1,294 research outputs found

    Efficacy of Wheat Insecticide Seed Treatments on Bird Cherry-Oat Aphids

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    Bird Cherry-Oat Aphids, Rhopalosiphumpadi (Linnaeus), (BCOA) are a major agricultural pest for wheat due to their ability to transferBarley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV), which can stunt growth when introduced to seedlings (Wegulo, 2013). These aphids, which will remain infective throughout their lives, are capable of asexual reproduction thus populations can grow exponentially and BYDV can spread rapidly throughout a field (Whitworth & Ahmad, 2008) ”). However, seed treatments, the application of pesticides to “seeds or vegetative propagation materials,” are an effective way to defend crops from pests like BCOA during their most vulnerable life cycle stages. (Paulsrudet al, 2001). Chemical companies are always seeking to develop ever more effective treatments. This research compared the effectiveness of an experimental treatment to that of Poncho¼, a proven aphid pesticide. The results showed that the BCOA populations on the plants treated with the experimental pesticide did not decline. In fact, they increased at a faster rate than the untreated control. This indicates that the experimental treatment is not suitable for the control of aphids

    The Interconnectedness of Jonathan Edwards\u27s Ontology and Trinitarianism

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    Jonathan Edwards scholarship has been divided in recent years on the correct interpretation of his work. Scholars like Sang Hyun Lee and Amy Plantinga Pauw maintain that Edwards used a radically new dispositional ontology to understand the fundamental realities of nature. Oliver Crisp, Kyle Strobel, and Steve Studebaker have argued that Edwards used an essentialist ontology. I will defend the latter position and explain how it is tied to Edwards’s Trinitarianism. I argue for an interpretation of Edwards that situates him in his historical and theological context. The early modern philosophy of his day was marked by essentialist ontology. The Reformed tradition of his day was marked by understanding the Trinity in an orthodox way. I argue that Edwards combined both of these themes in his philosophy and theology. This made for a unique understanding of ontology and Trinitarianism, but Edwards remained within the bounds of the philosophy and theology of his time

    FLS: A Message from the Assistant Dean

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    Assistant Dean Davis thanks the alumni who contributed to the fund and asks for continued support

    For a Zemiology of Politics

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    Davis, H., & White, H., For a zemiology of politics, Journal of White Collar and Corporate Crime (Journal Volume Number and Issue Number) pp. xx-xx. Copyright © [2022] (Copyright Holder). Reprinted by permission of SAGE Publications.A zemiology of politics is required in the face of disastrous historic, contemporary and future social harms. Focusing on state-led politics, the article charts some politically generated or mediated social harms: military; ecological and economic. These can generate justificatory narratives of zemiogenic deceit and ignorance. In a contemporary political moment of authoritarian populism, nativism and racism, each feature as part of wider processes towards the corruption and destruction of politics. The article then suggests some of the potentials of healthy politics and fundamental principles for a zemiology of politics including: subordination of crime-centric criminology to a historically grounded international zemiology, the incorporation of agnotological perspectives, and an orientation that is public, inclusive, reflexive and non-fundamentalist

    Efficacy of Selected Insecticide Seed Treatments on Bird Cherry-Oat Aphids in Wheat

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    Bird Cherry-Oat Aphids, Rhopalosiphumpadi (Linnaeus) (BCOA) are common in Kansas wheat fields and may vector Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus, causing awidevariety of problems including stunted and non-reproductive wheat (Whitworth and Ahmad, 2008). This experiment consisted of an experimental seed treatment and compared it to a control and a seed treatment already commercially available.Results showed that although the experimental treatment didn't provide control; seeds with CruiserMaxxÂź seed treatment were protected until 22 days after planting.The results indicate that the aphids these common seed treatments are fighting against were not as effective as previously determined

    Designing remote synchronous auditory comprehension assessment for severely impaired individuals with aphasia

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    Background The use of telepractice in aphasia research and therapy is increasing in frequency. Teleassessment in aphasia has been demonstrated to be reliable. However, neuropsychological and clinical language comprehension assessments are not always readily translatable to an online environment and people with severe language comprehension or cognitive impairments have sometimes been considered to be unsuitable for teleassessment. Aim This project aimed to produce a battery of language comprehension teleassessments at the single word, sentence and discourse level suitable for individuals with moderate‐severe language comprehension impairments. Methods Assessment development prioritised response consistency and clinical flexibility during testing. Teleassessments were delivered in PowerPoint over Zoom using screen sharing and remote control functions. The assessments were evaluated in 14 people with aphasia and 9 neurotypical control participants. Modifiable assessment templates are available here: https://osf.io/r6wfm/. Main Contributions People with aphasia were able to engage in language comprehension teleassessment with limited carer support. Only one assessment could not be completed for technical reasons. Statistical analysis revealed above chance performance in 141/151 completed assessments. Conclusions People with aphasia, including people with moderate‐severe comprehension impairments, are able to engage with teleassessment. Successful teleassessment can be supported by retaining clinical flexibility and maintaining consistent task demands. WHAT THIS PAPER ADDS What is already known on the subject Teleassessment for aphasia is reliable but assessment of auditory comprehension is difficult to adapt to the online environment. There has been limited evaluation of the ability of people with severe aphasia to engage in auditory comprehension teleassessment. What this paper adds to existing knowledge Auditory comprehension assessment can be adapted for videoconferencing administration while maintaining clinical flexibility to support people with severe aphasia. What are the potential or actual clinical implications of this work? Teleassessment is time and cost effective and can be designed to support inclusion of severely impaired individuals

    Flaming dormant alfalfa for pest control

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    Alfalfa (Medicago sativa Leyss) is an important forage crop whose production is hampered by pests, including the alfalfa weevil (Hypera postica Gyllenhal) which is a major problem in many areas. Flaming during dormancy could be an alternative control measure. Late fall and early spring flaming at three intensities were compared with pesticide and no treatment for their effects on alfalfa weevil damage and weed density. In four site-years, flaming at high intensity generally reduced weevil damage to alfalfa. When winter annual broadleaf weeds were prevalent, flaming decreased their density. When fall and spring flaming effects were different, spring flaming gave better results

    Pimpin’ ain’t easy? The lives of pimps involved in street prostitution in the United States of America

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    The pimp serves as an iconic ghetto hero who stands in street cultures as a figure that represents defiance, anti-establishment angst, and victorious criminality (Funches & Marriott 2002; Horton-Stallings, 2003). The American pimp has been brought into mainstream American culture through 1960’s literature, 1970’s Blaxploitation films, 1980’s hip hop and more recently, documentaries, films, books, music and television. The word ‘pimp’ has found its way into mainstream usage and popular caricatures of the pimp can be found in everything from Halloween costumes to ‘pimp and ho’ themed college parties. Despite being highly visible within mainstream culture, this character is still enigmatic as pimps are an underresearched population. Thus this thesis aims to uncover and unveil the lives and experiences of pimps involved in illegal prostitution to produce a more panoramic understanding of prostitution and an unexplored segment of major players within it. This thesis investigates the experiences and narratives of pimps involved in illegal, predominately street, prostitution in the USA. This research project stands to offer in-depth insight into the experiences of pimps in the United States within this unique subcultural context. In order to fill that literature gap, this research interviewed pimps and gathered data that explored how and why individuals become pimps, their personal histories, how they maintain their position as pimps, how pimps pimp, and the motivations for exit and/or retirement from The Game (the world of prostitution and pimping). More than just a managerial position, the role of the pimp also embraces a lifestyle with special rules, fashions and activities that create a unique and complex underground, criminal community. Rather than just presenting pimps as violent exploiters or ghetto heroes, this thesis examined the language of pimping, their orientation to their roles, the relationship between pimping and the surrounding communities and mainstream society, and explored this criminal career as a social role as well as career. With their childhood experiences of life in American ghettos leading to regular exposure to pimps and favorable impressions of illicit, underground careers, respondents came to ‘choose’ pimping as their career trajectory in their teens. Once dedicated to becoming pimps, many pimps underwent training with older pimps and later gained acceptance within the street community to earn their positions and status as pimps. When established within The Game, they started to practice ‘pimpology’ (pimp ideology) and to firmly establish their skills and methods of pimping. Two substantive chapters within this thesis are dedicated to addressing pimpology: pimpology covers the core processes, social connections and methods of management that are vital for a pimps success and survival in The Game. The aim of these chapters is to explore how pimps function as individuals, with the women who work for them, within their peer networks, and within their communities while they are actively pimping. And finally, exit from pimping will be explored. Issues such as age, exhaustion, family, health, drug addiction, trauma, imprisonment, law enforcement crackdowns and social betrayal all also act as further incentives for pimps to ‘hang up their pimp hat.’ This research has uncovered new themes and trends within the narratives of this hidden, underground subcultural population and offers great insights into the ‘career cycles’ of pimps. This project stands to fill a major gap within prostitution research as current literature lacks the perspectives and voices of pimps themselves. Within this research, a nuanced approach offers a unique view of the pimp and their complex roles and relationships within The Game. As an understudied population, pimps have rarely been the focus of academic inquiry; thus this research stands to contribute new perspectives, insights and data on a population that has remained enigmatic and well hidden from academic exploration for decades
