11 research outputs found

    Influence of an acetate- and a lactate-based balanced infusion solution on acid base physiology and hemodynamics: an observational pilot study

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    Background: The current pilot study compares the impact of an intravenous infusion of Ringer's lactate to an acetate-based solution with regard to acid-base balance. The study design included the variables of the Stewart approach and focused on the effective strong ion difference. Because adverse hemodynamic effects have been reported when using acetate buffered solutions in hemodialysis, hemodynamics were also evaluated. Methods: Twenty-four women who had undergone abdominal gynecologic surgery and who had received either Ringer's lactate (Strong Ion Difference 28 mmol/L; n = 12) or an acetate-based solution (Strong Ion Difference 36.8 mmol/L; n = 12) according to an established clinical protocol and its precursor were included in the investigation. After induction of general anesthesia, a set of acid-base variables, hemodynamic values and serum electrolytes was measured three times during the next 120 minutes. Results: Patients received a mean dose of 4,054 +/- 450 ml of either one or the other of the solutions. In terms of mean arterial blood pressure and norepinephrine requirements there were no differences to observe between the study groups. pH and serum HCO3- concentration decreased slightly but significantly only with Ringer's lactate. In addition, the acetate-based solution kept the plasma effective strong ion difference more stable than Ringer's lactate. Conclusions: Both of the solutions provided hemodynamic stability. Concerning consistency of acid base parameters none of the solutions seemed to be inferior, either. Whether the slight advantages observed for the acetate-buffered solution in terms of stability of pH and plasma HCO3- are clinically relevant, needs to be investigated in a larger randomized controlled trial

    Increased Serum Concentrations of Circulating Glycocalyx Components in HELLP Syndrome Compared to Healthy Pregnancy: An Observational Study

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    Severe inflammation has been shown to induce a shedding of the endothelial glycocalyx (EGX). Inflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), impede the thickness of the EGX. While a controlled inflammatory reaction occurs already in normal pregnancy, women with hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelets (HELLP) syndrome had an exaggerated inflammatory response. This study investigates the shedding of the glycocalyx during normal pregnancy and in women with HELLP syndrome. Glycocalyx components (syndecan 1, heparan sulfate, and hyaluronic acid) were measured in serum of healthy women throughout pregnancy (4 time points, n = 26), in women with HELLP syndrome (n = 17) before delivery and in nonpregnant volunteers (n = 10). Serum concentrations of TNF-alpha and soluble TNF-alpha receptors (sTNF-Rs) were assessed once in all 3 groups. Syndecan 1 serum concentrations constantly rose throughout normal pregnancy. Immediately before delivery, a 159-fold increase was measured compared to nonpregnant controls (P < .01). Even higher amounts were observed in patients with HELLP prior to delivery (median 12 252 ng/mL) compared to healthy women matched by gestational age (median 5943 ng/mL; P < .01). Relevantly, increased serum levels of heparan sulfate, hyaluronic acid, and sTNF-Rs were only detected in patients with HELLP (P < .01). These findings suggest that considerable amounts of syndecan 1 are released into maternal blood during uncomplicated pregnancy. The HELLP syndrome is associated with an even more pronounced shedding of glycocalyx components. The maternal vasculature as well as the placenta has to be discussed as a possible origin of circulating glycocalyx components

    Placental Syncytiotrophoblast Maintains a Specific Type of Glycocalyx at the Fetomaternal Border: The Glycocalyx at the Fetomaternal Interface in Healthy Women and Patients With HELLP Syndrome

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    Recent studies showed that considerable amounts of glycosaminoglycans are released into maternal blood during normal pregnancy and in hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets (HELLP) syndrome. Maternal endothelia and the syncytiotrophoblast layer have been discussed as a possible origin of these glycocalyx components. Our study aimed to visualize the glycocalyx on the syncytiotrophoblast by electron microscopy, to analyze its structure and composition by immunohistochemistry, and to determine potential differences between healthy women and women with HELLP syndrome. For electron microscopy, a cotyledon was fixed by perfusion of the intervillous space with a 2% lanthanum-nitrate glutaraldehyde solution followed by immersion fixation in the same fixative. For immunohistochemistry, sections of 16 placentas (HELLP patients/healthy women, n = 8 each) were stained with monoclonal antibodies against the main glycocalyx constituents syndecan 1, hyaluronic acid, and heparan sulfate. Semiquantitative evaluation of staining intensity focused on the apical surface of the syncytiotrophoblast and fetal intravillous endothelia as possible localizations of a placental glycocalyx. Electron microscopy revealed a glycocalyx of approximately 250nm, covering the syncytiotrophoblast layer. This was found to contain large amounts of syndecan 1, but neither hyaluronic acid nor heparan sulfate as major components. Intravillous fetal endothelium did not express any of the investigated glycosaminoglycans. Healthy women and patients with HELLP showed no differences concerning glycocalyx composition and thickness of the syncytiotrophoblast. The composition of the placental glycocalyx differs from the adult and fetal vascular glycocalyx. Obviously, the human placental syncytiotrophoblast maintains a special kind of glycocalyx at the fetomaternal interface

    Placental Syncytiotrophoblast Maintains a Specific Type of Glycocalyx at the Fetomaternal Border: The Glycocalyx at the Fetomaternal Interface in Healthy Women and Patients With HELLP Syndrome

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    Recent studies showed that considerable amounts of glycosaminoglycans are released into maternal blood during normal pregnancy and in hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets (HELLP) syndrome. Maternal endothelia and the syncytiotrophoblast layer have been discussed as a possible origin of these glycocalyx components. Our study aimed to visualize the glycocalyx on the syncytiotrophoblast by electron microscopy, to analyze its structure and composition by immunohistochemistry, and to determine potential differences between healthy women and women with HELLP syndrome. For electron microscopy, a cotyledon was fixed by perfusion of the intervillous space with a 2% lanthanum-nitrate glutaraldehyde solution followed by immersion fixation in the same fixative. For immunohistochemistry, sections of 16 placentas (HELLP patients/healthy women, n = 8 each) were stained with monoclonal antibodies against the main glycocalyx constituents syndecan 1, hyaluronic acid, and heparan sulfate. Semiquantitative evaluation of staining intensity focused on the apical surface of the syncytiotrophoblast and fetal intravillous endothelia as possible localizations of a placental glycocalyx. Electron microscopy revealed a glycocalyx of approximately 250nm, covering the syncytiotrophoblast layer. This was found to contain large amounts of syndecan 1, but neither hyaluronic acid nor heparan sulfate as major components. Intravillous fetal endothelium did not express any of the investigated glycosaminoglycans. Healthy women and patients with HELLP showed no differences concerning glycocalyx composition and thickness of the syncytiotrophoblast. The composition of the placental glycocalyx differs from the adult and fetal vascular glycocalyx. Obviously, the human placental syncytiotrophoblast maintains a special kind of glycocalyx at the fetomaternal interface

    The intravascular volume effect of Ringer's lactate is below 20%: a prospective study in humans

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    Introduction: Isotonic crystalloids play a central role in perioperative fluid management. Isooncotic preparations of colloids (for example, human albumin or hydroxyethyl starch) remain nearly completely intravascular when infused to compensate for acute blood losses. Recent data were interpreted to indicate a comparable intravascular volume effect for crystalloids, challenging the occasionally suggested advantage of using colloids to treat hypovolemia. General physiological knowledge and clinical experience, however, suggest otherwise. Methods: In a prospective study, double-tracer blood volume measurements were performed before and after intended normovolemic hemodilution in ten female adults, simultaneously substituting the three-fold amount of withdrawn blood with Ringer's lactate. Any originated deficits were substituted with half the volume of 20% human albumin, followed by a further assessment of blood volume. To assess significance between the measurements, repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) according to Fisher were performed. If significant results were shown, paired t tests (according to Student) for the singular measurements were taken. P < 0.05 was considered to be significant. Results: A total of 1,097 +/- 285 ml of whole blood were withdrawn (641 +/- 155 ml/m2 body surface area) and simultaneously replaced by 3,430 +/- 806 ml of Ringer's lactate. All patients showed a significant decrease in blood volume after hemodilution (-459 +/- 185 ml; P < 0.05) that did not involve relevant hemodynamical changes, and a significant increase in interstitial water content (+ 2,157 +/- 606 ml; P < 0.05). The volume effect of Ringer's lactate was 17 +/- 10%. The infusion of 245 +/- 64 ml of 20% human albumin in this situation restored blood volume back to baseline values, the volume effect being 184 +/- 63%. Conclusions: Substitution of isolated intravascular deficits in cardiopulmonary healthy adults with the three-fold amount of Ringer's lactate impedes maintenance of intravascular normovolemia. The main side effect was an impressive interstitial fluid accumulation, which was partly restored by the intravenous infusion of 20% human albumin. We recommend to substitute the five-fold amount of crystalloids or to use an isooncotic preparation in the face of acute bleeding in patients where edema prevention might be advantageous

    Hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 and its impact on perioperative outcome: a propensity score matched controlled observation study

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    BACKGROUND Adverse effects of hydroxyethyl starches (HESs) have been verified in patients suffering from sepsis or kidney disease, but not in surgical patients at large. The investigation aimed to determine whether the use of HES 130/0.4 was associated with the incidence of acute postinterventional adverse events compared to Ringer's acetate alone in a perioperative setting. METHODS This propensity score matched, controlled observational study was performed in a single-centre university hospital. The perioperative data of 9085 patients were analyzed. Group matching was based on 13 categories including demographic data, type of procedure, and 5 preexisting comorbidities. Duration of procedure and intraoperative transfusion requirements were integrated in the matching process to reduce selection and indication bias. The primary outcome was incidence of postoperative kidney failure. Secondary outcomes were in-hospital mortality, fluid requirements, blood loss, hemodynamic stability, and the need for postoperative intensive care unit (ICU) treatment. RESULTS The administration of HES 130/0.4 was not associated with an increased frequency of postoperative kidney failure. In-hospital mortality (Ringer's acetate: 2.58%; HES 130/0.4: 2.68%) and the need for ICU care (Ringer's acetate: 30.5%; HES 130/0.4: 34.3%) did not differ significantly between groups. Significant intergroup differences were observed for mean blood loss (Ringer's acetate: 406 ± 821 mL; HES 130/0.4: 867 ± 1275 mL; P < .001) and median length of hospital stay (Ringer's acetate: 10.5 (5/17) days; HES 130/0.4: 12.0 (8/19) days; P < .001). CONCLUSIONS An association between intraoperative HES therapy and postoperative kidney failure was not observed in a mixed cohort of elective surgical patients. In addition, HES 130/0.4 was not associated with an increased morbidity or the need for ICU therapy in this propensity score matched study

    No Differences in Renal Function between Balanced 6% Hydroxyethyl Starch (130/0.4) and 5% Albumin for Volume Replacement Therapy in Patients Undergoing Cystectomy: a Randomized Controlled Trial

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    BACKGROUND The use of artificial colloids has declined in critical care, whereas they are still used in perioperative medicine. Little is known about the nephrotoxic potential in noncritically ill patients during routine surgery. The objective of this trial was to evaluate the influences of albumin 5% and balanced hydroxyethyl starch 6% (130/0.4) on renal function and kidney injury. METHODS One hundred urologic patients undergoing elective cystectomy were randomly assigned for this prospective, single-blinded, controlled study with two parallel groups to receive either albumin 5% or balanced hydroxyethyl starch 6% (130/0.4) as the only perioperative colloid. The primary endpoint was the ratio of serum cystatin C between the last visit at day 90 and the first preoperative visit. Secondary endpoints were estimated glomerular filtration rate and serum neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin until the third postoperative day and risk, injury, failure, loss, and end-stage renal disease criteria at postoperative days 3 and 90. RESULTS The median cystatin C ratio was 1.11 (interquartile range, 1.01 to 1.23) in the albumin and 1.08 (interquartile range, 1.00 to 1.20) in the hydroxyethyl starch group (median difference = 0.03; 95% CI, -0.09 to 0.08; P = 0.165). Also, there were no significant differences concerning serum cystatin C concentrations; estimated glomerular filtration rate; risk, injury, failure, loss, and end-stage renal disease criteria; and neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin. Infusion requirements, transfusion rates, and perioperative hemodynamics were similar in both groups. CONCLUSIONS With respect to renal function and kidney injury, this study indicates that albumin 5% and balanced hydroxyethyl starch 6% have comparable safety profiles in noncritically ill patients undergoing major surgery

    Influence of an acetate- and a lactate-based balanced infusion solution on acid base physiology and hemodynamics: an observational pilot study

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    Abstract Background The current pilot study compares the impact of an intravenous infusion of Ringer’s lactate to an acetate-based solution with regard to acid–base balance. The study design included the variables of the Stewart approach and focused on the effective strong ion difference. Because adverse hemodynamic effects have been reported when using acetate buffered solutions in hemodialysis, hemodynamics were also evaluated. Methods Twenty-four women who had undergone abdominal gynecologic surgery and who had received either Ringer’s lactate (Strong Ion Difference 28 mmol/L; n = 12) or an acetate-based solution (Strong Ion Difference 36.8 mmol/L; n = 12) according to an established clinical protocol and its precursor were included in the investigation. After induction of general anesthesia, a set of acid–base variables, hemodynamic values and serum electrolytes was measured three times during the next 120 minutes. Results Patients received a mean dose of 4,054 ± 450 ml of either one or the other of the solutions. In terms of mean arterial blood pressure and norepinephrine requirements there were no differences to observe between the study groups. pH and serum HCO3- concentration decreased slightly but significantly only with Ringer’s lactate. In addition, the acetate-based solution kept the plasma effective strong ion difference more stable than Ringer’s lactate. Conclusions Both of the solutions provided hemodynamic stability. Concerning consistency of acid base parameters none of the solutions seemed to be inferior, either. Whether the slight advantages observed for the acetate-buffered solution in terms of stability of pH and plasma HCO3- are clinically relevant, needs to be investigated in a larger randomized controlled trial.</p