368 research outputs found

    Direct Assessment of Ultralow Li+ Jump Rates in Single Crystalline Li3N by Evolution-Time-Resolved 7Li Spin-Alignment Echo NMR

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    Diffusion processes of small cations and anions play important roles in many applications such as batteries and sensors. Despite the enormous progress we have witnessed over the past years in characterizing the irregular movement of ions such as Li+, new methods able to sharpen our view and understanding of fast and slow diffusion phenomena are steadily developed. Still, very few techniques are, however, available to directly sense extremely slow Li+ diffusion processes. Here, we took advantage of 1D evolution-time resolved 7Li spin-alignment echo NMR that is able to probe the extremely slow interlayer Li+ hopping process in layer-structured Li3N, which served as a model substance for our purposes. The use of single crystals enabled us to study this translational process without being interfered by the fast intralayer Li+ motions. At 318 K the corresponding jump rate of interlayer dynamics turned out to be in the order of 2500(200) s−1 resulting in a diffusion coefficient as low as 1×10−17 m2 s−1, which is in excellent agreement with results from literature. The method, comparable to 1D and 2D NMR exchange spectroscopy, relies on temporal fluctuations of electric interactions the jumping ions are subjected to. 7Li single crystal 1D SAE NMR offers new opportunities to precisely quantify slow Li+ diffusion processes needed to validate theoretical models and to develop design principles for new solid electrolytes

    Broadband impedance spectroscopy of Li4Ti5O12: from nearly constant loss effects to long-range ion dynamics

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    Li4Ti5O12 (LTO) is known as one of the most robust and long-lasting anode materials in lithium-ion batteries. As yet, the Li-ion transport properties of LTO are, however, not completely understood. Here, we used broadband impedance spectroscopy spanning a wide temperature range to investigate the full electrical response of LTO over a wide frequency range. It turned out that the isotherms recorded entail information about two relaxation processes. While at high temperatures the isotherms show a frequency independent plateau that corresponds to poor long-range ion transport (<10−11 S cm−1 (298 K), 0.79 eV), they reveal a second region, seen at lower temperatures and higher frequencies, which we attribute to short-range ion dynamics (10−8 S cm−1) with a significantly reduced activation energy of ca. 0.51 eV. At even lower temperatures, the isotherms are fully governed by nearly constant loss behavior, which has frequently been explained by cage-like dynamics. The present results agree with those earlier presented by 7Li NMR spin-lattice relaxation measurements being sensitive to dynamic processes taking place on quite different length scales. Our findings unveil complex Li+ ion dynamics in LTO and help understand its superior electrochemical properties

    Energetically preferred Li+ ion jump processes in crystalline solids: Site-specific hopping in β-Li3VF6 as revealed by high-resolution 6Li 2D EXSY NMR

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    The visualization of atomic or ionic jump processes on the Ångström length scale is important to identify the preferred diffusion pathways in solid electrolytes for energy storage devices. Two-dimensional high-resolution 6Li nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is highly suited to yield unprecedented site-specific insights into local Li+ exchange processes within a single measurement. Here, the beta-modification of Li3VF6 is used as a model system for such an investigation as it provides a range of important Li+ geometric environments in one and the same crystal structure useful to elucidate qualitatively a ranking of energetic preferences of the Li+ exchange processes. In Li3VF6 the Li+ ions are subject to diffusive exchange processes among five crystallographically and magnetically inequivalent Li sites: LiFn (n = 6, 4). By using a sample with a natural concentration of the 6Li isotope, we suppressed unwanted spin-diffusion processes and visualized the various exchange processes on the ms time scale. We were able to verify the following ranking experimentally: Li+ ion jumps between face-shared polyhedra are preferred, followed by Li+ exchange between edge-shared configurations for which interstitial sites are needed to jump from site to site. Surprisingly, Li+ exchange between corner-shared polyhedra and Li+ hopping involving almost isolated LiF4 polyhedra do contribute to overall Li+ self-diffusion as well. In this sense, the current study experimentally verifies current predictions by theory but also extends our understanding of ion dynamics between corner-shared Li-bearing polyhedra

    Crystal structure of a thermostable Bacillus DNA polymerase l large fragment at 2.1 Å resolution

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    AbstractBackground: The study of DNA polymerases in the Pol l family is central to the understanding of DNA replication and repair. DNA polymerases are used in many molecular biology techniques, including PCR, which require a thermostable polymerase. In order to learn about Pol l function and the basis of thermostability, we undertook structural studies of a new thermostable DNA polymerase.Results: A DNA polymerase large, Klenow-like, fragment from a recently identified thermostable strain of Bacillus stearothermophilus (BF) was cloned, sequenced, overexpressed and characterized. Its crystal structure was determined to 2.1 Å resolution by the method of multiple isomorphous replacement.Conclusions: This structure represents the highest resolution view of a Pol l enzyme obtained to date. Comparison of the three Pol l structures reveals no compelling evidence for many of the specific interactions that have been proposed to induce thermostability, but suggests that thermostability arises from innumerable small changes distributed throughout the protein structure. The polymerase domain is highly conserved in all three proteins. The N-terminal domains are highly divergent in sequence, but retain a common fold. When present, the 3′-5′ proofreading exonuclease activity is associated with this domain. Its absence is associated with changes in catalytic residues that coordinate the divalent ions required for activity and in loops connecting homologous secondary structural elements. In BF, these changes result in a blockage of the DNA-binding cleft

    Report on the Standardization Project ``Formal Methods in Conformance Testing''

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    This paper presents the latest developments in the “Formal Methods in Conformance Testing” (FMCT) project of ISO and ITU–T. The project has been initiated to study the role of formal description techniques in the conformance testing process. The goal is to develop a standard that defines the meaning of conformance in the context of formal description techniques. We give an account of the current status of FMCT in the standardization process as well as an overview of the technical status of the proposed standard. Moreover, we indicate some of its strong and weak points, and we give some directions for future work on FMCT

    Climate Change, Tropospheric Ozone and Particulate Matter, and Health Impacts

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    We review how climate change could affect future concentrations of tropospheric ozone and particulate matter (PM), and what changing concentrations could mean for population health, as well as studies projecting the impacts of climate change on air quality and the impacts of these changes on morbidity/mortality. Climate change could affect local to regional air quality through changes in chemical reaction rates, boundary layer heights that affect vertical mixing of pollutants, and changes in synoptic airflow patterns that govern pollutant transport. Sources of uncertainty are the degree of future climate change, future emissions of air pollutants and their precursors, and how population vulnerability may change in the future. Given the uncertainties, projections suggest that climate change will increase concentrations of tropospheric ozone, at least in high-income countries when precursor emissions are held constant, increasing morbidity/mortality. There are few projections for low- and middle-income countries. The evidence is less robust for PM, because few studies have been conducted. More research is needed to better understand the possible impacts of climate change on air pollution-related health impacts

    Air quality assessment for Portugal

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    According to the Air Quality Framework Directive, air pollutant concentration levels have to be assessed and reported annually by each European Union member state, taking into consideration European air quality standards. Plans and programmes should be implemented in zones and agglomerations where pollutant concentrations exceed the limit and target values. The main objective of this study is to perform a long-term air quality simulation for Portugal, using the CHIMERE chemistry-transport model, applied over Portugal, for the year 2001. The model performance was evaluated by comparing its results to air quality data from the regional monitoring networks and to data from a diffusive sampling experimental campaign. The results obtained show a modelling system able to reproduce the pollutant concentrations' temporal evolution and spatial distribution observed at the regional networks of air quality monitoring. As far as the fulfilment of the air quality targets is concerned, there are excessive values for nitrogen and sulfur dioxides, ozone also being a critical gaseous pollutant in what concerns hourly concentrations and AOT40 (Accumulated Over Threshold 40 ppb) values

    Manifestación atípica de enfermedad de Still

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    La enfermedad de Still del adulto (ESA) es un proceso inflamatorio sistémico, de etiología desconocida, que se caracteriza por fiebre, artritis y eritema evanescente, además de valores elevados de ferritina sérica. Sin embargo, hasta la fecha, no hay una prueba definitiva de laboratorio o de imagen disponible para su diagnóstico, por lo tanto, la ESA es un diagnóstico de exclusión. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 44 años con manifestación cutánea atípica de ESA y cuadro clínico de 1 año de evolución caracterizado por fiebre de 40°C, linfadenopatía, hiperferritinemia, y que en la sistemática de estudio presentó positividad para anti-CCP (anticuerpo antipéptido cíclico citrulinado)