186 research outputs found

    C. S. Lewis: A Study of a Paradigmatic Figure in a Modern-Postmodern Transitional Age

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    Western civilization is in transition. After centuries of modernity, western culture is beginning to see the world around it in an entirely different worldview. For the past two to three hundred years, reason and empiricism ruled: if a claim couldn\u27t be proven scientifically, or if a proposition was shown to be umeasonable, then that claim or proposition was discarded as untrue. Truth was defined as that which could be proven through reason or science. Of course, this posed a sticky problem for the church. After all, how could one scientifically prove the supernatural? How could one make a reasonable argument for a miracle, such as the resurrection of Christ? David Hume, a pioneer ofthe Enlightenment, asserted the modernist proposition that even if the resurrection did happen, it proves not that Christ was divine but only that he somehow managed to cheat death. Interestingly, however, the church made a tactical error in answering this assault of reason and science upon it: it chose to fight fire with fire, and created its own pseudo-science to demonstrate the truth of the Bible. Faith turned into apologetics-indubitable propositions proving the Scriptures. This attempt to fight modernism by embracing it led to three results: 1) faith became dependent on reason; 2) the paradoxes and mystery of God and the scriptures were harmonized in one-dimensional, often anti-intellectual interpretations; and 3) the church found itself still shackled to modernity when the world view unexpectedly shifted to postmodernism

    Dislocation Content Measured Via 3D HR-EBSD Near a Grain Boundary in an AlCu Oligocrystal

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    Interactions between dislocations and grain boundaries are poorly understood and crucial to mesoscale plasticity modeling. Much of our understanding of dislocation-grain boundary interaction comes from atomistic simulations and TEM studies, both of which are extremely limited in scale. High angular resolution EBSD-based continuum dislocation microscopy provides a way of measuring dislocation activity at length scales and accuracies relevant to crystal plasticity, but it is limited as a two-dimensional technique, meaning the character of the grain boundary and the complete dislocation activity is difficult to recover. However, the commercialization of plasma FIB dual-beam microscopes have made 3D EBSD studies all the more feasible. The objective of this work is to apply high angular resolution cross correlation EBSD to a 3D EBSD data set collected by serial sectioning in a FIB to characterize dislocation interaction with a grain boundary. Three dimensional high angular resolution cross correlation EBSD analysis was applied to an AlCu oligocrystal to measure dislocation densities around a grain boundary. Distortion derivatives associated with the plasma FIB serial sectioning were higher than expected, possibly due to geometric uncertainty between layers. Future work will focus on mitigating the geometric uncertainty and examining more regions of interest along the grain boundary to glean information on dislocation-grain boundary interaction

    Damage Characterization Method for Structural Health Management Using Reduced Number of Sensor Inputs

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    The development of validated multidisciplinary Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM) tools, technologies, and techniques to enable detection, diagnosis, prognosis, and mitigation in the presence of adverse conditions during flight will provide effective solutions to deal with safety related challenges facing next generation aircraft. The adverse conditions include loss of control caused by environmental factors, actuator and sensor faults or failures, and damage conditions. A major concern in these structures is the growth of undetected damage (cracks) due to fatigue and low velocity foreign impacts that can reach a critical size during flight, resulting in loss of control of the aircraft. Hence, development of efficient methodologies to determine the presence, location, and severity of damage in critical structural components is highly important in developing efficient structural health management systems

    Multiscale Modeling of Structurally-Graded Materials Using Discrete Dislocation Plasticity Models and Continuum Crystal Plasticity Models

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    A multiscale modeling methodology that combines the predictive capability of discrete dislocation plasticity and the computational efficiency of continuum crystal plasticity is developed. Single crystal configurations of different grain sizes modeled with periodic boundary conditions are analyzed using discrete dislocation plasticity (DD) to obtain grain size-dependent stress-strain predictions. These relationships are mapped into crystal plasticity parameters to develop a multiscale DD/CP model for continuum level simulations. A polycrystal model of a structurally-graded microstructure is developed, analyzed and used as a benchmark for comparison between the multiscale DD/CP model and the DD predictions. The multiscale DD/CP model follows the DD predictions closely up to an initial peak stress and then follows a strain hardening path that is parallel but somewhat offset from the DD predictions. The difference is believed to be from a combination of the strain rate in the DD simulation and the inability of the DD/CP model to represent non-monotonic material response