40 research outputs found

    Structural plasticity underlies experience-dependent functional plasticity of cortical circuits

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    The stabilization of new spines in the barrel cortex is enhanced after whisker trimming, but its relationship to experience-dependent plasticity is unclear. Here we show that in wild-type mice, whisker potentiation and spine stabilization are most pronounced for layer 5 neurons at the border between spared and deprived barrel columns. In homozygote alphaCaMKII-T286A mice, which lack experience-dependent potentiation of responses to spared whiskers, there is no increase in new spine stabilization at the border between barrel columns after whisker trimming. Our data provide a causal link between new spine synapses and plasticity of adult cortical circuits and suggest that alphaCaMKII autophosphorylation plays a role in the stabilization but not formation of new spines

    Automated Three-Dimensional Detection and Shape Classification of Dendritic Spines from Fluorescence Microscopy Images

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    A fundamental challenge in understanding how dendritic spine morphology controls learning and memory has been quantifying three-dimensional (3D) spine shapes with sufficient precision to distinguish morphologic types, and sufficient throughput for robust statistical analysis. The necessity to analyze large volumetric data sets accurately, efficiently, and in true 3D has been a major bottleneck in deriving reliable relationships between altered neuronal function and changes in spine morphology. We introduce a novel system for automated detection, shape analysis and classification of dendritic spines from laser scanning microscopy (LSM) images that directly addresses these limitations. The system is more accurate, and at least an order of magnitude faster, than existing technologies. By operating fully in 3D the algorithm resolves spines that are undetectable with standard two-dimensional (2D) tools. Adaptive local thresholding, voxel clustering and Rayburst Sampling generate a profile of diameter estimates used to classify spines into morphologic types, while minimizing optical smear and quantization artifacts. The technique opens new horizons on the objective evaluation of spine changes with synaptic plasticity, normal development and aging, and with neurodegenerative disorders that impair cognitive function

    Spine neck plasticity regulates compartmentalization of synapses

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    Dendritic spines have been proposed to transform synaptic signals through chemical and electrical compartmentalization. However, the quantitative contribution of spine morphology to synapse compartmentalization and its dynamic regulation are still poorly understood. We used time-lapse super-resolution stimulated emission depletion (STED) imaging in combination with fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) measurements, two-photon glutamate uncaging, electrophysiology and simulations to investigate the dynamic link between nanoscale anatomy and compartmentalization in live spines of CA1 neurons in mouse brain slices. We report a diversity of spine morphologies that argues against common categorization schemes and establish a close link between compartmentalization and spine morphology, wherein spine neck width is the most critical morphological parameter. We demonstrate that spine necks are plastic structures that become wider and shorter after long-term potentiation. These morphological changes are predicted to lead to a substantial drop in spine head excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) while preserving overall biochemical compartmentalization

    Dendritic spine loss and synaptic alterations in Alzheimer's disease

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    Dendritic spines are tiny protrusions along dendrites, which constitute major postsynaptic sites for excitatory synaptic transmission. These spines are highly motile and can undergo remodeling even in the adult nervous system. Spine remodeling and the formation of new synapses are activity-dependent processes that provide a basis for memory formation. A loss or alteration of these structures has been described in patients with neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease (AD), and in mouse models for these disorders. Such alteration is thought to be responsible for cognitive deficits long before or even in the absence of neuronal loss, but the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. This review will describe recent findings and discoveries on the loss or alteration of dendritic spines induced by the amyloid beta (Abeta) peptide in the context of AD

    A protocol for preparing GFP-labeled neurons previously imaged in vivo and in slice preparations for light and electron microscopic analysis.

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    In vivo imaging of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-labeled neurons in the intact brain is being used increasingly to study neuronal plasticity. However, interpreting the observed changes as modifications in neuronal connectivity needs information about synapses. We show here that axons and dendrites of GFP-labeled neurons imaged previously in the live mouse or in slice preparations using 2-photon laser microscopy can be analyzed using light and electron microscopy, allowing morphological reconstruction of the synapses both on the imaged neurons, as well as those in the surrounding neuropil. We describe how, over a 2-day period, the imaged tissue is fixed, sliced and immuno-labeled to localize the neurons of interest. Once embedded in epoxy resin, the entire neuron can then be drawn in three dimensions (3D) for detailed morphological analysis using light microscopy. Specific dendrites and axons can be further serially thin sectioned, imaged in the electron microscope (EM) and then the ultrastructure analyzed on the serial images

    Cell type-specific structural plasticity of axonal branches and boutons in the adult neocortex

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    We imaged axons in layer (L) 1 of the mouse barrel cortex in vivo. Axons from thalamus and L2/3/5, or L6 pyramidal cells were identified based on their distinct morphologies. Their branching patterns and sizes were stable over times of months. However, axonal branches and boutons displayed cell type-specific rearrangements. Structural plasticity in thalamocortical afferents was mostly due to elongation and retraction of branches (range, 1-150 microm over 4 days; approximately 5% of total axonal length), while the majority of boutons persisted for up to 9 months (persistence over 1 month approximately 85%). In contrast, L6 axon terminaux boutons were highly plastic (persistence over 1 month approximately 40 %), and other intracortical axon boutons showed intermediate levels of plasticity. Retrospective electron microscopy revealed that new boutons make synapses. Our data suggest that structural plasticity of axonal branches and boutons contributes to the remodeling of specific functional circuits

    Two-photon targeted patching (TPTP) in vivo

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    Two-photon-excited fluorescence laser-scanning microscopy (2PLSM) has provided a wealth of information about the spatiotemporal properties of biological processes at the single cell and population level. Because such nonlinear optical methods allow for imaging deep within biological tissue, 2PLSM can be combined with patch-clamp techniques to obtain electrophysiological recordings from specific fluorescently labeled cells in vivo. Here a protocol referred to as two-photon targeted patching (TPTP) describes a method that may be used to record from cells in the intact animal labeled by virtually any type of fluorophore. We target neurons that have been optically and genetically identified using green fluorescent protein (GFP) expressed under the control of a specific promoter. TPTP when combined with genetic approaches therefore permits electrophysiological recordings from specified neurons and their compartments, including dendrites. This technique may be repeated in the same preparation many times over the course of several hours and is equally applicable to non-neuronal cell types