244 research outputs found

    High Frequency Conductivity in the Quantum Hall Regime

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    We have measured the complex conductivity σxx\sigma_{xx} of a two-dimensional electron system in the quantum Hall regime up to frequencies of 6 GHz at electron temperatures below 100 mK. Using both its imaginary and real part we show that σxx\sigma_{xx} can be scaled to a single function for different frequencies and for all investigated transitions between plateaus in the quantum Hall effect. Additionally, the conductivity in the variable-range hopping regime is used for a direct evaluation of the localization length ξ\xi. Even for large filing factor distances δν\delta \nu from the critical point we find ξδνγ\xi \propto \delta \nu^{-\gamma} with a scaling exponent γ=2.3\gamma=2.3

    Hopping conductivity in the quantum Hall effect -- revival of universal scaling

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    We have measured the temperature dependence of the conductivity σxx\sigma_{xx} of a two-dimensional electron system deep into the localized regime of the quantum Hall plateau transition. Using variable-range hopping theory we are able to extract directly the localization length ξ\xi from this experiment. We use our results to study the scaling behavior of ξ\xi as a function of the filling factor distance δν|\delta \nu| to the critical point of the transition. We find for all samples a power-law behavior ξδνγ\xi\propto|\delta\nu|^{-\gamma} with a universal scaling exponent γ=2.3\gamma = 2.3 as proposed theoretically

    Conductance fluctuations at the quantum Hall plateau transition

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    We analyze the conductance fluctuations observed in the quantum Hall regime for a bulk two-dimensional electron system in a Corbino geometry. We find that characteristics like the power spectral density and the temperature dependence agree well with simple expectations for universal conductance fluctuations in metals, while the observed amplitude is reduced. In addition, the dephasing length LΦT1/2L_\Phi \propto T^{-1/2}, which governs the temperature dependence of the fluctuations, is surprisingly different from the scaling length LscT1L_{sc}\propto T^{-1} governing the width of the quantum Hall plateau transition

    Bimodal Counting Statistics in Single Electron Tunneling through a Quantum Dot

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    We explore the full counting statistics of single electron tunneling through a quantum dot using a quantum point contact as non-invasive high bandwidth charge detector. The distribution of counted tunneling events is measured as a function of gate and source-drain-voltage for several consecutive electron numbers on the quantum dot. For certain configurations we observe super-Poissonian statistics for bias voltages at which excited states become accessible. The associated counting distributions interestingly show a bimodal characteristic. Analyzing the time dependence of the number of electron counts we relate this to a slow switching between different electron configurations on the quantum dot

    Spin-dependent shot noise enhancement in a quantum dot

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    The spin-dependent dynamical blockade was investigated in a lateral quantum dot in a magnetic field. Spin-polarized edge channels in the two-dimensional leads and the spatial distribution of Landau orbitals in the dot modulate the tunnel coupling of the quantum dot level spectrum. In a measurement of the electron shot noise we observe a pattern of super-Poissonian noise which is correlated to the spin-dependent competition between different transport channels

    High-order cumulants in the counting statistics of asymmetric quantum dots

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    Measurements of single electron tunneling through a quantum dot using a quantum point contact as charge detector have been performed for very long time traces with very large event counts. This large statistical basis is used for a detailed examination of the counting statistics for varying symmetry of the quantum dot system. From the measured statistics we extract high order cumulants describing the distribution. Oscillations of the high order cumulants are observed when varying the symmetry. We compare this behavior to the observed oscillation in time dependence and show that the variation of both system variables lead to the same kind of oscillating response.Comment: 3 page

    Noise at a Fermi-edge singularity

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    We present noise measurements of self-assembled InAs quantum dots at high magnetic fields. In comparison to I-V characteristics at zero magnetic field we notice a strong current overshoot which is due to a Fermi-edge singularity. We observe an enhanced suppression in the shot noise power simultaneous to the current overshoot which is attributed to the electron-electron interaction in the Fermi-edge singularity

    Noise enhancement due to quantum coherence in coupled quantum dots

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    We show that the intriguing observation of noise enhancement in the charge transport through two vertically coupled quantum dots can be explained by the interplay of quantum coherence and strong Coulomb blockade. We demonstrate that this novel mechanism for super-Poissonian charge transfer is very sensitive to decoherence caused by electron-phonon scattering as inferred from the measured temperature dependence.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, corrected version (Figs.2 and 3