105 research outputs found

    Hamiltonian theory for the axial perturbations of a dynamical spherical background

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    We develop the Hamiltonian theory of axial perturbations around a general time-dependent spherical background spacetime. Using the fact that the linearized constraints are gauge generators, we isolate the physical and unconstrained axial gravitational wave in a Hamiltonian pair of variables. Then, switching to a more geometrical description of the system, we construct the only scalar combination of them. We obtain the well-known Gerlach and Sengupta scalar for axial perturbations, with no known equivalent for polar perturbations. The strategy suggested and tested here will be applied to the polar case in a separate article.Comment: 12 pages, accepted by Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Manifestly Gauge-Invariant General Relativistic Perturbation Theory: II. FRW Background and First Order

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    In our companion paper we identified a complete set of manifestly gauge-invariant observables for general relativity. This was possible by coupling the system of gravity and matter to pressureless dust which plays the role of a dynamically coupled observer. The evolution of those observables is governed by a physical Hamiltonian and we derived the corresponding equations of motion. Linear perturbation theory of those equations of motion around a general exact solution in terms of manifestly gauge invariant perturbations was then developed. In this paper we specialise our previous results to an FRW background which is also a solution of our modified equations of motion. We then compare the resulting equations with those derived in standard cosmological perturbation theory (SCPT). We exhibit the precise relation between our manifestly gauge-invariant perturbations and the linearly gauge-invariant variables in SCPT. We find that our equations of motion can be cast into SCPT form plus corrections. These corrections are the trace that the dust leaves on the system in terms of a conserved energy momentum current density. It turns out that these corrections decay, in fact, in the late universe they are negligible whatever the value of the conserved current. We conclude that the addition of dust which serves as a test observer medium, while implying modifications of Einstein's equations without dust, leads to acceptable agreement with known results, while having the advantage that one now talks about manifestly gauge-invariant, that is measurable, quantities, which can be used even in perturbation theory at higher orders.Comment: 51 pages, no figure

    On (Cosmological) Singularity Avoidance in Loop Quantum Gravity

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    Loop Quantum Cosmology (LQC), mainly due to Bojowald, is not the cosmological sector of Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG). Rather, LQC consists of a truncation of the phase space of classical General Relativity to spatially homogeneous situations which is then quantized by the methods of LQG. Thus, LQC is a quantum mechanical toy model (finite number of degrees of freedom) for LQG(a genuine QFT with an infinite number of degrees of freedom) which provides important consistency checks. However, it is a non trivial question whether the predictions of LQC are robust after switching on the inhomogeneous fluctuations present in full LQG. Two of the most spectacular findings of LQC are that 1. the inverse scale factor is bounded from above on zero volume eigenstates which hints at the avoidance of the local curvature singularity and 2. that the Quantum Einstein Equations are non -- singular which hints at the avoidance of the global initial singularity. We display the result of a calculation for LQG which proves that the (analogon of the) inverse scale factor, while densely defined, is {\it not} bounded from above on zero volume eigenstates. Thus, in full LQG, if curvature singularity avoidance is realized, then not in this simple way. In fact, it turns out that the boundedness of the inverse scale factor is neither necessary nor sufficient for curvature singularity avoidance and that non -- singular evolution equations are neither necessary nor sufficient for initial singularity avoidance because none of these criteria are formulated in terms of observable quantities.After outlining what would be required, we present the results of a calculation for LQG which could be a first indication that our criteria at least for curvature singularity avoidance are satisfied in LQG.Comment: 34 pages, 16 figure

    On the Relation between Operator Constraint --, Master Constraint --, Reduced Phase Space --, and Path Integral Quantisation

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    Path integral formulations for gauge theories must start from the canonical formulation in order to obtain the correct measure. A possible avenue to derive it is to start from the reduced phase space formulation. In this article we review this rather involved procedure in full generality. Moreover, we demonstrate that the reduced phase space path integral formulation formally agrees with the Dirac's operator constraint quantisation and, more specifically, with the Master constraint quantisation for first class constraints. For first class constraints with non trivial structure functions the equivalence can only be established by passing to Abelian(ised) constraints which is always possible locally in phase space. Generically, the correct configuration space path integral measure deviates from the exponential of the Lagrangian action. The corrections are especially severe if the theory suffers from second class secondary constraints. In a companion paper we compute these corrections for the Holst and Plebanski formulations of GR on which current spin foam models are based.Comment: 43 page

    Universal Correlations in Pion-less EFT with the Resonating Group Model: Three and Four Nucleons

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    The Effective Field Theory "without pions" at next-to-leading order is used to analyze universal bound state and scattering properties of the 3- and 4-nucleon system. Results of a variety of phase shift equivalent nuclear potentials are presented for bound state properties of 3H and 4He, and for the singlet S-wave 3He-neutron scattering length a_0(3He-n). The calculations are performed with the Refined Resonating Group Method and include a full treatment of the Coulomb interaction and the leading-order 3-nucleon interaction. The results compare favorably with data and values from AV18(+UIX) model calculations. A new correlation between a_0(3He-n) and the 3H binding energy is found. Furthermore, we confirm at next-to-leading order the correlations, already found at leading-order, between the 3H binding energy and the 3H charge radius, and the Tjon line. With the 3H binding energy as input, we get predictions of the Effective Field Theory "without pions" at next-to-leading order for the root mean square charge radius of 3H of (1.6\pm 0.2) fm, for the 4He binding energy of (28\pm 2.5) MeV, and for Re(a_0(3He-n)) of (7.5\pm 0.6)fm. Including the Coulomb interaction, the splitting in binding energy between 3H and 3He is found to be (0.66\pm 0.03) MeV. The discrepancy to data of (0.10\mp 0.03) MeV is model independently attributed to higher order charge independence breaking interactions. We also demonstrate that different results for the same observable stem from higher order effects, and carefully assess that numerical uncertainties are negligible. Our results demonstrate the convergence and usefulness of the pion-less theory at next-to-leading order in the 4He channel. We conclude that no 4-nucleon interaction is needed to renormalize the theory at next-to-leading order in the 4-nucleon sector.Comment: 24 pages revtex4, including 8 figures as .eps files embedded with includegraphicx, leading-order results added, calculations include the LO three-nucleon interaction explicitly, comment on Wigner bound added, minor modification

    Manifestly Gauge-Invariant General Relativistic Perturbation Theory: I. Foundations

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    Linear cosmological perturbation theory is pivotal to a theoretical understanding of current cosmological experimental data provided e.g. by cosmic microwave anisotropy probes. A key issue in that theory is to extract the gauge invariant degrees of freedom which allow unambiguous comparison between theory and experiment. When one goes beyond first (linear) order, the task of writing the Einstein equations expanded to n'th order in terms of quantities that are gauge invariant up to terms of higher orders becomes highly non-trivial and cumbersome. This fact has prevented progress for instance on the issue of the stability of linear perturbation theory and is a subject of current debate in the literature. In this series of papers we circumvent these difficulties by passing to a manifestly gauge invariant framework. In other words, we only perturb gauge invariant, i.e. measurable quantities, rather than gauge variant ones. Thus, gauge invariance is preserved non perturbatively while we construct the perturbation theory for the equations of motion for the gauge invariant observables to all orders. In this first paper we develop the general framework which is based on a seminal paper due to Brown and Kuchar as well as the realtional formalism due to Rovelli. In the second, companion, paper we apply our general theory to FRW cosmologies and derive the deviations from the standard treatment in linear order. As it turns out, these deviations are negligible in the late universe, thus our theory is in agreement with the standard treatment. However, the real strength of our formalism is that it admits a straightforward and unambiguous, gauge invariant generalisation to higher orders. This will also allow us to settle the stability issue in a future publication.Comment: 77 pages, no figure

    Inflationary scalar spectrum in loop quantum cosmology

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    In the context of loop quantum cosmology, we consider an inflationary era driven by a canonical scalar field and occurring in the semiclassical regime, where spacetime is a continuum but quantum gravitational effects are important. The spectral amplitude and index of scalar perturbations on an unperturbed de Sitter background are computed at lowest order in the slow-roll parameters. The scalar spectrum can be blue-tilted and far from scale invariance, and tuning of the quantization ambiguities is necessary for agreement with observations. The results are extended to a generalized quantization scheme including those proposed in the literature. Quantization of the matter field at sub-horizon scales can provide a consistency check of such schemes.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figures. v2: typos corrected, discussion improved and extended, new section added. Conclusions are unchange

    Spherically Symmetric Quantum Geometry: Hamiltonian Constraint

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    Variables adapted to the quantum dynamics of spherically symmetric models are introduced, which further simplify the spherically symmetric volume operator and allow an explicit computation of all matrix elements of the Euclidean and Lorentzian Hamiltonian constraints. The construction fits completely into the general scheme available in loop quantum gravity for the quantization of the full theory as well as symmetric models. This then presents a further consistency check of the whole scheme in inhomogeneous situations, lending further credence to the physical results obtained so far mainly in homogeneous models. New applications in particular of the spherically symmetric model in the context of black hole physics are discussed.Comment: 33 page

    Loop Quantum Cosmology: A Status Report

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    The goal of this article is to provide an overview of the current state of the art in loop quantum cosmology for three sets of audiences: young researchers interested in entering this area; the quantum gravity community in general; and, cosmologists who wish to apply loop quantum cosmology to probe modifications in the standard paradigm of the early universe. An effort has been made to streamline the material so that, as described at the end of section I, each of these communities can read only the sections they are most interested in, without a loss of continuity.Comment: 138 pages, 15 figures. Invited Topical Review, To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravity. Typos corrected, clarifications and references adde
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