15 research outputs found

    Vem ska trösta ensamkommande, papperslösa barn och unga? : En kvalitativ undersökning

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    Examensarbetet Ă€r en del av projektet ”Papperslösa - de icke önskade?” som initierades av Finlands Röda Kors, Åbolands distrikt 2017. Projektets syfte Ă€r att förstĂ„ begrepp som berör icke-medborgare och tydliggöra vad kommunerna samt frivilliga organisationer gör för icke-medborgare, de sĂ„ kallade papperslösa. Syftet med detta examensarbete Ă€r att utvidga vĂ„r kunskap om ensamkommande, papperslösa barn och unga samt ta reda pĂ„ vad servicesystemet i Åbo erbjuder och borde erbjuda dem. I arbetet svarar vi pĂ„ följande frĂ„gor: ”Vad Ă€r barns och ungas rĂ€ttigheter och hur uppfylls de i praktiken för ensamkommande, papperslösa barn och unga?” samt ”Vad erbjuder servicesystemet i Åbo för ensamkommande, papperslösa barn och unga?”. Metoden för examensarbetet Ă€r en kvalitativ undersökning. Teoridelen i examensarbetet fokuserar pĂ„ Finlands lagar, de mĂ€nskliga rĂ€ttigheterna, barnets rĂ€ttigheter, ensamkommande barns och ungas situation, service som erbjuds samt Ă€mnet ur ett nordiskt perspektiv. Examensarbetet innefattar intervjuer med fem aktörer i Åbo. Resultatet frĂ„n undersökningen visar att servicen som erbjuds för ensamkommande, papperslösa barn och unga Ă€r hĂ€lsovĂ„rd frĂ„n Åbo stad och socialskydd frĂ„n församlingar samt frivilliga organisationer. Alla aktörer strĂ€var efter att följa de mĂ€nskliga rĂ€ttigheterna och barnkonventionen. Resultatet visar ocksĂ„ att det finns brister. Ämnet ensamkommande, papperslösa barn och unga Ă€r motstridigt och ansvarsfördelningen Ă€r otydlig.OpinnĂ€ytetyö on osa projektia ”Papperslösa - de icke önskade?” jonka Suomen Punaisen Ristin Turunmaan osasto kĂ€ynnisti vuonna 2017. Projektin tarkoituksena on selventÀÀ kĂ€site ”ei kansalainen” sekĂ€ selittÀÀ mitĂ€ kunnat sekĂ€ vapaaehtoisorganisaatiot tekevĂ€t ”ei kansalaisen”, ns. paperittoman, hyvĂ€ksi. OpinnĂ€ytetyön tarkoitus on laajentaa tietĂ€mystĂ€mme yksintulleista, paperittomista lapsista ja nuorista sekĂ€ selvittÀÀ mitĂ€ palvelujĂ€rjestelmĂ€ Turussa tarjoaa ja mitĂ€ sen pitĂ€isi tarjota heille. OpinnĂ€ytetyössĂ€ vastaamme seuraaviin kysymyksiin: "MitkĂ€ ovat lasten ja nuorten oikeudet ja miten ne kĂ€ytĂ€nnössĂ€ toteutuvat, kun kyseessĂ€ on yksintullut, paperiton lapsi tai nuori?" ja "MitĂ€ Turun palvelujĂ€rjestelmĂ€ tarjoaa yksintulleelle, paperittomalle lapselle ja nuorelle?" OpinnĂ€ytetyön metodiikka on laadullinen tutkimus. OpinnĂ€ytetyön teoreettinen osa perustuu Suomen lakiin, ihmisten oikeuksiin, lasten oikeuksiin, yksintulleiden lasten ja nuorten tilanteeseen ja palveluihin pohjoismaisesta nĂ€kökulmasta. OpinnĂ€ytetyöhön sisĂ€ltyy haastatteluja viiden Turussa toimijoiden kanssa. OpinnĂ€ytetyön tulos on, ettĂ€ palvelut joita tarjotaan yksintulleille, paperittomille lapsille ja nuorille, ovat Turun kaupungin terveyspalvelut sekĂ€ seurakunnan ja vapaaehtoisorganisaatioiden tarjoama sosiaaliturvaa. Kaikki toimijat pyrkivĂ€t noudattamaan ihmisoikeuksia sekĂ€ sopimusta lastenoikeuksista. Tulos kuitenkin osoittaa, ettĂ€ puutteita vielĂ€ löytyy. Yksintulleet, paperittomat lapset ja nuoret ovat ristiriitainen aihe ja vastuunjako on epĂ€selvĂ€.The thesis is a part of the project ”Undocumented – not wanted?” launched by the Finnish Red Cross, Åboland District in 2017. The project purpose is to understand the concepts related to non-citizens and clarify what local authorities and voluntary organizations do for non-citizens, the so called “Undocumented”. The purpose of the thesis is to expand our knowledge of unaccompanied, undocumented children and adolescents and find out what Turku's service system offers and should offer them. In the thesis, we answer the following questions: “What are the rights of children and adolescents, and how are they fulfilled for unaccompanied, undocumented children and young people?” and “What does Turku's service system offer for unaccompanied, undocumented children and adolescents?”. The method of the thesis is a qualitative study. The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on Finnish law, human rights, children’s rights, the situation of unaccompanied children and adolescents and, - services offered from a Nordic perspective. The thesis includes interviews with five actors in Turku. The result of the thesis is that the services provided for unaccompanied, undocumented children and adolescents are health care from the city of Turku and social security from parishes voluntary organizations. All organizations and institutions strive to follow the human rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The result shows that there are still shortcomings. The subject unaccompanied, undocumented children and adolescents is contradictory and responsibilities are unclear

    KVINNAN I KONFLIKTEN Stridande soldat eller grÄtande moder? En kvantitativ innehÄllsanalys av könsrepresentation i svensk egenproducerad konfliktrapportering

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    Abstract The purpose of this study is to acquire knowledge of how much and in what way women, compared to men, are portrayed in Swedish self-produced conflict reporting. The aim is to investigate the quantitative representation of the sexes and to conclude to what extent men and women get to play leading, subordinated or minor parts, and to what extent they get portrayed with stereotypical masculine and feminine attributes. This has been achieved by performing a quantitative content analysis on 334 articles and segments from Swedish press, radio and TV during the years 2011 to 2016. The dates were chosen by a simple random sample in order to form six weeks, seven days each per year since the Arab spring broke out in 2011. This specific period of time allowed us to get results that are representative of the global situation of today. The study has been performed with a gender perspective. The questions asked to our empirical material, and the operationalization of the masculine and feminine attributes, have been formed on the basis of theories established mainly by gender researchers Cynthia Enloe, Monica Löfgren Nilsson and Liesbet van Zoonen. This theoretical framework has allowed us to understand and analyze whether and to which extent the active, passive, hard and soft attributes are given to men or women in Swedish conflict reporting. The findings of the study show that women in general are represented to a much less extent than men in Swedish conflict reporting. Men represent the absolute majority in all contexts investigated. Only two out of ten people in the study’s empirical material were women. Looking exclusively at visual content, women are represented slightly more but the gender balance remains approximately the same. The study also concluded that women are scarce in expert roles and leading parts. The results of the study confirm earlier research on conflict reporting both in Sweden and other countries, by showing that women are in the minority, are portrayed as victims and often only are present as a male appendage. Men appear more often in the empirical material with military focus, and women more often with civilian focus. These analyzed results follow the established patterns of the study’s theoretical framework. Men are in the absolute majority regarding active roles and hard attributes, and women are, compared to men, more frequently portrayed in passive roles with soft attributes. Key words Conflict reporting, women in conflict reporting, news subjects, gender, gender roles, masculine and feminine attributes, gender representation, quantitative content analysis Nyckelord Konfliktrapportering, kvinnor i konfliktrapportering, nyhetssubjekt, genus, könsroller, maskulina och feminina attribut, könsrepresentation, kvantitativ innehĂ„llsanaly

    Allopregnanolone effects on food intake and weight gain

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    Background Obesity is currently one of the major causes of ill health and it is clear that overeatingis the cause of obesity. However, the actions of many endogenous factors that contribute to overeating are still not well understood. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-ergic transmission has been shown to be of great importance for food intake regulation. The progesterone metabolite allopregnanolone is a potent positive GABAA receptor modulating steroid (GAMS) and in humans, elevated allopregnanolone levels have been suggested to be involved in increased food intake, and also with overweight and obesity. GABAA receptors that express the α2 and α3 subunits are proposed to be the main subtypes involved in food intake regulation. Therefore, the aims of the work in this thesis were to further investigate the effect of allopregnanolone on food intake, feeding behaviour, possible effects on weight gain and also to characterize a possible antagonist at α2ÎČ3Îł2and α3ÎČ3Îł2 GABAA receptors. Methods Allopregnanolone effects on food intake of different food items were recorded in male Wistar rats. Feeding patterns were analyzed. Food preference tests were also conducted and rats were repeatedly exposed to allopregnanolone under different feeding conditions to elucidate possible effects on body weight gain. To deeper investigate GABAA receptor subtypes suggested to be involved in food intake regulation, electrophysiological whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were performed to identify the specificity of the GAMS antagonist UC1020, at human α2ÎČ3Îł2 and α3ÎČ3Îł2 GABAA receptors expressed in HEK293-cells. Results Allopregnanolone increased the intake of standard chow, cookies and a high fat diet in male Wistar rats. Preferentially, allopregnanolone increased the ratsÂŽintake of the more calorie dense food type. Allopregnanolone reduced feeding latency and prolonged feeding duration. The increased chow intake induced by allopregnanolone was more pronounced at the beginning of the ratsÂŽ active period compared to the inactive. Repeated allopregnanolone administration during 5 consecutive days led to an increased body weight gain, more evident in schedule fed rats on a high fat diet. Both obesity prone and obesity resistant rats gained significantly more weight with repeated allopregnanolone exposure and the increased body weight gain correlated with increased food intake. The compound UC1020 was a potent antagonist of GAMS-enhanced GABA evoked currents at human α3ÎČ3Îł2 GABAA receptors, whereas it had no effect at α2ÎČ3Îł2 GABAA receptors. Conclusions Our findings indicate that allopregnanolone induced hyperphagia may be one of the endogenous factors involved in weight gain, especially when the diet is energy-rich. The compound UC1020 may prove useful for investigating the involvement of the α2 and α3 GABAA receptor subtypes in GAMS-induced hyperphagia

    Konferera i skÀrgÄrden : En studie om konferensanlÀggningars utvecklingspotential i Stockholms skÀrgÄrd

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    Föreliggande studie Àmnar undersöka utvecklingspotentialen för konferensanlÀggningar i Stockholm skÀrgÄrd. Studiens syfte Àr att skapa en djupare förstÄelse för hur konferensanlÀggningar i rurala miljöer upplever sin utvecklingspotential. För att öka förstÄelsen för konferensanlÀggningars utvecklingspotential kompletterades studien med offentliga aktörers upplevelser kring utveckling för mötesanlÀggningar i rurala miljöer. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats dÀr semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med sju respondenter frÄn konferensanlÀggningar samt tvÄ nyckelpersoner inom offentliga sektorn. Teorierna som anvÀnds i studien grundar sig i tre olika teoriomrÄden vilka Àr: utveckling av professionella möten, rural verksamhetsutveckling samt utvecklingshinder för smÄ företag. I empiriavsnittet presenteras konferensanlÀggningarna var för sig i en djupgÄende löpande text. Nyckelpersonerna inom den offentliga sektorn presentera en redovisning av vad projektet Stockholm Archipelago innebÀr, samt hur de bÄda offentliga aktörerna ser pÄ utvecklingen av konferensanlÀggningar i rurala omrÄden. DÀrefter presenteras analysavsnittet dÀr teori och empiri har sammankopplats samt analysen av sambandet dem emellan. Slutligen presenteras resultatet som uppkommit i undersökningen i slutsatsen. De mest framtrÀdande aspekterna var att anlÀggningarna sjÀlva inte ansÄg att det finns nÄgra stora utvecklingshinder samtidigt som författarna kunnat identifiera brister som kan anses vara negativa för konferensanlÀggningars utveckling i Stockholms skÀrgÄrd. De identifierade bristerna var exempelvis bristande transportmöjligheter Äret om, bristande kÀnnedom om skÀrgÄrden och att konferensanlÀggningarna Àr isolerade frÄn andra kompletterande aktörer.Present study intends to investigate the potential of development for conference facilities in Stockholm archipelago. The study propose to create a deeper understanding for how the conference facilities in rural environment experiencing its potential of development. To increase the understanding for the conference facilities potential of development the study was completed with public actors experience about development for conference facility in rural areas. The study has a qualitative method there semi structured interviews have been done with seven respondents from the conference facilities and two key persons from public sector. The theories who are used in the study are based in three difference theory fields who are development of professional meetings, rural corporation development and obstacles for development in small business. In the empirical part the conference facilities are separately presented in a deeper current text and the key persons from the public sector are presented through a report of what the project Stockholm Archipelago is and also how the key persons from the public sector are looking at the development for the conference facilities in rural areas. Thereafter the analysis part will present the interconnection between theories and the empiric and the analysis of connection between them. The most prominent aspects were that the conference facilities themselves did not consider that there were any major development disabilities for them, but the authors have been able to identify some obstacles that could be negative for a development of conference facilities in the Stockholm archipelago. The identified obstacles were for example, lack of transport opportunities all year round, lack of knowledge about the archipelago and that conference facilities are isolated from other complementary companies

    ”NĂ€r man Ă€r kĂ€llkritisk Ă€r man vaccinerad mot att bli lurad med falsk information” : En studie om samhĂ€llselevers kĂ€llkritiska förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt i gymnasiearbetet

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    KĂ€llkritik Ă€r ett centralt inslag i mĂ„nga Ă€mnen, inte minst i samhĂ€llskunskapen. Syftet med denna uppsats  var att  undersöka  svenska elevers olika förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt till kĂ€llkritik i gymnasiearbeten inom samhĂ€llsvetenskapsprogrammet. De metoder som har anvĂ€nts Ă€r kvantitativ innehĂ„llsanalys och kvalitativ innehĂ„llsanalys med en fenomenografisk ansats. Materialet som har analyserats bestĂ„r av 27 gymnasiearbeten frĂ„n fyra olika skolor, skrivna av elever pĂ„ samhĂ€llsvetenskapsprogrammet under Ă„ren 2017–2022.  Resultatet visade att eleverna anvĂ€nde sig av mĂ„nga olika kĂ€lltyper i sina gymnasiearbeten, men att majoriteten av dessa var digitala. Det visade Ă€ven att eleverna förde en mĂ€ngd olika resonemang för att motivera  sina  val av kĂ€llor. Vissa av dessa  gick  i linje med en traditionell kĂ€llkritik,  andra  en mer utvidgad kĂ€llkritik och en del  fördes  utifrĂ„n personliga upplevelser.  Resultatet visade Ă€ven att det gick att urskilja olika uppfattningar gĂ€llande kĂ€llkritik utifrĂ„n elevernas resonemang. Dessa uppfattningar handlade bland annat om kĂ€llkritikens vĂ€rde, innehĂ„ll och praktik. Sammanfattningsvis visade studien pĂ„ en stor variation i elevernas kĂ€llkritiska förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt,  vad gĂ€ller de kĂ€lltyper  som anvĂ€nts,  elevernas  kĂ€llkritiska resonemang  samt  de olika uppfattningar som gĂ„tt att urskilja.

    Kommunikation: vÀgen till medarbetares attityd i en organisationsförÀndring

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    This study investigated whether change communication can be related to employees’ attitude towards a transition to an Activity based workplace (ABW). A quantitative study was conducted in collaboration with a company and the participants of the survey were the employees at the company. This study’s results have in several ways presented that there is a relationship between change communication and attitude. Information-creating communication in terms of time, regularity and adequacy has been shown to relate to the employees' attitude towards the change. Moreover, the employees estimated the overall communication did in a lesser extent create a sense of belonging in the company and being able to identify with the change. Several employees seemed unsure of the reasons of the change, which could lead to uncertainty and resistance. Finally, the employees felt the communication was engaging, which could have reduced employees' job insecurity. The authors of this study conclude that change communication largely relates to employees attitudes towards an organizational change. However, it seems important that change communication takes place in a well-structured and adapted manner, as well as to have in mind that several other aspects are likely to affect employees' attitude

    Ett nytt - ett nytt liv. En aktstudie om ensamkommande barns möjlighet till etablering i Sverige

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    Sammanfattning Det Ă€r socialtjĂ€nsten som har det övergripande ansvaret för de ensamkommande barnen som kommer till Sverige. SocialtjĂ€nsten ska se till att barnen fĂ„r tillgĂ„ng till adekvat hĂ€lso- och sjukvĂ„rd, boende, skola och framförallt möjliggöra för en god etablering in i samhĂ€llet. Föreliggande studie syftar till att genom en aktstudie undersöka om de insatser som erbjudits de ensamkommande barnen visar förutsĂ€ttningar för att frĂ€mja deras möjlighet till etablering i samhĂ€llet. Studien utgĂ„r ifrĂ„n en kvalitativ metod och dess material Ă€r inhĂ€mtat frĂ„n ett socialkontor, i Sverige, med inriktning pĂ„ integration. Materialet utgörs av totalt Ă„tta stycken akter berörande ensamkommande barn och deras omkringliggande insatser. Av materialet framkommer tre essentiella faktorer för en god etablering – dĂ€r planerade insatser i första hand fokuserar pĂ„ barnens hĂ€lsa, boende och skolgĂ„ng. Tre faktorer som i mĂ„ngt och mycket tenderar att hĂ€nga samman och pĂ„verka varandra sinsemellan. De insatser som erbjudits de ensamkommande barnen visar pĂ„ sĂ„ vis pĂ„ vissa förutsĂ€ttningar att frĂ€mja deras möjlighet till etablering. DĂ€r barnens egna psykosociala mognad Ă€r ytterligare en faktor i relation till barnens sociala nĂ€tverk, vilka bĂ„da visat sig vara viktiga i processen mot en lyckad etablering. FrĂ„n socialtjĂ€nstens sida behövs det samtidigt tidigt insatta insatser med sĂ€rskilt fokus pĂ„ barnens enskilda behov och önskemĂ„l

    Allopregnanolone preferentially induces energy-rich food intake in male Wistar rats

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    Obesity is an increasing problem and identiïŹcation of the driving forces for overeating of energy-rich food is important. Previous studies show that the stress and sex steroid allopregnanolone has a hyperphagic effect on both bland food and palatable food. If allopregnanolone induces a preference for more palatable or for more energy-rich food is not known. The aim of this study  was to elucidate the inïŹ‚uence of allopregnanolone on food preference. Male Wistar rats were subjected to two different food preference tests: a choice between standard chow and cookies (which have a higher energy content and also are more palatable than chow), and a choice between a low caloric sucrose solution and standard chow (which has a higher energy content and is less palatable than sucrose). Food intake was measured for 1 h after acute subcutaneous injections of allopregnanolone. In the choice between cookies and chow allopregnanolone signiïŹcantly increased only the intake of cookies.When the standard chow was the item present with the highest caloric load, the chow intake was increased and allopregnanolone had no effect on intake of the 10% sucrose solution. The increased energy intakes induced by the high allopregnanolone dose compared to vehicle were very similar in the two tests,120% increase for cookies and 150% increase for chow. It appears that in allopregnanolone-induced hyperphagia, rats choose the food with the highest energy content regardless of its palatability