209 research outputs found

    Implications of climate change for Australian fisheries and aquaculture: a preliminary assessment

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    This review finds that there are likely to be significant climate change impacts on the biological, economic, and social aspects of Australian fisheries and that there is little consolidated knowledge of the potential impacts of climate change. Both positive and negative impacts are expected, and impacts will vary according to changes in the regional environment: south-east fisheries are most likely to be affected by changes in water temperature, northern fisheries by changes in precipitation, and western fisheries by changes in the Leeuwin Current. There may be new opportunities for some wild fisheries where tropical species shift southward. There will also be many challenges, such as that faced by the Tasmanian salmon aquaculture industry due to Atlantic salmon being cultivated close to their upper thermal limits of optimal growth. Nevertheless, the report also highlights that there is potential for adaptation measures to be employed by the industry. The report also notes the need for fisheries and aquaculture management policies to better integrate the effects of climate variability and climate change in establishing harvest levels and developing future strategies. This will enhance the resilience of marine biodiversity and the adaptive capacity of the fisheries and aquaculture industries

    Adaption planning to climate change in industrial fisheries: Progress in the Basque tropical tuna fishery

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    Climate change impacts on ocean living organisms and ecosystems have flow-on effects on fisheries and their associated values. Industrial fisheries operate long distance fleets that potentially have the capacity to respond to such impacts by using technology and changing the timing and distribution of fishing effort. However, long-term adaptation to climate change in industrial fisheries entails larger structural changes that include adaptive management and international cooperation, where actors beyond the industry need to be engaged. How industrial fisheries are tackling adaptation to climate change is largely unknown, as is the role that actors in these systems undertake. In this study, we explored the Basque tropical tuna fishery to understand past and projected adaptation actions by each of the main actors in the fishery. We performed in-depth interviews with high-level representatives from 65% of the fishing industry, governments, research bodies, and non-governmental organizations of the Basque tropical tuna freezer purse seine fishery operating in the central-eastern Atlantic Ocean. We found that the fishery system has engaged in adaptation actions that seek to improve fishery sustainability, and that most adaptation actions are undertaken by the fishing industry. We also found that actors promote several types of adaptation actions such as practice change, and capacity building, among others, and that there is a lack of joint adaptation planning. We discuss the challenge in identifying suitable adaptation options to promote resilient and sustainable fisheries and to avoid losing their associated values.Gobierno Vasco - Eusko JaurlaritzaAgencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. CEX2021-001201-MUniversidade de Vigo/CISU

    Funding climate adaptation strategies with climate derivatives

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    Climate adaptation requires large capital investments that could be provided not only by traditional sources like governments and banks, but also by derivatives markets. Such markets would allow two parties with different tolerances and expectations about climate risks to transact for their mutual benefit and, in so doing, finance climate adaptation. Here we calculate the price of a derivative called a European put option, based on future sea surface temperature (SST) in Tasmania, Australia, with an 18 °C strike threshold. This price represents a quantifiable indicator of climate risk, and forms the basis for aquaculture industries exposed to the risk of higher SST to finance adaptation strategies through the sale of derivative contracts. Such contracts provide a real incentive to parties with different climate outlooks, or risk exposure to take a market assessment of climate change.Support for this research came from the CSIRO Climate Adaptation Flagship, Enabling Adaptation Pathways project

    The responses of brown macroalgae to environmental change from local to global scales: direct versus ecologically mediated effects

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    In many temperate regions, brown macroalgae fulfil essential ecosystem services such as the provision of structure, the fixation of nutrients and carbon, and the production of biomass and oxygen. Their populations in many regions around the globe have declined and/or spatially shifted in recent decades. In this review we highlight the potential global and regional drives of these changes, describe the status of regionally particularly important brown macroalgal species, and describe the capacity of interactions among abiotic and biotic factors to amplify or buffer environmental pressure on brown macroalgae. We conclude with a consideration of possible management and restoration measures

    Ocean warming hotspots provide early warning laboratories for climate change impacts

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    A growing literature describes a wide range of negative impacts of climate change on marine resources and the people and communities they support, including species range changes, changes in productivity of fisheries and declines in economic performance (Doney et al. 2012; Poloczanska et al. 2013). These impacts, many of which are projected to increase in future, are compounded by growing pressures on marine resources (Halpern et al. 2008; Maxwell et al. 2013). An estimated 260 million people are involved directly or indirectly in global marine fisheries (Teh and Sumaila 2013) with many of the resources for capture fisheries already fully (&57 % in 2009) or over exploited (30 %) (FAO 2012). Nevertheless, production of marine resources will need to increase to accommodate the demands of a growing population, and the impacts of climate change on food security will need to be minimised (FAO 2009). Identifying opportunities and threats, and developing adaptation options in response to climate change impacts in the marine realm, is essential for optimising the benefits that society can continue to derive from the goods and services provided by marine resources

    Biological Impacts of Marine Heatwaves

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    Climatic extremes are becoming increasingly common against a background trend of global warming. In the oceans, marine heatwaves (MHWs)—discrete periods of anomalously warm water—have intensified and become more frequent over the past century, impacting the integrity of marine ecosystems globally. We review and synthesize current understanding of MHW impacts at the individual, population, and community levels. We then examine how these impacts affect broader ecosystem services and discuss the current state of research on biological impacts of MHWs. Finally, we explore current and emergent approaches to predicting the occurrence andimpacts of future events, along with adaptation and management approaches. With further increases in intensity and frequency projected for coming decades, MHWs are emerging as pervasive stressors to marine ecosystems globally. A deeper mechanistic understanding of their biological impacts is needed to better predict and adapt to increased MHW activity in the Anthropocene.publishedVersio

    A stakeholder-guided marine heatwave hazard index for fisheries and aquaculture

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    Marine heatwaves pose an increasing threat to fisheries and aquaculture around the world under climate change. However, the threat has not been estimated for the coming decades in a form that meets the needs of these industries. Tasmanian fisheries and aquaculture in southeast Australia have been severely impacted by marine heatwaves in recent years, especially the oyster, abalone, and salmon industries. In a series of semi-structured interviews with key Tasmanian fishery and aquaculture stakeholders, information was gathered about the following: (i) the impacts they have experienced to date from marine heatwaves, (ii) their planning for future marine heatwaves, and (iii) the information that would be most useful to aid planning. Using CMIP6 historical and future simulations of sea surface temperatures around Tasmania, we developed a marine heatwave hazard index guided by these stakeholder conversations. The region experienced a severe marine heatwave during the austral summer of 2015/16, which has been used here as a reference point to define the index. Our marine heatwave hazard index shows that conditions like those experienced in 2015/16 are projected to occur approximately 1-in-5 years by the 2050s under a low emissions scenario (SSP1-2.6) or 1-in-2 years under a high emissions scenario (SSP5-8.5). Increased frequency of marine heatwaves will likely reduce productivity by both direct (mortality) and in-direct (ecosystem change, greater incidence of disease) impacts on target species. The illustrative hazard index is one step towards a marine heatwave risk index, which would also need to consider aspects of exposure and vulnerability to be of greater utility to stakeholders

    Spatial and temporal variation in the distribution of juvenile southern bluefin tuna Thunnus maccoyii: implication for precise estimation of recruitment abundance indices

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    Acoustic tags were used to examine the spatial and temporal distribution of southern bluefin tuna (SBT) in southern Western Australia, which is in a region where fishery-independent acoustic surveys of the recruitment abundance index of SBT have been historically undertaken. We investigated patterns of SBT distribution within and inshore of the acoustic survey area during three summer seasons. Annual differences in distribution patterns were characterized by two distinctive migration pathways. An inshore-migrating pathway was observed in two seasons (2004/2005 and 2006/2007), with a relatively high proportion of tagged SBT (84.5, 65.0%) migrating inshore of the acoustic survey area. The other pathway was concentrated along the shelf (2005/2006 season), with an estimated 63.3% of tagged SBT moving within the survey area. These variable migration patterns may bias the interannual fluctuations in abundance indices. Current survey methods can be modified to include both inshore and continental shelf areas. This contribution shows that the accuracy of acoustic surveys can be improved by including ecological patterns

    Dynamic Ocean Management: Defining and Conceptualizing Real-Time Management of the Ocean

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    Most spatial marine management techniques (e.g., marine protected areas) draw stationary boundaries around often mobile marine features, animals, or resource users. While these approaches can work for relatively stationary marine resources, to be most effective marine management must be as fluid in space and time as the resources and users we aim to manage. Instead, a shift towards dynamic ocean management is suggested, defined as management that rapidly changes in space and time in response to changes in the ocean and its users through the integration of near real-time biological, oceanographic, social and/or economic data. Dynamic management can refine the temporal and spatial scale of managed areas, thereby better balancing ecological and economic objectives. Temperature dependent habitat of a hypothetical mobile marine species was simulated to show the efficiency of dynamic management, finding that 82.0 to 34.2 percent less area needed to be managed using a dynamic approach. Dynamic management further complements existing management by increasing the speed at which decisions are implemented using predefined protocols. With advances in data collection and sharing, particularly in remote sensing, animal tracking, and mobile technology, managers are poised to apply dynamic management across numerous marine sectors. Existing examples demonstrate that dynamic management can successfully allow managers to respond rapidly to changes on-the-water, however to implement dynamic ocean management widely, several gaps must be filled. These include enhancing legal instruments, incorporating ecological and socioeconomic considerations simultaneously, developing ‘out-of-the-box’ platforms to serve dynamic management data to users, and developing applications broadly across additional marine resource sectors
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