8 research outputs found

    The role of cannabis (Cannabis sativa) cultivation growth as a driving force in land use and cover change (LUCC) in the upstream part of the Laou river catchment area (Northern Morocco)

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    The population of the Rif mountains in Morocco depends mainly on the cultivation of cannabis for its livelihood. This study shows the role played by such cultivation in landscape changes in the upstream part of the Laou river catchment area between 1985 and 2019. The analysis was developed using Landsat data. The results indicate that cannabis cultivation has contributed to accelerating the process of LUCC, given that most types of forests were largely transformed to cultivated areas. The increasing pressure on agricultural land, especially after agricultural innovations and the culture of new cannabis hybrids, has had serious consequences on the environment, economy and society. This has been demonstrated in the intensive exploitation of water, and as a result several areas are now denied access to drinking and irrigation water. To reduce the harm of these transformations, diversified and sustainable agricultural practices must be restored to their previous state.La població de les muntanyes del Rif al Marroc depèn majoritàriament del conreu del cànnabis per al seu sosteniment. Aquest estudi presenta el paper que ha tingut aquest conreu en els canvis en el paisatge a la capçalera de la conca del riu Laou durant el període 1985-2019. L'anàlisi s'ha desenvolupat utilitzant dades Landsat. Els resultats indiquen que el conreu de cànnabis ha contribuït a l'acceleració del procés de LUCC i ha provocat que la majoria dels boscos s'hagin transformat en zones de conreu. L'increment de la pressió de les terres agrícoles, especialment després de les innovacions en l'agricultura i el conreu de noves varietats híbrides de cànnabis, ha tingut severes conseqüències per al medi ambient, l'economia i la societat. Això s'ha posat en relleu en una explotació intensiva de l'aigua i, com a resultat, diverses àrees no disposen d'accés a l'aigua per al consum humà o per al regadiu. Així doncs, per reduir els riscos derivats d'aquest tipus de transformacions, cal recuperar la pràctica d'una agricultura diversificada i sostenible, tal com prèviament havia estat.La población de las montañas del Rif en Marruecos depende mayoritariamente del cultivo del cánnabis para su sustento. Este estudio presenta el papel de este cultivo en los cambios en el paisaje en la cuenca alta del río Laou durante el periodo 1985-2019. El análisis se ha desarrollado usando datos Landsat. Los resultados indican que el cultivo de cánnabis ha contribuido a acelerar el proceso de LUCC y ha provocado que la mayoría de bosques hayan sido significativamente transformados en zonas de cultivo. El incremento de la presión de las tierras agrícolas, especialmente después de las innovaciones en la agricultura y el cultivo de nuevas variedades híbridas de cánnabis, ha tenido serias consecuencias en el medio ambiente, la economía y la sociedad. Esto se ha puesto de relieve en una explotación intensiva del agua y, como resultado, diversas áreas en la actualidad no disponen de acceso al agua para el consumo humano o el regadío. Así pues, para reducir los riesgos derivados de este tipo de transformaciones, la práctica de una agricultura diversificada y sostenible debe ser recuperada tal como había sido previamente

    Parameters identification and optimization of photovoltaic panels under real conditions using Lambert W-function

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    This paper proposes a new approach based on Lambert W-function to extract the electrical parameters of photovoltaic (PV) panels. This approach can extract the optimal electrical characteristics of the PV panel under variable conditions of irradiation and temperature. Three benchmarking panels (shell SP70 monocrystalline silicon, shell ST40 thin film, and KC200GT Polycrystalline Silicon) are demonstrated and analyzed considering the electrical characteristics provided by the manufacturers. A comprehensive assessment is carried out under different weather condition to validate the capability and the robustness of the proposed approach. Furthermore, the simulated output characteristics of the three modules Photovoltaic are almost comparable and reproduce faithfully the manufacturer’s experimental data The novelty of this study is the using a new hybrid analytical and numerical method that straight forward and effective given value of Root mean square error less than those obtained by others methods that indicate the estimated results are very close to the experimental values provided by the manufacturers

    A novel hybrid numerical with analytical approach for parameter extraction of photovoltaic modules

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    Building an accurate mathematical model of photovoltaic modules is an essential issue for providing reasonable analysis, control and optimization of photovoltaic energy systems. Therefore, this study provides a new accurate model of photovoltaic Panels based on single diode Model. In this case, the proposed model is the link between two models which are the ideal model and the resistance network. All parameters are estimated based on hybrid Analytical/Numerical approach: three parameters photocurrent, reverse saturation current and ideality factor are obtained using an Analytical approach based on the datasheet provided by the manufacturer under Standard Test Conditions. The series and shunt resistances are obtained by using a Numerical approach similar to the Villalva's method in order to achieve the purpose of modeling the resistance network part. Our model is tested with data from the manufacturer of three different technologies namely polycrystalline, Mono-crystalline silicon modules and thin-film based on Copper Indium Diselenide, and for more accurate performance evaluation we are introducing the Average Relative Error and the Root Mean Square Error. The simulated Current-Voltage and Power-Voltage curves are in accordance with experimental characteristics, and there is a strong agreement between the proposed model and the experimental characteristics. The computation time is 0.23 s lower than those obtained using others approach, and all obtained results under real environment conditions are also compared with different models and indicated that the proposed model outperforms the others approach such as villalva's and kashif's method

    The Role Of Artificial Impoundments In Improving Agricultural Production In The Semi-Arid Regions Of Northern Morocco

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    At the end of the last century, the Rif mountains of Morocco have experienced significant changes in the level of agricultural activity, especially it concerns the increase in cannabis cultivation, which is characterized by high water requirements. For that reason, a number of Artificial Impoundments (AIs) have been constructed in the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima (TTA) region, where by August 2017 there were more than 1400 of such structures. This requires to a study the efficiency and potential negative effects of such noticeable development. It has been shown that these hydraulic structures have provided additional positive value to the agricultural sector, especially to the proscribed industry of cannabis cultivation. Regarding other effects, the present study has found that their impact on the hydraulic and hydrographic aspects at the moment is very limited and that the only major constraint for their application is related to the issue of security, which arises from the fragile geological structure that is observed in the majority of the region

    A novel numerical method for estimation the photovoltaic cells/modules parameters based on dichotomy method

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    The demand for photovoltaic (PV) energy has been growing in recent years, parallel to an increase in scientific research about the PV cells, such as the electrical modelling and extraction of unknown PV model parameters. This paper introduces a highly efficient and straightforward numerical method to determine the unknown parameters for the single-diode model. The proposed approach utilizes Dichotomy (Bisection) to estimate the series resistance Rs and an iterative process to determine the diode ideality factor a and the parameters that achieve the minimum Root Square Error (RMSE). The proposed approach has been tested on five cells/modules from different technologies. The results show that the proposed approach outperforms various analytical, numerical, and meta-heuristic approaches in terms of accuracy. The RMSE produced by the proposed method is in order of 7.8514e-04 A and 2.2256e-03 A for the RTC France cell and the PWP201 module, respectively

    Dandelion Optimizer algorithm-based method for accurate photovoltaic model parameter identification

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    The utilization of photovoltaic (PV) energy has experienced a significant surge in the last few decades, resulting in a rise in research endeavours to comprehend its workings better. One of the focal points of this research is the electrical modelling of PV cells and modules. Several equivalent circuits have been proposed to model them, such as the single-diode (SDM), double-diode (DDM), and triple-diode model (TDM). The main challenge is identifying the optimal circuit model parameters. This study introduces a novel method based on a metaheuristic algorithm named Dandelion Optimizer (DO) coupled with a numerical method Newton-Raphson (NR) to estimate the PV parameters. Various PV models, including the single-diode model (SDM) and double-diode model (DDM), were utilized by the proposed method (DONR) to determine the PV parameters of six different cells and modules, such as RTC France, Photowatt-PWP201, and STP6-120/36. A comparative analysis was conducted with ten other widely recognized metaheuristic methods to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is more accurate in estimating the optimal PV parameters than the other methods. According to the experimental results, the proposed method is superior to other methods in accurately estimating the optimal PV parameters in terms of accuracy, reliability, and convergence. Specifically, the root mean squared error values obtained by the proposed method using (SDM, DDM) for RTC France, PWP201, and STP6-120/36 are (7.73939E-04, 7.56515E-04), (2.08116E-03, 2.07842E-03) and (1.42575E-02, 1.45952E-02), respectively