14 research outputs found
Effects of Space Charge on the Detection of High Energy Particles by Means of Silver Chloride Crystal Counters
- Publication venue
- 'American Physical Society (APS)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The impact of general education on criminal justice pedagogy
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Democratic Politics and the Culture of American Education
- Author
- Apple
- Bowles
- Cohen
- Coleman
- Cusick
- Dahl
- Dawson
- Dewey
- Dreeben
- Entwhistle
- Entwhistle
- Fischer
- Friedenberg
- Glock
- Gross
- Hawley
- Henry
- Hofstader
- Jackson
- Jaros
- Jennings
- Jennings
- Jennings
- Keddie
- Keniston
- Langton
- Lortie
- Maeroff
- Mercer
- Metz
- Morgan
- Mour
- Oliver
- Perry
- Peterson
- Phillips
- Postman
- Ravitch
- Richard M. Merelman
- Sarason
- Schonfeld
- Shaver
- Shaver
- Stinchecombe
- Swift
- Tapper
- Tawney
- Werdin
- Willis
- Young
- Zeigler
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study
Be kind to the Antichrist: millenarianism and religious tolerance in the Edict of Pskov
- Author
- Anthony Dick
- Barkun Michael
- Barkun Michael
- Batory Stefan
- Baumgartner Frederic J.
- Besala Jerzy
- Brummett Barry
- Castellio Sebastian
- Catherine Wessinger
- Cohn Norman
- dark Stewart
- Davies Norman
- Flanagan Thomas
- Fox Paul
- Hofstader Richard
- Kosman Marceli
- Kot Stanislaw
- Larner Christina
- Lecler Joseph
- Maciuszko Janusz T.
- McGinn Bernard
- Monter William
- O'Leary Stephen D.
- Oberman Heiko A.
- Petry R.C.
- Pollak Roman
- Popkin Richard H.
- Smith Jonathan Z.
- Sobieski Waclaw
- Tazbir Janusz
- Tazbir Janusz
- Turner Victor
- Votker Karl
- Wessinger Catherine
- Wessinger Catherine
- Wilbur Earl Morse
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- 01/09/2001
- Field of study
Representações políticas do território latino-americano na Revista Seleções
- Author
- BACZCKO Bronislaw
- BAGGIO Kátia Gerab
- BAITZ Rafael
- BRIS Michel
- DARNTON Robert
- DAVIES Philip John
- DIEGUES Antonio Carlos Sant'Anna
- GERBI Antonelo
- GUIMARÃES Manoel Salgado
- HOLLANDA Sérgio Buarque de
- Joseph CONRAD
- LEWIS Richard W. B.
- MARX Leo
- Mary A. Junqueira
- MAX Leo
- MILLER Perry
- NASH Roderick
- ORNIG Joseph
- PRADO Maria Ligia C.
- ROOSEVELT Theodore
- SAID Edward
- TURNER Frederick Jackson
- WARNER Sam Bass Jr
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/2001
- Field of study
Industrial Relations System Transformation
- Author
- Abernathy William J.
- Abraham Katharine G.
- Baethge Martin
- Baskin Jeremy
- Boyer Robert
- Bray Mark
- Christopher L. Erickson
- Collier Ruth B.
- Commission on the Future of Worker-Management Relations
- Cook Maria
- Crouch Colin
- Darwin Charles
- David Paul A.
- Dunlop John
- Eldredge Niles
- Elvander Nils
- Golden Miriam A.
- Gordon David M.
- Gould Stephen
- Hannan Michael T.
- Harris Howell
- Hince Kevin
- Hofstader Richard
- Hyman Richard
- Katz Harry
- Kochan Thomas A.
- Kuhn Thomas
- Kuruvilla Sarosh
- Levinson Daniel J.
- Locke Richard
- Locke Richard
- Miller Danny
- Piore Michael J.
- Sarosh Kuruvilla
- Strauss George
- Turner Lowell
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Importance of Race Among Black Sociologists
- Author
- Art Evans
- Billingsley Andrew
- Blackwell James
- Cohen Jacob
- Conyers James E
- Frazier F. Franklin
- Guthrie Robert
- Hamilton Charles
- Hare Nathan
- Hofstader Richard
- Jackson Jacquelyne Johnson
- Janowitz Morris
- Jones Butler A
- Kramer Judith R
- Lander Joyce
- Merton Robert K
- Murray Albert
- Ryan William
- Smith Charles
- Sowell Thomas
- Staples Robert
- Thompson Daniel
- Wallace Walter
- Walters Ronald
- Watson Wilbur
- Wilson William
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Importance of Race Among Black Sociologists*
- Author
- Alkalimat Abkh Hakimu ion
- Art Evans
- Billingsley Andrew
- Blackwell James
- Cohen Jacob
- Conyers James E
- Frazier F. Franklin
- Guthrie Robert
- Hamilton Charles
- Hare Nathan
- Hofstader Richard
- Jackson Jacquelyne Johnson
- Jackson Maurice
- Janowitz Morris
- Jones Butler A
- Kramer Judith R
- Lander Joyce
- Merton Robert K
- Murray Albert
- Record Wilson
- Richards Michel Paul
- Roof Wade Clark
- Ryan William
- Smith Charles
- Sowell Thomas
- Staples Robert
- Thompson Daniel
- Tillman James
- Wallace Walter
- Walters Ronald
- Watson Wilbur
- Wilson William
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Writing the ghost-writer back in: Alfred Sloan, Alfred Chandler, John McDonald and the intellectual origins of corporate strategy
- Author
- Abernathy William J.
- Aitken Hugh G.J.
- Aley James
- Anshen Melvin
- Ansoff H. Igor
- Ansoff H.Igor
- Bell Daniel Bell
- Bennis Warren
- Bourne A.M.
- Cariner Stuart
- Chandler Alfred D.
- Chandler Alfred D.
- Chandler Alfred D.
- Chandler Alfred D.
- Chandler Alfred D.
- Christopher D. McKenna
- Clark Timothy
- Coh Geoffrey
- Cole Arthur H.
- Cyert Richard M.
- Dirlam Joel B.
- Drucker Peter F.
- Drucker Peter F.
- Drucker Peter F.
- Drucker Peter F.
- Farber David
- Fligstein Neil
- Fouraker Lawrence E.
- Freeland Robert F.
- Freeland Robert F.
- Galambos Louis
- Galambos Louis
- Gates Bill
- Gates Bill
- Gelderman Carol
- Green Hardy
- Hammer Michael
- Higham John
- Himmelberg Robert F.
- Hofstader Richard
- Hoopes James
- Kay John
- Kaysen Carl
- Kleiner Art
- Learned Edmund P.
- McCallum John S
- McCraw Thomas K.
- McCraw Thomas K.
- McCraw Thomas K.
- McDonald John
- McDonald John
- McDonald John
- McDonald John
- McDonald John
- Mintzberg Henry
- Montgomery Cynthia A.
- Moore J.I.
- Nelson Daniel
- O’Brien Anthony Patrick
- Pessen Edward
- Peters Thomas J.
- Peters Tom
- Porter Michael E.
- Posner Ari
- Robin Ron
- Seligman Dan
- Sharp David
- Sloan Alfred P.
- Sloan Alfred P.
- Swaine Robert T.
- Vietor Richard K.
- Whiting Richard A.
- Whitney Simon B.
- Whittington Richard
- Wiener Jon
- Williamson Oliver
- Wolff Harold
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study