54 research outputs found

    Agro-environmental project duration and effectiveness in South-east Asia

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    Considerable emphasis has been placed on developing technologies for agricultural sustainability. Many bilateral projects are working to achieve this outcome. A desk review was conducted to study the importance of project duration for the effectiveness of sustainable agricultural projects. Longer-duration projects were successful in addressing more holistic issues than short projects. However, funding agencies tend to fund shorter-duration projects, so projects become progressively shorter. At the same time, the number of projects implemented each year is increasing. Despite the decrease in total development assistance, increases in project numbers, particularly since 1986, appear to be at the cost of project duration. Short project duration was one of the most cited reasons for not completing essential dissemination activities for wider adoption, whereas longer- duration projects were usually considered more successful in addressing more holistic issues. It is difficult to produce tangible outputs from agricultural and soil conservation projects within five years. Considering the slow changes in the system and in agricultural and environmental sustainability, the authors suggest that project developers should be advised to plan for a minimum of 5–10 years, depending on the nature of activities. It is time for funding agencies to reconsider their tendency to fund shorter-duration projects

    Movement and metabolism of ABA-2-14C in plants

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    The uptake movement and metabolism of ABA-2-14C has been studied in coleoptile and root segments of Zea mays, petiole segments and whole plants of Phaseolus vulgaris and intact plants of Alnus glutinosa. Acer pseudoplatanus and Betula pubescens. Using coleoptile segments ten millimetres in length, excised one millimetre from the apex, the following transport characteristics have been established; basal uptake of 14C exceeds apical uptake; there is a slight net basipetal polarital of accumulation of 14C in tissue halves further from the donors; velocity of 14C movement in either direction is less than 1.5 mmh-1; movement of 14C is independent of segment orientation, but dependent upon donor concentration; there is little or no export of 14C into agar receivers; there is a metabolically-dependent step in the transport process; only a small proportion of the 14C recovered from transporting. Using segments of differing shapes, the more closely the segment resembles a uniform cylinder of tissue the more any differences between apical and basal uptake and acropetal and basipetal movement are abolished. Using sub-apical root segments, there is a net acropetal polarity of 14C accumulation in the tissue, rates of movement exceed those in coleoptiles, and lowering the temperature has less effect on root transport of 14C than coleoptile transport. Movement of 14C in Phaseolus vulgaris petioles is non-polar at a rate of 5-7mmh-1. The movement of 14C in whole bean plants is dependent upon the method and locus of application of ABA-2-14C. In general, 14C distribution reflects movement from a source, through living tissues, to the more actively-growing regions of the plant. There are, however, differences between the 14C distribution following ABA-2-14C application and that following IAA-14C or sucrose-14C application and that following IAA-14C or sucrose-14C application. There is evidence of extensive metabolism of ABA-2-14C in bean tissue. Root-applied ABA affects the plant-water relationships of P. vulgaris. The movement and metabolism of ABA.2. Cin A. glutinosa and B. pubescene are basically similar to those in bean plants. Continuous root-application of ABA to plants of A. glutinosa slightly reduces growth but does not induce the formation of a dormant state. Continuous leaf-application of ABA solution to plants of A. glutinosa and B. pubescens, maintained under long days, does not appear to inhibit growth or induce the formation of resting buds. The lack of response may be due to poor uptake, low mobility and/or extensive metabolism of the applied substance

    A generic protocol for an integrated land information system in humid subtropical highlands : a case study in Yunnan Province, China

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    This study develops a basis for a land information system for the 40 ha subtropical highland catchment of Wang Jia, Yunnan Province, China. Information, including meteorology, geology, geomorphology, biology, pedology and crop productivity, was integrated using a geomorphopedological approach and expressed as maps using GIS. The developed protocol is proposed as a generic system, applicable to agricultural land evaluation in subtropical highland catchments. The results demonstrate that Wang Jia Catchment is relatively representative of the region, in terms of geomorphological features and land cover. Catchment soils, developed from residual, colluvial and alluvial materials of sandstone, shale and dolomite on different landscapes, were still young and strongly influenced by their geological parent material. Soils were normally slightly acidic to neutral. Soil fertility varied from poor to very fertile. Maize yield was significantly correlated with soil pH, total N, available N, P and K and thus the Soil Fertility Index. In 2002, maize yield was significantly correlated with manure and urea applications. There was considerable potential to increase maize yield with modified and innovative cropping practices in the catchment. Adopted primarily as a soil conservation practice, contour cultivation did not increase maize yield compared to downslope cultivation. Polythene mulch tended to increase maize yield in most years. These results largely accord with the results from controlled research plots in the same catchment. Analysis of intra-plot variations showed that soil samples from planting pits had higher total soil organic matter, total N, available N, available P and available K than inter-row samples, but with higher standard deviations. Most soil fertility parameters for inter-row samples were more similar to traditional random composite samples. These results suggest if composite samples were taken only from inter-rows, the results would have been similar, but the risk of sampling error would have been reduced. The land information system established in this study is suitable for designing, evaluating and monitoring sustainable agricultural practices central to soil conservation and crop yield improvement and thus contributing to decision-making for sustainable agricultural land management in this region.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Cultivation practices, maize and soybean productivity and soil properties on fragile slopes in Yunnan Province, China

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    Sustainable agriculture in China is highly threatened by rapid urbanization, land degradation and high population pressure. Yunnan Province, south-west China, is 94% mountainous and lacks flat land. Food shortages and inappropriate cultivation have led to intensive cultivation of steep, marginal and fragile land and have increased soil erosion. To curb this situation and assist with poverty alleviation, it is crucial to develop more productive and sustainable cropping systems. An experiment was conducted on sloping areas from 1999 to 2001 in Wang Jia Catchment, Yunnan Province. The project aim was to evaluate the effects of five selected cultivation practices on maize productivity and soil properties. The treatments were: (1) downslope cultivation without mulch, (2) contour cultivation without mulch, (3) contour cultivation with polythene mulch, (4) contour cultivation with polythene and wheat straw mulch (Integrated Contour with Plastic and Straw Mulch Treatment, INCOPLAST) and (5) contour cultivation with polythene mulch and intercropping, wide and narrow row spacing, with soybean in wide row spacing. Crop growth parameters and soil physical properties were measured throughout the cropping seasons. Considering three years data, contour cultivation with polythene mulch generally increased soil temperature by a mean of 1-2°C. The polythene retained considerably more soil moisture during dry weather. However, during wet weather, polythene prevented rainfall directly falling on the soil, which led to less soil moisture content. The soil temperature and moisture regimes under polythene mulch made plants grow faster and canopies develop well, leading to higher final yields. The benefit of polythene was 33-54% more yield than downslope cultivation without mulch treatment, over three seasons. Contour cultivation plus polythene and straw mulch retained significantly higher soil moisture levels. The yield of this treatment in 1999 was ranked second, but in 2000 it had the highest yield and in 2001 it was also more effective than contour cultivation with polythene mulch treatment. Contour cultivation with polythene mulch and intercropping improved maize yield. The soybean harvest also contributed to net income, the crop had a similar function to straw mulch and increased N availability. Contour cultivation increased yields over the range 7.2-11.2% over three seasons compared with downslope cultivation, equivalent to ~500-1000 kg per hectare more grain produced. There were few clear trends in soil properties over the 1999-2001 period. However, N concentrations increased in the contour cultivation with polythene mulch and intercropping treatment. Both contour cultivation with polythene and straw mulch and contour cultivation with polythene mulch and intercropping gave apparent increases in total K, probably resulting from both decayed straw and decomposed soybean leaves. In terms of simple cost-benefit evaluation, downslope cultivation had the lowest input and output, while contour cultivation had a similar input, but a higher output. Contour cultivation with polythene had the highest net return. Contour cultivation with polythene and straw had a high output but did not give a higher net return than contour cultivation with polythene. Contour cultivation with polythene mulch and intercropping generally had the highest input and output and could give a higher net return than contour cultivation with polythene when the soybean harvest was successful, but over three years this treatment had the greatest risk from crop failure. It is recommended that replacing downslope cultivation with contour cultivation can increase crop yields and this simple action could contribute to the development of more sustainable cropping systems in Yunnan. Polythene mulch achieved higher maize yields but its environmental impact requires further study. It is considered that contour cultivation with polythene and straw mulch or soybean intercropping could contribute towards more productive and sustainable cropping systems where soil conservation is high priority. The technique could assist with long-term soil, water and nutrient conservation and improved crop productivity.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Cobalt complexes with tripodal ligands: implications for the design of drug chaperones

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    Extensive research is currently being conducted into metal complexes that can selectively deliver cytotoxins to hypoxic regions in tumours. The development of pharmacologically suitable agents requires an understanding of appropriate ligand–metal systems for chaperoning cytotoxins. In this study, cobalt complexes with tripodal tren (tris-(2-aminoethyl)amine) and tpa (tris-(2 pyridylmethyl)amine) ligands were prepared with ancillary hydroxamic acid, ÎČ-diketone and catechol ligands and several parameters, including: pKa, reduction potential and cytotoxicity were investigated. Fluorescence studies demonstrated that only tpa complexes with ÎČ-diketones showed any reduction by ascorbate in situ and similarly, cellular cytotoxicity results demonstrated that ligation to cobalt masked the cytotoxicity of the ancillary groups in all complexes except the tpa diketone derivative [Co(naac)tpa](ClO4)2 (naac = 1-methyl-3-(2-naphthyl)- propane-1,3-dione). Additionally, it was shown that the hydroxamic acid complexes could be isolated in both the hydroxamate and hydroximate form and the pKa values (5.3–8.5) reveal that the reversible protonation/deprotonation of the complexes occurs at physiologically relevant pHs. These results have clear implications for the future design of prodrugs using cobalt moieties as chaperones, providing a basis for the design of cobalt complexes that are both more readily reduced and more readily taken up by cells in hypoxic and acidic environments

    Synthesis of zeolites and their application as soil amendments to increase crop yield and potentially act as controlled release fertilizers

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    Zeolites have been used in agriculture since the 1960s, due to the effectiveness of these crystalline microporous solids as soil amendments for plant growth, their cation exchange capacity (CEC) and slow-release fertilizer properties. Most work on slow-release fertilizers has focused on natural Clinoptilolite, Phillipsite and Chabazite. The aim of this study was to synthesize zeolites, study their effectiveness as soil amendments and their ability to act as controlled release fertilizers to decrease nitrate leaching. Nitrate pollution of groundwater is a major agro-environmental concern. The zeolites Phillipsite and Linde-type F were synthesized from aluminosilicate gels; ion exchanged to introduce ammonium and characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), Thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA) and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques, both before and after ion exchange. Ammoniumexchanged Phillipsites (natural and synthetic), ammonium-exchanged synthetic Linde-type F (the zeolite having highest affinity towards ammonium) and ammonium exchanged Phillipsites (high crystalline and high aluminium) were compared with conventional NPK fertilizer.Three glasshouse experiments were performed to study the effects of zeolite-amended soils on maize growth. Ion exchanged synthetic and natural Phillipsites were first used as soil amendments (w/w 2, 4, 8% zeolite to soil). Synthetic Phillipsite, at 2% loading, resulted in the most significant improvement in both plant growth and phased ammonium release. The synthetic ammonium-exchanged zeolites Phillipsite and Linde-type F (at w/w 1, 2, 4%) were then compared; synthetic Phillipsite, at 2% loading, again resulted in the most significant plant growth response with an increase (≄15%) in shoot dry weight and a decrease (≄30%) in nitrate leaching. Experiments using unexchanged synthetic Phillipsite (at w/w 2%), but with added NPK fertilizer, showed increased plant growth and decreased nitrate leaching, compared with parallel experiments containing unexchanged synthetic Linde-type F (at w/w 2%) and a conventional fertilizer amended soil. This revealed the beneficial effect of Phillipsite for soil amendment, even without ion exchange to the ammonium form. To study the physico-chemical properties affecting the release of ammonium from the Phillipsite framework; high crystalline/low aluminium and low crystalline/high aluminium forms were synthesized and ion exchanged. Both forms were introduced as soil amendments (at w/w 1 and 2%) and experiments showed that the lower zeolite crystallinity decreased cation exchange and therefore decreased nitrate leaching. Experimental results from the glasshouse experiments and cation exchange capacity (CEC) experiments suggest that synthetic Phillipsite, at lower loadings (1 and 2% w/w zeolite to soil) have most potential as soil amendments for both plant growth and controlled-release applications. This conclusion is supported by soil leachate and shoots dry weight analysis. Furthermore, Phillipsite, synthesized in a low crystalline and low ammonium form, may be an even better soil amendment for controlled release of ammonium, which will thereby further decrease nitrate pollution.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    The type II secretion system and its ubiquitous lipoprotein substrate, SsIE are required for biofilm formation and virulence of enteropathogenic escherichia coli

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    Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) is a major cause of diarrhea in infants in developing countries. We have identified a functional type II secretion system (T2SS) in EPEC that is homologous to the pathway responsible for the secretion of heat-labile enterotoxin by enterotoxigenic E. coli. The wild-type EPEC T2SS was able to secrete a heat-labile enterotoxin reporter, but an isogenic T2SS mutant could not. We showed that the major substrate of the T2SS in EPEC is SslE, an outer membrane lipoprotein (formerly known as YghJ), and that a functional T2SS is essential for biofilm formation by EPEC. T2SS and SslE mutants were arrested at the microcolony stage of biofilm formation, suggesting that the T2SS is involved in the development of mature biofilms and that SslE is a dominant effector of biofilm development. Moreover, the T2SS was required for virulence, as infection of rabbits with a rabbit-specific EPEC strain carrying a mutation in either the T2SS or SslE resulted in significantly reduced intestinal colonization and milder disease

    Methionine biosynthesis and transport are functionally redundant for the growth and virulence of Salmonella Typhimurium

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    Methionine (Met) is an amino acid essential for many important cellular and biosynthetic functions, including the initiation of protein synthesis and S-adenosylmethionine-mediated methylation of proteins, RNA, and DNA. The de novo biosynthetic pathway of Met is well conserved across prokaryotes but absent from vertebrates, making it a plausible antimicrobial target. Using a systematic approach, we examined the essentiality of de novo methionine biosynthesis in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, a bacterial pathogen causing significant gastrointestinal and systemic diseases in humans and agricultural animals. Our data demonstrate that Met biosynthesis is essential for S. Typhimurium to grow in synthetic medium and within cultured epithelial cells where Met is depleted in the environment. During systemic infection of mice, the virulence of S. Typhimurium was not affected when either de novo Met biosynthesis or high-affinity Met transport was disrupted alone, but combined disruption in both led to severe in vivo growth attenuation, demonstrating a functional redundancy between de novo biosynthesis and acquisition as a mechanism of sourcing Met to support growth and virulence for S. Typhimurium during infection. In addition, our LC-MS analysis revealed global changes in the metabolome of S. Typhimurium mutants lacking Met biosynthesis and also uncovered unexpected interactions between Met and peptidoglycan biosynthesis. Together, this study highlights the complexity of the interactions between a single amino acid, Met, and other bacterial processes leading to virulence in the host and indicates that disrupting the de novo biosynthetic pathway alone is likely to be ineffective as an antimicrobial therapy against S. Typhimurium

    Effects of urea alone or with fungicide on the yield and breadmaking quality of wheat when sprayed at flag leaf and ear emergence

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    Urea (supplying 15 kg N/ha) applied to winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) at flag leaf emergence and again at ear emergence improved grain yield in only two, but increased grain nitrogen (N) in four out of five experiments. The size of the improvements in yield and nitrogen content differed over varying sites and seasons but were not affected by cultivar or propiconazole (250 g a.i./ha) plus tridemorph (500 g a.i./ha) fungicide applied with the urea. Breadmaking quality was assessed on grain from one site in 1985 and in 1986. The beneficial effects on loaf quality of urea and fungicide applied separately were reduced when they were applied as a mixture. In 1986 this negative interaction was associated with effects on sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) sedimentation volume, flour sulphur content (S), N/S ratio and dough resistance. The effect of urea also interacted with cultivar on SDS sedimentation volume in 1985 and dough resistance in 1986.Peer reviewe
