1,025 research outputs found
Statistical Safeguards: Redefining Col lision Avoidance with Probability Theory: Employing Statistical Decision-Making to Enhance Safety in Mixed Traffic Environments
This thesis introduces a probabilistic collision avoidance system that employs statistical decision-making in order to enhance the safety of mixed traffic environments.
Central to this approach is the representation of vehicle positions as normal probability distributions, which are convolved with real-time sensor data to assess risks
more accurately and reduce the unnecessary emergency stops.
The research develops and implements a dynamic collision probability threshold,
that is derived from safety integrity levels (SIL), which is imperative for complying with the rigorous safety standards and regulations. Simulations and analytical methods were used to validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm and
demonstrating its potential in decision-making in emergency situations.
Thus a a scalable solution for collision avoidance is presented in the form of an
algorithm that can be integrated into existing safety systems, in order to enhance
the operational efficiency for mixed traffic environments
Giving shape to Norbergâs place identity : a design proposal for a park alongside the river NorbergsĂ„n
Detta arbete handlar om att tolka en plats och som utomstĂ„ende betraktare förstĂ„ dess identitet. Att tolka en plats handlar om att förstĂ„ vad som gör platsen speciell, dĂ€rav syftar arbetet till att undersöka en platsidentitet, vad som kĂ€nnetecknar den och hur den kan ta sig uttryck i en gestaltning. Norbergs samhĂ€lle uppstod i anslutning till jĂ€rnfyndigheter som gav upphov till bergsbruk och Ă€r en plats med anor frĂ„n medeltiden som idag förvaltar ett kulturarv. I Norberg sammanstrĂ„lar malmen, skogen och vattnet â element som definierar Norberg som ort. Centrala Norberg Ă€r strategiskt belĂ€get utmed NorbergsĂ„n som rinner frĂ„n sjön Noren och förbinder platsen med omvĂ€rlden. Utmed Ă„n i centrala Norberg strĂ€cker sig ett parkstrĂ„k som Norbergs kommun Ă€mnar göra mer attraktivt och tillgĂ€ngligt. Detta arbete besvarar frĂ„gan âvad kĂ€nnetecknar Norbergs platsidentitet och hur kan den uttryckas i en omgestaltning av en del av det centrala parkstrĂ„ket utmed NorbergsĂ„n?â genom att utgĂ„ ifrĂ„n teorier om platsidentitet och hur den identifieras. För att identifiera platsidentiteten genomfördes platsbesök och intervjuer i Norberg, litteraturstudier, platsanalys utifrĂ„n valda teorier samt referensbesök till andra platser.
Som utgĂ„ngspunkt för vĂ„r gestaltning utifrĂ„n en platsidentitet anvĂ€nde vi oss av Norbergs förrĂ„d av strukturer, element och rumsligheter av symbolisk mening och omvandlade dessa till fysiska element som representerar platsen. Arbetets frĂ„gestĂ€llning besvaras med ett gestaltningsförslag för parkstrĂ„ket som gĂ„r i Norbergs mĂ€nskliga skala med strukturer, material och fĂ€rger som Ă„terfinns i byn. StrĂ„ket förses med nya tillgĂ€ngliga strĂ„k, entrĂ©er och funktioner, i linje med det som uppskattas av invĂ„nare och besökare. Sociala och historiska vĂ€rden fĂ„r utrymme i gestaltningsförslaget utifrĂ„n vad undersökningen visade att Norbergs platsidentitet domineras av. En platsidentitet faststĂ€lldes i arbetet som en sammanvĂ€gning av helheten - vad som format platsen till det den Ă€r idag, hur den anvĂ€nts tidigare och hur den anvĂ€nds nu, samt vilka sociala strukturer som rĂ„der pĂ„ platsen. Framtiden fĂ„r utvisa om gestaltningsförslaget blir en representativ plats för Norbergs platsidentitet, dĂ„ det till stor del handlar om mĂ€nniskorna som anvĂ€nder och har anvĂ€nt platsen.The central subject of this thesis is the interpretation of a place as an outside observer, for the purpose of capturing its identity. Interpreting a place is a matter of identifying that which defines that place in particular. Hence, our work consists in exploring the identity of a place, its defining features and how these features can be represented in spatial design. The town of Norberg, in VĂ€stmanland County, Sweden, was established in close proximity to ore deposits, giving rise to an iron mining industry dating back to medieval times, which today constitutes a defining cultural heritage. The town centre of Norberg is strategically located on the river NorbergsĂ„n, flowing from lake Noren and connecting the town to the world. In Norberg, the iron ore, the surrounding forests, and the water of the traversing river, converge to form the backdrop as well as the central elements of the townâs place identity. Along the river in central Norberg, the municipality is looking to reshape the riverside parks into a more attractive and accessible public space. This thesis, using theory on place identity and how to capture it as a starting point, aims to address the following question: âWhat defines the place identity of Norberg and how may it be represented in the refashioning of a segment of Norbergâs central riverside parks?â To this end, we conducted field work and interviews in Norberg, as well as reference excursions to other relevant sites. Field work, interviews and excursions were analysed with reference to the theoretical literature.
We used Norbergâs existing plethora of symbolic structures, elements, and spatial features as a point of departure for our design, reinterpreting these in physical elements representing the place. A design proposal for a chosen segment of the riverside parks, in which Norbergâs humane scale and familiar structures, materials and colour schemes are reproduced, is presented as an answer to the research question set out above. The park area is furnished with accessible pathways, entrances, and functions, in line with the preferences of local inhabitants and visitors. Social and historical values are bought to the fore, drawing on the analysis of the place identity of Norberg. In this thesis, a place identity is described as the totality of historical influences, uses to which the place has been put in the past as well as the present, and social structures shaping the local communityâs outlook on the place. Time will tell whether our design proposal successfully captures the place identity of Norberg, for which the adoption and use of the inhabitants and visitors is the ultimate litmus test
Preventing crime through environmental design : a study of the safety and crime preventing qualities of an outdoor gym
MĂ€nniskans behov av interaktion i stadens offentliga rum förutsĂ€tter att den offentliga miljön Ă€r trygg och sĂ€ker att vistas i. Ett omrĂ„de som upplevs otryggt kan leda till frĂ„nvaro av anvĂ€ndare, vilket kan bidra till ytterligare otrygghet i omrĂ„det. Den hĂ€r uppsatsen avser att undersöka hur ett litet tillĂ€gg i den offentliga miljön kan fĂ„ trygghetsskapande och brottsförebyggande effekter i ett sĂ€rskilt utsatt omrĂ„de. TillĂ€gget preciseras som ett utegym med placering inom Gottsunda- /ValsĂ€tra i Uppsala. För att uppfylla syftet anvĂ€nds tvĂ„ teorier med utgĂ„ngspunkt i platsens betydelse för brottsförebyggande arbete, CPTED och âEyes on the streetâ. Teorierna bygger pĂ„ möjligheten att stĂ€rka platsens övervakning, framtoning och aktivitet samt invĂ„narnas kĂ€nsla av ansvar för platsen. De föresprĂ„kar naturlig övervakning genom aktivering av plats, med mĂ„let att skapa förutsĂ€ttningar för en utemiljö som attraherar besökare. Teorierna anvĂ€nds som underlag till en intervjustudie, vilken genom analys visar hur brottsförebyggande och trygghetsskapande effekter kan uppnĂ„s genom att placering och utformning av ett tillĂ€gg anpassas efter platsens förutsĂ€ttningar och invĂ„narnas önskemĂ„l. Genom samarbete vid planering och förvaltning av tillĂ€gget kan tryggheten öka genom ökade flöden och naturlig övervakning.Manâs need for interaction in the cityâs public spaces presupposes that the public environment is safe and secure to use. An area that is perceived as unsafe can lead to the absence of users, which may contribute to further insecurity in that area. The present thesis aims to investigate how a small addition in the public outdoor environment might generate safety and crime preventing effects in an especially vulnerable area. The addition is defined as an outdoor gym located within Gottsunda/ValsĂ€tra in Uppsala. To fulfill the purpose, the two theories CPTED and âEyes on the streetâ are used. The theories are based on the importance of the location in crime preventing work and the possibility to increase surveillance, image and activity, together with the citizenâs sense of responsibility towards the place. They advocate natural surveillance through activation of the place, with the goal to create an attractive outdoor environment. The theories are used as a base in an interview study, which shows how safety and crime preventing effects can be reached through a placement and design that is adapted to the conditions of the place and the requests of the inhabitants. Through cooperation in planning and managing the addition, safety can be increased through increased flows and natural surveillance
Samband mellan hull, underhudsfett, levande vikt och fruktsamhet hos SRB och SLB
After parturition the energy demand for milk production is greater then the energy provided from the diet. The cow mobilises therefore body tissues to compensate for the energy loss. Live weight and body condition scores decreases as a consequence of the mobilisation.
The aim of this study was to analyse the relationship between body condition score, live weight and subcutaneous fat depth measured by ultrasound and the changes during the lactation. Possible differences between Swedish Holstein (SLB) and Swedish Red and White Cattle (SRB) were also investigated. The relationship between the measures mentioned and reproduction such as the number of days from calving to first luteal activity and to the first ovulatory oestrus was analysed.
The study was based on observations on cows from the experimental dairy herd (JĂ€lla) of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Body condition scoring and measurements of live weight and subcutaneous fat were performed during the period 1997 to 2002. The body condition scoring was performed according to a method described by Edmonsson et al. (1989). A total of 211 cows were included in this study of which 88 were SLB and 123 SRB. The latter breed has since 1985 been selected for either high (SRB-high) or low (SRB-low) milkfat yield but with the same total quantity of milk energy. These SRB lines were handled as separate groups in the analyses. The data set included 4036, 639 and approximately 1260 live weight registrations, body condition scores and ultrasound measurements, respectively.
Body condition score (BCS) and subcutaneous fat depth differed significantly between breed and selection lines. The parity number had no effect on these measures. The unadjusted mean BCS was 3.18, 3.10 and 2.82 for SRB-low, SRB-high and SLB respectively. SRB-low had the highest unadjusted mean BCS from week 1 to 36 after calving compared to SRB-high and SLB. SLB and SRB-low decreased in BCS with approximately 20 %, whereas SRB-high decreased with 5 %. SLB had significantly higher BSC during week 36 compared to the BCS from week 4 until week 16 after calving.
The unadjusted mean for the subcutaneous fat depth was 0,44 cm, 0,49 cm and 0,41 cm for SRB-low, SRB-high and SLB respectively. The difference between two different body locations for measuring the fat depth was small. Fat tissue was mobilised from calving until week 16. SLB and SRB-high gained fat until week 36 after calving and regained weight to approximately the same level as at calving, whereas SRB-low did not succeed to regain the weight. However, it consistently had higher BCS and fat measures.
Breed and selection line and parity had a significant effect on live weight. The unadjusted mean for live weight was 670 kg for SLB, 653 kg for SRB-low and 620 kg for SRB-high. SLB had a higher weight than both the SRB selection lines during the lactation. Further on SRB-high weighed more than SRB-low. Both breeds lost weight after calving and the decrease went on until 16 weeks of lactation. With higher parity number cows were heavier.
The residual correlation between the ultrasound measurements at two different body locations varied between 0.70 and 0.90. The result indicated that a measurement at one body location is enough to get a reliable value of the subcutaneous fat depth. The residual correlation between the subcutaneous fat depth and BCS and body weight respectively varied between 0.35- 0.64 and between 0.26-0.47 during week 1 until week 16 after calving. The residual correlations between changes of body condition score, weight and subcutaneous fat were negative between different periods during the lactation. This indicates that cows mobilises body tissue in early lactation and gain fat and weight in later lactation.
An increase of 1 BCS was significantly related to a weight increase of 47 â 72 kg during week 1 to week 16. An increase of the subcutaneous depth with 0.1 cm was significantly related to a weight increase of 21 â 33 kg.
The relationship between BCS, subcutaneous fat depth and weight and the number of days from calving to first luteal activity and to the first ovulatory heat, respectively, were very low and not significant.Efter kalvning hamnar kon ofta i negativ energibalans. Den ökade mjölkproduktionen stÀller
högre krav pÄ energi Àn vad kon klarar av att konsumera via fodret. Som kompensation för
den bristande energitillförseln mobiliseras kroppsvÀvnad. Mobiliseringen leder till att kon
minskar i hull och gÄr ner i vikt.
Syftet med detta arbete var att analysera sambandet mellan levande vikt, tjockleken pÄ
underhudsfett uppmÀtt med hjÀlp av ultraljud samt levande vikt. FörÀndringarna av dessa mÄtt
undersöktes och eventuella skillnader analyserades mellan svensk lÄgland (SLB) och svensk
röd och vit boskap (SRB), indelade i olika selektionslinjer för hög respektive lÄg
mjölkfetthalt. Dessutom analyserades relationen mellan nÀmnda mÄtt och intervallet frÄn
kalvning till första lutealfas respektive intervallet frÄn kalvning till första ovulatoriska brunst.
Studien baserades pÄ observationer frÄn Institutionens för husdjursgenetik försöksbesÀttning
(JÀlla). Hullbedömningar, mÀtningar av vikt och tjocklek pÄ underhudsfett genomfördes under
1997 till 2002. Hullbedömningen skedde enligt den framtagna metoden av Edmonsson et al.
(1989). Totalt 211 mjölkkor med varierande antal laktationsnummer ingick, varav 88 SLB
och 123 SRB. SRB har sedan 1985 ingÄtt i ett försök dÀr man selekterat för hög (SRB-hög)
och lÄg (SRB-lÄg) mjölkfetthalt. Selektionslinjerna hanterades som olika raser. I studiens
dataset ingick 4036, 639 respektive ca 1260 registreringar för levande vikt, hull och
Skillnaden i hullpoÀng och tjocklek pÄ underhudsfettet var signifikant mellan ras och
selektionslinje. Laktationsnumret hade ingen effekt pÄ dessa mÄtt. SLB hade i genomsnitt
2,82 hullpoÀng. SRB-lÄg hade 3,18 och SRB-hög 3,10 hullpoÀng. SRB-lÄg hade högsta
hullpoÀngen under laktationsvecka 1 till laktationsvecka 36 jÀmfört med SRB-hög och SLB.
SLB och SRB-lÄg minskade i hull med ca 20 %. Motsvarande minskning för SRB-hög var 5
%. SLB hade signifikant högre hullpoÀng under laktationsvecka 36 Àn under laktationsvecka 4
till16, medan SRB inte hade det.
Tjockleken pÄ underhudsfettet var i genomsnitt mellan 0,41 cm, 0,44 cm samt 0,49 cm för
SLB, SRB-hög respektive SRB-lÄg. Skillnaden var mycket liten mellan tvÄ mÀtpunkter pÄ
kroppen. Fettlagret mobiliserades fram till laktationsvecka 16. SLB och SRB-hög ökade
tjockleken pÄ fettlager fram till laktationsvecka 36 och Äterfick ungefÀr samma hull som vid
kalvning medan SRB-lÄg inte Äterfick samma tjocklek pÄ fettlagret.
Ras och selektionslinje samt kalvningsintervall hade en signifikant effekt pÄ levande vikten.
SLB vÀgde i genomsnitt 670 kg, SRB-lÄg 653 kg och SRB-hög 620 kg. SLB vÀgde mer Àn
SRB-linjerna under hela laktationen. Vidare vÀgde SRB-lÄg mer Àn SRB-hög. BÄda raserna
minskade i vikt efter kalvning fram till laktationsvecka 16. Ăkad vikt var relaterat till högre
Residualkorrelationen mellan mÄttet pÄ underhudfettets tjocklek vid tvÄ mÀtpunkter pÄ
kroppen varierade mellan 0,70 och 0,90. Resultatet indikerade att det rÀcker att mÀta vid en
punkt pÄ kroppen för att fÄ ett tillrÀckligt sÀkert mÄtt pÄ underhudsfettets tjocklek.
Residualkorrelationen mellan tjockleken pÄ underhudsfettet och hull respektive vikt varierade
mellan 0,35 och 0,64 respektive mellan 0,26 och 0,47 under laktationsvecka 1 till 16.
Residualkorrelationen mellan förÀndringar av hull, vikt respektive tjocklek pÄ underhudsfett under olika perioder av laktationen var negativ. Resultatet visar att korna mobiliserar
kroppsvÀvnad i början av laktationen för att senare under laktationen öka i vikt och hull.
En ökning med 1 hullpoÀng var signifikant relaterat till en viktökning med 47-72 kg under
laktationsvecka 1 till 16. En ökning av fettlagret med 0,1 cm var signifikant relaterat till en
hullökning med 0,13-0,31 poÀng respektive en viktökning med 21-33 kg.
Sambanden mellan hull, tjockleken pÄ underhudsfett samt vikt och intervallet frÄn kalvning
till första lutealfas respektive kalvning till första ovulatoriska brunst var mycket lÄga och med
undantag för nÄgra tillfÀllen inte signifikanta
Determination of association constants between 5 '-guanosine monophosphate gel and aromatic compounds by capillary electrophoresis
Hydro gel formed by 5'-guanosine monophosphate (GMP) in the presence of a potassium ion is expected to exhibit interesting selectivity in capillary electrophoretic separations. Here, we estimated the conditional association constants between the hydro gel (G-gel) and aromatic compounds by capillary electrophoresis in order to investigate the separation selectivity that is induced by the G-gel. Several aromatic compounds were separated in a solution containing GMP and potassium ion at different concentrations. The association constants were calculated by correlating the electrophoretic mobilities of the analytes obtained experimentally using a concentration of G-gel. During semi-quantitative estimation, naphthalene derivatives had larger association constants (K-ass = 10.3-16.8) compared with those of benzene derivatives (K-ass = 3.91-5.31), which means that the binding sites of G-gel match better to a naphthalene ring than to a benzene ring. A hydrophobic interaction was also found when the association constants for alkyl resorcinol were compared with those of different hydrocarbon chains. The association constants of nucleobases and tryptophan ranged from 6.05 to 12.6, which approximated the intermediate values between benzene and naphthalene derivatives. Consequently, the selective interaction between G-gel and aromatic compounds was classified as one of three types: (1) an intercalation into stacked planar GMP tetramers; (2) a hydrophobic interaction with a long alkyl chain; or, (3) a small contribution of steric hindrance and/or hydrogen bonding with functional groups such as amino and hydroxyl groups
A cysteine proteinase in the penetration glands of the cercariae of Cotylurus cornutus (Trematoda, Strigeidae)
A cysteine proteinase from the penetration glands of Cotylurus cornutus cercariae was examined with histochemical and biochemical methods. The enzyme hydrolyzed gelatin, azocoll, azocasein, azoalbumin, N-blocked-l-arginine-4-methoxy-2-naphthylamide, and N-blocked-p-nitroanilide, but did not degrade elastin. The metal ion complexane ethylenediamine tetraacetate and the thiol-reducing compound dithioerythritol enhanced the proteinase activity, whereas the thiol-blocking compounds p-hydroxymercuribenzoate and N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) inhibited it. The enzyme was also sensitive to leupeptin but insensitive to soybean trypsin inhibitor. An electrophoretic separation of extract proteins from the cercariae under acidic, non-denaturing conditions and in the presence of 0.1% gelatin in a polyacrylamide gel revealed the presence of two distinct and three weak transparent bands in the gel resulting from a gelatinolytic activity at pHÂ 6.8. The distinct bands apparently resulted from the activity of the glandular enzyme and lysosomal cathepsin B, whereas the weak ones presumably indicated these enzymes partially degraded in the course of the preparative procedure. No gelatinolysis occurred following treatment of an extract sample with 0.1Â mM NEM
Performance implications of chemical mobilization after microchannel IEF
Chemical mobilization following IEF enables single-point detection of an ideally stationary equilibrium electrophoresis mode. Despite prior studies exploring optimization of chemical mobilization conditions and recent insight from numerical simulations, understanding of both chemical mobilization mechanisms and the implications of mobilization on IEF analytical performance remains limited. In this study, we utilize full-field imaging of microchannel IEF to assess the performance of a range of canonical chemical mobilization schemes. We empirically demonstrate and characterize key areas where limited understanding of performance implications exists, including: the effects of mobilization solution pH and ion concentration, differences between ionic and zwitterionic mobilization, and diffusion as a source of zone broadening. We utilize Simul5 simulations to gain insight into the sources of the measured performance differences. Measurements of the location, linearity, and slope of the IEF pH gradient (via fluorescent pH markers imaged before and during mobilization) as well as mobilization-associated broadening of focused analytes were performed to quantify performance and determine the dominant sources of variability. Our results suggest that nonuniform broadening of the pH gradient and changes in the pH gradient linearity stem from conductivity nonuniformities in the separation channel and not diffusion-associated band broadening during mobilization
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