59 research outputs found

    Submesoscale generation by boundaries

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    An important dynamical question involves how oceanic balanced flows lose energy. Recent numerical and analytical studies suggest topography catalyzes energy exchanges between balanced flows and a variety of unbalanced phenomena, which presumably leads to dissipation. We here develop a general theory of inviscid balanced flow interactions with walls that predicts submesoscale and unbalanced flow generation. Comparison with primitive equation-based numerical experiments supports the basic tenets of the theory

    Eddy response to Southern Ocean climate modes

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    International audienceInterannual variations in Southern Ocean eddy kinetic energy (EKE) are investigated using 16 years of altimetric data. Circumpolar averages show a peak in EKE from 2000 to 2002, 2-3 years after the peak in the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) index. Although the SAM forcing is in phase around the circumpolar band, we find the EKE response varies regionally. The strongest EKE is in the Pacific, with energy peaks occurring progressively later toward the east. We suggest that this is due to the presence of two climate modes: SAM and ENSO. When strong positive SAM events coincide with La Niña periods, as in 1999, anomalous meridional wind forcing is enhanced in the South Pacific Ocean, contributing to the observed increase in EKE 2-3 years later. When positive SAM events coincide with El Niño periods, as in 1993, the climate modes are in opposition in the South Pacific, leading to a weak EKE response during the mid-1990s. Numerical modeling supports these observations. By applying different combinations of SAM and ENSO, we can reproduce both the elevated Pacific EKE response to SAM as well as an additional amplification/suppression of EKE during La Niña/El Niño. In general, we find that the EKE response depends on the interplay between wind forcing, topography, and mean flow and produces a strongly heterogeneous distribution in the Southern Ocean

    The Energetics of Southern Ocean Upwelling

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    The ocean’s meridional overturning circulation is closed by the upwelling of dense, carbon-rich waters to the surface of the Southern Ocean. It has been proposed that upwelling in this region is driven by strong westerly winds, implying that the intensification of Southern Ocean winds in recent decades may have enhanced the rate of upwelling, potentially affecting the global overturning circulation. However, there is no consensus on the sensitivity of upwelling to winds or on the nature of the connection between Southern Ocean processes and the global overturning circulation. In this study, the sensitivity of the overturning circulation to changes in Southern Ocean westerly wind stress is investigated using an eddy-permitting ocean–sea ice model. In addition to a suite of standard circulation metrics, an energy analysis is used to aid dynamical interpretation of the model response. Increased Southern Ocean wind stress enhances the upper cell of the overturning circulation through creation of available potential energy in the Southern Hemisphere, associated with stronger upwelling of deep water. Poleward shifts in the Southern Ocean westerlies lead to a complicated transient response, with the formation of bottom water induced by increased polynya activity in the Weddell Sea and a weakening of the upper overturning cell in the Northern Hemisphere. The energetic consequences of the upper overturning cell response indicate an interhemispheric connection to the input of available potential energy in the Northern Hemisphere

    Editorial—The 7th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean (IWMO 2015)

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    IWMO2015 was held in the pristine campus of the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, from June 1–5, 2015. Despite the negative Coriolis spin that many of us from the northern half of the globe experienced for the first time, we were positively impressed by the vastness and beauty of Australia and the kindness and friendliness of its people. Late fall in Canberra displayed spectacular starry nights and brisk sunny days. The workshop was attended by more than 80 participants from 16 countries around the globe. Seventy papers including both oral and posters were presented, covering a very broad range of topics on observations and models: climate variability, basin circulation and coastal oceanography, air-sea interaction, sea-ice dynamics, sediment transport, tropical cyclones, biogeochemical-physical coupling, boundary currents, sea level rise, extreme events, ocean prediction, and others. As in the past years, many of the participants were students and young scientists—all presented very high-quality research, and three were selected to receive the Outstanding Young Scientist Awards (OYSA). In order that some of us may have a chance to also receive some recognition for our hard work, new this year were three Best Presentation Prizes (BPP), given to any presenters deemed qualified by the audience to receive the honors. Also, new this year were special lunch-time sessions when young and more senior scientists exchanged ideas on a wide range topics

    Episodic Antarctic Shelf Intrusions of Circumpolar Deep Water via Canyons

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    The structure of the Antarctic Slope Current at the continental shelf is crucial in governing the poleward transport of warm water. Canyons on the continental slope may provide a pathway for warm water to cross the slope current and intrude onto the continental shelf underneath ice shelves, which can increase rates of ice shelf melting, leading to reduced buttressing of ice shelves, accelerating glacial flow and hence increased sea level rise. Observations and modelling studies of the Antarctic Slope Current and cross-shelf warm water intrusions are limited, particularly in the East Antarctica region. To explore this topic, an idealised configuration of the Antarctic Slope Current is developed, using an eddy-resolving isopycnal model that emulates the dynamics and topography of the East Antarctic sector. Warm water intrusions via canyons are found to occur in discrete episodes, with large onshore flow induced by eddies. The episodic nature of cross-shelf warm water transport is demonstrated, with canyon width playing a key role in modulating cross-shelf exchanges; warm water transport through narrower canyons is more irregular than transport through wider canyons. The episodic cross-shelf transport is driven by a cycle of rising and falling rates of eddy generation in the Antarctic Slope Current, a variability intrinsic to the slope current that can be explained without any temporal variability in external forcings. Improved understanding of the intrinsic variability of warm water intrusions can help guide future observational and modelling studies in the analysis of eddy impacts on Antarctic shelf circulation

    The Role of Bottom Friction in Mediating the Response of the Weddell Gyre Circulation to Changes in Surface Stress and Buoyancy Fluxes

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    Abstract The Weddell Gyre is one of the dominant features of the Southern Ocean circulation and its dynamics have been linked to processes of climatic relevance. Variability in the strength of the gyre’s horizontal transport has been linked to heat transport toward the Antarctic margins and changes in the properties and rates of export of bottom waters from the Weddell Sea region to the abyssal global ocean. However, the precise physical mechanisms that force variability in the Weddell’s lateral circulation across different time scales remain unknown. In this study, we use a barotropic vorticity budget from a mesoscale eddy active model simulation to attribute changes in gyre strength to variability in possible driving processes. We find that the Weddell Gyre’s circulation is sensitive to bottom friction associated with the overflowing dense waters at its western boundary. In particular, an increase in the production of dense waters at the southwestern continental shelf strengthens the bottom flow at the gyre’s western boundary, yet this drives a weakening of the depth-integrated barotropic circulation via increased bottom friction. Strengthening surface winds initially accelerate the gyre, but within a few years the response reverses once dense water production and export increases. These results reveal that the gyre can weaken in response to stronger surface winds, putting into question the traditional assumption of a direct relationship between surface stress and gyre strength in regions where overflowing dense water forms part of the depth-integrated flow.</jats:p
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