8,641 research outputs found

    Observations of vertical velocity power spectra with the SOUSY VHF radar

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    A data set taken with the SOUSY VHF radar from October 28 to November 13, 1981 was used to calculate the power spectrum of the vertical velocities directly from the vertical beam measurements. The spectral slopes for the frequency spectra have been determined out to periods of several days and have been found to have values near -1 in the troposphere and shallower slopes in the lower stratosphere. The value of -1 is in agreement with the value found by Larsen et al. (1985) and Balsley and Carter (1982) in the range from a few minutes to 1 hr

    Mechanisms of interpersonal sway synchrony and stability

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    Here we explain the neural and mechanical mechanisms responsible for synchronizing sway and improving postural control during physical contact with another standing person. Postural control processes were modelled using an inverted pendulum under continuous feedback control. Interpersonal interactions were simulated either by coupling the sensory feedback loops or by physically coupling the pendulums with a damped spring. These simulations precisely recreated the timing and magnitude of sway interactions observed empirically. Effects of firmly grasping another person's shoulder were explained entirely by the mechanical linkage. This contrasted with light touch and/or visual contact, which were explained by a sensory weighting phenomenon; each person's estimate of upright was based on a weighted combination of veridical sensory feedback combined with a small contribution from their partner. Under these circumstances, the model predicted reductions in sway even without the need to distinguish between self and partner motion. Our findings explain the seemingly paradoxical observation that touching a swaying person can improve postural control.This work was supported by two BBSRC grants (BB/100579X/1 and an Industry Interchange Award)

    Soliton-like phenomena in one-dimensional cross-diffusion systems: a predator-prey pursuit and evasion example

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    We have studied properties of nonlinear waves in a mathematical model of a predator-prey system with pursuit and evasion. We demonstrate a new type of propagating wave in this system. The mechanism of propagation of these waves essentially depends on the ``taxis'', represented by nonlinear ``cross-diffusion'' terms in the mathematical formulation. We have shown that the dependence of the velocity of wave propagation on the taxis has two distinct forms, ``parabolic'' and ``linear''. Transition from one form to the other correlates with changes in the shape of the wave profile. Dependence of the propagation velocity on diffusion in this system differs from the square-root dependence typical of reaction-diffusion waves. We demonstrate also that, for systems with negative and positive taxis, for example, pursuit and evasion, there typically exists a large region in the parameter space, where the waves demonstrate quasisoliton interaction: colliding waves can penetrate through each other, and waves can also reflect from impermeable boundaries.Comment: 15 pages, 18 figures, submitted to Physica

    Facilitation of trialogic spaces: reflections from Irish and Scottish online lesson studies

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    Digital innovations in teacher education have continued to evolve since the Coronavirus pandemic. As such, there has been recognition of the need to further examine the affordances and constraints of digitally mediated learning environments (Brown-Wilsher, 2021; White & Zimmerman, 2021). In response, this paper draws on the concept of trialogue (Hakkarainen, 2009), i.e. technology mediated dialogue, where digital tools are drawn on to make deliberate building and creation of knowledge accessible. Trialogue involves iterative communication and exchange of ideas in order to develop shared objects (Paavola & Hakkarainen, 2014), which can consist of artefacts, for example, lesson plans; and practices, such as pedagogical techniques. The paper focuses on two different Online Lesson Study projects facilitated by the authors, which took place in Scotland and Ireland. Insights gleaned from each project illustrating trialogue in action are shared, in order to illuminate the potential of trialogic space for enabling teachers’ collaborative learning

    Embedded motivational interviewing combined with a smartphone app to increase physical activity in people with sub-acute low back pain: study protocol of a cluster randomised control trial

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    Background: Motivational Interviewing is an evidence-based, client-centred counselling technique that has been used effectively to increase physical activity, including for people with low back pain. One barrier to implementing Motivational Interviewing in health care settings more broadly is the extra treatment time with therapists. The aim of this paper is to describe the design of a cluster randomised controlled trial evaluating the effect of an intervention that pairs Motivational Interviewing embedded into usual physiotherapy care with a specifically designed app to increase physical activity in people with sub-acute low back pain. Methods: The study is a cluster randomised controlled in which patients aged over 18 years who have sub-acute low back pain (3–12 weeks duration) are recruited from four public hospital outpatient clinics. Based on the recruitment site, participants either receive usual physiotherapy care or the Motivational Interviewing intervention over 6 consecutive weekly outpatient sessions with a specifically designed app designed to facilitate participant-led physical activity behaviour change in between sessions. Outcome measures assessed at baseline and 7 weeks are: physical activity as measured by accelerometer (primary outcome), and pain-related activity restriction and pain self-efficacy (secondary outcomes). Postintervention interviews with physiotherapists and participants will be conducted as part of a process evaluation. Discussion: This intervention, which comprises trained physiotherapists conducting conversations about increasing physical activity with their patients in a manner consistent with Motivational Interviewing as part of usual care combined with a specifically designed app, has potential to facilitate behaviour change with minimal extra therapist time

    Genetic diversity at the FMR1 locus in the Indonesian population

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    We report an analysis of allelic diversity at short tandem repeat polymorphisms within the fragile XA locus in 1069 male volunteers from twelve Indonesian sub-populations. An odd numbered allele of DXS548 was found at high frequency in all Indonesian populations. Greater allelic diversity was identified at the loci under study than has been previously reported for an Asian population. These differences distinguish the Indonesian population from all previously reported Asian, European and African populations. A high frequency of small premutation alleles, 4/120 (3.3%, 95% CI 0.9–8.3%), was identified in the Moluccan population of Hiri Island

    Spectroscopic Confirmation of a Radio-Selected Galaxy Overdensity at z=1.11

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    We report the discovery of a galaxy overdensity at z=1.11 associated with the z=1.110 high-redshift radio galaxy MG0442+0202. The group, CL0442+0202, was found in a near-infrared survey of z>1 radio galaxies undertaken to identify spatially-coincident regions with a high density of objects red in I-K' color, typical of z>1 elliptical galaxies. Spectroscopic observations from the Keck telescope reveal five galaxies within 35" of MG0442+0202 at 1.10<z<1.11. These member galaxies have broad-band colors and optical spectra consistent with passively-evolving elliptical galaxies formed at high redshift. A 45ks Chandra X-Ray Observatory observation detects the radio galaxy and four point sources within 15" of the radio galaxy, corresponding to a surface density two orders of magnitude higher than average for X-ray sources at these flux levels, S(0.5-2keV) > 5e-16 erg/cm2/s. One of these point sources is identified with a radio-quiet, typeII quasar at z=1.863, akin to sources recently reported in deep Chandra surveys. The limit on an extended hot intracluster medium in the Chandra data is S(1-6keV) < 1.9e-15 erg/cm2/s (3-sigma, 30" radius aperture). Though the X-ray observations do not confirm the existence of a massive, bound cluster at z>1, the success of the optical/near-infrared targeting of early-type systems near the radio galaxy validates searches using radio galaxies as beacons for high-redshift large-scale structure. We interpret CL0442+0202 to be a massive cluster in the process of formation.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure

    UHF and VHF radar observations of thunderstorms

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    A study of thunderstorms was made in the Summer of 1985 with the 430-MHz and 50-MHz radars at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. Both radars use the 300-meter dish, which gives a beam width of less than 2 degrees even at these long wavelengths. Though the radars are steerable, only vertical beams were used in this experiment. The height resolution was 300 and 150 meters for the UHF and VHF, respectively. Lightning echoes, as well as returns from precipitation and clear-air turbulence were detected with both wavelengths. Large increases in the returned power were found to be coincident with increasing downward vertical velocities at UHF, whereas at VHF the total power returned was relatively constant during the life of a storm. This was attributed to the fact that the VHF is more sensitive to scattering from the turbulence-induced inhomogeneities in the refractive index and less sensitive to scatter from precipitation particles. On occasion, the shape of the Doppler spectra was observed to change with the occurrence of a lightning discharge in the pulse volume. Though the total power and mean reflectivity weighted Doppler velocity changed little during these events, the power is Doppler frequency bins near that corresponding to the updraft did increase substantially within a fraction of a second after a discharge was detected in the beam. This suggests some interaction between precipitation and lightning

    Independent Orbiter Assessment (IOA): Analysis of the orbiter main propulsion system

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    The results of the Independent Orbiter Assessment (IOA) of the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and Critical Items List (CIL) are presented. The IOA approach features a top-down analysis of the hardware to determine failure modes, criticality, and potential critical items (PCIs). To preserve independence, this analysis was accomplished without reliance upon the results contained within the NASA FMEA/CIL documentation. The independent analysis results for the Orbiter Main Propulsion System (MPS) hardware are documented. The Orbiter MPS consists of two subsystems: the Propellant Management Subsystem (PMS) and the Helium Subsystem. The PMS is a system of manifolds, distribution lines and valves by which the liquid propellants pass from the External Tank (ET) to the Space Shuttle Main Engines (SSMEs) and gaseous propellants pass from the SSMEs to the ET. The Helium Subsystem consists of a series of helium supply tanks and their associated regulators, check valves, distribution lines, and control valves. The Helium Subsystem supplies helium that is used within the SSMEs for inflight purges and provides pressure for actuation of SSME valves during emergency pneumatic shutdowns. The balance of the helium is used to provide pressure to operate the pneumatically actuated valves within the PMS. Each component was evaluated and analyzed for possible failure modes and effects. Criticalities were assigned based on the worst possible effect of each failure mode. Of the 690 failure modes analyzed, 349 were determined to be PCIs

    Orbit Assembly Of Unmanned Spacecraft

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    In future, the mission demands on unmanned spacecraft, (whether they be Earth orbiters or deep space probes) , will be so great and so complex as to preclude their being small enough to be launched from Earth by chemical rocket. Such spacecraft can be assembled in Earth orbit by suited astronauts, using pre-fabricated modules specifically designed for such orbital assembly. These modules could be standardized, so that any number of spacecraft and mission requirements could be accommodated without extensive need for specialized hardware
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