334 research outputs found

    Harmonically confined, semiflexible polymer in a channel: response to a stretching force and spatial distribution of the endpoints

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    We consider an inextensible, semiflexible polymer or worm-like chain which is confined in the transverse direction by a parabolic potential and subject to a longitudinal force at the ends, so that the polymer is stretched out and backfolding is negligible. Simple analytic expressions for the partition function, valid in this regime, are obtained for chains of arbitrary length with a variety of boundary conditions at the ends. The spatial distribution of the end points or radial distribution function is also analyzed.Comment: 14 pages including figure

    Immune Requirements of Post-Exposure Immunization with Modified Vaccinia Ankara of Lethally Infected Mice

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    Current prophylactic vaccines work via the induction of B and T cell mediated memory that effectively control further replication of the pathogen after entry. In the case of therapeutic or post-exposure vaccinations the situation is far more complex, because the pathogen has time to establish itself in the host, start producing immune-inhibitory molecules and spread into distant organs. So far it is unclear which immune parameters have to be activated in order to thwart an existing lethal infection. Using the mousepox model, we investigated the immunological mechanisms responsible for a successful post-exposure immunization with modified vaccinia Ankara (MVA). In contrast to intranasal application of MVA, we found that intravenous immunization fully protected mice infected with ectromelia virus (ECTV) when applied three days after infection. Intravenous MVA immunization induced strong innate and adaptive immune responses in lethally infected mice. By using various gene-targeted and transgenic mouse strains we show that NK cells, CD4 T cells, CD8 T cells and antibodies are essential for the clearance of ECTV after post-exposure immunization. Post-exposure immunization with MVA is an effective measure in a murine model of human smallpox. MVA activates innate and adaptive immune parameters and only a combination thereof is able to purge ECTV from its host. These data not only provide a basis for therapeutic vaccinations in the case of the deliberate release of pathogenic poxviruses but possibly also for the treatment of chronic infections and cancer

    Pollen-associated phytoprostanes inhibit dendritic cell interleukin-12 production and augment T helper type 2 cell polarization

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    Pollen grains induce allergies in susceptible individuals by release of allergens upon contact with mucosal membranes of the upper respiratory tract. We recently demonstrated that pollen not only function as allergen carriers but also as rich sources of bioactive lipids that attract cells involved in allergic inflammation such as neutrophils and eosinophils. Here we demonstrate that soluble factors from birch (Betula alba L.) pollen activate human dendritic cells (DCs) as documented by phenotypical and functional maturation and altered cytokine production. Betula alba L. aqueous pollen extracts (Bet.-APE) selectively inhibited interleukin (IL)-12 p70 production of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)- or CD40L-activated DC, whereas IL-6, IL-10, and TNFα remained unchanged. Presence of Bet.-APE during DC activation resulted in DC with increased T helper type 2 (Th2) cell and reduced Th1 cell polarizing capacity. Chemical analysis of Bet.-APE revealed the presence of phytoprostanes (dinor isoprostanes) with prostaglandin E1-, F1-, A1-, or B1-ring systems of which only E1-phytoprostanes dose dependently inhibited the LPS-induced IL-12 p70 release and augmented the Th2 cell polarizing capacity of DC. These results suggest that pollen-derived E1-phytoprostanes not only resemble endogenous prostaglandin E2 structurally but also functionally in that they act as regulators that modulate human DC function in a fashion that favors Th2 cell polarization

    As estratégias de desenvolvimento socioeconômico da Guiné-Bissau (1973-2015)

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Sócio-Econômico. Economia.Inicialmente, o trabalho apresenta um panorama histórico da situação sócio político e socioeconômico da Guiné-Bissau, depois, um debate conceitual entre os teóricos sobre a problemática do desenvolvimento socioeconômico. Logo, por um olhar histórico analítico do que realizou nas políticas econômicas implementadas no país ao longo da sua história. Em conclusão, constatou-se adoção das estratégias incoerentes com a estrutura socioeconômica do país. No caso concreto do processo da industrialização, foram realizados muitos investimentos para industrialização avançada do setor moderno sem estrutura básica para sua sustentabilidade. O resultado desse processo foi o completo fracasso do processo de industrialização e das estratégias de desenvolvimento

    Articular Cartilage Repair of the Knee in Children and Adolescents

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    Articular cartilage predominantly serves a biomechanical function, which begins in utero and further develops during growth and locomotion. With regard to its 2-tissue structure (chondrocytes and matrix), the regenerative potential of hyaline cartilage defects is limited. Children and adolescents are increasingly suffering from articular cartilage and osteochondral deficiencies. Traumatic incidents often result in damage to the joint surfaces, while repetitive microtrauma may cause osteochondritis dissecans. When compared with their adult counterparts, children and adolescents have a greater capacity to regenerate articular cartilage defects. Even so, articular cartilage injuries in this age group may predispose them to premature osteoarthritis. Consequently, surgery is indicated in young patients when conservative measures fail. The operative techniques for articular cartilage injuries traditionally performed in adults may be performed in children, although an individualized approach must be tailored according to patient and defect characteristics. Clear guidelines for defect dimension–associated techniques have not been reported. Knee joint dimensions must be considered and correlated with respect to the cartilage defect size. Particular attention must be given to the subchondral bone, which is frequently affected in children and adolescents. Articular cartilage repair techniques appear to be safe in this cohort of patients, and no differences in complication rates have been reported when compared with adult patients. Particularly, autologous chondrocyte implantation has good biological potential, especially for large-diameter joint surface defects

    Assessing the quality of footwear marks recovered from simulated graves

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    Footwear marks are one of the most frequently encountered evidence types recovered from a crime scene and can provide valuable scene intelligence regarding potential suspects. It has been acknowledged that impressions of footwear and tools can be recovered from graves, but previous studies have only focused on tool mark recovery. This has led to a lack of published information regarding footwear mark recovery from graves. It is therefore important to demonstrate whether the recovery of footwear marks is feasible and, if so, under what conditions this can be achieved. To address recovery, this study, placed 60 three dimensional (3D) impressions of footwear marks within 60 simulated graves. This was done to assess time (1, 2, 4 months) and at known depths (20, 30, 40 cm). The footwear marks within the graves were covered with clothing or left uncovered. The shoe’s design patterns were grouped and counted in a photographic comparison between the 3D footwear impressions, placed within the test-pits, and any recovered impressions. A grading system was adapted by the authors to score the quality of footwear impressions observed during recovery. The results demonstrate that the preservation and recovery of footwear impressions from graves is feasible. The simulated graves covered with clothing showed better preservation of footwear impressions, but there was no clear evidence that time or depth had an effect. The authors note that careful consideration and vigilant excavation skills are needed when excavating graves which may bear potential footwear marks, as their recovery will lead to an increased amount of intelligence that can link suspects to homicide scenes
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