94 research outputs found

    The History and Politics of Corporate Ownership in Sweden

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    Not despite but because of persistent Social Democratic political influence since the Great Reversal in 1932 have a few families and banks controlled the largest listed firms in Sweden. The Social Democrats have de facto been the guarantor rather than the terminator of private capitalism since the political and corporate incumbencies have been united by strong common interests. Incumbent owners need the political support to legitimize that their corporate power rests on extensive use of dual-class shares and pyramiding. While the Social Democrats only get the necessary resources and indirect support for their social and economic policies from the private sector if the largest firms remain under Swedish control so that capital does not migrate. The extensive use of mechanisms to separate votes from capital however drives a significant wedge between the costs of internal and external capital that causes an enhanced (political) pecking order of financing where new external equity is strongly avoided. By not encouraging outsiders to create new firms and fortunes, and by not fully activating the primary equity markets, the heavy politicized system has redistributed incomes but not property rights and wealth. The result is an ageing economy with an unusually large proportion of very old and very large firms with well-defined owners in control. 31 of the 50 largest listed firms in 2000 were founded before 1914, only 8 in the post-war period and none after 1970.

    Capillary zone electrophoretic studies of ion association between inorganic anions and tetraalkylammonium ions in aqueous-dioxane media

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    Ion association between inorganic anions and symmetrical tetraalkylammonium ions, R4N+ (R = Me, Et, Pr, n-Bu, n-Am, and 2-methyl butyl {isoamyl = iAm}) was investigated using ordinary silica capillary by capillary zone electrophoresis. An improved version of the Williams-Vigh method was used for the first time to measure the mobilities of the inorganic anions. Plots of log K-ass against log dielectric constant in various media, revealed a smaller change in K-ass compared to dielectric constant. These plots suggest that the Bjerrum's equation is inadequate in accounting for the associations of ions in a CZE setup. </p

    Stability of core/shell quantum dots-role of pH and small organic ligands

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    The improvement of knowledge about the toxicity and even processability, and stability of quantum dots (QD) requires the understanding of the relationship between the QD binding head group, surface structure, and interligand interaction. The scanned stripping chronopotentiometry and absence of gradients and Nernstian equilibrium stripping techniques were used to determine the concentration of Cd dissolved from a polyacrylate-stabilized CdTe/CdS QD. The effects of various concentrations of small organic ligands such as citric acid, glycine, and histidine and the roles of pH (4.5–8.5) and exposure time (0–48 h) were evaluated. The highest QD dissolution was obtained at the more acidic pH in absence of the ligands (52 %) a result of the CdS shell solubility. At pH 8.5 the largest PAA ability to complex the dissolved Cd leads to a further QD solubility until the equilibrium is reached (24 % of dissolved Cd vs.4 % at pH 6.0). The citric acid presence resulted in greater QD dissolution, whereas glycine, an amino acid, acts against QD dissolution. Surprisingly, the presence of histidine, an amino acid with an imidazole functional group, leads to the formation of much strong Cd complexes over time, which may be non-labile, inducing variations in the local environment of the QD surface

    Cancerpatientens upplevelse av lidande i den palliativa fasen

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    Bakgrund: MĂ„let med den palliativa vĂ„rden Ă€r att bibehĂ„lla livskvalitĂ©n för den sjuke och att lindra fysisk, psykiskt, socialt och existentiellt lidande för patient och anhöriga. Cancer Ă€r den nĂ€st vanliga anledningen till sjukdomsorsakad död och sjukdomen Ă€r förknippad med lĂ„ngvarigt lidande. Anhöriga och den ansvariga sjuksköterskan till cancersjuka patienter kan uppleva det som anstrĂ€ngande att vĂ„rda eller stötta patienten. För att kunna möta den palliativa patientens behov behövs mer kunskap och en djupare förstĂ„else i hur patienten upplever lidandet den sista tiden i livet. Syfte: Att undersöka hur cancersjuka patienter upplever lidandet i den palliativa fasen.  Metod: Litteraturöversikt baserad pĂ„ 10 kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar frĂ„n databasen Pubmed. Resultat: UtifrĂ„n modellen De 6 S:n uppkom 12 subteman som beskrev lidande. Dessa var ”FĂ„nge i min kropp”, ”Inte lĂ€ngre anvĂ€ndbar”, ”Att förlora kontrollen”, ”Att bli en börda för andra”, ”Ofrivillig isolering”. ”Den oförstĂ„ende omgivningen”, ”Den fysiska smĂ€rtan”, ”HjĂ€lp- och maktlöshet”, ”Existentiell ensamhet”, ”Existentiellt lidande”, ”Inte hunnit leva” och ”Önskar döden”. Detta ger en insikt i hur mĂ„nga olika sĂ€tt den cancersjuka patienten kan lida. Slutsats: Lidande Ă€r för varje patient unik och uppkommer i olika omfattningar och dimensioner. För att sjuksköterskan ska uppnĂ„ en god och personcentrerad palliativ vĂ„rd mĂ„ste den enskilda patientens upplevelse av det totala lidandet tas i beaktning.Background: The goal of palliative care is to maintain the quality of life for the sick and to alleviate physical, mental, social and existential suffering for patients and their relatives. Cancer is the second most common cause of death and the disease is associated with long-term suffering. Relatives and nurses of cancer patients may experience it as an effort to care for or to support the patient. In order to meet the palliative patient's needs, more knowledge and a deeper understanding of how the patient experiences suffering in the last time of life is needed. Aim: To explore how cancer patients experience suffering in the palliative phase. Method: Literature review based on 10 qualitative scientific articles published to the database Pubmed. Results: Based on the model The 6 S, 12 subthemes emerged that described suffering. These were "Prisoner in my body", "No longer useful", "Losing control", "Becoming a burden to others", "Involuntary isolation". "The uncomprehending environment", "The physical pain", "Helplessness and powerlessness", "Existential loneliness", "Existential suffering", "Not been able to live" and "Desiring death". This gives an insight into the many different ways cancer patients can suffer. Conclusion: Suffering is unique to each patient and occurs in different extents and dimensions. In order for the nurse to achieve a good and person-centered palliative care, the individual patient's experience of total pain must be taken into consideration

    Cancerpatientens upplevelse av lidande i den palliativa fasen

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    Bakgrund: MĂ„let med den palliativa vĂ„rden Ă€r att bibehĂ„lla livskvalitĂ©n för den sjuke och att lindra fysisk, psykiskt, socialt och existentiellt lidande för patient och anhöriga. Cancer Ă€r den nĂ€st vanliga anledningen till sjukdomsorsakad död och sjukdomen Ă€r förknippad med lĂ„ngvarigt lidande. Anhöriga och den ansvariga sjuksköterskan till cancersjuka patienter kan uppleva det som anstrĂ€ngande att vĂ„rda eller stötta patienten. För att kunna möta den palliativa patientens behov behövs mer kunskap och en djupare förstĂ„else i hur patienten upplever lidandet den sista tiden i livet. Syfte: Att undersöka hur cancersjuka patienter upplever lidandet i den palliativa fasen.  Metod: Litteraturöversikt baserad pĂ„ 10 kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar frĂ„n databasen Pubmed. Resultat: UtifrĂ„n modellen De 6 S:n uppkom 12 subteman som beskrev lidande. Dessa var ”FĂ„nge i min kropp”, ”Inte lĂ€ngre anvĂ€ndbar”, ”Att förlora kontrollen”, ”Att bli en börda för andra”, ”Ofrivillig isolering”. ”Den oförstĂ„ende omgivningen”, ”Den fysiska smĂ€rtan”, ”HjĂ€lp- och maktlöshet”, ”Existentiell ensamhet”, ”Existentiellt lidande”, ”Inte hunnit leva” och ”Önskar döden”. Detta ger en insikt i hur mĂ„nga olika sĂ€tt den cancersjuka patienten kan lida. Slutsats: Lidande Ă€r för varje patient unik och uppkommer i olika omfattningar och dimensioner. För att sjuksköterskan ska uppnĂ„ en god och personcentrerad palliativ vĂ„rd mĂ„ste den enskilda patientens upplevelse av det totala lidandet tas i beaktning.Background: The goal of palliative care is to maintain the quality of life for the sick and to alleviate physical, mental, social and existential suffering for patients and their relatives. Cancer is the second most common cause of death and the disease is associated with long-term suffering. Relatives and nurses of cancer patients may experience it as an effort to care for or to support the patient. In order to meet the palliative patient's needs, more knowledge and a deeper understanding of how the patient experiences suffering in the last time of life is needed. Aim: To explore how cancer patients experience suffering in the palliative phase. Method: Literature review based on 10 qualitative scientific articles published to the database Pubmed. Results: Based on the model The 6 S, 12 subthemes emerged that described suffering. These were "Prisoner in my body", "No longer useful", "Losing control", "Becoming a burden to others", "Involuntary isolation". "The uncomprehending environment", "The physical pain", "Helplessness and powerlessness", "Existential loneliness", "Existential suffering", "Not been able to live" and "Desiring death". This gives an insight into the many different ways cancer patients can suffer. Conclusion: Suffering is unique to each patient and occurs in different extents and dimensions. In order for the nurse to achieve a good and person-centered palliative care, the individual patient's experience of total pain must be taken into consideration
