447 research outputs found

    The story against smoking:An exploratory study into the processing and perceived effectiveness of narrative visual smoking warnings

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    Objectives: This study compared the effects of two types of health warnings on cigarette packages: 'narrative visual warnings', showing an image portraying people plus a corresponding slogan that could evoke a story-like interpretation, and 'non-narrative visual warnings' with non-narrative content (i.e. body parts). Moreover, the mechanisms underlying the effects of these health warnings were explored. Design: A within-participants experiment was conducted comparing narrative and non-narrative visual warnings. Path analyses were performed to investigate the relationship between the narrative concepts transportation and identification, the emotions evoked by the health warning and the perceived effectiveness of the message. Method: Participants (N = 200) were presented with one narrative warning and one non-narrative warning. After each warning, they answered questions on narrative perception, transportation, identification, emotions and perceived effectiveness. Results: The narrative warnings were seen as more story-like than the non-narrative warnings. There was a statistical trend for narrative warnings to be perceived as more effective than the non-narratives. The narrative warnings caused more transportation, fear, sadness, compassion and anger; the non-narrative warnings evoked more disgust and surprise. For the narrative warnings, both narrative concepts of transportation and identification were directly related to perceived effectiveness, and also indirectly via sadness. For the non-narrative warnings, transportation was related to perceived effectiveness, both directly and indirectly via disgust. Conclusion: Seeing a story in a still picture with a slogan helps to increase the effectiveness of the antismoking message. Both narrative and non-narrative visual warnings may persuade receivers directly, but also by the evoking of emotions, although the specific emotions responsible for the persuasive effects may differ

    A Neurocomputational Model of the N400 and the P600 in Language Processing

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    Ten years ago, researchers using event-related brain potentials (ERPs) to study language comprehension were puzzled by what looked like a Semantic Illusion: Semantically anomalous, but structurally well-formed sentences did not affect the N400 component—traditionally taken to reflect semantic integration—but instead produced a P600 effect, which is generally linked to syntactic processing. This finding led to a considerable amount of debate, and a number of complex processing models have been proposed as an explanation. What these models have in common is that they postulate two or more separate processing streams, in order to reconcile the Semantic Illusion and other semantically induced P600 effects with the traditional interpretations of the N400 and the P600. Recently, however, these multi-stream models have been called into question, and a simpler single-stream model has been proposed. According to this alternative model, the N400 component reflects the retrieval of word meaning from semantic memory, and the P600 component indexes the integration of this meaning into the unfolding utterance interpretation. In the present paper, we provide support for this “Retrieval–Integration (RI)” account by instantiating it as a neurocomputational model. This neurocomputational model is the first to successfully simulate the N400 and P600 amplitude in language comprehension, and simulations with this model provide a proof of concept of the single-stream RI account of semantically induced patterns of N400 and P600 modulations

    An open source physiologically based kinetic model for the chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus): Calibration and validation for the prediction residues in tissues and eggs.

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    Xenobiotics from anthropogenic and natural origin enter animal feed and human food as regulated compounds, environmental contaminants or as part of components of the diet. After dietary exposure, a chemical is absorbed and distributed systematically to a range of organs and tissues, metabolised, and excreted. Physiologically based kinetic (PBK) models have been developed to estimate internal concentrations from external doses. In this study, a generic multi-compartment PBK model was developed for chicken. The PBK model was implemented for seven compounds (with log Kow range −1.37–6.2) to quantitatively link external dose and internal dose for risk assessment of chemicals. Global sensitivity analysis was performed for a hydrophilic and a lipophilic compound to identify the most sensitive parameters in the PBK model. Model predictions were compared to measured data according to dataset-specific exposure scenarios. Globally, 71% of the model predictions were within a 3-fold change of the measured data for chicken and only 7% of the PBK predictions were outside a 10-fold change. While most model input parameters still rely on in vivo experiments, in vitro data were also used as model input to predict internal concentration of the coccidiostat monensin. Future developments of generic PBK models in chicken and other species of relevance to animal health risk assessment are discussed. Keywords: Risk assessment, Chicken, Physiologically based kinetic model, In vitro to in vivo extrapolation, Global sensitivity analysi

    ‘Wat de boer niet kent’:Een onderzoek naar het effect van formulering (technisch versus niet-technisch) op de acceptatie van kweekvlees

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    Cultured meat looks, feels and tastes like conventional meat, but is much less destructive for humans, animals and the environment. However, consumer acceptance of cultured meat is still not very high, which may have to do with the perceived unnaturalness of the way it is produced. Previous research has suggested that part of this unease can be taken away if the textual description of the production process makes use of non-technical terms, instead of the rather technical terms that are often used in information brochures. The current study failed to replicate these earlier findings: there were no significant differences between the technical text, the non-technical text, and a control condition in which no description of the production process was included. Furthermore, from our results it appears that the feeling of ‘disgust’ that is evoked when participants read about cultured meat is central in the acceptance process, and not ‘perceived naturalness’ as has been hypothesized earlier. Thus, it seems to be important to focus on reducing the feeling of disgust in further communications about cultured meat, for instance by creating associations with pleasant and tasty sensations, and leave out descriptions of the production process altogether

    Brief of requirements of the broiler = Programma van eisen van het vleeskuiken

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    This report lists the brief of requirements of the broiler, based on her needs (also listed). The BoR indicates the actor’s needs with regards to the animal husbandry system. BoR of the main actors are incorporated in the redesign of a broiler husbandry system in the project Tasteful Broilers

    Mechanistic insights into the role of large carnivores for ecosystem structure and functioning

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    Large carnivores can exert top–down effects in ecosystems, but the size of these effects are largely unknown. Empirical investigation on the importance of large carnivores for ecosystem structure and functioning presents a number of challenges due to the large spatio-temporal scale and the complexity of such dynamics. Here, we applied a mechanistic global ecosystem model to investigate the influence of large-carnivore removal from undisturbed ecosystems. First, we simulated large-carnivore removal on the global scale to inspect the geographic pattern of top–down control and to disentangle the functional role of large carnivores in top–down control in different environmental contexts. Second, we conducted four small-scale ecosystem simulation experiments to understand direct and indirect changes in food-web structure under different environmental conditions. We found that the removal of top–down control exerted by large carnivores (> 21 kg) can trigger large trophic cascades, leading to an overall decrease in autotroph biomass globally. Furthermore, the loss of large carnivores resulted in an increase of mesopredators. The magnitude of these changes was positively related to primary productivity (NPP), in line with the ‘exploitation ecosystem hypothesis’. In addition, we found that seasonality in NPP dampened the magnitude of change following the removal of large carnivores. Our results reinforce the idea that large carnivores play a fundamental role in shaping ecosystems, and further declines and extinctions can trigger substantial ecosystem responses. Our findings also support previous studies suggesting that natural ecosystem dynamics have been severely modified and are still changing as a result of the widespread decline and extinction of large carnivores

    The influence of conversational content on college students’ safe sex intentions:A mixed method approach

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    Even though health campaign designers are advised to specifically focus on triggering conversations between people about health issues, there is still a lot unknown about what aspects of a conversation may contribute to safe sex behavior and intentions. Empirical research in this field so far has mainly focused on conversational occurrence rather than conversational content, and where content is taken into account, this mostly concerns self-reports. In this mixed method study, we looked into the quantitative effects of real-life conversations about safe sex, triggered by a safe sex message, on college students’ intentions related to safe sex. We then used a qualitative analysis to try and identify content-related aspects that may be related to the quantitative effects. Two weeks after filling in a questionnaire on their safe sex-related intentions, participants (N = 24) were instructed to watch and talk about a safe sex video with a conversation partner of choice, followed by filling in a questionnaire. The conversational data were analyzed qualitatively. The results suggest that the conversations increased safe sex-related intentions compared to pretest scores, and that content-related aspects such as conversational valence, type of communication behavior and behavioral determinants were related to these effects. Thus, our findings provide enhanced insight into the social norms and behavioral patterns related to safe sex, and indicate that it is important to look at conversational content in detail rather than to focus on mere conversational occurrence or quantitative effects

    Reflexive choice in Dutch and German

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    Standard Dutch and German have two reflexive forms: a weak form ('zich' in Dutch and 'sich' in German) and a strong form ('zichzelf' in Dutch and 'sich selbst' in German). The choice between the two reflexive forms in Dutch has been explained by the selectional restrictions of the verb, distinguishing between three verb classes: inherently reflexive verbs, accidentally reflexive verbs and transitive verbs. The same three verb classes can be distinguished in German, suggesting that the factors governing reflexive choice in Dutch and German are similar. However, several studies have pointed out that Dutch 'zich' is more restricted in its use than German 'sich'. We used a forced-choice task to test adult Dutch and German participants on their preference for the weak versus strong reflexive form with various verb classes and sentence types. Comparing similar sentences across the two languages, we observe an overall preference for the strong reflexive in Dutch but an overall preference for the weak reflexive in German. Looking at the participants’ reflexive choices within each language, we found effects of verb class, syntactic structure (transitive versus ECM constructions) and semantic features. Whereas the semantic feature habituality affected reflexive choice in neither language, intentionality did so in Dutch only, and tense and possibly focus affected reflexive choice in both languages. These observations seem problematic for the syntactically motivated dual-entry account of reflexive choice, but are consistent with the likelihood account
