1,602 research outputs found

    Evolutionary Stability of Ecological Hierarchy

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    A self-similar hierarchical solution that is both dynamically and evolutionarily stable is found to the multi dimensional Lotka-Volterra equation with a single chain of prey-predator relations. This gives a simple and natural explanation to the key features of hierarchical ecosystems, such as its ubiquity, pyramidal population distribution, and higher aggressiveness among higher trophic levels. pacs{87.23.Kg, 89.75.Da, 05.45.-a} keywords{Lotka-Volterra equation, Trophic pyramid, Self-similarity}Comment: 4 Pages RevTeX4, 1 Fig, 1 Table, shortened by publishers reques

    Heteroclinic Chaos, Chaotic Itinerancy and Neutral Attractors in Symmetrical Replicator Equations with Mutations

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    A replicator equation with mutation processes is numerically studied. Without any mutations, two characteristics of the replicator dynamics are known: an exponential divergence of the dominance period, and hierarchical orderings of the attractors. A mutation introduces some new aspects: the emergence of structurally stable attractors, and chaotic itinerant behavior. In addition, it is reported that a neutral attractor can exist in the mutataion rate -> +0 region.Comment: 4 pages, 9 figure

    Periodicity of mass extinctions without an extraterrestrial cause

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    We study a lattice model of a multi-species prey-predator system. Numerical results show that for a small mutation rate the model develops irregular long-period oscillatory behavior with sizeable changes in a number of species. The periodicity of extinctions on Earth was suggested by Raup and Sepkoski but so far is lacking a satisfactory explanation. Our model indicates that this is a natural consequence of the ecosystem dynamics, not the result of any extraterrestrial cause.Comment: 4 pages, accepted in Phys.Rev.

    Resonance bifurcations from robust homoclinic cycles

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    We present two calculations for a class of robust homoclinic cycles with symmetry Z_n x Z_2^n, for which the sufficient conditions for asymptotic stability given by Krupa and Melbourne are not optimal. Firstly, we compute optimal conditions for asymptotic stability using transition matrix techniques which make explicit use of the geometry of the group action. Secondly, through an explicit computation of the global parts of the Poincare map near the cycle we show that, generically, the resonance bifurcations from the cycles are supercritical: a unique branch of asymptotically stable period orbits emerges from the resonance bifurcation and exists for coefficient values where the cycle has lost stability. This calculation is the first to explicitly compute the criticality of a resonance bifurcation, and answers a conjecture of Field and Swift in a particular limiting case. Moreover, we are able to obtain an asymptotically-correct analytic expression for the period of the bifurcating orbit, with no adjustable parameters, which has not proved possible previously. We show that the asymptotic analysis compares very favourably with numerical results.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Nonlinearit

    Random replicators with high-order interactions

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    We use tools of the equilibrium statistical mechanics of disordered systems to study analytically the statistical properties of an ecosystem composed of N species interacting via random, Gaussian interactions of order p >= 2, and deterministic self-interactions u <= 0. We show that for nonzero u the effect of increasing the order of the interactions is to make the system more cooperative, in the sense that the fraction of extinct species is greatly reduced. Furthermore, we find that for p > 2 there is a threshold value which gives a lower bound to the concentration of the surviving species, preventing then the existence of rare species and, consequently, increasing the robustness of the ecosystem to external perturbations.Comment: 7 pages, 4 Postscript figure

    Fluid-dynamic study on a multi-stage fluidized bed column for continuous CO2 capture via temperature swing adsorption

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    Adsorption based processes have a great potential to significantly reduce the overall costs of CO2 separation from stack flue gas as compared to currently available technologies. One of the main challenges in the development of these processes is certainly the provision of adequate adsorbents. Hence, in the last decade a great effort has been put into screening and testing of various adsorbent materials. However, beside the identification of suitable adsorbent materials it is of equal importance to develop suitable reactor designs that allow for effective and most cost efficient utilization of these materials and so far only little work has been attributed to this subject. Nevertheless, it was shown that for thermodynamic reasons it is essential to provide counter-current contact between adsorbent and gas streams in order to allow for efficient operation of any Temperature Swing Adsorption (TSA) CO2 capture process. It was further highlighted that effective heat transfer with the used adsorbent material is necessary as the reported values of their corresponding adsorption enthalpies are typically rather large. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Replicators in Fine-grained Environment: Adaptation and Polymorphism

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    Selection in a time-periodic environment is modeled via the two-player replicator dynamics. For sufficiently fast environmental changes, this is reduced to a multi-player replicator dynamics in a constant environment. The two-player terms correspond to the time-averaged payoffs, while the three and four-player terms arise from the adaptation of the morphs to their varying environment. Such multi-player (adaptive) terms can induce a stable polymorphism. The establishment of the polymorphism in partnership games [genetic selection] is accompanied by decreasing mean fitness of the population.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Constructing quantum games from non-factorizable joint probabilities

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    A probabilistic framework is developed that gives a unifying perspective on both the classical and the quantum games. We suggest exploiting peculiar probabilities involved in Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) experiments to construct quantum games. In our framework a game attains classical interpretation when joint probabilities are factorizable and a quantum game corresponds when these probabilities cannot be factorized. We analyze how non-factorizability changes Nash equilibria in two-player games while considering the games of Prisoner's Dilemma, Stag Hunt, and Chicken. In this framework we find that for the game of Prisoner's Dilemma even non-factorizable EPR joint probabilities cannot be helpful to escape from the classical outcome of the game. For a particular version of the Chicken game, however, we find that the two non-factorizable sets of joint probabilities, that maximally violates the Clauser-Holt-Shimony-Horne (CHSH) sum of correlations, indeed result in new Nash equilibria.Comment: Revised in light of referee's comments, submitted to Physical Review