2 research outputs found

    Intraputamenal cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor in Parkinson's disease: a randomized, double‐blind, multicenter phase 1 trial

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    Background: Cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor (CDNF) is an unconventional neurotrophic factor that protects dopamine neurons and improves motor function in animal models of Parkinson's disease (PD). Objective: The primary objectives of this study were to assess the safety and tolerability of both CDNF and the drug delivery system (DDS) in patients with PD of moderate severity. Methods: We assessed the safety and tolerability of monthly intraputamenal CDNF infusions in patients with PD using an investigational DDS, a bone‐anchored transcutaneous port connected to four catheters. This phase 1 trial was divided into a placebo‐controlled, double‐blind, 6‐month main study followed by an active‐treatment 6‐month extension. Eligible patients, aged 35 to 75 years, had moderate idiopathic PD for 5 to 15 years and Hoehn and Yahr score ≀ 3 (off state). Seventeen patients were randomized to placebo (n = 6), 0.4 mg CDNF (n = 6), or 1.2 mg CDNF (n = 5). The primary endpoints were safety and tolerability of CDNF and DDS and catheter implantation accuracy. Secondary endpoints were measures of PD symptoms, including Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale, and DDS patency and port stability. Exploratory endpoints included motor symptom assessment (PKG, Global Kinetics Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia) and positron emission tomography using dopamine transporter radioligand [18F]FE‐PE2I. Results: Drug‐related adverse events were mild to moderate with no difference between placebo and treatment groups. No severe adverse events were associated with the drug, and device delivery accuracy met specification. The severe adverse events recorded were associated with the infusion procedure and did not reoccur after procedural modification. There were no significant changes between placebo and CDNF treatment groups in secondary endpoints between baseline and the end of the main and extension studies. Conclusions: Intraputamenally administered CDNF was safe and well tolerated, and possible signs of biological response to the drug were observed in individual patients. © 2023 The Authors. Movement Disorders published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society

    BET-hÀmmare för behandling av klarcellig Àggstockscancer

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    Klarcellig Àggstockscancer (eng. ovarian clear cell carcinoma, OCCC) Àr en ovanlig cancerform för vilken överlevnadsgraden Àr lÄg eftersom behandlingen inte har förbÀttrats pÄ tiotals Är. Sekvenseringsstudier har visat att ARID1A Àr muterad i 50 % av fallen. ARID1A ingÄr i det ATP-beroende nukleosomremodelleringskomplexet SWI/SNF, som omordnar nukleosomstrukturen till exempel för att göra DNA tillgÀngligt för transkription. BET-proteiner, som binder till acetylerade histoner, Àr viktiga reglerare av transkription. Dessa kallas dÀrför ibland för epigenetiska avlÀsare. MÄlet med detta arbete Àr att undersöka ifall hÀmmare av BET-proteiner kan specifikt stoppa tillvÀxten av ARID1A-muterad OCCC samt att ta reda pÄ vilket BET-protein som stÄr för den terapeutiska effekten. För dessa ÀndamÄl har dos-respons-experiment med BET-hÀmmare, dÀr ARID1A-muterade cellinjer har jÀmförts med vildtypscellinjer, och western blott pÄ BRD2 och BRD4 utförts. Inga uteslutande resultat erhölls, eftersom en av tvÄ vildtypscellinjer (RMG-1 och ES-2) var rÀtt sÄ kÀnslig mot hÀmningen. Dessutom visade TOV21G, en av de tre muterade cellinjerna (TOV21G, OVTOKO, OVMANA), resistens mot hÀmningen. DÀremot var OVTOKO och OVMANA speciellt kÀnsliga. UtgÄende frÄn BRD2- och BRD4-proteinnivÄerna kunde inte skillnaderna i kÀnslighet förklaras. Fortsatta undersökningar Àr befogade, speciellt för att undersöka BRD3:s roll och eventuell sammutation av ARID1A och PIK3CA, varvid en kombination av BET-hÀmmare och PI3K-hÀmmare kunde vara en potentiell behandlingsform för denna typ av cancer