7 research outputs found

    Neutral interstellar He parameters in front of the heliosphere 1994--2007

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    Analysis of IBEX measurements of neutral interstellar He flux brought the inflow velocity vector different from the results of earlier analysis of observations from GAS/Ulysses. Recapitulation of results on the helium inflow direction from the past ~40 years suggested that the inflow direction may be changing with time. We reanalyze the old Ulysses data and reprocess them to increase the accuracy of the instrument pointing to investigate if the GAS observations support the hypothesis that the interstellar helium inflow direction is changing. We employ a similar analysis method as in the analysis of the IBEX data. We seek a parameter set that minimizes reduced chi-squared, using the Warsaw Test Particle Model for the interstellar He flux at Ulysses with a state of the art model of neutral He ionization in the heliosphere, and precisely reproducing the observation conditions. We also propose a supplementary method of constraining the parameters based on cross-correlations of parameters obtained from analysis of carefully selected subsets of data. We find that the ecliptic longitude and speed of interstellar He are in a very good agreement with the values reported in the original GAS analysis. We find, however, that the temperature is markedly higher. The 3-seasons optimum parameter set is lambda = 255.3, beta = 6, v = 26.0 km/s, T = 7500 K. We find no evidence that it is varying with time, but the uncertainty range is larger than originally reported. The originally-derived parameters of interstellar He from GAS are in good agreement with presently derived, except for the temperature, which seems to be appreciably higher, in good agreement with interstellar absorption line results. While the results of the present analysis are in marginal agreement with the earlier reported results from IBEX, the most likely values from the two analyses differ for reasons that are still not understood.Comment: submitted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Neutral interstellar helium parameters based on IBEX-Lo observations and test particle calculations

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    Neutral Interstellar Helium (NISHe) is almost unaffected at the heliospheric interface with the interstellar medium and freely enters the solar system. It provides some of the best information on the characteristics of the interstellar gas in the Local Interstellar Cloud. The Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) is the second mission to directly detect NISHe. We present a comparison between recent IBEX NISHe observations and simulations carried out using a well-tested quantitative simulation code. Simulation and observation results compare well for times when measured fluxes are dominated by NISHe (and contributions from other species are small). Differences between simulations and observations indicate a previously undetected secondary population of neutral helium, likely produced by interaction of interstellar helium with plasma in the outer heliosheath. Interstellar neutral parameters are statistically different from previous in situ results obtained mostly from the GAS/Ulysses experiment, but they do agree with the local interstellar flow vector obtained from studies of interstellar absorption: the newly-established flow direction is ecliptic longitude 79.2 deg, latitude -5.1 deg, the velocity is \sim 22.8 km/s, and the temperature is 6200 K. These new results imply a markedly lower absolute velocity of the gas and thus significantly lower dynamic pressure on the boundaries of the heliosphere and different orientation of the Hydrogen Deflection Plane compared to prior results from Ulysses. A different orientation of this plane also suggests a new geometry of the interstellar magnetic field and the lower dynamic pressure calls for a compensation by other components of the pressure balance, most likely a higher density of interstellar plasma and strength of interstellar magnetic field.Comment: Data from IBEX-Lo on Interstellar Boundary Explorer analyzed; 40 pages, 24 figures, 2 table

    Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP): A New NASA Mission

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