167 research outputs found

    Intrinsic foot muscles act to stabilise the foot when greater fluctuations in centre of pressure movement result from increased postural balance challenge

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    © 2020 The Author(s) Background: Increased postural balance challenge is associated with more fluctuations in centre of pressure movement, indicating increased interference from the postural control system. The role of intrinsic foot muscles in balance control is relatively understudied and whether such control system interference occurs at the level of these muscles is unknown. Research Question: Do fewer fluctuations in intrinsic foot muscle excitation occur in response to increased postural balance challenge? Methods: Surface EMGs were recorded using a grid of 13 × 5 channels from the plantar surface of the foot of 17 participants, who completed three balance tasks: bipedal stance; single leg stance and bipedal tip-toe. Centre of pressure (CoP) movement was calculated from simultaneously recorded force plate signals. Fluctuations in CoP and EMGs for each task were quantified using a sample entropy based metric, Entropy Halflife (EnHL). Longer EnHL indicates fewer signal fluctuations. Results: The shortest EMG EnHL, 9.27 ± 3.34 ms (median ± interquartile range), occurred during bipedal stance and the longest during bipedal tip-toe 15.46 ± 11.16 ms, with 18.80 ± 8.00 ms recorded for single leg stance. Differences were statistically significant between bipedal stance and both bipedal tip-toe (p < 0.001) and single leg stance (p < 0.001). CoP EnHL for both anterior-posterior and medial-lateral movements also differed significantly between tasks (p < 0.001, both cases). However, anterior-posterior CoP EnHL was longest for bipedal stance 259.84±230.22 ms and shortest for bipedal tip-toe 146.25±73.35 ms. Medial-lateral CoP EnHL was also longest during bipedal stance 215.73±187.58 ms, but shortest for single leg stance 113.48±83.01 ms. Significance: Fewer fluctuations in intrinsic foot muscle excitation occur in response to increased postural balance challenge. Fluctuations in CoP movement during balance must be predominantly driven by excitation of muscles extrinsic to the foot. Intrinsic foot muscles therefore likely play a greater role in stabilisation of the foot than balance control during the postural tasks studied

    Movement Complexity and Neuromechanical Factors Affect the Entropic Half-Life of Myoelectric Signals

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    Appropriate neuromuscular functioning is essential for survival and features underpinning motor control are present in myoelectric signals recorded from skeletal muscles. One approach to quantify control processes related to function is to assess signal variability using measures such as Sample Entropy. Here we developed a theoretical framework to simulate the effect of variability in burst duration, activation duty cycle, and intensity on the Entropic Half-Life (EnHL) in myoelectric signals. EnHLs were predicted to be <40 ms, and to vary with fluctuations in myoelectric signal amplitude and activation duty cycle. Comparison with myoelectic data from rats walking and running at a range of speeds and inclines confirmed the range of EnHLs, however, the direction of EnHL change in response to altered locomotor demand was not correctly predicted. The discrepancy reflected different associations between the ratio of the standard deviation and mean signal intensity (Ist:It¯¯¯¯) and duty factor in simulated and physiological data, likely reflecting additional information in the signals from the physiological data (e.g., quiescent phase content; variation in action potential shapes). EnHL could have significant value as a novel marker of neuromuscular responses to alterations in perceived locomotor task complexity and intensity

    Photopic negative response (PhNR) in the diagnosis and monitoring of raised intracranial pressure in children: a prospective cross-sectional and longitudinal protocol

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    Introduction Raised intracranial pressure (rICP) can be a consequence of a variety of neurological disorders. A significant complication of rICP is visual impairment, due to retinal ganglion cell (RGC) dysfunction. In children, subjective measurements to monitor this, such as visual field examination, are challenging. Therefore, objective measurements offer promising alternatives for monitoring these effects. The photopic negative response (PhNR) is a component of the flash electroretinogram produced by RGCs; the cells directly affected in rICP-related vision loss. This project aims to assess the clinical feasibility and diagnostic efficacy of the PhNR in detecting and monitoring paediatric rICP. Methods and analysis Section 1 is a cross-sectional study; group 1 young persons with disorders associated with rICP and a comparator group 2 of age-matched children without rICP. Both groups will undergo a PhNR recording alongside a series of structural and functional ophthalmic investigations, with the rICP group also having measurement of intracranial pressure. Section 2 is a longitudinal study of the relationship between the PhNR and directly recorded intracranial pressure measurements, through repeated measures. PhNR amplitudes and peak times will be assessed against optical coherence tomography parameters, mean deviation of visual fields, other electrophysiology and ICP measurement through regression analyses. Group differences between PhNR measurements in the rICP and control groups will be performed to determine clinically relevant cut-off values and calculation of diagnostic accuracy. Longitudinal analysis will assess PhNR amplitude against ICP measurements through regression analysis. Feasibility and efficacy will be measured through acceptability, practicality and sensitivity outcomes. Ethics and dissemination Favourable opinion from a research ethics committee has been received and the study approved by Manchester Metropolitan University, the Health Research Authority and the Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health (GOS-ICH) Research and Development office. This project is being undertaken as a doctoral award (ORM) with findings written for academic thesis submission, peer-reviewed journal and conference publications

    In vivo oscillations of the soleus muscle can be quantified using b-mode ultrasound imaging during walking and running in humans

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    Impact forces, due to the foot contacting the ground during locomotion, can be considered input signals to the body that must be dissipated to prevent impact-related injuries. One proposed mechanism employed by the body to damp the impact is through vibrations of the skeletal muscles. However, there is yet to be direct in vivo measures of muscle oscillations during locomotion. This study investigated the use of 2D ultrasound imaging to quantify transverse muscle oscillations (deep-superficial displacement of the muscle boundary relative to the skin) in response to impact forces elicited by walking and running at a range of speeds. Increases in vertical impact forces with faster walking and running was consistent with changes in both magnitude and frequency in the measured oscillations of the soleus muscle; one of the main human ankle plantar flexors. Muscle oscillations contained more higher frequency components at fast running (50% signal power in frequencies below ~ 14 Hz) compared with slow walking (50% signal power contained in frequencies below ~ 5 Hz). This study provides a platform for ultrasound imaging to examine muscle oscillation responses to impact forces induced by changes in external interfaces such as shoe material, locomotion type and ground surface properties

    How do the mechanical demands of cycling affect the information content of the EMG?

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    Purpose: The persistence of phase-related information in EMG signals can be quantified by its entropic half-life, EnHL. It has been proposed that the EnHL would increase with the demands of a movement task, and thus increase as the pedalling power increased during cycling. However, simulation work on the properties of EMG signals suggests that the EnHL depends on burst duration and duty cycle in the EMG that may not be related to task demands. This study aimed to distinguish between these alternate hypotheses. Methods: The EnHL was characterized for 10 muscles from nine cyclists cycling at a range of powers (35 to 260 W) and cadences (60 to 140 r.p.m.) for the raw EMG, phase-randomized surrogate EMG, EMG intensity and the principal components describing the muscle coordination patterns. Results: There was phase-related information in the raw EMG signals and EMG intensities that was related to the EMG burst duration, duty cycle pedalling cadence and power. The EnHLs for the EMG intensities of the individual muscles (excluding quadriceps) and for the coordination patterns decreased as cycling power and cadence increased. Conclusions: The EnHLs provide information on the structure of the motor control signals and their constituent motor unit action potentials, both within and between muscles, rather than on the mechanical demands of the cycling task per se

    How much does the human medial gastrocnemius muscle contribute to ankle torques outside the sagittal plane?

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    Ankle movements in the frontal plane are less prominent though not less relevant than movements in the plantar or dorsal flexion direction. Walking on uneven terrains and standing on narrow stances are examples of circumstances likely imposing marked demands on the ankle medio-lateral stabilization. Following our previous evidence associating lateral bodily sways in quiet standing to activation of the medial gastrocnemius (MG) muscle, in this study we ask: how large is the MG contribution to ankle torque in the frontal plane? By arranging stimulation electrodes in a selective configuration, current pulses were applied primarily to the MG nerve branch of ten subjects. The contribution of populations of MG motor units of progressively smaller recruitment threshold to ankle torque was evaluated by increasing the stimulation amplitude by fixed amounts. From smallest intensities (12-32 mA) leading to the firstly observable MG twitches in force-plate recordings, current pulses reached intensities (56-90 mA) below which twitches in other muscles could not be observed from the skin. Key results show substantial MG torque contribution tending to rotate upward the foot medial aspect (ankle inversion). Nerve stimulation further revealed a linear relationship between the peak torque of ankle plantar flexion and inversion, across participants (Pearson R>0.81; P<0.01). Specifically, regardless of the current intensity applied, the peak torque of ankle inversion amounted to about 13% of plantar flexion peak torque. Physiologically, these results provide experimental evidence that MG activation may contribute to stabilize the body in the frontal plane, especially under situations of challenged stabilit

    Comparison between surface electrodes and ultrasound monitoring to measure TMS evoked muscle contraction

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    INTRODUCTION: Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is widely employed to explore cortical physiology in health and disease. Surface electromyography (sEMG) is appropriate for superficial muscles, but cannot be applied easily to less accessible muscles. Muscle ultrasound (mUS) may provide an elegant solution to this problem, but fundamental questions remain. We explore the relationship between TMS evoked muscle potentials and TMS evoked muscle contractions measured with mUS. METHODS: In 10 participants we performed a TMS recruitment curve, simultaneously measuring motor evoked potentials (MEPs) and mUS in biceps (BI), first dorsal interosseous (FDI), tibialis anterior (TA) and the tongue (TO). RESULTS: Resting motor threshold (RMT) measurements and recruitment curves were found to be consistent across sEMG and mUS. DISCUSSION: This work supports the use of TMS-US to study less accessible muscles. The implications are broad but could include the study of a new range of muscles in disorders such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

    Children with developmental coordination disorder have less variable motor unit firing rate characteristics across contractions compared to typically developing children

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    Introduction: Understanding the nuances of neuromuscular control is crucial in unravelling the complexities of developmental coordination disorder (DCD), which has been associated with differences in skeletal muscle activity, implying that children with DCD employ distinct strategies for muscle control. However, force generation and control are dependent on both recruitment of motor units and their firing rates and these fine details of motor function have yet to be studied in DCD. The purpose of this study was therefore to compare motor unit characteristics in a small muscle of the hand during low level, handgrip contractions in typically developing (TD) children and children with DCD. Methods: Eighteen children (9 TD vs. 9 DCD) completed a series of manual handgrip contractions at 10 ± 5% of their maximum voluntary contraction. High density surface electromyography was used to record excitation of the first dorsal interosseus muscle. Recorded signals were subsequently decomposed into individual motor unit action potential trains. Motor unit characteristics (firing rate, inter-pulse interval, and action potential amplitude) were analysed for contractions that had a coefficient variation of <10%. Results and Discussion: This study found few differences in average motor unit characteristics (number of motor units: TD 20.24 ± 9.73, DCD 27.32 ± 14.00; firing rate: TD 7.74 ± 2.16 p.p.s., DCD 7.86 ± 2.39 p.p.s.; inter-pulse interval: TD 199.72 ± 84.24 ms, DCD 207.12 ± 103 ms) when force steadiness was controlled for, despite the DCD group being significantly older (10.89 ± 0.78 years) than the TD group (9.44 ± 1.67 years). However, differences were found in the variability of motor unit firing statistics, with the children with DCD surprisingly showing less variability across contractions (standard deviation of coefficient of variation of inter-pulse interval: TD 0.38 ± 0.12, DCD 0.28 ± 0.11). This may suggest a more fixed strategy to stabilise force between contractions used by children with DCD. However, as variability of motor unit firing has not been considered in previous studies of children further work is required to better understand the role of variability in motor unit firing during manual grasping tasks, in all children

    Foreground Detection Analysis of Ultrasound Image Sequences Identifies Markers of Motor Neurone Disease across Diagnostically Relevant Skeletal Muscles

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    © 2019 The Authors Diagnosis of motor neurone disease (MND) includes detection of small, involuntary muscle excitations, termed fasciculations. There is need to improve diagnosis and monitoring of MND through provision of objective markers of change. Fasciculations are visible in ultrasound image sequences. However, few approaches that objectively measure their occurrence have been proposed; their performance has been evaluated in only a few muscles; and their agreement with the clinical gold standard for fasciculation detection, intramuscular electromyography, has not been tested. We present a new application of adaptive foreground detection using a Gaussian mixture model (GMM), evaluating its accuracy across five skeletal muscles in healthy and MND-affected participants. The GMM provided good to excellent accuracy with the electromyography ground truth (80.17%–92.01%) and was robust to different ultrasound probe orientations. The GMM provides objective measurement of fasciculations in each of the body segments necessary for MND diagnosis and hence could provide a new, clinically relevant disease marker

    The repeatability of neuromuscular activation strategies recorded in recreationally active individuals during cycling

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    Purpose: The human neuro-motor system can select different intermuscular coordination patterns to complete any given task, such as pedalling a bicycle. This study assessed whether intermuscular coordination patterns are used consistently across visit days and cadence conditions in recreationally active individuals. Methods: Seven participants completed a cycling exercise protocol across 2 days, consisting of pedalling at 150 Watts at cadences of 60, 80 and 100 rpm. Whilst cycling, surface electromyography was continuously recorded from ten leg muscles. For each participant, muscle coordination patterns were established using principal component (PC) analysis and the amount that each pattern was used was quantified by the PC loading scores. A sample entropy derived measure of the persistence of the loading scores across consecutive pedal cycles, entropic half-life (EnHL), was calculated. The median loading scores and EnHLs of the first three PCs were then compared across cadence conditions and visit days. Results: No significant differences were found in the median loading scores across cadence conditions or visits, nor were there any significant differences in the EnHLs across visits. However, the EnHLs were significantly longer when participants were cycling at 60 rpm compared to 100 rpm. Conclusion: These findings are based on a small sample size, but do suggest that, within individual participants, a consistent neuromuscular control strategy is used during cycling on different days. However, the underlying structure of muscle coordination is more persistent when pedalling at slower cadences with large differences between individuals
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