396 research outputs found

    Long-Term Outcome of an HIV-Treatment Programme in Rural Africa: Viral Suppression despite Early Mortality

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    Objective. To define the long-term (2–4 years) clinical and virological outcome of an antiretroviral treatment (ART) programme in rural South Africa. Methods. We performed a retrospective observational cohort study, including 735 patients who initiated ART. Biannual monitoring, including HIV-RNA testing, was performed. Primary endpoint was patient retention; virological suppression (HIV-RNA < 50 copies/mL) and failure (HIV-RNA > 1000 copies/mL) were secondary endpoints. Moreover, possible predictors of treatment failure were analyzed. Results. 63% of patients (466/735) have a fully suppressed HIV-RNA, a median of three years after treatment initiation. Early mortality was high: 14% died within 3 months after treatment start. 16% of patients experienced virological failure, but only 4% was switched to second-line ART. Male gender and a low performance score were associated with treatment failure; immunological failure was a poor predictor of virological failure. Conclusions. An “all or nothing” phenomenon was observed in this rural South African ART programme: high early attrition, but good virological control in those remaining in care. Continued efforts are needed to enrol patients earlier. Furthermore, the observed viro-immunological dissociation emphasises the need to make HIV-RNA testing more widely available

    Origin Of The Far Off-Axis GRB171205A

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    We show that observed properties of the low luminosity GRB171205A and its afterglow, like those of most other low-luminosity (LL) gamma ray bursts (GRBs) associate with a supernova (SN), indicate that it is an ordinary SN-GRB, which was produced by inverse Compton scattering of glory light by a highly relativistic narrowly collimated jet ejected in a supernova explosion and viewed from a far off-axis angle. As such, VLA/VLBI follow-up radio observations of a superluminal displacement of its bright radio afterglow from its parent supernova, will be able to test clearly whether it is an ordinary SN-GRB viewed from far off-axis or it belongs to a distinct class of GRBs, which are different from ordinary GRBs, and cannot be explained by standard fireball models of GRBs as ordinary GRBsComment: 5 pages, 6 figures, updated data in Fig. 3, Corrected GRB angular distance used in Fig.

    Теоретичні та практичні аспекти приватизації в Україні

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    Цели статьи заключаются в изучении спроса покупателей на объекты приватизации и анализе финансового состояния предприятий к принятию решения об их приватизации (на основе данных за I квартал 2006 года), раскрытии основных критериев целесообразности принятия решения о приватизации объектов ведения хозяйства.Цілі статті полягають у вивченні попиту покупців на об'єкти приватизації та аналізі фінансового стану підприємств до прийняття рішення про їх приватизацію (на основі даних за I квартал 2006 року), розкритті основних критеріїв доцільності прийняття рішення про приватизацію об'єктів господарювання

    Pneumonia Recovery; Discrepancies in Perspectives of the Radiologist, Physician and Patient

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    BACKGROUND: Chest radiographs are often used to diagnose community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), to monitor response to treatment and to ensure complete resolution of pneumonia. However, radiological exams may not reflect the actual clinical condition of the patient. OBJECTIVE: To compare the radiographic resolution of mild to moderately severe CAP to resolution of clinical symptoms as assessed by the physician or rated by the patient. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. PARTICIPANTS: One hundred nineteen patients admitted because of mild to moderately severe CAP with new pulmonary opacities. MAIN MEASURES: Radiographic resolution and clinical cure of CAP were determined at day 10 and 28. Radiographic resolution was defined as the absence of infection-related abnormalities; clinical cure was rated by the physician and defined by improvement of signs and symptoms. In addition, the CAP score, a patient-based symptom score, was calculated. KEY RESULTS: Radiographic resolution, clinical cure and normalization of the CAP score were observed in 30.8%, 93% and 32% of patients at day 10, and in 68.4%, 88.9% and 41.7% at day 28, respectively. More severe CAP (PSI score >90) was independently associated with delayed radiographic resolution at day 28 (OR 4.7, 95% CI 1.3-16.9). All 12 patients with deterioration of radiographic findings during follow-up had clinical evidence of treatment failure. CONCLUSIONS: In mild to moderately severe CAP, resolution of radiographic abnormalities and resolution of symptoms scored by the patient lag behind clinical cure assessed by physicians. Monitoring a favorable disease process by routine follow-up chest radiographs seems to have no additional value above following a patient's clinical cours

    Escherichia coli bacteriuria in female adults is associated with the development of hypertension

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    AbstractObjectiveTo investigate whether Escherichia coli bacteriuria is associated with the development of hypertension during a long-term follow-up.MethodsA prospective cohort study was performed among the participants of two population-based studies. Between 1974 and 1986 all women aged 39 to 68 years old, who lived in Utrecht, the Netherlands, were invited to participate in a breast cancer screening program. The participants completed a questionnaire, underwent a medical examination, and collected a morning urine sample that remained stored. From 1993 to 1997 another population-based study was performed. We performed a full cohort analysis for 444 women who participated in both studies. E. coli bacteriuria was diagnosed by a real-time PCR. Hypertension was defined as the use of antihypertensive medication and/or a measured systolic blood pressure of at least 160 mmHg or a diastolic blood pressure of 95 mmHg or higher. The mean follow-up was 11.5±1.7 years.ResultsForty women (9%) had E. coli bacteriuria at baseline. Women who had bacteriuria at baseline had a mean blood pressure at study endpoint of 133±20 mmHg systolic and 78±11 mmHg diastolic, and women without bacteriuria had values of 129±20 and 78±11 mmHg, respectively (p-values for difference 0.33 and 0.88). Although E. coli bacteriuria was not associated with the blood pressure as a continuous variable, it was associated with the development of hypertension during follow-up (OR 2.8, 95% CI 1.4–5.5).ConclusionE. coli bacteriuria may increase the risk of future hypertension

    Strategies for achieving viral hepatitis C micro-elimination in the Netherlands.

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    The Netherlands is striving to achieve national elimination of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) as one of the first countries worldwide. The favorable HCV epidemiology with both low prevalence and incidence, together with access to care and treatment, present excellent conditions to further build on towards this objective. The Dutch national plan on viral hepatitis, introduced in 2016, defines targets in the HCV healthcare cascade and provides a structural framework for the development of elimination activities. Since many different stakeholders are involved in HCV care in the Netherlands, focus has been placed on micro-elimination initiatives as a pragmatic and efficient approach. These numerous micro-eliminations projects have brought the Netherlands closer to HCV elimination. In the near future, efforts specifically have to be made in order to optimize case-finding strategies and to successfully accomplish the nationwide implementation of the registration and monitoring system of viral hepatitis mono-infections, before this final goal can be reached. The upcoming years will then elucidate if the Dutch' hands on approach has resulted in sufficient progress against HCV and if the Netherlands will lead the way towards nationwide HCV elimination

    Новое в развитии пластической хирургии носа

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    Рассмотрены проблемы, возникающие при реконструктивных вмешательствах на структурах наружного носа и его внутренних полостях, характеристики трансплантатов и условия, способствующие возникновению осложнений. На основании собственных наблюдений сделан вывод о практической целесообразности использования гомо− и гетеротрансплантатов с учетом конкретных медико−социальных показаний.The problems arising at reconstructive surgery on the external structures of the nose and its inner cavities as well as characteristics of the implants and the conditions promoting complication development are featured. Basing on the original research the authors conclude about practical expediency of application of homo− and heterotransplants with the account of definite medical−social parameters

    Low doses of the novel caspase-inhibitor GS-9450 leads to lower caspase-3 and -8 expression on peripheral CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells

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    Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is characterized by increased rates of apoptotic hepatocytes and activated caspases have been shown in HCV-infected patients. GS-9450, a novel caspase-inhibitor has demonstrated hepatoprotective activity in fibrosis/apoptosis animal models. This study evaluated the effects of GS-9450 on peripheral T-cell apoptosis in chronic HCV-infected patients. As sub study of the GS-US-227-0102, a double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 2a trial evaluating the safety and tolerability of GS-9450, apoptosis of peripheral CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells was measured using activated caspase-3, activated caspase-8 and CD95 (Fas). Blood samples were drawn at baseline, day 14 after therapy and at 5 weeks off-treatment follow-up in the first cohort of 10 mg. In contrast to the placebo-treated patients, GS-9450 caused a median of 46% decrease in ALT-values from baseline to day 14 in all treated patients (median of 118–64 U/l) rising again to a median of 140 U/l (19%) at 5 weeks off-treatment follow-up. In GS9450-treated patients, during treatment and follow-up, percentages of activated caspase-3+ and caspase-8 expression tended to decrease, in contrast to placebo-treated patients. Interestingly, compared to healthy controls, higher percentages of caspase-3 and caspase-8 positive CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells were demonstrated in HCV-infected patients at baseline. Decreased ALT-values were observed in all HCV-infected patients during treatment with low dose of the caspase-inhibitor GS-9450 accompanied by a lower expression of caspase-3 and -8 on peripheral T-cells. Furthermore, at baseline percentages of activated caspase-3, activated caspase-8 and CD95+ T-cells were higher in chronic HCV-infected patients compared to healthy controls

    The use of corticosteroids does not influence CD4+ lymphocyte recovery in HIV-infected patients with advanced immunodeficiency

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    Corticosteroids inhibit HIV-related immune activation and seem to have a mild favorable effect on immunological recovery in patients with CD4+ counts ≥200 cells/mm3. Data in patients with advanced immunodeficiency are lacking. We analyzed whether corticosteroids negatively influence the short-term CD4+ lymphocyte recovery in patients with CD4+ cell counts <200 cells/mm3 started on combination antiretroviral therapy (cART). We performed a retrospective cohort analysis including all HIV-infected patients under follow-up in our hospital with a documented episode of Pneumocystis Jirovecii Pneumonia (PJP) in the cART era. CD4+ lymphocyte recovery was assessed at three months after the episode of PJP and subsequent start of cART, comparing patients that received adjunctive corticosteroids (AC) versus patients that did not receive corticosteroids (standard care (SC)). In total, 66 patients with an episode of PJP were identified with 38 patients in the AC-group versus 28 patients in the SC-group. Almost all baseline characteristics were similar, including mean CD4+ lymphocyte counts. After three months, the mean CD4+ cell count did not differ; 222 cells/mm3 for the SC-group versus 259 cells/mm3 for the AC-group (p = .29). The use of corticosteroids does not alter CD4+ lymphocyte recovery in HIV-infected patients with advanced immunodeficiency in the first months of antiretroviral therapy

    Diminished impact of ethnicity as a risk factor for chronic kidney disease in the current HIV treatment era

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is an important comorbidity during human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Historically, HIV-associated nephropathy has been the predominant cause of CKD and has primarily been observed in people of African ancestry. This study aims to investigate the role of ethnicity in relation to CKD risk in recent years.METHODS: Analyses were performed including 16 836 patients from the Dutch AIDS Therapy Evaluation in the Netherlands (ATHENA) cohort. Baseline was defined as the first available creatinine level measurement after 1 January 2007; CKD was defined as a glomerular filtration rate of &lt;60 mL/min/1.73 m(2). The associations between ethnicity and both prevalent CKD at baseline and incident CKD during follow-up were analyzed.RESULTS:The prevalence of baseline CKD was 2.7% (460 of 16 836 patients). Birth in a sub-Saharan African country (hereafter, "SSA origin") was significantly associated with baseline CKD (adjusted odds ratio 1.49; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.04-2.13). During follow-up (median duration, 4.7 years; interquartile range, 2.4-5.2), the rate of incident CKD was 6.0 events per 1000 person-years. The risk of newly developing CKD was similar between patients of SSA origin and those born in Western Europe, Australia, or New Zealand (adjusted hazard ratio, 1.00; 95% CI, .63-1.59).CONCLUSIONS: Among HIV-infected patients in the Netherlands, being of SSA origin was associated with a higher baseline CKD prevalence but had no impact on newly developing CKD over time. This suggests a shift in the etiology of CKD from HIV-associated nephropathy toward other etiologies.</p