxen corrections give dominant finite-size corrections to velocity and acceleration fluctuations for particle diameters up to four times the Kolmogorov scale. The dynamics of particles with larger diameters is dominated by inertial-range physics, and is consistent with predictions obtained from dimensional analysis.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Timescales of Turbulent Relative Dispersion

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    Tracers in a turbulent flow separate according to the celebrated t3/2t^{3/2} Richardson--Obukhov law, which is usually explained by a scale-dependent effective diffusivity. Here, supported by state-of-the-art numerics, we revisit this argument. The Lagrangian correlation time of velocity differences is found to increase too quickly for validating this approach, but acceleration differences decorrelate on dissipative timescales. This results in an asymptotic diffusion t1/2\propto t^{1/2} of velocity differences, so that the long-time behavior of distances is that of the integral of Brownian motion. The time of convergence to this regime is shown to be that of deviations from Batchelor's initial ballistic regime, given by a scale-dependent energy dissipation time rather than the usual turnover time. It is finally argued that the fluid flow intermittency should not affect this long-time behavior of relativeComment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Effect of turbulent fluctuations on the drag and lift forces on a towed sphere and its boundary layer

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    The impact of turbulent fluctuations on the forces exerted by a fluid on a towed spherical particle is investigated by means of high-resolution direct numerical simulations. The measurements are carried out using a novel scheme to integrate the two-way coupling between the particle and the incompressible surrounding fluid flow maintained in a high-Reynolds-number turbulent regime. The main idea consists in combining a Fourier pseudo-spectral method for the fluid with an immersed-boundary technique to impose the no-slip boundary condition on the surface of the particle. Benchmarking of the code shows a good agreement with experimental and numerical measurements from other groups. A study of the turbulent wake downstream the sphere is also reported. The mean velocity deficit is shown to behave as the inverse of the distance from the particle, as predicted from classical similarity analysis. This law is reinterpreted in terms of the principle of "permanence of large eddies" that relates infrared asymptotic self-similarity to the law of decay of energy in homogeneous turbulence. The developed method is then used to attack the problem of an upstream flow that is in a developed turbulent regime. It is shown that the average drag force increases as a function of the turbulent intensity and the particle Reynolds number. This increase is significantly larger than predicted by standard drag correlations based on laminar upstream flows. It is found that the relevant parameter is the ratio of the viscous boundary layer thickness to the dissipation scale of the ambient turbulent flow. The drag enhancement can be motivated by the modification of the mean velocity and pressure profile around the sphere by small scale turbulent fluctuations.Comment: 24 pages, 22 figure