525 research outputs found

    Water quality and pollutant dynamics in the Three Gorges Reservoir on the Yangtze River, China = Wasserqualität und Schadstoffdynamik im Drei-Schluchten-Reservoir am Yangtze, China

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    This dissertation provides scientific contributions to a sustainable management of the newly created ecosystem along the TGR on the Yangtze River in China. Measurements with the in situ and online multi-sensor system MINIBAT provide detailed insights into water quality and ecosystem processes in both spatial and temporal resolution. Based on the findings about pollutant sources and transportation as well as eutrophication and algal blooms, possible mitigation measures have been derived

    Optimierte selektive Anregung von Metabolitensignalen mit der Magnetresonanz-Spektroskopie

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    Die Magnetresonanz-Spektroskopie ist eine nicht-invasive Methode zur Messung biochemischer Informationen im lebenden Organismus. Diese detaillierten Informationen über den Stoffwechsel haben einen sehr großen diagnostischen Wert in der Medizin. Gemessen wird jeweils der Gehalt bestimmter, im Stoffwechsel vorkommender Moleküle (Metabolite). Im Fall von schwach konzentrierten Metaboliten mit sich gegenseitig überlappenden Signalen werden zur eindeutigen Quantifizierung selektive Anregungstechniken benötigt. Hierzu können sogenannte Multiquantenfilter verwendet werden. In dieser Arbeit wird die selektive Anregung des Metaboliten Laktat untersucht. Unter realen experimentellen Bedingungen treten neben den Vorteilen von Multiquantenfiltern jedoch auch erhebliche Nachteile, wie z. B. ein großer Signalverlust, auf. Die Funktionsweise eines herkömmlichen Multiquantenfilters wird hier quantitativ untersucht. Weiterhin werden Optimierungen vorgestellt, die die Effizienz der Methode deutlich erhöhen. Die Optimierungen basieren auf der Anwendung der Optimal Control Theorie zur Entwicklung optimierter Anregungspulse in einer NMR-Pulssequenz. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass eine robustere, effizientere Laktatanregung bei gleichzeitiger sehr guter Unterdrückung unerwünschter Signale unter in-vivo Bedingungen mit der optimierten Methode möglich ist

    Teacher beliefs and attitudes toward students at risk

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    This descriptive study identified elementary, middle level, and high school teachers\u27 beliefs and attitudes toward at risk students. The sample was drawn from three public schools that reflect the cultural and geographic diversity of school districts in a Midwestern state. All 84 regular classroom teachers from the selected schools participated in the investigation. Subjects completed a 100-question survey, developed by Phi Delta Kappa International, which assessed their beliefs and attitudes toward specific learning factors and behaviors of students, specific problems students confront outside of school, student abilities, and teaching strategies. Treatment included descriptive statistics, correlational analysis, and oneway analysis of variance. Findings indicated teachers perceived their degree of responsibility as higher than their degree of influence on ten learning factors and behaviors. Middle level teachers rated students lower on learning factors and behaviors and tended to be less positive in their beliefs and attitudes toward at risk students than teachers at other levels. Teachers rated \u27notify parents\u27 and \u27confer with parents\u27 as the most frequently used of 30 intervention strategies. The strategies rated most effective overall were \u27confer with parents\u27 and \u27smaller classes.\u27 Family discord and family instability were identified as two major areas with which students must cope outside of school. Teachers who perceived a higher level of responsibility for high risk students differed in their perceived productivity at the three levels: (a) elementary teachers perceived they were less productive, (b) middle level teachers perceived they were more productive, and (c) high school teachers who perceived a high responsibility for listening skills and attention in class felt less productive with students. Elementary teachers who perceived greater responsibility for reading and writing and high school teachers who perceived a greater responsibility for higher order thinking skills spend a greater proportion of time with at risk students on these skills. Middle level teachers who spend a greater proportion of time with at risk students perceived a lower level of responsibility for daily attendance and attention in class. Teachers indicated that instruction should be organized around a common program. They believe, however, that each teacher should be encouraged to make variations for individual students

    Connectionist models and figurative speech

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    This paper contains an introduction to connectionist models. Then we focus on the question of how novel figurative usages of descriptive adjectives may be interpreted in a structured connectionist model of conceptual combination. The suggestion is that inferences drawn from an adjective\u27s use in familiar contexts form the basis for all possible interpretations of the adjective in a novel context. The more plausible of the possibilities, it is speculated, are reinforced by some form of one-shot learning, rendering the interpretative process obsolete after only one (memorable) encounter with a novel figure of speech

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Critérios de Publicabilidade: como os critérios de noticiabilidade são utilizados ou readaptados pela Revista Superinteressante

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    O presente trabalho tem por objetivo descobrir se, e em que medida, os critérios de noticiabilidade são utilizados ou readaptados por uma revista mensal, no caso do nosso objeto, a revista Superinteressante, da editora Abril. Para realizar esta pesquisa, partimos do pressuposto que uma revista mensal, à priori, não deveria se valer dos mesmos critérios que são adotados por meios jornalísticos mais imediatos, como jornais diários e até semanais, e que, por esse motivo, deveria dispor de critérios próprios, adaptados às características da mídia revista de edição mensal. Através da análise de seis exemplares da publicação, tendo como foco apenas as matérias com chamada na capa, devido à necessidade de segmentar o tema, chegamos a algumas conclusões que tornaram falsos nossos pressupostos. A revista faz uso de vários critérios de noticiabilidade (podendo ter qualquer matéria enquadrada em algum deles) usando principalmente o critério que julgamos que menos seria usado, o da atualidad

    A study of teacher income and mode of living

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    The primary purpose of this investigation was to define the economic level at which the teachers in Iowa\u27s Area VII are now living. More specifically, the main object was to answer the following questions: Does a considerable proportion of the teacher population supplement their salary with a second job? Taking all sources of income together, what levels of living are the teachers able to attain