514 research outputs found

    Women\u27s denial of having experienced female genital cutting in northern Ghana: Explanatory factors and consequences for analysis of survey data

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    Although many cross-sectional social surveys have included questions about female genital cutting status and correlated personal characteristics, no longitudinal studies have been launched that permit investigation of response biases associated with such surveys. This paper reports on a longitudinal study of women aged 15 to 49 in rural northern Ghana. The self-reported circumcision status of women interviewed in 1995 was compared with the status they reported when they were interviewed again in 2000 after the government began enforcing a law banning the practice and public information campaigns against it were launched. In all, 13 percent of respondents who reported in 1995 that they had been circumcised denied that they were circumcised in the 2000 reinterview, although denial rates were as high as 50 percent in the youngest age group. Analysis shows that women who denied being circumcised are significantly younger, more likely to be educated, and less likely to practice traditional religion than are women who reported that they were circumcised. Factors that may explain these correlates of denial are discussed, and implications for research are reviewed

    A trait-based approach for predicting species responses to environmental change from sparse data : how well might terrestrial mammals track climate change?

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    Acknowledgements LS was supported by two STSMs by the COST Action ES1101 ”Harmonising Global Biodiversity Modelling“ (Harmbio), supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). JMB and SMW were funded by CEH projects NEC05264 and NEC05100. JMJT and SCFP are grateful for the support of the Natural Environment Research Council UK (NE/J008001/1). LS, JAH and JMJT conceived the original idea. LS, JAH, JMB, TC & JMJT designed the study; LS collected the data; LS and TC performed the statistical analyses; LS conducted the integrodifference modelling assisted by JMB and SMW. LS conducted the individual-based modelling assisted by SCFP. LS led the writing supported by JMJT, JMB, SCFP, SMW, TC, JAH and GB.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    NASA Light-Emitting Diodes for the Prevention of Oral Mucositis in Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant Patients

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of prophylactic near-infrared light therapy from light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in pediatric bone marrow transplant (BMT) recipients. Background Data: Oral mucositis (OM) is a frequent side effect of chemotherapy that leads to increased morbidity. Near-infrared light has been shown to produce biostimulatory effects in tissues, and previous results using nearinfrared lasers have shown improvement in OM indices. However, LEDs may hold greater potential for clinical applications. Materials and Methods: We recruited 32 consecutive pediatric patients undergoing myeloablative therapy in preparation for BMT. Patients were examined by two of three pediatric dentists trained in assessing the Schubert oral mucositis index (OMI) for left and right buccal and lateral tongue mucosal surfaces, while the patients were asked to rate their current left and right mouth pain, left and right xerostomia, and throat pain. LED therapy consisted of daily treatment at a fluence of 4 J/cm2 using a 670-nm LED array held to the left extraoral epithelium starting on the day of transplant, with a concurrent sham treatment on the right. Patients were assessed before BMT and every 2–3 days through posttransplant day 14. Outcomes included the percentage of patients with ulcerative oral mucositis (UOM) compared to historical epidemiological controls, the comparison of left and right buccal pain to throat pain, and the comparison between sides of the buccal and lateral tongue OMI and buccal pain. Results: The incidence of UOM was 53%, compared to an expected rate of 70–90%. There was also a 48% and 39% reduction of treated left and right buccal pain, respectively, compared to untreated throat pain at about posttransplant day 7 (p \u3c 0.05). There were no significant differences between sides in OMI or pain. Conclusion: Although more studies are needed, LED therapy appears useful in the prevention of OM in pediatric BMT patients

    Trophic Cascades, Nutrients, and Lake Productivity: Whole-Lake Experiments

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    Responses of zooplankton, pelagic primary producers, planktonic bacteria, and CO2 exchange with the atmosphere were measured in four lakes with contrasting food webs under a range of nutrient enrichments during a seven-year period. Prior to enrichment, food webs were manipulated to create contrasts between piscivore dominance and planktivore dominance. Nutrient enrichments of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus exhibited ratios of N:P \u3e 17:1, by atoms, to maintain P limitation. An unmanipulated reference lake, Paul Lake, revealed baseline variability but showed no trends that could confound the interpretation of changes in the nearby manipulated lakes. Herbivorous zooplankton of West Long Lake (piscivorous fishes) were large-bodied Daphnia spp., in contrast to the small-bodied grazers that predominated in Peter Lake (planktivorous fishes). At comparable levels of nutrient enrichment, Peter Lake\u27s areal chlorophyll and areal primary production rates exceeded those of West Long Lake by factors of approximately three and six, respectively. Grazers suppressed pelagic primary producers in West Long Lake, relative to Peter Lake, even when nutrient input rates were so high that soluble reactive phosphorus accumulated in the epilimnions of both lakes during summer. Peter Lake also had higher bacterial production (but not biomass) than West Long Lake. Hydrologic changes that accompanied manipulation of East Long Lake caused concentrations of colored dissolved organic carbon to increase, leading to considerable variability in fish and zooplankton populations. Both trophic cascades and water color appeared to inhibit the response of primary producers to nutrients in East Long Lake. Carbon dioxide was discharged to the atmosphere by Paul Lake in all years and by the other lakes prior to nutrient addition. During nutrient addition, only Peter Lake consistently absorbed CO2 from the atmosphere, due to high rates of carbon fixation by primary producers. In contrast, CO2 concentrations of West Long Lake shifted to near-atmospheric levels, and net fluxes were near zero, while East Long Lake continued to discharge CO2 to the atmosphere

    Mediation, translation and local ecologies: understanding the impact of policy levers on FE colleges

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    This article reports the views of managers and tutors on the role of policy ‘levers’ on teaching, learning, and inclusion in colleges of Further Education (FE) in our research project, ‘The impact of policy on learning and inclusion in the Learning and Skills Sector (LSS)’.i Using data from five research visits conducted over two years in eight FE learning sites, we explore the processes by which colleges ‘mediate’ and ‘translate’ national policy levers and how this affects their ability to respond to local need. The paper tentatively develops three related concepts/metaphors to explain the complexity of the policy/college interface – ‘the process of mediation’, ‘acts of translation’ and ‘local ecologies’. We found that policy levers interacted with a complex set of national, local and institutional factors as colleges responded to pressures from the external environment and turned these into internal plans, systems and practices. We conclude by suggesting that national policy-makers, who design national policy levers, may not be fully aware of these complexities and we make the case for the benefits of greater local control over policy levers, where these interactions are better understood

    Learning From Early Attempts to Generalize Darwinian Principles to Social Evolution

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    Copyright University of Hertfordshire & author.Evolutionary psychology places the human psyche in the context of evolution, and addresses the Darwinian processes involved, particularly at the level of genetic evolution. A logically separate and potentially complementary argument is to consider the application of Darwinian principles not only to genes but also to social entities and processes. This idea of extending Darwinian principles was suggested by Darwin himself. Attempts to do this appeared as early as the 1870s and proliferated until the early twentieth century. But such ideas remained dormant in the social sciences from the 1920s until after the Second World War. Some lessons can be learned from this earlier period, particularly concerning the problem of specifying the social units of selection or replication

    Do British birds conform to Bergmann's and Allen's rules? An analysis of body size variation with latitude for four species

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    Capsule: An analysis of body mass and wing length for four bird species shows trends broadly in line with predictions from Bergmann's and Allen's rules but with species- and sex-specific trends in terms of body size variation with latitude in Britain. Aims: To analyse body size characteristics for bird species with latitude in Britain and to test Bergmann’s and Allen’s rules (over a range of c. 740 km). Methods Body mass and wing length for four bird species (Blackbird Turdus merula, House Sparrow Passer domesticus, Robin Erithacus rubecula, and Song Thrush Turdus philomelos) were analysed using principal components regression analysis to investigate trends with latitude, longitude, or by sex and Julian day. Results: Evidence was found for latitudinal gradients in body mass for male Blackbird, female House Sparrow (both increasing in size northwards), and female Robin (decreasing in size northwards) and in wing length for female Robin and male Song Thrush (decreasing and increasing northwards, respectively). Conclusion: Trends were broadly in line with predictions from Bergmann's and Allen's rules except for Robin which had trends opposite to those expected. Differences in trends between sexes suggest a role for an interplay between natural and sexual selection with latitude that deserves further consideration

    Effect of NASA Light-emitting Diode Irradiation on Wound Healing

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) and near-infrared light therapy on wound healing. Background Data: Light-emitting diodes (LED), originally developed for NASA plant growth experiments in space show promise for delivering light deep into tissues of the body to promote wound healing and human tissue growth. In this paper, we review and present our new data of LED treatment on cells grown in culture, on ischemic and diabetic wounds in rat models, and on acute and chronic wounds in humans. Materials and Methods: In vitro and in vivo (animal and human) studies utilized a variety of LED wavelength, power intensity, and energy density parameters to begin to identify conditions for each biological tissue that are optimal for biostimulation. Results: LED produced in vitro increases of cell growth of 140–200% in mouse-derived fibroblasts, rat-derived osteoblasts, and rat-derived skeletal muscle cells, and increases in growth of 155–171% of normal human epithelial cells. Wound size decreased up to 36% in conjunction with HBO in ischemic rat models. LED produced improvement of greater than 40% in musculoskeletal training injuries in Navy SEAL team members, and decreased wound healing time in crew members aboard a U.S. Naval submarine. LED produced a 47% reduction in pain of children suffering from oral mucositis. Conclusion: We believe that the use of NASA LED for light therapy alone, and in conjunction with hyperbaric oxygen, will greatly enhance the natural wound healing process, and more quickly return the patient to a preinjury/ illness level of activity. This work is supported and managed through the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center–SBIR Program

    Household crowding, social mixing patterns and respiratory symptoms in seven countries of the African meningitis belt.

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    OBJECTIVES: To describe the variation in household crowding and social mixing patterns in the African meningitis belt and to assess any association with self-reported recent respiratory symptoms. METHODS: In 2010, the African Meningococcal Carriage Consortium (MenAfriCar) conducted cross-sectional surveys in urban and rural areas of seven countries. The number of household members, rooms per household, attendance at social gatherings and meeting places were recorded. Associations with self-reported recent respiratory symptoms were analysed by univariate and multivariate regression models. RESULTS: The geometric mean people per room ranged from 1.9 to 2.8 between Ghana and Ethiopia respectively. Attendance at different types of social gatherings was variable by country, ranging from 0.5 to 1.5 per week. Those who attended 3 or more different types of social gatherings a week (frequent mixers) were more likely to be older, male (OR 1.27, p<0.001) and live in urban areas (OR 1.45, p<0.001). Frequent mixing and young age, but not increased household crowding, were associated with higher odds of self-reported respiratory symptoms (aOR 2.2, p<0.001 and OR 2.8, p<0.001 respectively). A limitation is that we did not measure school and workplace attendance. CONCLUSION: There are substantial variations in household crowding and social mixing patterns across the African meningitis belt. This study finds a clear association between age, increased social mixing and respiratory symptoms. It lays the foundation for designing and implementing more detailed studies of social contact patterns in this region
