16 research outputs found

    Flexible adaptation of iterative learning control with applications to synthetic bone graft manufacturing

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    Additive manufacturing processes are powerful tools; they are capable of fabricating structures without expensive structure specific tooling -- therefore structure designs can efficiently change from run-to-run -- and they can integrate multiple distinct materials into a single structure. This work investigates one such additive manufacturing process, micro-Robotic Deposition (μ\muRD), and its utility in fabricating advanced architecture synthetic bone grafts. These bone grafts, also known as synthetic bone scaffolds, are highly porous three-dimensional structures that provide a matrix to support the natural process of bone remodeling. Ideally, the synthetic scaffold will stimulate complete bone healing in a skeletal defect site and also resorb with time so that only natural tissue remains. The objective of this research is to develop methods to integrate different regions with different porous microstructures into a single scaffold; there is evidence that scaffolds with designed regions of specific microstructures can be used to elicit a strong and directed bone ingrowth response that improves bone ingrowth rate and quality. The key contribution of this work is the development of a control algorithm that precisely places different build materials in specified locations, thereby the fabrication of advanced architecture scaffolds is feasible. Under previous control methods, designs were relegated to be composed of a single material. The control algorithm developed in this work is an adaptation of Iterative Learning Control (ILC), a control method that is typically best suited for mass manufacturing applications. This adaptation reorients the ILC framework such that it is more amenable to additive manufacturing systems, such as μ\muRD. Control efficacy is demonstrated by the fabrication of advanced architecture scaffolds. Scaffolds with contoured forms, multiple domains with distinct porous microstructures, and hollow cavities are feasible when the developed controller is used in conjunction with a novel manufacturing workflow in which scaffolds are filled within patterned molds that support overhanging features. An additional application demonstrates controller performance on the robot positioning problem; this work has implications for additive manufacturing in general

    A large displacement, high frequency, underwater microelectromechanical systems actuator

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    Here, we demonstrate an in situ electrostatic actuator that can operate underwater across a wide range of displacements and frequencies, achieving a displacement of approximately 10-μm at 500-Hz and 1-μm at 5-kHz; this performance surpasses that of existing underwater physical actuators. To attain these large displacements at such high speeds, we optimized critical design parameters using a computationally efficient description of the physics of low quality (Q) factor underwater electrostatic actuators. Our theoretical model accurately predicts actuator motion profiles as well as limits of bandwidth and displacement

    A Microfluidic Technique to Probe Cell Deformability

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    Here we detail the design, fabrication, and use of a microfluidic device to evaluate the deformability of a large number of individual cells in an efficient manner. Typically, data for ~10(2) cells can be acquired within a 1 hr experiment. An automated image analysis program enables efficient post-experiment analysis of image data, enabling processing to be complete within a few hours. Our device geometry is unique in that cells must deform through a series of micron-scale constrictions, thereby enabling the initial deformation and time-dependent relaxation of individual cells to be assayed. The applicability of this method to human promyelocytic leukemia (HL-60) cells is demonstrated. Driving cells to deform through micron-scale constrictions using pressure-driven flow, we observe that human promyelocytic (HL-60) cells momentarily occlude the first constriction for a median time of 9.3 msec before passaging more quickly through the subsequent constrictions with a median transit time of 4.0 msec per constriction. By contrast, all-trans retinoic acid-treated (neutrophil-type) HL-60 cells occlude the first constriction for only 4.3 msec before passaging through the subsequent constrictions with a median transit time of 3.3 msec. This method can provide insight into the viscoelastic nature of cells, and ultimately reveal the molecular origins of this behavior