443 research outputs found

    Loading rates in California inferred from aftershocks

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    International audienceWe estimate the loading rate in southern California and the change in stress induced by a transient slip event across the San Andreas fault (SAF) system in central California, using a model of static fatigue. We analyze temporal properties of aftershocks in order to determine the time delay before the onset of the power law aftershock decay rate. In creep-slip and stick-slip zones, we show that the rate of change of this delay is related to seismic and aseismic deformation across the SAF system. Furthermore, we show that this rate of change is proportional to the deficit of slip rate along the SAF. This new relationship between geodetic and seismological data is in good agreement with predictions from a Limited Power Law model in which the evolution of the duration of a linear aftershock decay rate over short time results from variations in the load of the brittle upper crust

    Bayesian estimation of the self-similarity exponent of the Nile River fluctuation

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    The aim of this paper is to estimate the Hurst parameter of Fractional Gaussian Noise (FGN) using Bayesian inference. We propose an estimation technique that takes into account the full correlation structure of this process. Instead of using the integrated time series and then applying an estimator for its Hurst exponent, we propose to use the noise signal directly. As an application we analyze the time series of the Nile River, where we find a posterior distribution which is compatible with previous findings. In addition, our technique provides natural error bars for the Hurst exponent

    Wavelet-based directional analysis of the gravity field: evidence for large-scale undulations

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    International audienceIn the eighties, the analysis of satellite altimetry data leads to the major discovery of gravity lineations in the oceans, with wavelengths between 200 and 1400 km. While the existence of the 200 km scale undulations is widely accepted, undulations at scales larger than 400 km are still a matter of debate. In this paper, we revisit the topic of the large-scale geoid undulations over the oceans in the light of the satellite gravity data provided by the GRACE mission, considerably more precise than the altimetry data at wavelengths larger than 400 km. First, we develop a dedicated method of directional Poisson wavelet analysis on the sphere with significance testing, in order to detect and characterize directional structures in geophys-ical data on the sphere at different spatial scales. This method is particularly well suited for potential field analysis. We validate it on a series of synthetic tests, and then apply it to analyze recent gravity models, as well as a bathymetry data set independent from gravity. Our analysis confirms the existence of gravity undulations at large scale in the oceans, with characteristic scales between 600 and 2000 km. Their direction correlates well with present-day plate motion over the Pacific ocean, where they are particularly clear, and associated with a conjugate direction at 1500 km scale. A major finding is that the 2000 km scale geoid undulations dominate and had never been so clearly observed previously. This is due to the great precision of GRACE data at those wavelengths. Given the large scale of these undulations, they are most likely related to mantle processes. Taking into account observations and models from other geophysical information, as seismological tomography, convection and geochemical models and electrical conductivity in the mantle, we conceive that all these inputs indicate a directional fabric of the mantle flows at depth, reflecting how the history of subduction influences the organization of lower mantle upwellings

    Discovery of starspots on Vega - First spectroscopic detection of surface structures on a normal A-type star

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    The theoretically studied impact of rapid rotation on stellar evolution needs to be confronted with the results of high resolution spectroscopy-velocimetry observations. A weak surface magnetic field had recently been detected in the A0 prototype star Vega, potentially leading to a (yet undetected) structured surface. The goal of this article is to present a thorough analysis of the line profile variations and associated estimators in the early-type standard star Vega (A0) in order reveal potential activity tracers, exoplanet companions and stellar oscillations. Vega was monitored in high-resolution spectroscopy with the velocimeter Sophie/OHP. A total of 2588 high S/N spectra was obtained during 5 nights (August 2012) at R = 75000 and covering the visible domain. For each reduced spectrum, Least Square Deconvolved (LSD) equivalent photospheric profiles were calculated with a Teff = 9500 and logg = 4.0 spectral line mask. Several methods were applied to study the dynamic behavior of the profile variations (evolution of radial velocity, bisectors, vspan, 2D profiles, amongst others). We present the discovery of a starspotted stellar surface in an A-type standard star with faint spot amplitudes Delta F/Fc ~5 10^{-4}. A rotational modulation of spectral lines with a period of rotation P = 0.68 d has clearly been exhibited, confirming the results of previous spectropolarimetric studies. Either a very thin convective layer can be responsible for magnetic field generation at small amplitudes, or a new mechanism has to be invoked in order to explain the existence of activity tracing starspots. This first strong evidence that standard A-type stars can show surface structures opens a new field of research and asks the question about a potential link with the recently discovered weak magnetic field discoveries in this category of stars.Comment: accepted for publication by Astronomy & Astrophysics (23rd of March 2015

    Dissipation at the core-mantle boundary on a small-scale topography

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    International audienceThe parameters of the nutations are now known with a good accuracy, and the theory accounts for most of their values. Dissipative friction at the core-mantle boundary (CMB) and at the inner core boundary is an important ingredient of the theory. Up to now, viscous coupling at a smooth interface and electromagnetic coupling have been considered. In some cases they appear hardly strong enough to account for the observations. We advocate here that the CMB has a small-scale roughness and estimate the dissipation resulting from the interaction of the fluid core motion with this topography. We conclude that it might be significant

    Detection of trend changes in time series using Bayesian inference

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    Change points in time series are perceived as isolated singularities where two regular trends of a given signal do not match. The detection of such transitions is of fundamental interest for the understanding of the system's internal dynamics. In practice observational noise makes it difficult to detect such change points in time series. In this work we elaborate a Bayesian method to estimate the location of the singularities and to produce some confidence intervals. We validate the ability and sensitivity of our inference method by estimating change points of synthetic data sets. As an application we use our algorithm to analyze the annual flow volume of the Nile River at Aswan from 1871 to 1970, where we confirm a well-established significant transition point within the time series.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figures, submitte

    General theory for integer-type algorithm for higher order differential equations

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    Based on functional analysis, we propose an algorithm for finite-norm solutions of higher-order linear Fuchsian-type ordinary differential equations (ODEs) P(x,d/dx)f(x)=0 with P(x,d/dx):=[\sum_m p_m (x) (d/dx)^m] by using only the four arithmetical operations on integers. This algorithm is based on a band-diagonal matrix representation of the differential operator P(x,d/dx), though it is quite different from the usual Galerkin methods. This representation is made for the respective CONSs of the input Hilbert space H and the output Hilbert space H' of P(x,d/dx). This band-diagonal matrix enables the construction of a recursive algorithm for solving the ODE. However, a solution of the simultaneous linear equations represented by this matrix does not necessarily correspond to the true solution of ODE. We show that when this solution is an l^2 sequence, it corresponds to the true solution of ODE. We invent a method based on an integer-type algorithm for extracting only l^2 components. Further, the concrete choice of Hilbert spaces H and H' is also given for our algorithm when p_m is a polynomial or a rational function with rational coefficients. We check how our algorithm works based on several numerical demonstrations related to special functions, where the results show that the accuracy of our method is extremely high.Comment: Errors concerning numbering of figures are fixe

    Detrended fluctuation analysis for fractals and multifractals in higher dimensions

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    One-dimensional detrended fluctuation analysis (1D DFA) and multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis (1D MF-DFA) are widely used in the scaling analysis of fractal and multifractal time series because of being accurate and easy to implement. In this paper we generalize the one-dimensional DFA and MF-DFA to higher-dimensional versions. The generalization works well when tested with synthetic surfaces including fractional Brownian surfaces and multifractal surfaces. The two-dimensional MF-DFA is also adopted to analyze two images from nature and experiment and nice scaling laws are unraveled.Comment: 7 Revtex pages inluding 11 eps figure

    Analysis of protrusion dynamics in amoeboid cell motility by means of regularized contour flows

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    Amoeboid cell motility is essential for a wide range of biological processes including wound healing, embryonic morphogenesis, and cancer metastasis. It relies on complex dynamical patterns of cell shape changes that pose long-standing challenges to mathematical modeling and raise a need for automated and reproducible approaches to extract quantitative morphological features from image sequences. Here, we introduce a theoretical framework and a computational method for obtaining smooth representations of the spatiotemporal contour dynamics from stacks of segmented microscopy images. Based on a Gaussian process regression we propose a one-parameter family of regularized contour flows that allows us to continuously track reference points (virtual markers) between successive cell contours. We use this approach to define a coordinate system on the moving cell boundary and to represent different local geometric quantities in this frame of reference. In particular, we introduce the local marker dispersion as a measure to identify localized membrane expansions and provide a fully automated way to extract the properties of such expansions, including their area and growth time. The methods are available as an open-source software package called AmoePy, a Python-based toolbox for analyzing amoeboid cell motility (based on time-lapse microscopy data), including a graphical user interface and detailed documentation. Due to the mathematical rigor of our framework, we envision it to be of use for the development of novel cell motility models. We mainly use experimental data of the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum to illustrate and validate our approach

    Modeling cell crawling strategies with a bistable model: From amoeboid to fan-shaped cell motion

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    Eukaryotic cell motility involves a complex network of interactions between biochemical components and mechanical processes. The cell employs this network to polarize and induce shape changes that give rise to membrane protrusions and retractions, ultimately leading to locomotion of the entire cell body. The combination of a nonlinear reaction-diffusion model of cell polarization, noisy bistable kinetics, and a dynamic phase field for the cell shape permits us to capture the key features of this complex system to investigate several motility scenarios, including amoeboid and fan-shaped forms as well as intermediate states with distinct displacement mechanisms. We compare the numerical simulations of our model to live cell imaging experiments of motile {\it Dictyostelium discoideum} cells under different developmental conditions. The dominant parameters of the mathematical model that determine the different motility regimes are identified and discussed
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