4 research outputs found

    The association between cognitive function and self-care in patients with chronic heart failure

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    Background: Self-care requires that patients learn to care for themselves. Cognitive impairment and depression can decrease the ability and interest in performing self-care. The objectives were to explore the association between cognitive function and self-care in heart failure patients, and to examine if this association was moderated by symptoms of depression. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 105 heart failure patients in NYHA II-IV, median age 72 years. Self-care was measured with the European Heart Failure Self-Care Behavior Scale, cognitive function with a neuropsychological battery, and depressive symptoms were measured with the Patient Health Questionnaire. The associations between the study variables were examined with multiple regression analyses. Results: Psychomotor speed was the only cognitive dimension significantly associated with self-care. The association between psychomotor speed and self-care was not moderated by symptoms of depression. Conclusions: Deficits in psychomotor speed have implications for how patients should be educated and supported to perform self-care

    Caring Behavior Coding Scheme based on Swansons Theory of Caring - development and testing among undergraduate nursing students

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    Rationale To maintain patients dignity and well-being and alleviate suffering, it is essential that healthcare providers engage in caring behaviours. Yet, every year patient boards receive an increasing number of complaints from patients and significant others regarding healthcare providers non-caring behaviours. Defining and measuring both verbal and nonverbal caring and non-caring behaviour in healthcare delivery is vital to address such complaints. However, no studies were found that incorporated a comprehensive theory of caring to code encounters between healthcare providers and patients. Aim The aim was to develop and test a Caring Behavior Coding Scheme based on Swansons Theory of Caring. Method An instrument development process was used for behavioural coding including observational data from thirty-eight video recordings collected in an undergraduate nursing course at a Swedish University. The observational data involved interactions between undergraduate nursing students and a standardised patient. Result The Caring Behavior Coding Scheme (the CBCS), contains seventeen verbal and eight nonverbal behavioural codes, categorised as caring and non-caring in accordance with Swansons Theory of Caring. Content and face validity were assessed. Timed-event sequential continuous coding was performed in INTERACT software. The coder achieved excellent agreement with the developed gold standard (k = 0.87) and excellent mean inter-rater reliability (k = 0.82). All domains in Swansons Theory of Caring were observed and coded in the interaction. Discussion/Conclusion The CBCS is a theory-based instrument that contributes to research on healthcare providers behavioural encounters. It uses verbal and nonverbal caring and non-caring behavioural codes to assess the alignment of both the theory and practice of caring. The CBCS can contribute to both development and measurement of interventions focused on improving healthcare providers caring behaviour with the intended outcome of patient well-being.Funding Agencies|School of Health and Welfare, J_onk_oping University</p

    How to analyze time and change in qualitative longitudinal materials? : Insights from a literature review of longitudinal qualitative studies in nursing.

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    Background Longitudinal qualitative research can give new insights in social processes and experiences over time. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in conducting longitudinal qualitative research within nursing. However, the definition of what constitutes longitudinal qualitative research is unclear, the methodological literature scarce, and the variation of procedures great. This review of longitudinal qualitative articles within the nursing field aims to identify and describe various types of qualitative longitudinal approaches. Materials and Method Searches in pubmed identified over a hundred qualitative nursing articles with data collection over time. These articles were analyzed regarding 1) described analysis procedure, 2) how the results related to aspects of time and change, and 3) if results were person oriented vs category oriented. Results Five different types of longitudinal qualitative approaches were identified. In total, a large part of the papers described as having a longitudinal design performed a data collection over time, but did not integrate ideas of time or change in their analysis or results. Four fruitful approaches to analyzing longitudinal qualitative data were identified; time-line, pool, phase and pattern-oriented approaches. Articles classified as using any of these approaches have a clear perspective of time or change in the results. However, depending on type of approach different aspects of time, change, and process are in focus. Further, using different approaches yielded different kinds of results. Conclusion All approaches have pros and cons and researchers need to make informed decisions when choosing which approach they will take when analyzing qualitative longitudinal material