348,681 research outputs found

    Tensor products of homotopy Gerstenhaber algebras

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    On the tensor product of two homotopy Gerstenhaber algebras we construct a Hirsch algebra structure which extends the canonical dg algebra structure. Our result applies more generally to tensor products of "level 3 Hirsch algebras" and also to the Mayer-Vietoris double complex.Comment: 13 pages; new Remark 5.4, minor change

    Topological Prismatoids and Small Simplicial Spheres of Large Diameter

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    We introduce topological prismatoids, a combinatorial abstraction of the (geometric) prismatoids recently introduced by the second author to construct counter-examples to the Hirsch conjecture. We show that the `strong dd-step Theorem' that allows to construct such large-diameter polytopes from `non-dd-step' prismatoids still works at this combinatorial level. Then, using metaheuristic methods on the flip graph, we construct four combinatorially different non-dd-step 44-dimensional topological prismatoids with 1414 vertices. This implies the existence of 88-dimensional spheres with 1818 vertices whose combinatorial diameter exceeds the Hirsch bound. These examples are smaller that the previously known examples by Mani and Walkup in 1980 (2424 vertices, dimension 1111). Our non-Hirsch spheres are shellable but we do not know whether they are realizable as polytopes.Comment: 20 pages. Changes from v1 and v2: Reduced the part on shellability and general improvement to accesibilit

    What does Hirsch index evolution explain us? A case study: Turkish Journal of Chemistry

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    The evolution of Turkish Journal of Chemistry (Turk J. Chem) Hirsch index (h-index) over the period 1995-2005 is studied and determined in the case of the self and without self-citations. It is seen that the effect of Hirsch index of Turk J. Chem has a highly positive trend during the last five years. It proves that Turk J. Chem is improving itself both in quantity and quality since h-index reflects peer review, and peer review reflects research quality of a journal.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure