78 research outputs found

    Systemic Immune-Inflammation Index (SII) Predicts Poor Survival in Pancreatic Cancer Patients Undergoing Resection

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    Background: The systemic immune-inflammation index based on peripheral neutrophil, lymphocyte, and platelet counts has shown a prognostic impact in several malignancies. The aim of this study was to determine the prognostic role of systemic immune-inflammation index in patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma undergoing resection. Methods: Consecutive patients who underwent surgical resection at the department of surgery at the Medical University of Vienna between 1995 and 2014 were included into this study. The systemic immune-inflammation index was calculated by the formula platelet*neutrophil/lymphocyte. Optimal cutoffs were determined using Youden's index. Uni-and multivariate analyses were calculated by the Cox proportional hazard regression model for overall survival. Results Three hundred twenty-one patients were included in this study. Clinical data was achieved from a prospective patient database. In univariate survival analysis, elevated systemic immune-inflammation index was found to be significantly associated with shortened patients' overall survival (p = 0.007). In multivariate survival analysis, systemic immune-inflammation index remained an independent prognostic factor for overall survival (p = 0.004). No statistical significance could be found for platelet to lymphocyte ratio and neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio in multivariate analysis. Furthermore, area under the curve analysis showed a higher prognostic significance for systemic immune-inflammation index, compared to platelet to lymphocyte ratio and neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio. Conclusion: A high systemic immune-inflammation index is an independent, preoperative available prognostic factor in patients with resectable pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma and is superior to platelet to lymphocyte ratio and neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio for predicting overall survival in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma patients

    Measuring chronic stress exposure incorporating the active and healthy ageing (AHA) concept within the cross-sectional Bern cohort study 2014 (BeCS-14).

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    The aim of the study was to represent chronic stress exposure by a complex generic Active and Healthy (AHA) diagnostic assessment tool incorporating ICF. This is a single-centre, cross-sectional, observational, non-interventional, non-randomized trial in University based women's hospital, division of Gynecological Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine. All participants followed a standardized, holistic battery of biopsychosocial assessments consisting of bio-functional status (BFS), bio-functional age (BFA) and the questionnaire for chronic stress exposure (TICS). 624 non-pediatric, non-geriatric subjects were recruited in the BeCS-14 cohort. The mean difference between chronological age and BFA was 7.8 ± 8.0 year equivalents. The mean stress level score assessed by SSCS was 13.2 with 45.4% being exposed to above average stress intensity. 22 BFS items (14 objective, 7 subjective) significantly correlated with chronic stress exposure (TICS-SSCS). The constructed sum score composed of SOC_L9 and complaint questionnaire (physical and emotional wellbeing) represented chronic stress exposure best (pearson-correlation value 0.564, p < 0.0001). Higher chronic stress exposure was associated with bio-functional pro-aging (less vitality) in both sexes. In conclusion, chronic stress is accepted as a major risk factor for developing non-communicable diseases (NCD). Our ICF compatible, complex, generic BFS/BFA assessment tool reflects chronic stress exposure and may be applied in various health care settings, e.g., in health promotion and prevention of NCDs

    Receptor activity-modifying protein dependent and independent activation mechanisms in the coupling of calcitonin gene-related peptide and adrenomedullin receptors to Gs

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    Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) or adrenomedullin (AM) receptors are heteromers of the calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CLR), a class B G protein-coupled receptor, and one of three receptor activity-modifying proteins (RAMPs). How CGRP and AM activate CLR and how this process is modulated by RAMPs is unclear. We have defined how CGRP and AM induce Gs-coupling in CLR-RAMP heteromers by measuring the effect of targeted mutagenesis in the CLR transmembrane domain on cAMP production, modeling the active state conformations of CGRP and AM receptors in complex with the Gs C-terminus and conducting molecular dynamics simulations in an explicitly hydrated lipidic bilayer. The largest effects on receptor signaling were seen with H295A5.40b, I298A5.43b, L302A5.47b, N305A5.50b, L345A6.49b and E348A6.52b, F349A6.53b and H374A7.47b (class B numbering in superscript). Many of these residues are likely to form part of a group in close proximity to the peptide binding site and link to a network of hydrophilic and hydrophobic residues, which undergo rearrangements to facilitate Gs binding. Residues closer to the extracellular loops displayed more pronounced RAMP or ligand-dependent effects. Mutation of H3747.47b to alanine increased AM potency 100-fold in the CGRP receptor. The molecular dynamics simulation showed that TM5 and TM6 pivoted around TM3. The data suggest that hydrophobic interactions are more important for CLR activation than other class B GPCRs, providing new insights into the mechanisms of activation of this class of receptor. Furthermore the data may aid in the understanding of how RAMPs modulate the signaling of other class B GPCRs

    Novel biomaterials: plasma-enabled nanostructures and functions

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    Material processing techniques utilizing low-temperature plasmas as the main process tool feature many unique capabilities for the fabrication of various nanostructured materials. As compared with the neutral-gas based techniques and methods, the plasma-based approaches offer higher levels of energy and flux controllability, often leading to higher quality of the fabricated nanomaterials and sometimes to the synthesis of the hierarchical materials with interesting properties. Among others, nanoscale biomaterials attract significant attention due to their special properties towards the biological materials (proteins, enzymes), living cells and tissues. This review briefly examines various approaches based on the use of low-temperature plasma environments to fabricate nanoscale biomaterials exhibiting high biological activity, biological inertness for drug delivery system, and other features of the biomaterials make them highly attractive. In particular, we briefly discuss the plasma-assisted fabrication of gold and silicon nanoparticles for bio-applications; carbon nanoparticles for bioimaging and cancer therapy; carbon nanotube-based platforms for enzyme production and bacteria growth control, and other applications of low-temperature plasmas in the production of biologically-active materials

    New constraint on cosmological variation of the proton-to-electron mass ratio from Q0528-250

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    Molecular hydrogen transitions in quasar spectra can be used to constrain variation in the proton-to-electron mass ratio, μmp/me\mu\equiv m_p/m_e, at high redshifts (z2z\gtrsim 2). We present here an analysis of a new spectrum of the quasar Q0528-250, obtained on VLT/UVES (the Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph, on the Very Large Telescope), and analyse the well-known H2_2 absorber at z=2.811z=2.811 in this spectrum. For the first time we detect HD (deuterated molecular hydrogen) in this system with a column density of log10(N/cm2)=13.27±0.07\log_{10}(N/\mathrm{cm^{-2}})=13.27 \pm 0.07; HD is sensitive to variation in μ\mu, and so we include it in our analysis. Using 76 H2_2 and 7 HD transitions we constrain variation in μ\mu from the current laboratory value to be Δμ/μ=(0.3±3.2stat±1.9sys)×106\Delta\mu/\mu = (0.3\pm 3.2_\mathrm{stat} \pm 1.9_\mathrm{sys})\times 10^{-6}, which is consistent with no cosmological variation in μ\mu, as well as with previous results from other H2_2/HD absorbers. The main sources of systematic uncertainty relate to accurate wavelength calibration of the spectra and the re-dispersion of multiple telescope exposures onto the one pixel grid.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figures + 14 supplementary figures. Accepted for publication for MNRA

    A role for hydrophobicity in a Diels–Alder reaction catalyzed by pyridyl-modified RNA

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    New classes of RNA enzymes or ribozymes have been obtained by in vitro evolution and selection of RNA molecules. Incorporation of modified nucleotides into the RNA sequence has been proposed to enhance function. DA22 is a modified RNA containing 5-(4-pyridylmethyl) carboxamide uridines, which has been selected for its ability to promote a Diels–Alder cycloaddition reaction. Here, we show that DA_TR96, the most active member of the DA22 RNA sequence family, which was selected with pyridyl-modified nucleotides, accelerates a cycloaddition reaction between anthracene and maleimide derivatives with high turnover. These widely used reactants were not used in the original selection for DA22 and yet here they provide the first demonstration of DA_TR96 as a true multiple-turnover catalyst. In addition, the absence of a structural or essential kinetic role for Cu2+, as initially postulated, and nonsequence-specific hydrophobic interactions with the anthracene substrate have led to a reevaluation of the pyridine modification's role. These findings broaden the catalytic repertoire of the DA22 family of pyridyl-modified RNAs and suggest a key role for the hydrophobic effect in the catalytic mechanism

    Asymmetric Switching in a Homodimeric ABC Transporter: A Simulation Study

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    ABC transporters are a large family of membrane proteins involved in a variety of cellular processes, including multidrug and tumor resistance and ion channel regulation. Advances in the structural and functional understanding of ABC transporters have revealed that hydrolysis at the two canonical nucleotide-binding sites (NBSs) is co-operative and non-simultaneous. A conserved core architecture of bacterial and eukaryotic ABC exporters has been established, as exemplified by the crystal structure of the homodimeric multidrug exporter Sav1866. Currently, it is unclear how sequential ATP hydrolysis arises in a symmetric homodimeric transporter, since it implies at least transient asymmetry at the NBSs. We show by molecular dynamics simulation that the initially symmetric structure of Sav1866 readily undergoes asymmetric transitions at its NBSs in a pre-hydrolytic nucleotide configuration. MgATP-binding residues and a network of charged residues at the dimer interface are shown to form a sequence of putative molecular switches that allow ATP hydrolysis only at one NBS. We extend our findings to eukaryotic ABC exporters which often consist of two non-identical half-transporters, frequently with degeneracy substitutions at one of their two NBSs. Interestingly, many residues involved in asymmetric conformational switching in Sav1866 are substituted in degenerate eukaryotic NBS. This finding strengthens recent suggestions that the interplay of a consensus and a degenerate NBS in eukaroytic ABC proteins pre-determines the sequence of hydrolysis at the two NBSs

    Inter-domain Communication Mechanisms in an ABC Importer: A Molecular Dynamics Study of the MalFGK2E Complex

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    ATP-Binding Cassette transporters are ubiquitous membrane proteins that convert the energy from ATP-binding and hydrolysis into conformational changes of the transmembrane region to allow the translocation of substrates against their concentration gradient. Despite the large amount of structural and biochemical data available for this family, it is still not clear how the energy obtained from ATP hydrolysis in the ATPase domains is “transmitted” to the transmembrane domains. In this work, we focus our attention on the consequences of hydrolysis and inorganic phosphate exit in the maltose uptake system (MalFGK2E) from Escherichia coli. The prime goal is to identify and map the structural changes occurring during an ATP-hydrolytic cycle. For that, we use extensive molecular dynamics simulations to study three potential intermediate states (with 10 replicates each): an ATP-bound, an ADP plus inorganic phosphate-bound and an ADP-bound state. Our results show that the residues presenting major rearrangements are located in the A-loop, in the helical sub-domain, and in the “EAA motif” (especially in the “coupling helices” region). Additionally, in one of the simulations with ADP we were able to observe the opening of the NBD dimer accompanied by the dissociation of ADP from the ABC signature motif, but not from its corresponding P-loop motif. This work, together with several other MD studies, suggests a common communication mechanism both for importers and exporters, in which ATP-hydrolysis induces conformational changes in the helical sub-domain region, in turn transferred to the transmembrane domains via the “coupling helices”