2,083 research outputs found

    Taking the Water

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    “The baby boomer generation is about to transform into the largest elderly population in human history, changing how everyone lives, large and small. All of this will directly affect recreation and leisure professionals especially in leisure programming” (Sperezza & Banerjee, 2010, p. 197). In 2012, there were 43.1 million people in the United States that were aged 65+ and it is predicted that by 2050, that number will rise to 83.7 million (Ortman, Velkoff, Hogan, 2014). Baby boomers are more physically active than previous generations and many will now live 20% - 25% of their lives in active retirement. There will be a growing demand for recreational resources utilized by physically fit, health-conscious consumers, who happen to be of retirement age. My thesis aims to address this shifting demographic and their need to stay physically active and socially engaged post-career and children. The top leisure activities that interest baby boomers the most were researched, and I have narrowed this to aquatics. My thesis proposal is to place elements of a natatorium and a spa under one roof. As this demographic enters a life of leisure, and are lucky to have good health, this space hopes to celebrate and encourage them to stay integrated in their community, sustain their social life, and keep their minds and bodies active

    BreastScreen Australia monitoring report 2011-2012

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    Presents the latest national statistics on BreastScreen, which aims to reduce illness and death resulting from breast cancer through organised screening to detect cases of unsuspected breast cancer in women, thus enabling early intervention. Summary BreastScreen Australia aims to reduce illness and death resulting from breast cancer through organised screening to detect cases of unsuspected breast cancer in women, thus enabling early intervention. Women aged 40 and over are eligible for free 2-yearly mammograms. This report is the latest in the BreastScreen Australia monitoring report series, which is published annually to provide regular monitoring of national participation and performance for BreastScreen Australia. The report provides data for the 2011-2012 period of participation in BreastScreen Australia, as well as the latest available data on incidence and mortality. The following statistics refer to the latest data available for women aged 50-69*. *As part of the 2013-14 Federal Budget, the Australian Government committed $55.7 million over 4 years to expand BreastScreen Australia\u27s target age range from 50-69 to 50-74. This report includes data from women screened when BreastScreen Australia actively targeted women aged 50-69. How many women were diagnosed with, or died from, breast cancer? In 2010, there were 7,449 new cases of invasive breast cancer diagnosed in Australian women aged 50-69. This is equivalent to 300 new cases per 100,000 women, and makes breast cancer the most common cancer affecting Australian women. Incidence has remained steady at around 300 per 100,000 women for over a decade. In 2011, a total of 1,130 women aged 50-69 died from breast cancer, equivalent to 44 deaths per 100,000 women. This is similar to the rate for 2010, and makes breast cancer the second most common cause of cancer-related death for Australian women. Breast cancer mortality fell from 68 deaths per 100,000 women in the target age range in 1991 (when BreastScreen Australia began) to 44 per 100,000 women in 2011. Incidence of breast cancer was lower for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women than for non-Indigenous women (221 compared with 266 new cases per 100,000 women), but mortality from breast cancer was higher (52 compared with 44 deaths per 100,000 women). How many women participated in BreastScreen Australia? In 2011-2012, more than 1.4 million women aged 50-69 had a screening mammogram through BreastScreen Australia, a participation rate of 55% for the target age group. This was unchanged from participation rates in 2009-2010 and 2010-2011. Participation of Indigenous women was lower-38% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women in the population participated compared with 54% of non-Indigenous women. How many women were recalled for further investigation? In 2012, 11% of women screening for the first time were recalled for further investigation; 3% of women attending subsequent screens were recalled. These are similar to rates for 2011. How many women had a small breast cancer detected? Small breast cancers (≤15 mm in diameter) are associated with better treatment options and improved survival. A high proportion of invasive breast cancers detected were small in 2012: 47% of invasive breast cancers detected in those attending their first screen, and 61% in those attending subsequent screens. These are similar to the figures for 2011

    High Density Molecular Gas in the IR-bright Galaxy System VV114

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    New high resolution CO(3-2) interferometric map of the IR-bright interacting galaxy system VV114 observed with the Submillimeter Array (SMA) reveal a substantial amount of warm and dense gas in the IR-bright but optically obscured galaxy, VV114E, and the overlap region connecting the two nuclei. A 1.8 x 1.4 kpc concentration of CO(3-2) emitting gas with a total mass of 4 x 10^9 Msun coincides with the peaks of NIR, MIR, and radio continuum emission found previously by others, identifying the dense fuel for the AGN and/or the starburst activity there. Extensive CO(2-1) emission is also detected, revealing detailed distribution and kinematics that are consistent with the earlier CO(1-0) results. The widely distributed molecular gas traced in CO(2-1) and the distributed discrete peaks of CO(3-2) emission suggest that a spatially extended intense starbursts may contribute significantly to its large IR luminosity. These new observations further support the notion that VV114 is approaching its final stage of merger, when violent central inflow of gas triggers intense starburst activity possibly boosting the IR luminosity above the ultraluminous threshold.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    A Meta-Analysis of Driving Performance and Crash Risk Associated with the Use of Cellular Telephones While Driving

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    This paper addresses the effects of cell phones on driving by means of a review of the literature and an analysis of scientifically credible epidemiological and driver performance studies. A total of 84 articles were obtained covering the period from 1969 to 2004. Sixty-eight articles were research papers measuring driving performance while using a cell phone and 16 articles were epidemiological studies that examined cell phone usage and their relationship to vehicular crashes. Epidemiological findings consistently showed an increase in crashes associated with use of cell phones. However, these studies did not control for exposure to cell phone use or to driving. The negative impact of cell phone usage is larger for responses to critical events than for vehicular control. Drivers responded about a quarter of a second later to stimuli in the presence of a cell phone distractor for all studies that were analyzed. Hands-free cell phones produced similar performance decrements to hand-held phones

    Combined Diffusion-Relaxometry MRI to Identify Dysfunction in the Human Placenta

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    Purpose: A combined diffusion-relaxometry MR acquisition and analysis pipeline for in-vivo human placenta, which allows for exploration of coupling between T2* and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) measurements in a sub 10 minute scan time. Methods: We present a novel acquisition combining a diffusion prepared spin-echo with subsequent gradient echoes. The placentas of 17 pregnant women were scanned in-vivo, including both healthy controls and participants with various pregnancy complications. We estimate the joint T2*-ADC spectra using an inverse Laplace transform. Results: T2*-ADC spectra demonstrate clear quantitative separation between normal and dysfunctional placentas. Conclusions: Combined T2*-diffusivity MRI is promising for assessing fetal and maternal health during pregnancy. The T2*-ADC spectrum potentially provides additional information on tissue microstructure, compared to measuring these two contrasts separately. The presented method is immediately applicable to the study of other organs

    The Dynamics of Molecular Material Within 15 pcs of the Galactic Center

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    We report the results of a 5-field mosaic of the central 15pc of the Galaxy in the (1,1) and (2,2) lines of NH3. Two narrow filaments or streamers are seen running parallel to the Galactic plane. The southern streamer appears to carry gas directly toward the nuclear region from the 20 km/s cloud. The eastern streamer, which we will denote the molecular ridge, appears to be the denser part of the 50 km/s cloud which lies immediately east of the Sgr A East complex and extends in the south towards the 20 km/s cloud. This ridge of gas carries the kinematical signatures of interactions with Sgr A East as well as a SNR which lies south of the Galactic center. The bulk motion of the gas, the enhanced line widths, and the heating of the molecular material all suggest an active evolutionary phase for the gas immediately adjacent to the nucleus.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, to appear in The Astrophysical Journa

    NH3 in the Central 10 pc of the Galaxy I: General Morphology and Kinematic Connections Between the CND and GMCs

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    New VLA images of NH3 (1,1), (2,2), and (3,3) emission in the central 10 parsecs of the Galaxy trace filamentary streams of gas, several of which appear to feed the circumnuclear disk (CND). The NH3 images have a spatial resolution of 16.5''x14.5'' and have better spatial sampling than previous NH3 observations. The images show the ``southern streamer,'' ``50 km/s cloud,'' and new features including a ``western streamer'', 6 parsecs in length, and a ``northern ridge'' which connects to the CND. NH3(3,3) emission is very similar to 1.2 mm dust emission indicating that NH3 traces column density well. Ratios of the NH3(2,2) to (1,1) line intensities give an estimate of the temperature of the gas and indicate high temperatures close to the nucleus and CND. The new data cover a velocity range of 270 km/s, including all velocities observed in the CND, with a resolution of 9.8 km/s. Previous NH3 observations with higher resolution did not cover the entire range of velocities seen in the CND. The large-scale kinematics of the CND do not resemble a coherent ring or disk. We see evidence for a high velocity cloud within a projected distance of 50'' (2 pc) which is only seen in NH3(3,3) and is likely to be hot. Comparison to 6 cm continuum emission reveals that much of the NH3 emission traces the outer edges of Sgr A East and was probably pushed outward by this expanding shell. The connection between the northern ridge (which appears to be swept up by Sgr A East) and the CND indicates that Sgr A East and the CND are in close proximity to each other. Kinematic evidence for these connections is presented in this paper, while the full kinematic analysis of the central 10 pc will be presented in Paper II.Comment: 16 pages (containing 6 figures), 8 additional JPEG figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ. For full resolution images, see http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~rmcgary/SGRA/nh3_figures.htm

    In Vivo rapid delivery of vasopressin from an implantable drug delivery micro-electro-mechanical device

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    A miniaturized implantable rapid drug delivery device based on micro-electro-mechanical-systems technology was recently developed and characterized. This device is intended to address acute conditions in high-risk subjects. This work provides an in vivo proof-of-concept for the device in a rabbit model, by releasing a physiologically active dose of vasopressin, a vasoconstrictor. The devices were implanted subcutaneously and activated to rapidly release vasopressin, with monitoring of mean arterial pressure and plasma levels.Device releases showed a rapid and measurable effect on mean arterial pressure as well as a continuous diffusion of vasopressin into the bloodstream, consistent with a depot effect. Plasma levels in rabbits receiving vasopressin with the device rose monotonically to 24.4 ± 2.9 ng/mL after one hour. Bioavailability after one hour was calculated to be 6.2 ± 2.8 % (mean ± s.d.).A new modality for rapid and controlled drug delivery has been developed. The device can be used as a new implantable device controlled by medical algorithms (based on heart rate or mean arterial pressure, for example) for autonomous operation in high-risk populations that require immediate ambulatory intervention.Keywords: Subcutaneous drug delivery; vasopressin; MEMS; rabbit; bioavailability
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