38 research outputs found

    Differential postural effects of plantar-flexor muscles fatigue under normal, altered and improved vestibular and neck somatosensory conditions

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    The aim of the present study was to assess the effects of plantar-flexor muscles fatigue on postural control during quiet standing under normal, altered and improved vestibular and neck somatosensory conditions. To address this objective, young male university students were asked to stand upright as still as possible with their eyes closed in two conditions of No Fatigue and Fatigue of the plantar-flexor muscles. In Experiment 1 (n=15), the postural task was executed in two Neutral head and Head tilted backward postures, recognized to degrade vestibular and neck somatosensory information. In Experiment 2 (n=15), the postural task was executed in two conditions of No tactile and Tactile stimulation of the neck provided by the application of strips of adhesive bandage to the skin over and around the neck. Centre of foot pressure displacements were recorded using a force platform. Results showed that (1) the Fatigue condition yielded increased CoP displacements relative to the No Fatigue condition (Experiment 1 and Experiment 2), (2) this destabilizing effect was more accentuated in the Head tilted backward posture than Neutral head posture (Experiment 1) and (3) this destabilizing effect was less accentuated in the condition of Tactile stimulation than that of No tactile stimulation of the neck (Experiment 2). In the context of the multisensory control of balance, these results suggest an increased reliance on vestibular and neck somatosensory information for controlling posture during quiet standing in condition of altered ankle neuromuscular function

    The effects of high frequency subthalamic stimulation on balance performance and fear of falling in patients with Parkinson's disease

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Balance impairment is one of the most distressing symptoms in Parkinson's disease (PD) even with pharmacological treatment (levodopa). A complementary treatment is high frequency stimulation in the subthalamic nucleus (STN). Whether STN stimulation improves postural control is under debate. The aim of this study was to explore the effects of STN stimulation alone on balance performance as assessed with clinical performance tests, subjective ratings of fear of falling and posturography.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Ten patients (median age 66, range 59–69 years) with bilateral STN stimulation for a minimum of one year, had their anti-PD medications withdrawn overnight. Assessments were done both with the STN stimulation turned OFF and ON (start randomized). In both test conditions, the following were assessed: motor symptoms (descriptive purposes), clinical performance tests, fear of falling ratings, and posturography with and without vibratory proprioceptive disturbance.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>STN stimulation alone significantly (p = 0.002) increased the scores of the Berg balance scale, and the median increase was 6 points. The results of all timed performance tests, except for sharpened Romberg, were significantly (p ≤ 0.016) improved. The patients rated their fear of falling as less severe, and the total score of the Falls-Efficacy Scale(S) increased (p = 0.002) in median with 54 points. All patients completed posturography when the STN stimulation was turned ON, but three patients were unable to do so when it was turned OFF. The seven patients with complete data showed no statistical significant difference (p values ≥ 0.109) in torque variance values when comparing the two test situations. This applied both during quiet stance and during the periods with vibratory stimulation, and it was irrespective of visual input and sway direction.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this sample, STN stimulation alone significantly improved the results of the clinical performance tests that mimic activities in daily living. This improvement was further supported by the patients' ratings of fear of falling, which were less severe with the STN stimulation turned ON. Posturography could not be performed by three out of the ten patients when the stimulation was turned OFF. The posturography results of the seven patients with complete data showed no significant differences due to STN stimulation.</p

    The age-related changes of trunk responses to vibration of Achilles tendon

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    The contribution of different sensory modalities to balance control is modified by age. Postural responses to Achilles tendon vibration were investigated in order to understand the influence of age on proprioceptive input from lower legs in human stance. Postural responses to bilateral vibrations of Achilles tendon with 10 s duration were recorded at three frequencies (40, 60 and 80 Hz) in 9 healthy young (range, 24\u201327 years) and in 9 healthy older adults (59\u201370 years). Subjects were instructed to keep standing on firm surface with eyes closed. They performed three trials in each of three vibration frequencies. Postural responses were characterized by displacement of the centre of foot pressure (CoP) and by kinematics of body segments in the anterior\u2013posterior direction. Bilateral vibrations of Achilles tendon induced backward body lean increasing with frequency of vibration and with age. The leg angle response to vibration was found similar in both groups of subjects. Slight trunk tilts from vertical position were induced by vibration in young subjects while in older subjects the trunk tilted backward together with the whole body. This observation was supported also by the minimal change of hip angle in older subjects contrary to increased hip activity in young subjects. The findings showed that the trunk and hip angle responses to proprioceptive stimulation might be a good indicator of age-related destabilization in balance control

    Neurobiological view of plants and their body plan

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    Effect of age on body segment tilt responses to lower leg muscle vibration

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    Balance impairment frequently seen in elderly represents risk factors for falls and subsequent injury, for example fractures. Aging is occasionally accompanied by age-related pathologies, like Parkinson’s disease, which hinder independent mobility and lead to postural instability. Adequate postural control depends on the integration of vestibular, somatosensory and visual information about the body motion. The analysis of changes in these sensory systems has shown agerelated deterioration and the contribution of the each sensory modalities to balance control is modified by age. Important indicators of human balance control are postural responses to altered sensory inputs. Body lean responses to vibrations of lower leg muscles were investigated in order to understand the influence of age and proprioceptive input from lower leg in human stance

    Human postural response to lower leg muscle vibration of different duration

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    Body lean response to bilateral vibrations of soleus muscles were investigated in order to understand the influence of proprioceptive input from lower leg in human stance control. Proprioceptive stimulation was applied to 17 healthy subjects by two vibrators placed on the soleus muscles. Frequency and amplitude of vibration were 60 Hz and 1 mm, respectively. Vibration was applied after a 30 s of baseline. The vibration duration of 10, 20, 30 s respectively was used with following 30 s rest. Subjects stood on the force platform with eyes closed. Postural responses were characterized by center of pressure (CoP) displacements in the anterior-posterior (AP) direction. The CoP-AP shifts as well as their amplitudes and velocities were analyzed before, during and after vibration. Vibration of soleus muscles gradually increased backward body tilts. There was a clear dependence of the magnitude of final CoP shift on the duration of vibration. The amplitude and velocity of body sway increased during vibration and amplitude was significantly modulated by duration of vibration as well. Comparison of amplitude and velocity of body sway before and after vibration showed significant post-effects. Presented findings showed that somatosensory stimulation has a long-term, direction-specific influence on the control of postural orientation during stance. Further, the proprioceptive input altered by soleus muscles vibration showed significant changes in postural equilibrium during period of vibration with interesting post-effects also