198 research outputs found

    Aircraft Trajectory Optimization and Contrails Avoidance in the Presence of Winds

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    There are indications that persistent contrails can lead to adverse climate change, although the complete effect on climate forcing is still uncertain. A flight trajectory optimization algorithm with fuel and contrails models, which develops alternative flight paths, provides policy makers the necessary data to make tradeoffs between persistent contrails mitigation and aircraft fuel consumption. This study develops an algorithm that calculates wind-optimal trajectories for cruising aircraft while avoiding the regions of airspace prone to persistent contrails formation. The optimal trajectories are developed by solving a non-linear optimal control problem with path constraints. The regions of airspace favorable to persistent contrails formation are modeled as penalty areas that aircraft should avoid and are adjustable. The tradeoff between persistent contrails formation and additional fuel consumption is investigated, with and without altitude optimization, for 12 city-pairs in the continental United States. Without altitude optimization, the reduction in contrail travel times is gradual with increase in total fuel consumption. When altitude is optimized, a two percent increase in total fuel consumption can reduce the total travel times through contrail regions by more than six times. Allowing further increase in fuel consumption does not seem to result in proportionate decrease in contrail travel times

    Computational Approaches to Simulation and Optimization of Global Aircraft Trajectories

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    This study examines three possible approaches to improving the speed in generating wind-optimal routes for air traffic at the national or global level. They are: (a) using the resources of a supercomputer, (b) running the computations on multiple commercially available computers and (c) implementing those same algorithms into NASAs Future ATM Concepts Evaluation Tool (FACET) and compares those to a standard implementation run on a single CPU. Wind-optimal aircraft trajectories are computed using global air traffic schedules. The run time and wait time on the supercomputer for trajectory optimization using various numbers of CPUs ranging from 80 to 10,240 units are compared with the total computational time for running the same computation on a single desktop computer and on multiple commercially available computers for potential computational enhancement through parallel processing on the computer clusters. This study also re-implements the trajectory optimization algorithm for further reduction of computational time through algorithm modifications and integrates that with FACET to facilitate the use of the new features which calculate time-optimal routes between worldwide airport pairs in a wind field for use with existing FACET applications. The implementations of trajectory optimization algorithms use MATLAB, Python, and Java programming languages. The performance evaluations are done by comparing their computational efficiencies and based on the potential application of optimized trajectories. The paper shows that in the absence of special privileges on a supercomputer, a cluster of commercially available computers provides a good option for computing wind-optimal trajectories for national and global air traffic system studies

    Automated Flight Routing Using Stochastic Dynamic Programming

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    Airspace capacity reduction due to convective weather impedes air traffic flows and causes traffic congestion. This study presents an algorithm that reroutes flights in the presence of winds, enroute convective weather, and congested airspace based on stochastic dynamic programming. A stochastic disturbance model incorporates into the reroute design process the capacity uncertainty. A trajectory-based airspace demand model is employed for calculating current and future airspace demand. The optimal routes minimize the total expected traveling time, weather incursion, and induced congestion costs. They are compared to weather-avoidance routes calculated using deterministic dynamic programming. The stochastic reroutes have smaller deviation probability than the deterministic counterpart when both reroutes have similar total flight distance. The stochastic rerouting algorithm takes into account all convective weather fields with all severity levels while the deterministic algorithm only accounts for convective weather systems exceeding a specified level of severity. When the stochastic reroutes are compared to the actual flight routes, they have similar total flight time, and both have about 1% of travel time crossing congested enroute sectors on average. The actual flight routes induce slightly less traffic congestion than the stochastic reroutes but intercept more severe convective weather

    Simulation and Optimization Methods for Assessing the Impact of Aviation Operations on the Environment

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    There is increased awareness of anthropogenic factors affecting climate change and urgency to slow the negative impact. Greenhouse gases, oxides of Nitrogen and contrails resulting from aviation affect the climate in different and uncertain ways. This paper develops a flexible simulation and optimization software architecture to study the trade-offs involved in reducing emissions. The software environment is used to conduct analysis of two approaches for avoiding contrails using the concepts of contrail frequency index and optimal avoidance trajectories

    Optimizing Aircraft Trajectories with Multiple Cruise Altitudes in the Presence of Winds

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    This study develops a trajectory optimization algorithm for approximately minimizing aircraft travel time and fuel burn by combining a method for computing minimum-time routes in winds on multiple horizontal planes, and an aircraft fuel burn model for generating fuel-optimal vertical profiles. It is applied to assess the potential benefits of flying user-preferred routes for commercial cargo flights operating between Anchorage, Alaska and major airports in Asia and the contiguous United States. Flying wind optimal trajectories with a fuel-optimal vertical profile reduces average fuel burn of international flights cruising at a single altitude by 1-3 percent. The potential fuel savings of performing en-route step climbs are not significant for many shorter domestic cargo flights that have only one step climb. Wind-optimal trajectories reduce fuel burn and travel time relative to the flight plan route by up to 3 percent for the domestic cargo flights. However, for trans-oceanic traffic, the fuel burn savings could be as much as 10 percent. The actual savings in operations will vary from the simulation results due to differences in the aircraft models and user defined cost indices. In general, the savings are proportional to trip length, and depend on the en-route wind conditions and aircraft types

    Fuel Efficient Strategies for Reducing Contrail Formations in United States Air Space

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    This paper describes a class of strategies for reducing persistent contrail formation in the United States airspace. The primary objective is to minimize potential contrail formation regions by altering the aircraft's cruising altitude in a fuel-efficient way. The results show that the contrail formations can be reduced significantly without extra fuel consumption and without adversely affecting congestion in the airspace. The contrail formations can be further reduced by using extra fuel. For the day tested, the maximal reduction strategy has a 53% contrail reduction rate. The most fuel-efficient strategy has an 8% reduction rate with 2.86% less fuel-burnt compared to the maximal reduction strategy. Using a cost function which penalizes extra fuel consumed while maximizing the amount of contrail reduction provides a flexible way to trade off between contrail reduction and fuel consumption. It can achieve a 35% contrail reduction rate with only 0.23% extra fuel consumption. The proposed fuel-efficient contrail reduction strategy provides a solution to reduce aviation-induced environmental impact on a daily basis

    Aircraft Trajectory Design Based on Reducing the Combined Effects of Carbon-Dioxide, Oxides of Nitrogen and Contrails

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    Aircraft operations need to meet the combined requirements of safety, efficiency, capacity and reduced environmental impact. Aircraft routes can be made efficient by flying wind optimal routes. However, the desire to reduce the impact of aviation emissions and contrails may result in trajectories, which deviate from wind optimal trajectories leading to extra fuel use. The lifetime associated with different emissions and contrails varies from a few hours to several hundred years. The impact of certain gases depends on the amount and location of the emission, and the decision-making horizon, in years, when the impact is estimated. The Absolute Global Temperature Potential (AGTP) is used as a metric to measure the combined effects of emissions and contrails. This paper extends earlier work by the authors to include the effect of oxides of nitrogen in the development of aircraft trajectories to reduce the combined effects of carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen (NOX) and contrails. The methodology is applied to air traffic in the continental US. The paper shows the trade-offs between reducing emissions and the cost of extra fuel using a fuel sensitivity index, defined as the reduction in AGTP per kg of fuel. The paper shows the performance of the optimization strategy for decision intervals of 10, 25 and 100 years. Based on the simplified models, the inclusion of NOX emissions has a slight influence on the minimal climate impact trajectories when the decision horizons are around 25 years

    Simple Tool for Aircraft Noise-Reduction Route Design

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    The design of arrival and departure routes from an airport has to balance the conflicting requirements of fuel efficiency, airport capacity utilization and community emission and noise considerations. The commonly used tools for aircraft noise assessment are the FAAs Integrated Noise Model (INM) and Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT). These tools are suitable to generate precise noise contours. However, they are harder to use with other tools for route design optimization involving evaluation of a large number of aircraft trajectories. A simplified aircraft noise computation tool, named AIRNOISE, is developed for preliminary aircraft noise-reduction route design in this paper. AIRNOISE computes aircraft noise based on the same SAE-AIR-1845 procedures used by INM and AEDT. AIRNOISE does not consider components related to terrain and atmosphere adjustments. As a result, it is not only computationally efficient but also flexible to use for customized aircraft profiles. The aircraft noise results are compared with the FAAs AEDT2b and show that the level of accuracy achieved by AIRNOISE can be used to reduce the number of route design options to a small number from a large pool for subsequent accurate analysis by INM

    Three-Dimensional Trajectory Design for Reducing Climate Impact of Trans-Atlantic Flights

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    The impact of aircraft emissions and contrails on the environment adds an additional aspect to aircraft trajectory optimization. This study developed a three-dimensional trajectory optimization algorithm for trans-Atlantic flights in cruise to generate aircraft trajectories that minimize environmental impacts due to CO2 emissions and contrails in the presence of winds. The climate-optimal trajectory is developed using dynamic programming that adjusts a wind-optimal aircraft heading while determining the optimal locations, altitudes and times for en-route step climbs. Flying wind-optimal routes minimize aircraft travel time, fuel burn and associated emissions during cruise while adjusting aircraft heading and en-route step climbs at the optimal locations and times minimize climate impact of contrails. This capability integrates an air traffic management simulation with aircraft fuel burn and emissions models, contrail formation and dispersion models, simplified climate response models, and a common climate metric. A study was conducted to evaluate the potential cost and benefits of flying climate-optimal routes in North Atlantic Airspace and their impacts to the Organized Track System design based on the trans-Atlantic air traffic during a day, July 12, 2012. Results show eastbound flights achieved a larger environmental benefit with less additional fuel burn than westbound flights that operated in strong headwinds that caused more additional fuel burn and aircraft emissions to avoid traversing contrails favorable regions