434 research outputs found

    Health data in cloud environments

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    The process of provisioning healthcare involves massive healthcare data which exists in different forms on disparate data sources and in different formats. Consequently, health information systems encounter interoperability problems at many levels. Integrating these disparate systems requires the support at all levels of a very expensive infrastructures. Cloud computing dramatically reduces the expense and complexity of managing IT systems. Business customers do not need to invest in their own costly IT infrastructure, but can delegate and deploy their services effectively to Cloud vendors and service providers. It is inevitable that electronic health records (EHRs) and healthcare-related services will be deployed on cloud platforms to reduce the cost and complexity of handling and integrating medical records while improving efficiency and accuracy. The paper presents a review of EHR including definitions, EHR file formats, structures leading to the discussion of interoperability and security issues. The paper also presents challenges that have to be addressed for realizing Cloudbased healthcare systems: data protection and big health data management. Finally, the paper presents an active data model for housing and protecting EHRs in a Cloud environment

    A joint scheduling and content caching scheme for energy harvesting access points with multicast

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    © 2017 IEEE. In this work, we investigate a system where users are served by an access point that is equipped with energy harvesting and caching mechanism. Focusing on the design of an efficient content delivery scheduling, we propose a joint scheduling and caching scheme. The scheduling problem is formulated as a Markov decision process and solved by an on-line learning algorithm. To deal with large state space, we apply the linear approximation method to the state-Action value functions, which significantly reduces the memory space for storing the function values. In addition, the preference learning is incorporated to speed up the convergence when dealing with the requests from users that have obvious content preferences. Simulation results confirm that the proposed scheme outperforms the baseline scheme in terms of convergence and system throughput, especially when the personal preference is concentrated to one or two contents

    Real-Time Network Slicing with Uncertain Demand: A Deep Learning Approach

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    © 2019 IEEE. Practical and efficient network slicing often faces real-time dynamics of network resources and uncertain customer demands. This work provides an optimal and fast resource slicing solution under such dynamics by leveraging the latest advances in deep learning. Specifically, we first introduce a novel system model which allows the network provider to effectively allocate its combinatorial resources, i.e., spectrum, computing, and storage, to various classes of users. To allocate resources to users while taking into account the dynamic demands of users and resources constraints of the network provider, we employ a semi-Markov decision process framework. To obtain the optimal resource allocation policy for the network provider without requiring environment parameters, e.g., uncertain service time and resource demands, a Q-learning algorithm is adopted. Although this algorithm can maximize the revenue of the network provider, its convergence to the optimal policy is particularly slow, especially for problems with large state/action spaces. To overcome this challenge, we propose a novel approach using an advanced deep Q-learning technique, called deep dueling that can achieve the optimal policy at few thousand times faster than that of the conventional Q-learning algorithm. Simulation results show that our proposed framework can improve the long-term average return of the network provider up to 40% compared with other current approaches

    Optimal Data Scheduling and Admission Control for Backscatter Sensor Networks

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    © 2017 IEEE. This paper studies the data scheduling and admission control problem for a backscatter sensor network (BSN). In the network, instead of initiating their own transmissions, the sensors can send their data to the gateway just by switching their antenna impedance and reflecting the received RF signals. As such, we can reduce remarkably the complexity, the power consumption, and the implementation cost of sensor nodes. Different sensors may have different functions, and data collected from each sensor may also have a different status, e.g., urgent or normal, and thus we need to take these factors into account. Therefore, in this paper, we first introduce a system model together with a mechanism in order to address the data collection and scheduling problem in the BSN. We then propose an optimization solution using the Markov decision process framework and a reinforcement learning algorithm based on the linear function approximation method, with the aim of finding the optimal data collection policy for the gateway. Through simulation results, we not only show the efficiency of the proposed solution compared with other baseline policies, but also present the analysis for data admission control policy under different classes of sensors as well as different types of data

    Offloading Energy Efficiency with Delay Constraint for Cooperative Mobile Edge Computing Networks

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    © 2018 IEEE. We propose a novel edge computing network architecture that enables edge nodes to cooperate in sharing computing and radio resources to minimize the total energy consumption of mobile users while meeting their delay requirements. To find the optimal task offloading decisions for mobile users, we first formulate the joint task offloading and resource allocation optimization problem as a mixed integer non-linear programming (MINLP). The optimization involves both binary (offloading decisions) and real variables (resource allocations), making it an NP-hard and computational intractable problem. To circumvent, we relax the binary decision variables to transform the MINLP to a relaxed optimization problem with real variables. After proving that the relaxed problem is a convex one, we propose two solutions namely ROP and IBBA. ROP is adopted from the interior point method and IBBA is developed from the branch and bound algorithm. Through the numerical results, we show that our proposed approaches allow minimizing the total energy consumption and meet all delay requirements for mobile users

    Optimal Cross Slice Orchestration for 5G Mobile Services

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    © 2018 IEEE. 5G mobile networks encompass the capabilities of hosting a variety of services such as mobile social networks, multimedia delivery, healthcare, transportation, and public safety. Therefore, the major challenge in designing the 5G networks is how to support different types of users and applications with different quality-of-service requirements under a single physical network infrastructure. Recently, network slicing has been introduced as a promising solution to address this challenge. Network slicing allows programmable network instances which match the service requirements by using network virtualization technologies. However, how to efficiently allocate resources across network slices has not been well studied in the literature. Therefore, in this paper, we first introduce a model for orchestrating network slices based on the service requirements and available resources. Then, we propose a Markov decision process framework to formulate and determine the optimal policy that manages cross-slice admission control and resource allocation for the 5G networks. Through simulation results, we show that the proposed solution is efficient not only in providing slice-as-a-service based on service requirements, but also in maximizing the provider's revenue

    Centralizers in semisimple algebras, and descent spectrum in Banach algebras

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    AbstractWe prove that semisimple algebras containing some algebraic element whose centralizer is semiperfect are artinian. As a consequence, semisimple complex Banach algebras containing some element whose centralizer is algebraic are finite-dimensional. This answers affirmatively a question raised in Burgos et al. (2006) [4], and is applied to show that an element a in a semisimple complex Banach algebra A does not perturb the descent spectrum of every element commuting with a if and only if some of power of a lies in the socle of A. This becomes a Banach algebra version of a theorem in Burgos et al. (2006) [4], Kaashoek and Lay (1972) [9] for bounded linear operators on complex Banach spaces

    Learning Latent Distribution for Distinguishing Network Traffic in Intrusion Detection System

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    © 2019 IEEE. We develop a novel deep learning model, Multi-distributed Variational AutoEncoder (MVAE), for the network intrusion detection. To make the traffic more distinguishable, MVAE introduces the label information of data samples into the Kullback-Leibler (KL) term of the loss function of Variational AutoEncoder (VAE). This label information allows MVAEs to force/partition network data samples into different classes with different regions in the latent feature space. As a result, the network traffic samples are more distinguishable in the new representation space (i.e., the latent feature space of MVAE), thereby improving the accuracy in detecting intrusions. To evaluate the efficiency of the proposed solution, we carry out intensive experiments on two popular network intrusion datasets, i.e., NSL-KDD and UNSW-NB15 under four conventional classifiers including Gaussian Naive Bayes (GNB), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Tree (DT), and Random Forest (RF). The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed approach can significantly improve the accuracy of intrusion detection algorithms up to 24.6% compared to the original one (using area under the curve metric)

    A dynamic edge caching framework for mobile 5G networks

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    © 2002-2012 IEEE. Mobile edge caching has emerged as a new paradigm to provide computing, networking resources, and storage for a variety of mobile applications. That helps achieve low latency, high reliability, and improve efficiency in handling a very large number of smart devices and emerging services (e.g., IoT, industry automation, virtual reality) in mobile 5G networks. Nonetheless, the development of mobile edge caching is challenged by the decentralized nature of edge nodes, their small coverage, limited computing, and storage resources. In this article, we first give an overview of mobile edge caching in 5G networks. After that, its key challenges and current approaches are discussed. We then propose a novel caching framework. Our framework allows an edge node to authorize the legitimate users and dynamically predicts and updates their content demands using the matrix factorization technique. Based on the prediction, the edge node can adopt advanced optimization methods to determine optimal content to store so as to maximize its revenue and minimize the average delay of its mobile users. Through numerical results, we demonstrate that our proposed framework provides not only an effective caching approach, but also an efficient economic solution for the mobile service provider

    Exploiting Backscatter-Aided Relay Communications with Hybrid Access Model in Device-to-Device Networks

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    © 2015 IEEE. The backscatter and active RF radios can complement each other and bring potential performance gain. In this paper, we envision a dual-mode radio structure that allows each device to make smart decisions on mode switch between backscatter communications (i.e., the passive mode) or RF communications (i.e., the active mode), according to the channel and energy conditions. The flexibility in mode switching also makes it more complicated for transmission control and network optimization. To exploit the radio diversity gain, we consider a wireless powered device-to-device network of hybrid radios and propose a sum throughput maximization by jointly optimizing energy beamforming and transmission scheduling in two radio modes. We further exploit the user cooperation gain by allowing the passive radios to relay for the active radios. As such, the sum throughput maximization is reformulated into a non-convex. We first present a sub-optimal algorithm based on successive convex approximation, which optimizes the relays' reflection coefficients by iteratively solving semi-definite programs. We also devise a set of heuristic algorithms with reduced computational complexity, which are shown to significantly improve the sum throughput and amenable for practical implementation
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