7 research outputs found

    A simple turbulent two-fluid model

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    AbstractWe present in this paper a simple turbulent two-phase flow model using the two-fluid approach. The model, which relies on the classical ensemble averaging, allows the computation of unsteady flows including shock waves, rarefaction waves, and contact discontinuities. It requires the definition of adequate source terms and interfacial quantities. The hyperbolic turbulent two-fluid model is such that unique jump conditions hold within each field. Closure laws for the interfacial velocity and the interfacial pressure comply with a physically relevant entropy inequality. Moreover, source terms that account for mass, momentum and energy interfacial transfer are in agreement with the entropy inequality. Particular attention is also given to the jump conditions when assuming a perfect gas equation of state within each phase; this enables us to recover expected bounds on the mean density through shock waves

    HLLC-type Riemann solver with approximated two-phase contact for the computation of the Baer-Nunziato two-fluid model

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    International audienceThe computation of compressible two-phase flows with the Baer-Nunziato model is addressed. Only the convective part of the model that exhibits non-conservative products is considered and the source terms of the model that represent the exchange between phases are neglected. Based on the solver proposed by Tokareva & Toro [42], a new HLLC-type Riemann solver is built. The key idea of this new solver lies in an approximation of the two-phase contact discontinuity of the model. Thus the Riemann invariants of the wave are approximated in the " subsonic " case. A major consequence of this approximation is that the resulting solver can deal with any Equation of State. It also allows to bypass the resolution of a non-linear equation based on those Riemann invariants. We assess the solver and compare it with others on 1D Riemann problems including grid convergence and efficiency studies. The ability of the proposed solver to deal with complex Equations Of State is also investigated. Finally, the different solvers have been compared on challenging 2D test-cases due to the presence of both material interfaces and shock waves: a shock-bubble interaction and underwater explosions. When compared with others, the present solver appears to be accurate, efficient and robust

    Comparison of two-fluid models on steam-water transients

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    International audienceThis paper is devoted to the comparison of three two-fluid models in steam-water applications involving phase transition and shock waves. The three models are presented in a common formalism that helps to underline their shared properties. A numerical method based on previous work is extended to all models and to more complex Equations Of State. Particular attention is paid to the verification of every step of the method so that convergence studies can be carried out. Afterwards, models are compared with each other and with experimental data in two different cases of steam-water transients. The first one is Simpson water-hammer experiment and the second one is a rapid depressurization with flashing studied in Canon experiment

    Modelling and simulation of steam-water transients using the two-fluid approach

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    Cette thèse traite de la modélisation et de la simulation des écoulements diphasiques transitoires eau-vapeur. Dans de nombreuses installations industrielles, des écoulements monophasiques d'eau liquide sont susceptibles de devenir diphasiques lors de certaines situations transitoires. La modélisation de ces écoulements peut s'avérer délicate car deux phénomènes physiques interagissant fortement entre eux, le changement de phase et la propagation d'ondes de pression, sont alors à prendre en compte. Une approche bifluide statistique, ne supposant aucun équilibre entre les phases, est utilisée afin de modéliser de tels écoulements. Les modèles obtenus sont de type convection-source et s'apparentent au modèle de Baer-Nunziato. Différentes lois de fermeture pour ces modèles sont comparées sur des cas expérimentaux de transitoires eau-vapeur tels que les coups de bélier et la dépressurisation d'une tuyauterie d'eau liquide suite à une rupture.La simulation numérique des différents modèles est effectuée grâce à une méthode à pas fractionnaires. Un nouveau schéma de convection, robuste et efficace, capable de gérer toute equation d'état est utilisé dans la première étape de cette méthode. La seconde étape est dédiée au traitement des termes sources et requiert différents schémas implicites. Une grande attention est accordée à la vérification de tous les schémas numériques utilisés grâce à des études de convergence. Une nouvelle modélisation du transfert de masse est également proposée, sur la base de travaux dédiés à la brusque dépressurisation d'eau liquide en approche homogène. La validation du modèle est effectuée grâce de nombreuses comparaisons calcul-expérience.This thesis deals with the modelling and the computation of steam-water two-phase flows. Liquid water flows are involved in many industrial facilities and a second phase may appear in some transients situations. Thus, pressure wave propagation and mass transfer are physical phenomena that need to be properly included in the modelling of such two-phase flows. A statistical two-fluid approach is used, leading to models similar to the Baer-Nunziato one. They include both convective and source terms without any assumption on the equilibrium between phases. Different closure laws for such models are compared on steam-water transient experiments including water-hammers and fast depressurization of liquid water. The computation of the different models is based on a fractional step method. A new convective scheme, able to deal with any Equation Of State, is used in the first step of the method. When compared with other schemes, it appears to be accurate, efficient and very robust. The second step of the method is dedicated to the treatment of source terms and requires several implicit schemes. Particular attention is paid to the verification of every scheme involved in the method. Convergence studies are carried out on test-cases with analytical solutions to that purpose. Based on existing work on fast depressurization of liquid water in an homogeneous approach, a new formulation of the mass transfer is proposed. Many comparisons between computational and experimental results are detailled in order to validate the models

    Modélisation et simulation d'écoulements transitoires eau-vapeur en approche bifluide

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    This thesis deals with the modelling and the computation of steam-water two-phase flows. Liquid water flows are involved in many industrial facilities and a second phase may appear in some transients situations. Thus, pressure wave propagation and mass transfer are physical phenomena that need to be properly included in the modelling of such two-phase flows. A statistical two-fluid approach is used, leading to models similar to the Baer-Nunziato one. They include both convective and source terms without any assumption on the equilibrium between phases. Different closure laws for such models are compared on steam-water transient experiments including water-hammers and fast depressurization of liquid water. The computation of the different models is based on a fractional step method. A new convective scheme, able to deal with any Equation Of State, is used in the first step of the method. When compared with other schemes, it appears to be accurate, efficient and very robust. The second step of the method is dedicated to the treatment of source terms and requires several implicit schemes. Particular attention is paid to the verification of every scheme involved in the method. Convergence studies are carried out on test-cases with analytical solutions to that purpose. Based on existing work on fast depressurization of liquid water in an homogeneous approach, a new formulation of the mass transfer is proposed. Many comparisons between computational and experimental results are detailled in order to validate the models.Cette thèse traite de la modélisation et de la simulation des écoulements diphasiques transitoires eau-vapeur. Dans de nombreuses installations industrielles, des écoulements monophasiques d'eau liquide sont susceptibles de devenir diphasiques lors de certaines situations transitoires. La modélisation de ces écoulements peut s'avérer délicate car deux phénomènes physiques interagissant fortement entre eux, le changement de phase et la propagation d'ondes de pression, sont alors à prendre en compte. Une approche bifluide statistique, ne supposant aucun équilibre entre les phases, est utilisée afin de modéliser de tels écoulements. Les modèles obtenus sont de type convection-source et s'apparentent au modèle de Baer-Nunziato. Différentes lois de fermeture pour ces modèles sont comparées sur des cas expérimentaux de transitoires eau-vapeur tels que les coups de bélier et la dépressurisation d'une tuyauterie d'eau liquide suite à une rupture.La simulation numérique des différents modèles est effectuée grâce à une méthode à pas fractionnaires. Un nouveau schéma de convection, robuste et efficace, capable de gérer toute equation d'état est utilisé dans la première étape de cette méthode. La seconde étape est dédiée au traitement des termes sources et requiert différents schémas implicites. Une grande attention est accordée à la vérification de tous les schémas numériques utilisés grâce à des études de convergence. Une nouvelle modélisation du transfert de masse est également proposée, sur la base de travaux dédiés à la brusque dépressurisation d'eau liquide en approche homogène. La validation du modèle est effectuée grâce de nombreuses comparaisons calcul-expérience

    Computation of fast depressurization of water using a two-fluid model: revisiting Bilicki modelling of mass transfer

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    International audienceThis paper is devoted to the computation of the fast depressurization of water using a two-fluid model. Such application, which is extensively studied in the nuclear field, involves many interactions between two phenomena, the mass transfer and the propagation of pressure waves. A simple but physically-based modelling of the mass transfer for the depressurization of water is proposed, which relies on the work of Bilicki & Kestin [4] in the homogeneous frame. Four different experiments have been chosen to assess the proposed model. Three of them study the depressurisation of hot water in a pressurized pipe. The comparison between converged numerical results and the experimental data shows a good agreement and demonstrates the ability of the two-fluid-model to capture the proper mass transfer for a wide range of thermodynamical conditions. The last test-case is the HDR experiment which considers the depressurization of a full-scale vessel under the hypothesis of a Loss Of Coolant Accident. The results of an ALE computation show the ability of the proposed model to retrieve experimental data in both structure and fluid